Dog Skull
“Longitudinal and Vertical section of the skull of a dog, with mandible and hyoid arch. an, anterior narial aperture; MT, maxillo-turbinal bone; ET, the ethmo-turbinal; Fr, frontal; Pa, pariental; IP, interparietal; SO, supra-occipital; ExO, sphenoid; OS, orbito-sphenoid; PS, presphenoid; Pl, palatine; Vo, vomer; Mx, maxilla; PMx, premaxilla; sh, stylo-hyal; eh, epi-hyal; ch, cerato-hyal; bh, basihyal; th, thyro-hyal; s, symphysis of mandible; cp, coronoid process; cd, condyle; a, angle; id, inferior dental canal. The mandible is displaced downwards, to show its entire form; the * indicated the part of the cranium to which the condyle is articulated.” —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903
canine, Dog, arch, mandible, skull, sphenoid, maxilla, occipital, hyoid, aperture, Narial, Periotic, BasihyalGalleries
Mammal Anatomy: SkeletonSource
The Encyclopedia Britannica, New Warner Edition (New York, NY: The Werner Company, 1893)
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