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The Picture of Dorian Gray

by Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a suspense novel by Oscar Wilde, narrating the tale of Dorian Gray, and his mysterious life.

Source: Wilde, O. (1890). Philidelphia, PA: Lippincott's Monthly Magazine.

“Chapter 1”
The novel opens with Basil and Lord Henry discussing a painting, as well as the subject of the painting, and theories of art. Basil wants to keep things secret from Lord Henry, but finds that he is unable to do so.
“Chapter 2”
Lord Henry’s influence on Dorian begins. Basil considers what to do with the painting.
“Chapter 3”
Lord Henry investigates Dorian’s background and shows of his clever talk at lunch.
“Chapter 4”
Dorian reveals his interest in Sibyl Vane to Lord Henry.
“Chapter 5”
Sibyl and her family discuss her engagement.
“Chapter 6”
Lord Henry and Basil discuss Dorian and marriage. Dorian’s views are further influenced by Lord Henry.
“Chapter 7”
The men go to the theatre, but Sibyl’s performance does not live up to Dorian’s expectations. Dorian is cruel to Sibyl, but only realizes it later.
“Chapter 8”
Dorian decides to make amends to Sibyl as Lord Henry brings news. Dorian feels the whole experience to be like a play he is watching. He commits himself to maintaining his youth and beauty.
“Chapter 9”
Basil comes to see Dorian after hearing news of Sibyl. He inquires about showing the portrait of Dorian
“Chapter 10”
Dorian decides to move the painting to the attic. He is suspicious of others. Lord Henry sends over a book, as well as an article on Sibyl.
“Chapter 11”
Years have passed. The narrator reveals what Dorian’s life has become.
“Chapter 12”
Basil tries to speak to Dorian about his reputation.
“Chapter 13”
Dorian reveals secrets to Basil, but is suddenly angered towards his old friend.
“Chapter 14”
Dorian wakes from peaceful sleep and is confronted by what actions to take after last night’s events. He contacts Alan Campbell to help him conceal what has happened.
“Chapter 15”
Dorian attends a dinner party, but finds himself distracted and bored. He returns home to discard the remaining evidence of Basil’s presence there.
“Chapter 16”
Dorian tries to escape his troubles. He is recognized by more people than he bargained for, but manages to get away.
“Chapter 17”
Dorian and friends move their party to Selby Royal. Dorian is distracted and tense. He faints.
“Chapter 18”
Dorian ponders his fate. He joins the men on a hunt, that ends with disturbing results.
“Chapter 19”
Dorian and Lord Henry discuss many things, including Dorian’s attempt to be a better person. Lord Henry tells Dorian not to change, and expresses his wish to recapture the youth that Dorian has seemingly managed to keep.
“Chapter 20”
After contemplating past and future, Dorian decides to rid himself of the portrait.
  • Year Published: 1890
  • Language: English
  • Country of Origin: Ireland
  • Readability:
    • Flesch–Kincaid Level: 9.0
  • Word Count: 83,504
  • Genre: Horror
  • Keywords: 19th century literature, british literature
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