Description: A map from 1882 of the southern part of the Dominion of Canada at the time, showing the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Athabaska, Saskatchewan, Assinboia, Manitoba, Keewatin, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Noza Scotia, and Newfoundland–Labrador. The map shows provincial capitals, rivers, lakes, coastal features, and terrain, with color–coding to show highlands and low plains. Place Names: Canada, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Assiniboia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Keewatin, Ontario, Quebec, Labrador, Foundland, New Brunswic ISO Topic Categories: boundaries,
oceans Keywords: The Dominion of Canada, physical, political, physical features, country borders,
major political subdivisions, boundaries,
oceans, Unknown, 1882 Source: , Guyot's New Intermediate Geography (New York, NY: Ivison, Blakeman & Company, 1882) 54 Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman |