The pug is a breed of small, short-haired lap dogs, probably of Oriental origin, and introduced into Europe by way of Holland in the sixteenth century. The breed is characterized by the shortness of the face and uplifted form of nose. Only a fawn color, with blackish face, was known until about 1875, when a wholly black variety was introduced into the West from China. The pug is essentially a house dog, good-tempered and affectionate. Unless restrained, it becomes extremely fat. Its weight should not exceed fifteen pounds; its form should be compact and elegant, though robust, with straight legs, the face much wrinkled and forehead high, the coat smooth and silky, and the tail always tightly curled over the hip. The face and thin, small ears should be black, and in the fawn-colored breed a blackish line should run along the spine.

Pug Dog

The pug is a breed of small, short-haired lap dogs, probably of Oriental origin, and introduced into…

A genus of animal that contains the cougar and jaguarundi.


A genus of animal that contains the cougar and jaguarundi.

An extinct subspecies of the zebra.


An extinct subspecies of the zebra.

A rabbit hopping in the woods.


A rabbit hopping in the woods.

An illustration of a rabbit scratching its nose.

Rabbit Scratching Nose

An illustration of a rabbit scratching its nose.

A North American woodland creature notorious for it's curiosity and ringed eyes and tail.


A North American woodland creature notorious for it's curiosity and ringed eyes and tail.

A nocturnal, omnivorous mammal.


A nocturnal, omnivorous mammal.

An American plantigrade carnivorous mammal, the common raccoon being the Procyon lotor. It is about the same size as a fox, and its grayish-brown fur is deemed valuable.

Common Raccoon

An American plantigrade carnivorous mammal, the common raccoon being the Procyon lotor. It is about…

"The Raccoon, or Racoon, is a handsome animal, about the size of a large cat, brown furry hair, tail bushy and ringed; body large and unwieldy, legs short, feet with strong fossorial claws. It is omnivorous and ranges over a large part of North America, where it is hunted for its fur. The crab-eating raccoon of South America, ranging as far N. as Panama, differs chiefly from the former in the shortness of its fur, and consequent slender shape."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Procyon Lotor Raccoon

"The Raccoon, or Racoon, is a handsome animal, about the size of a large cat, brown furry hair, tail…

The Hispid Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus) is a small rodent in the Cricetidae family of New World rats and mice.

Hispid Cotton Rat

The Hispid Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus) is a small rodent in the Cricetidae family of New World rats…

Also known as the caribou. It is part of the deer family, commonly found in the Artic and Subartic.


Also known as the caribou. It is part of the deer family, commonly found in the Artic and Subartic.

The respiratory apparatus of other mammals is similar to humans in both structure and function. The lungs fill the cavity of the chest, and have the same general composition of lobes, lobules and air-cells. Labels: 1, Trachea. 2, Lungs. 3, Heart. 4, Diaphragm. 5, Liver. 6, Stomach. 7, Esophagus. 8, Kidney. 9, Intestines. 10, Bladder. 11, Cerebrum. 12, Cerebellum. 13, Medulla spinalis. 14, Vertebrae.

The Respiratory System of a Small Mammal

The respiratory apparatus of other mammals is similar to humans in both structure and function. The…

Large, thick-skinned, herbivorous mammals.


Large, thick-skinned, herbivorous mammals.

"Rhinoceros Atelodus, with two well-marked species, peculiar to Africa. Incisors rudimentary or wanting, well-developed anterior and posterior horns in close contact; skin without definite permanent folds. R. bicornis, the common two-horned rhinoceros, is the smaller, and has a pointed prehensile lip. It ranges from Abyssinia to Cape Colony, but the progress of civilization and the attacks of sportsmen are rapidly reducing its numbers. Two varieties are said to exist, the square-mouthed, or white rhinoceros, has a square truncated lip, browses on grasses and frequents open country. It is the largest of the family, an adult male standing over six feet at the shoulder."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Rhinoceros Bicornis

