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Boundary Dispute between Maryland and Pennsylvania, 1681 to 1767

Title: Boundary Dispute between Maryland and Pennsylvania
Projection: Unknown,
Source Bounding Coordinates:
W: -80 E: -74 N: 43 S: 38

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Description: Map shows lands in dispute, as English King Charles II paid his debt to Willaim Penn by issuing him a charter for the proprietary colony of Pennsylvania. This charter involved Penn in a dispute with the state of Maryland which was unsettled during his lifetime. A compromise was made and the present boundary, known as the Mason-Dixon line, between Maryland and Pennsylvania was agreed upon.
Source: Nathaniel Wright Stephenson, An American History (Boston, MA: Ginn and Company, 1913) 94
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman
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 Maps ETC > United States > Regional Maps > Boundary Dispute between Maryland and Pennsylvania, 1681 to 1767
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