Description: A city plan from 1921 of Washington D.C., "the capital of the United States of America, named for the first President of the republic, and located on a site chosen by him." — Foster, 1921. This map also shows the location of city's government buildings, museums, parks, cemeteries, main avenues and other structures. Place Names: District of Columbia, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania Avenue, Massachusetts Avenue, Potomac River, Soldiers Home, Rock Creek Park, Georgetown, Unionto ISO Topic Categories: location,
structure Keywords: Washington D.C., physical, political, transportation, cemetery, park, museums, riversphysical features, major political subdivisions,
county borders, roads, location,
structure, Unknown,1921 Source: Ellsworth D. Foster, ed., The American Educator Vol. 8 (Chicago, IL: Ralph Durham Company, 1921) 3814 Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman |