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 Maps ETC > Europe > United Kingdom > England and Wales, 1904
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England and Wales, 1904

Title: England and Wales
Projection: Unknown,
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: -06 E: 02 N: 56 S: 49

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Description: ÒGreat Britain Ð The island now known as Great Britain was known to the ancients previous to the date at which its written history begins, the Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Massilians having visited its shores in their trading vessels. It is not, however, until the year 55 B.C, that its real history commenced, with the conquest of the country by Julius Caesar, and the establishment there of the Roman rule, which lasted until A.D. 420, when the pressure of RomeÕs enemies caused the withdrawal of the legions from Britannia- the name which Caesar gave to the island in the stead Albion, by which it had formerly been known. &mdash Wark 1904 This map produced by R.S. Peale & Co., Chicago 1904
Source: Henry Wark, ed. , Wark's Modern Educator (New York, NY: Henry Wark, 1904) 907
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > Europe > United Kingdom > England and Wales, 1904
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