"Rhinoceros Atelodus, with two well-marked species, peculiar to Africa. Incisors rudimentary or wanting,…

"A Roe (Capreolus caprea) is a small species of deer inhabiting Europe and some parts of Western Asia. It was once plentiful in Wales and in the hilly parts of England, as well as in the S. of Scotland, but is now very rare."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"A Roe (Capreolus caprea) is a small species of deer inhabiting Europe and some parts of Western Asia.…

An illustration of the dorsal view of the scapula of a rabbit. "A, acromion; m, metacromion; g, glenoid fossa; c, coracoid process; v, vertebral border; s, spine." -Century, 1889

Dorsal View of the Scapula of a Rabbit

An illustration of the dorsal view of the scapula of a rabbit. "A, acromion; m, metacromion; g, glenoid…

A coastal sea lion of western North America.

California Sea Lion

A coastal sea lion of western North America.

"The seal, adapted principally for water. The extremities are larger than in the porpoise and manatee."—Pettigrew, 1874

The Seal

"The seal, adapted principally for water. The extremities are larger than in the porpoise and manatee."—Pettigrew,…

"The seal <i>Macrorhinus elephantinus</i> or <i>proboscideus</i>, or <i>Morunga proboscidea</i>. It is the largest of the otaries; the snout is prolonged into a proboscis suggestive of an elephant's trunk. It is confined to the higher latitudes of the southern hemisphere...." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Elephant Seal on a Rock

"The seal Macrorhinus elephantinus or proboscideus, or Morunga proboscidea. It is the largest of the…

"Foot of the seal, which opens and closes in the act of natation, the organ being folded upon itself during the non-effective or return stroke, and expanded during the effective or forward stroke. Due advantage is taken of this arrangement by the seal when swimming, the animal rotating on its long axis, so as to present the lower portion of the body and the feet obliquely to the water during the return stroke, and the flat, or the greatest available surface of both, during the effective or forward stroke."&mdash;Pettigrew, 1874

Foot of Seal

"Foot of the seal, which opens and closes in the act of natation, the organ being folded upon itself…

"The Seal, of the family Phocid&aelig;, or seal tribe, are, of all four-limbed mammiferous animals, those which display the most complete adaptation to residence in the water. The seal has considerable resemblance to a quadruped in some respects, and to a fish in others. The head is round, and the nose, which is broad, resembles that of a dog, with the same look of intelligence and mild and expressive physiognomy. It has large whiskers, oblong nostrils, and great black sparkling eyes. It has no external ears, but a valve exists in the orifices, which can be closed at will, so as to keep out the water; the nostrils have a similar valve; and the clothing of the body consists of stiff glossy hairs, very closely set against the skin. The body is elongated and conical, gradually tapering from the shoulders to the tail. The spine is provided with strong muscles, which bend it with considerable force; and this movement is of great assistance to the propulsion of the body."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Hooded Seal

"The Seal, of the family Phocidæ, or seal tribe, are, of all four-limbed mammiferous animals,…

This illustration shows the leg of a seal.
P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus, MT. Metatarsus, PH. Phalanges, OC. Os Calcis

Leg of Seal

This illustration shows the leg of a seal. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA. Tarsus,…

<i>Leptonychotes weddelli</i>. "A spotted seal of the southern and antarctic seas, belonging to the family <i>Phocidae</i> and either of two different genera." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>This illustration shows the seal lying on some rocks.

Leopard Seal

Leptonychotes weddelli. "A spotted seal of the southern and antarctic seas, belonging to the family…

Usually horned mammals of the genis Ovis.


Usually horned mammals of the genis Ovis.

An illustration of a ewe, female sheep.

Sheep (Ewe)

An illustration of a ewe, female sheep.

A pair of American merino sheep, noted for its excellent fleece.

American Merino Sheep

A pair of American merino sheep, noted for its excellent fleece.

