Alimentary canal of a bird. Labels: a, ingluvies; b, proventriculus; c, pancreas; d, duodenum; e, liver;…
"Fig. 26 - Parts of a Bill. a, side of upper mandible; b, culmen; c, nasal fossa; d, nostril; e(see…
"fig. 25 - Topography of a Bird. 1, forehead (frons). 2, lore. 3, circumocular region. 4, crown (vertex).…
"The skull of a cod. b, branchiostegal rays born on c.h., the ceratohyal bone; d, dentary portion of…
"Longitudinal and Vertical section of the skull of a dog, with mandible and hyoid arch. an, anterior…
"Skeleton and Outline of African Elephant (Elephas or Loxodon africanus). fr, frontal; ma, mandible;…
"Fig. 62 Skull of common fowl, enlarged. from nature by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. The names of bones…
A deep view of the muscles of mastication. The zygoma and masseter muscle are removed.
Section of the head through the body of the mandible.
Section of the head through the inferior portion of the mandible.
Inferior maxilla of a horse-anterolateral view. Labels: a, body; b, b', rami; c, neck; d, mental foramen;…
The lower jaw at birth. A, As seen from above. B, As seen from outer side. C, As seen from inner side.…
Horizontal section through both the upper and lower jaws to show the roots of the teeth. The sections…
"Appendages of Norway lobster. Ex., Exopodite: En., endopodite; protopodite dark throughout; Ep., epipodite.…
The mandible is the largest and strongest bone of the face. It serves for the reception of the lower…
Lateral half of mandible of a rabbi, opened to show the arrangement of rodent teeth.
"The head of female mosquito (culex). a, antenna; c, clypeus; h, hypopharynx; m, mandibles; ma., maxillas;…
Shown is the mylohyoid muscle. The mylohyoid muscle is a flat, triangular muscle situated beneath the…
"Diagrammatic vertical section of the head and proboscis of a mosquito. l, labium bent as when the other…
Median section of the skull and mandible, viewed from the left.
"The largest European species of beetle an adult male sometimes reaching an length of over two inches,…
To show the relation of the upper to the lower teeth when the mouth is closed. The manner in which a…
"A typical Thysanuran (Machilis maritima). Female, ventral view. Mx1, Mx2, 1st and 2nd maxillae. ii-x,…