234 illustrations of birds including: saberbill, sanderling, sandpiper, scoter, screamer, seagull, secretary bird, shearwater, sheldrake, shore-lark, shoveler, shrike, skimmer, scua, skylark, snipe, snow-bird, soui-manga, sparrow, spoonbill, starling, stilt, stork, sultan, sunbird, swallow, swan, swift, and swordbill
"Amphispiza bilineata. Black-throated Sparrow. Black-faced Sage Sparrow. face, chin, and throat sharply…
The Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina) is a species of American sparrow in the family Emberizidae.…
"Spizella domestica. Chipping Sparrow. Chipping Bird or Chippy. Hair-bird. Bill black; feet pale; crown…
Often found among human settlement, the common sparrow of Europe's diet consists of seeds, insects,…
"Passercules s. savana. Common Savanna Sparrow. Thickly streaked everywhere above, on sides, and across…
The Field Sparrow, Spizella pusilla, is a small sparrow. Adults have brown upperparts, a light brown…
The field sparrow is smaller than the song sparrow and is very shy. It likes to eat spiders, ants, and…
The field sparrow (Spizella pusilla) is a songbird in the Emberizidae family of American sparrows.
"Passerella iliaca. Eastern Fox Sparrow. General color above ferrugineous or rusty-red, purest and brightest…
"Accentor- A genus of passerine birds, family Sylviidæ, subfamily Accentorinæ."-Whitney,…
The House Sparrow is lively, pert, and cunning, the true gamin of the winged race,(Figuier, 1869).
The House Sparrow is lively, pert, and cunning, the true gamin of the winged race,(Figuier, 1869).
"Passer domesticus, House Sparrow, The sexes may be similarly coloured or very different, the hues being…
Padda oryzivora. "...the rice bird of Java...about as large as the bobolink, of a bluish-gray color…
"Chondestes grammica. Lark Sparrow. Lark Finch. Head variegated with chestnut, black, and white; crown…
"Melospiza lincolni. Lincoln's Song Sparrow. Below, white, with a broad brownish-yellow belt across…
The Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia, is a medium-sized American sparrow. Adults have brown upperparts…
The Swamp Sparrow, Melospiza georgiana, is a medium-sized sparrow. Adults have streaked rusty and black…
"Melospiza palustris. Swamp Song Sparrow. Crown bright chestnut, blackening on forehead, the red cap…
The Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, breeds over most of Europe and Siberia, and allied forms occur in…
The Vesper Sparrow, Pooecetes gramineus, is a medium-sized sparrow. It is the only member of the genus…
The Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) is a bird in the Emberizidae family of American sparrows. It…
"Zonotrichia leucophrys. White-browned Crown Sparrow. Crown pure white, enclosing on either side a broad…
The White-throated Sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis, is a passerine bird of the American sparrow family…
"Zonotrichia albicollis. White-throated Crown Sparrow. Peabody-bird. Crown black divided by a median…
Somewhat aloof from human habitiation, the wood-sparrow can often be seen mingline with other sparrow…
"Coturniculus passerinus. Yellow-winged Sparrow. Quail Sparrow. Grasshopper Sparrow. Edge of wing conspicuously…
"Lively, pert and cunning, it is the true gamin of the winged race. They are very sociable, seeking…
The bill of the spoonbill is approximately four times longer than its head. It ends in the shape of…
"Roseate Spoonbill-a large grallatorial bird of the genus Platalea, family Plataledidæ, related…
"Spoonbill is the popular name of the birds of the genus Platalea, belonging to the heron family (Ardeidæ),…
A genus of wading birds of the heron family, and having a resemblance to the stork and the ibis.
"Platalea leucorodia, the Spoonbill, has white plumage, with bare lores, orbits, and throat, and a fine…
"European Spoonbill. Platalea leucorodia. Bill long, flat, remarkably widened, rounded, and spoon-shaped…
Drawing its name from the widing of its bill towards the tip, the spoonbill frequents coastal and marshy…
The Painted Spurfowl (Galloperdix lunulata) is a bird in the Phasianidae family of pheasants.
Starlings are remarkable for their vivacity, and grave, sombre plumage, lit up with brilliant metallic…
"Sturnus vulgaris. The Starling. Adult: General plumage of metallic lustre, iridescing dark green on…
"Our familiar Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) being iridescent black, with buff markings above, and, after…
"Himantopus. Stilts. Bill extremely slender, but not flattened, nor turned up, nor hooked; longer than…
A species of wading birds. It is so called because its legs, in proportion to the size of the body,…
"Stilt. Long-shanks. Lawyer. Adult. Mantle, constituted by the interscapulars, scapulars, and wings…
Also known as the European stilt, the black-winged stilt inhabits coastal areas where it forages for…