A species of sheep with large horns.

Rocky Mountain Big-Horn

A species of sheep with large horns.

The bighorn is a wild sheep of the Rocky Mountains known to frequent the craggiest of rocks.

Bighorn Sheep

The bighorn is a wild sheep of the Rocky Mountains known to frequent the craggiest of rocks.

An influential breed of sheep prized for its wool.

Merino Sheep

An influential breed of sheep prized for its wool.

A male sheep.


A male sheep.

A small British sheep raised primarily for meat.

Southdown Sheep

A small British sheep raised primarily for meat.

Shrews are small, superficially mouse-like mammals of the family Soricidae. Although their external appearance is generally that of a long-nosed mouse, the shrews are not rodents and not closely related: the shrew family is part of the order Soricomorpha. Shrews have feet with five clawed toes, unlike rodents, which have four. Shrews are also not to be confused with either treeshrews or elephant shrews, which belong to different orders.


Shrews are small, superficially mouse-like mammals of the family Soricidae. Although their external…

The Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) is an ape in the Hylobatidae family of gibbons. It is distinguished by its large gular sac with which it makes loud resonating sounds.


The Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) is an ape in the Hylobatidae family of gibbons. It is distinguished…

The full skeleton of a lion.

Lion Skeleton

The full skeleton of a lion.

The lower jaw and teeth of the Megatherium, elephant sized sloth. The teeth are quandrangular, or triangular cylinder, shaped and grew during their life time.

Lower Jaw of Megatherium Fossil Skeleton

The lower jaw and teeth of the Megatherium, elephant sized sloth. The teeth are quandrangular, or triangular…

A full fossil skeleton of the Megatherium, an elephant sized ground sloth. The animal was extinct during the Pleistocene, and found in Buenos Aires. The shape of the skull suggests that the animal is an ancestor of the sloth and anteater.

Full Megatherium Fossil Skeleton

A full fossil skeleton of the Megatherium, an elephant sized ground sloth. The animal was extinct during…

Illustration showing the upper molar teeth of the megatherium, a giant sloth. The teeth were 7 to 8 inches inside the gums.

Upper Molar Teeth of Megatherium Fossil Skeleton

Illustration showing the upper molar teeth of the megatherium, a giant sloth. The teeth were 7 to 8…

"Sloth is the popular name for any individual of the Edentate group Tardigrada, from their slow and awkward movements on the ground, owing to the peculiar structure of the wrist and ankle joints. The feet are armed with long claws, and turned toward the body, so that the animal is compelled to rest on the side of the hind foot, while the disproportionate length of the fore-limbs causes it to rest also on the elbows. It shuffles forward, alternately stretching the fore legs and hooking the claws into the ground, or grasping some object to draw itself along. Sloths are natives of South America, nocturnal in habit, and are found in the forests of that region, passing their lives among the branches of trees, on the leaves and young shoots of which they feed."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Giant Sloth

"Sloth is the popular name for any individual of the Edentate group Tardigrada, from their slow and…

The Fox-terrier is not an old breed, only dating back about a century; but the fox-terrier's cleverness, sharpness, sprightliness, impudence, and pluck endear him wherever he goes. Several special clubs devote their attention to the fostering of this breed in Great Britain and in the United States.

Smooth-coated Fox-terrier

The Fox-terrier is not an old breed, only dating back about a century; but the fox-terrier's cleverness,…

An illustration of a soldier sitting on a horse.

Soldier on Horse

An illustration of a soldier sitting on a horse.

A medium-sized brown and white gazelle.

African Springbok

A medium-sized brown and white gazelle.

Squirrel stealing corn.


Squirrel stealing corn.

An illustration of a squirrel wearing a robe and holding a candle standing near a four poster bed.

Squirrel Wearing Robe and Holding Candle Near Bed

An illustration of a squirrel wearing a robe and holding a candle standing near a four poster bed.

