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Historic and contemporary maps of Italy, including political and physical maps, early empires, WWI, city plans, and battle plans.

Italy at the time of Rome's founding, 753 BC
"Italy at present is bounded on the north by the Alps. But in the year 753 before the birth of Christ, when Rome was founded, the great plain between the Alps and the Apennines, which we now call Lombardy, belonged to the Gauls, and was called G...

The Races of Italy, 753 BC
Map showing the various peoples of the Apennine Peninsula and Sicily at the time of the founding of Rome. "To understand Rome's wars you must know clearly who were the people around her. You remember that south of the Alps were the Gauls; then a...

Plan of Ancient Rome, 753 BC to AD 663
A plan of Ancient Rome, as published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. This map shows the Seven Hills of Rome within the city walls, major roads (via), and keyed references to the gates to the city (porta), aqueducts (aqua), bridg...

Vicinity of Rome, 753 BC to AD 663
A map showing the vicinity of early Rome, including neighboring cities and peoples of the area....

Ancient Italy, 753 BC to AD 663
A map of ancient Italy subtitled "Places noted in the History of its Literature." This map shows the districts of Cisalpine Gaul, Umbria, and Etruria, the islands of Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily, major cities, rivers, seas, and mountain sy...

Races of Ancient Italy, 753 BC to AD 663
A map showing the races of ancient Italy. ...

Latium, 753 BC to AD 663
A map of Latium, the dominion of primeval Rome. ...

Ancient Rome, 753 BC to AD 663
A map showing the plan of ancient Rome. ...

The Roman Roads in Italy, 753–275 BC
Map showing the road system across the Apennine Peninsula developed by the Romans during the early stages of their empire. "The Romans were great makers of roads. They made them so well and so strong that many Roman roads still remain in use at ...

Plan of Pompeii, A.D. 79
A map of Pompeii showing Gate of Herculaneum (A), Gate of Vesuvius (B), Gate of Capua (C), Gate of Nola (D), Gate of Sarno (E), Gate of Nocera (F), Gate of Sabiae(G), Gate of the Seashore (H), Forum (I), Temple of Jupiter (J), Basilica (K), Building...

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  Maps > Europe > Italy
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