
The explorers of the 15th and 16th centuries changed the way people of their times perceived and interacted with their worlds.
Source: This book was compiled by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology and includes passages from multiple sources. Please refer to the passage pages for further source information.
- Christopher Columbus, Part 1
- Columbus seeks a new route to the Indies and discovers America. His frightened sailors continually want to turn back and even threaten him. After about 10 weeks they do find land and natives.
- Christopher Columbus, Part 2
- Columbus seeks a new route to the Indies and discovers America. His frightened sailors continually want to turn back and even threaten him. After about 10 weeks they do find land and natives.
- Hernando de Soto
- A brief picture of the explorations of de Soto, including his discovery of the Mississippi River, and his death.
- Sir Walter Raleigh
- Sir Walter Raleigh grew up in England during a time of Spanish domination of the seas and the New World. Being patriotic, and having gained the notice of the queen and her dazzling court, he set out to make a new more powerful and glorious England. He was responsible for colonies set up in the New World which eventually met with disasters. He was not able to discover what happened to them in spite of much wealth devoted to the search.