234 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: tansy, tea, thalia, thistle, tickseed tiger lily, toadflax, tobacco, tulip, utricularia, valerian, venus flytrap, verbana, vervain, vine, viola, violet, viper's bugloss, and Virginia creeper
An illustration of vine foliage and inflorescence. An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers…
"1. flower of Cynanchum fruticulosum; 2. its pollen masses; 3. column of Glossonema Boryanum." -Lindley,…
A large genus of herbaceous plants, which are found in most parts of the glove, including about 200…
"A violet with cleistogamous flowers. The objects which look like flower-buds are cleistogamous flowers…
"Corynostylis Hybanthus. 1. a set of stamens, each having the connective lengthened beyond the anther,…
An illustration of a dog violet plant and it's fruit. Viola canina (Heath Dog-violet or Heath Violet)…
Of the violet family (Violaceae), the round-leaved violet or Viola rotundifolia.
Of the violet family (Violaceae): left, sweet white violet (Viola blanda); right, lance-leaved violet…
Echium vulgare (Viper's Bugloss) is a species of Echium native to most of Europe, and western and central…
Echium vulgare (Viper's Bugloss) is a species of Echium native to most of Europe, and western and central…
An illustration of the Gynaeceum of the viper's bugloss. Fr, ovary; g, base of style; h, honeyglands.
Akene of Virgin's-bower, retaining the feathered style, which aids in dissemination.
Virginian cowslip and bluebells are the common names of mertensia virginica. The flowers are usually…
Plant native to North America, featuring yellow leaves commonly used for medicinal purposes.
A greenish-yellow plant with small sweetly fragrant flowers. They are widely spread throughout the eastern…
"Viviania crenata; 1. a flower; 2. a section of the ovary; 3. stamens and ovary." -Lindley, 1853
Plant belonging to the Limonium genus; similar to statice, marsh-rosemary and plumbago's.
A shrub that is native to Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia. It reaches up to 13 feet in height,…