Description: A map of the British Isles as of 1898 AD. The map includes an insert of London and the vicinity. "Most of the land in the British Isles is owned by a comparatively few rich families of nobles, and but one fourth of it is under crops. A much larger proportion is used for pasturage, and cattle and sheep raising are important industries, Great Britain producing more mutton and wool than any other country in Europe except Russia. Grain, hay, vegetables, some fruits, and much dairy products and meat are produced, but only a small part of the people are engaged in agricultural and pastoral pursuits, and food of all kinds has to be imported in large quantities. More than half of the working population is engages in manufacturing, and a large part of the remainder in commerce and mining, all of these industries being active in England." — Redway, 1898. Source: Jacques W. Redway and Russell Hinman, Natural Advanced Geography (New York, NY: American Book Company , 1898) 122 Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman. |