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South America, 1898 AD

Title: South America
Projection: Unknown
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: -110 E: 10 N: 25 S: -60

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Description: A map of South America, as of 1898 AD. The map includes an insert of the Isthmus of Panama. "The chief industries in South America are herding, agriculture, and mining...The valleys of the Plata River system, the southeastern part of the Brazilian plateau, and the river valleys along the northeastern coast of the grand division are the chief agricultural regions...Most of the foreign trade is with the United States and Europe. We [the United States] get most of out coffee and rubber, much wood and sugar, and many hides from South America, to which we send flour and some manufactured goods, for comparatively little manufacturing is done there. Most of the South American imports come from Great Britain, Germany, and France, to which countries wool, beef, mutton, wheat, coffee, gold, silver, nitrates, and forest products are exported in return." &mdashRedway, 1898.
Source: Jacques W. Redway and Russell Hinman, Natural Advanced Geography (New York, NY: American Book Company , 1898) 106
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman.
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 Maps ETC > South America > Complete Maps > South America, 1898 AD
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