Common Sense
by Thomas Paine

Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine. It was first published anonymously on January 10, 1776, during the American Revolution. Paine wrote it with editorial feedback from Benjamin Rush, who came up with the title. The document denounced British rule and, through its immense popularity, contributed to fomenting the American Revolution.
Source: Paine, T. (1776). Common Sense. Philidelphia: W. and T. Bradford.
- Introduction
- An Introduction to the pamphlet Common Sense, in which the authors explains the intended purpose of the text.
- Part 1
- The author discusses the origin and role of government.
- Part 2
- A section on the role of heredity and bloodlines in the succession of power.
- Part 3
- The author gives his opinion on the state of American affairs.
- Part 4
- The author's opinion of the current governing ability of American.
- Appendix
- Appendix to the work.
- Year Published: 1776
- Language: English
- Country of Origin: United States of America
- Flesch–Kincaid Level: 12.0
- Word Count: 19,965
- Genre: Informational
- Keywords: democracy, freedom, history