Description: A map from 1916 of Palestine as it was recognized at the time. This map shows the area roughly from Beirut to Gaza along the Mediterranean, and inland to Damascus and east of the Dead Sea. Place names are given in modern form, with Biblical names given in parentheses. The map uses color-contouring to show land elevations from the Mediterranean Sea level to above 3000 feet, and the depression lands from Dead Sea level (–1292 feet) to Mediterranean Sea level. This map shows cities, towns, ports, major roads, railroads, terrain, desert plains, lakes and seas, rivers, and coastal features of the region. Place Names: Israel, Jerusalem, Nazaret ISO Topic Categories: transportation,
oceans Keywords: Palestine, physical, transportation, physical features, roads,
railroads, transportation,
oceans, Unknown, 1916 Source: Albert Perry Brigham & Charles T. McFarlane, Essentials of Geography (New York, NY: American Book Company, 1916) 346 Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman |