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  Maps > United States > California
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A collection of historic and contemporary political and physical maps of California, including early exploration, geomorphic maps, and relief maps.

Geomorphic Map of California, 1911
A geomorphic map of California showing the diastrophic character of the relief and the most important known faults, mountain systems, Central Valley, and Mojave Desert....

Bear Valley Region, 1911
A map of a portion of the San Bernardino Mountains near Big Bear Lake in 1911. The map is based on the USGS San Gorgonio quadrangle, with contour intervals of 500 feet. "Bear Valley and the adjacent country exhibit the subdued relief characteris...

Yosemite Valley, 1911
A contour map from 1911 of a typical portion of Yosemite Valley, showing cliffed margins, waterfalls, flat floor, and meandering stream....

Sierra Nevada Tree Species, 1911
A map of the Sierra Nevada Mountains west and north of Lake Tahoe showing the ranges of four characteristic species in the Northern Sierra Nevada. The map is keyed to show the ranges (from light to dark shading respectively) of Yellow Pine, Sugar Pin...

Southern Pacific Coast Valley, 1911
A map from 1911 of the Southern California Valley around Los Angeles and San Bernardino showing the bench lands, coastal plains, interior plain, and mountains typical of Southern California....

Northern and Central California, 1911
A map of Northern and Central California from 1911 showing the State capital of Sacramento, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, National Park boundaries, National Forest boundaries, Indian reservation boundaries, mountain sy...

Southern California, 1911
A map of Southern California from 1911 showing the major cities and towns, railroads, National Park boundaries, National Forest boundaries, Indian reservation boundaries, mountain systems, lakes, rivers, and coastal features. A grid reference in the ...

San Francisco Bay, 1911
A map from 1911 of the San Francisco Bay area showing the Golden Gate, San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay, Suisun Bay, the mouth of the Sacramento River, Alcatraz Island, Mount Diablo, the cities of San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, and Benicia, railro...

California, 1914
A map of California from 1914 showing the State capital of Sacramento, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, Indian reservations, railroads, mountain systems, lakes, rivers, and coastal features. An inset map shows the continuation of th...

Relief of the Southern California Central Valley, 1916
A relief map from 1916 a part of central California showing the area of the southern Central Valley and Sierra Nevada Mountains, the Coastal Range from north of San Louis Obispo to Los Angeles, and the Tehachapi ridge. The map shows the interior wate...

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  Maps > United States > California
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