Description: The Coal Fields in the contiguous 48 states as of 1898. "The mines of the United States are among its most valuable resources, and yield about one third of the mineral product of the world. By far the most valuable of the mineral productions are coal and iron...Three fourths of our [the United States] coal is mined in the large eastern field and in the small detached fields north of it, and most of the remainder comes from the large middle and western fields." &mdashRedway, 1898. Place Names: Minerals, coa ISO Topic Categories: economy,
geoscientificInformation Keywords: Coal Fields, physical, statistical, historical, kResources, geological, economic, economy,
geoscientificInformation, Unknown,1898 Source: Jacques W. Redway and Russell Hinman, Natural Advanced Geography (New York, NY: American Book Company , 1898) 59 Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman |