Flappers and Philosophers
by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Flappers and Philosophers was the first collection of short stories written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Source: Fitzgerald, S. (1920). Flappers and Philosophers. New York, NY: Doubleday, Page & Company.
- The Offshore Pirate
- Ardita rebels against her uncle, who wishes her to behave as a respectable lady. He leaves her alone, and the ship is taken by Carlyle and his group of pirates. Things aren't all as they seem.
- The Ice Palace
- Sally Carrol thinks that she wants a different life than the one she leads in the South, with a man who isn't like the boys she grew up with. Her engagement to Henry and her trip North show her what that different life would be like.
- Head and Shoulders
- Horace Tarbox is known as a prodigy. He sees a plan for his life, until he meets Marcia Meadow. The knock at his door changes all the plans he thought he had.
- The Cut-Glass Bowl
- Evylyn and Harold Piper experience many events throughout their marriage, some pleasant and some tragic.
- Bernice Bobs Her Hair
- Marjorie's attempts to improve Bernice's social skills has unexpected consequences.
- Benediction
- In the midst of a major life decision, Lois reacquaints herself with her older brother who is training to be a Jesuit priest.
- The Four Fists
- Samuel Meredith recalls some pivotal moments in his life.