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American Revolutionary War Operations in the West, 1775–1782

American Revolutionary War Operations in the West

Title: American Revolutionary War Operations in the West
Projection: Unknown,
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: -92 E: -72 N: 42 S: 33

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Description: A map of the Northwest Territory between the Allegheny Mountains and the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes to the Tennessee River showing the military operations and extent of settlement in the area during the American Revolutionary War. The map shows the boundaries of territory actually settled or conquered during the war in the southern Appalachian Mountains, southern Ohio Valley (Kentucky), and from the Missouri River east to Lake Erie, and is keyed to show the trails of Daniel Boone and James Robertson into "the country of Kentucke," and the settled areas around Watauga, Nashboro (Nashville), Harrodsburg, Lexington, Cincinnati, Vincennes, Kaskaskia, Cahokia, and Pittsburgh. The map shows George Rogers Clark's route from Fort Pitt (Pittsburgh) along the Ohio River to the British Fort Kaskaskia on the Mississippi River (1778) and British Fort Vincennes on the Wabash River (1779). The map also shows the route of the British commander Henry Hamilton from Detroit to Vincennes in an attempt to recapture Fort Vincennes.
Place Names: Early America 1400-1800, New York, Appalachian Mountain
ISO Topic Categories: location, inlandWaters, oceans, boundaries, transportation
Keywords: American Revolutionary War Operations in the West, physical, political, transportation, kAmericanRevolution, physical features, major political subdivisions, roads, location, inlandWaters, oceans, boundaries, transportation, Unknown, 1775–1782
Source: Albert Bushnell Hart, LL.D., The American Nation Vol 9 (New York, NY: Harper and Brothers, 1906) 270
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > United States > Early America 1400-1800 > American Revolutionary War Operations in the West, 1775–1782
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