The Smoky Flying Squirrel (Pteromyscus pulverulentus) is a species of rodent in the Squirrel (Sciuridae) family.

Smoky Flying Squirrel

The Smoky Flying Squirrel (Pteromyscus pulverulentus) is a species of rodent in the Squirrel (Sciuridae)…

The American Flying Squirrel (Sciuropterus volucella) is a small rodent in the Sciuridae family of squirrels.

American Flying Squirrel

The American Flying Squirrel (Sciuropterus volucella) is a small rodent in the Sciuridae family of squirrels.

The Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) is a rodent in the Sciuridae family of squirrels. The black fox squirrel is found in the east or southern region of North America.

Black Fox Squirrel

The Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) is a rodent in the Sciuridae family of squirrels. The black fox squirrel…

The Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) is a tree squirrel native to eastern United States.

Eastern Gray Squirrel

The Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) is a tree squirrel native to eastern United States.

A tree squirrel.

Gray Squirrel

A tree squirrel.

"Stag, or Red Deer, is a typical species of deer, occurring in the N. of Europe and Asia. It was once found through out the whole of Great Britain, but is now confined to the Scotch Highlands. The horns or antlers are round and have a basal snag in front. The females are hornless and are named hinds. The horns of the first year are mere bony projections; they advance in development during the second year, when the stag is named a brocket. In each succeeding year the horns grow more and more branched, the stag being named a hart in its sixth year, when the horns may be said to reach their maximum size. As in all deer, the horns are shed annually. The average height of a full-grown stag is about four feet at the shoulders; the winter coat is greyish-brown; in summer, brown is the prevailing tint. The food of the stag consists of grasses and the young shoots of trees, lichens forming the greater part of its food in winter. The stag is a powerful runner and swimmer. Driven to bay, it becomes a formidable adversary to the largest and most powerful stag hound, or even to man himself. The pairing season occurs in August, and the males then engage in combats for the females and become peculiarly fierce. The flesh is somewhat coarse."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Stag, or Red Deer, is a typical species of deer, occurring in the N. of Europe and Asia. It was once…

"A small (under two feet) South and East African antelope, in which the horns of the male rarely exceed four inches."&mdash;Finley, 1917


"A small (under two feet) South and East African antelope, in which the horns of the male rarely exceed…

The Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is a carnivorous marsupial native to Tasmania, Australia.

Tasmanian Devil

The Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is a carnivorous marsupial native to Tasmania, Australia.

"Tenrec is a genus of Insectivora, represented by one species, which is restricted to Madagascar, Bourbon, and Mauritius. It is the largest known insectivore, measuring from 12 to 16 inches in length; and it is probably the most prolific of mammals, since as many as 21 young are said to have been brought forth at a birth. It feeds chiefly on earth-worms, and is said to become dormant during the hottest part of the year."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Tenrec is a genus of Insectivora, represented by one species, which is restricted to Madagascar, Bourbon,…

A large carnivorous feline mammal.


A large carnivorous feline mammal.

The tiger.


The tiger.

A tigress hunting with her cubs.

Tigress and Cubs

A tigress hunting with her cubs.

"Tinoceras, or tinotherium, is a genus of mammals now extinct, found in the Eocene, and representing the order Dinocerata. The individuals were all large, some of them nearly equaling the elephants, while the brain was smaller than that of any living or fossil mammal."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Tinoceras, or tinotherium, is a genus of mammals now extinct, found in the Eocene, and representing…

An illustration of a unicorn.


An illustration of a unicorn.

An illustration of a unicorn pulling a cart.

Unicorns Pulling Cart

An illustration of a unicorn pulling a cart.

The vicuna is the smallest member of the camel family. It lives in elevated locations in South America.


The vicuna is the smallest member of the camel family. It lives in elevated locations in South America.

The walrus is a large carnivorous marine mammal, usually from 10 to 12 feet long.


The walrus is a large carnivorous marine mammal, usually from 10 to 12 feet long.