The Clams and Other Bivalves ClipArt gallery features 148 illustrations of bivalves, including species of clams, mussels, scallops, and oysters.

"Having a sinuous pallial margin and consequent sinuous impression on the shell along the line of attachment of the mantle. Into the sinus thus formed the siphons, which are always developed in these bivalves, can more or less be withdrawn." —Whitney, 1889

Iphigenia Brasiliensis - Sinupalliate Right Valve

"Having a sinuous pallial margin and consequent sinuous impression on the shell along the line of attachment…

Abalone or ear-shell; furnishes mother-of-pearl for inlaid work.


Abalone or ear-shell; furnishes mother-of-pearl for inlaid work.

"A general name on the Pacific coast of the United States for marine shells of the family <em>Haliotid&aelig; </em>(which see), having an oval form with a very wide aperture, a narrow, flattened ledge or columella, and a subspiral row of perforations extending from the apex to the distal margin of the shell."&mdash;Wright, 1902


"A general name on the Pacific coast of the United States for marine shells of the family Haliotidæ

"Small additional valves, as those placed near the umbones of the Genus Pholas among mollusks."-Whitney, 1902

Accessory Valve

"Small additional valves, as those placed near the umbones of the Genus Pholas among mollusks."-Whitney,…

"A genus of bivalve mollusks, of the family Uniond&aelig;, found in the rivers of Africa and Madagascar."-Whitney, 1902

Aetheria semilunata

"A genus of bivalve mollusks, of the family Uniondæ, found in the rivers of Africa and Madagascar."-Whitney,…

A common plicated shell of the Atlantic coast.

Arca Transversa

A common plicated shell of the Atlantic coast.

It has received the strange name of the Watering-pot because of a convex disk that is pierced with holes like a watering-pot. The animal is attached by certain muscles to the interior of the tube.

Aspergillum Vaginiferum (Lamarck)

It has received the strange name of the Watering-pot because of a convex disk that is pierced with holes…

"Astarte sulcata; In some systems of zoological classification, a family of dimyarian bi-valves, an external ligament, cardinal teeth, and also lateral teeth on each valve, the pallial line entire, the muscular scars ovate, and a distinct pedal scar above the anterior muscular one."-Whitney, 1902.

Astarte sulcata

"Astarte sulcata; In some systems of zoological classification, a family of dimyarian bi-valves, an…

"Astarte borealis semisulcata. p,p', anterior and posterior pedal muscle."-Whitney, 1902.

Astarte sulcata

"Astarte borealis semisulcata. p,p', anterior and posterior pedal muscle."-Whitney, 1902.

"The <em>Panopaea Australis</em> is a large analogous species, found at Port Natal, on the coast of Africa. It buries itself several feet deep i nthe sand. In general form it resembles the long clam, but its siphon projects farther from the shell." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Panopaea australis

"The Panopaea Australis is a large analogous species, found at Port Natal, on the coast of…

A genus of sessile cirripeds, family Balanidae, of which colonies are to be found on rocks at low water.


A genus of sessile cirripeds, family Balanidae, of which colonies are to be found on rocks at low water.

"Bivalves are those mollusks whose coverings consist of two concave shelly plates or valves united by a hinge."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Bivalves are those mollusks whose coverings consist of two concave shelly plates or valves united by…

Shell of a bivalve, those mollusks whose coverings consist of two concave shelly plates or valves.


Shell of a bivalve, those mollusks whose coverings consist of two concave shelly plates or valves.

"Diagram showing the heart and general course of the circulation in the lamellibranchs. Only a short section is shown. a, auricle (right), with slit to ventricle; b, the body (region of spaces, lacunae, capillaries; v, the ventricle from which arteries pass forward and their capillaries; m, the mantle and capillaries; v, ventricle from which arteries pass forward and backward; v.c., "vena cava," in which the blood collects on returning from the tissues of the body." -Galloway, 1915

Bivalve Circulation

"Diagram showing the heart and general course of the circulation in the lamellibranchs. Only a short…

"Shell of a Bivalve Mollusk, inner surface. ad.a., depression showing the attachment of the anterior adductor muscle; ad.p., posterior adductor muscle; h, hinge with teeth; l, attachments of the ligaments; p, pallial line, marking the attachment of the mantle muscles; s, the pallial sinus, marking the attachment of the retractor muscles of the siphon; u, umbo or beak." &mdash; Galloway

Bivalve Mollusk

"Shell of a Bivalve Mollusk, inner surface. ad.a., depression showing the attachment of the anterior…

"Several Forms of Bivalves. A, Avicula; B, Pectunculus, with extended foot (a); C, Venus, with respiratory siphons (a, b) and extended foot (c); D, Mya truncata, showing respiratory siphons (a, b) and foot (c)." -Vaughan, 1906

Forms of Bivalves

"Several Forms of Bivalves. A, Avicula; B, Pectunculus, with extended foot (a); C, Venus, with respiratory…

Organization of the mussel.

Byssus, mantle and oviduct of the Mytilus

Organization of the mussel.

"The familiar cockles are among the most widely distributed of shells. The greatest number are furnished with regular ripples, generally obtuse, sometimes in ridges diverging from the point and armed with straight or curved spines, arranged in the oddest manner"

Cardium Aculeatum (Linnaeus)

"The familiar cockles are among the most widely distributed of shells. The greatest number are furnished…

"The familiar cockles are among the most widely distributed of shells. An exotic species which inhabits the coast of Guinea and Senegal, the shell of which, white and fragile, is much sought after by collectors."

Cardium Costatum (Linnaeus)

"The familiar cockles are among the most widely distributed of shells. An exotic species which inhabits…

"The familiar cockles are among the most widely distributed of shells. A species common to the Atlantic coast. It's white or fawn-colored shell being hollowed out into twenty-six furrows, forming so many corrugated ripples on the side. It is considered good for food."

Cardium Edulis (Linnaeus)

"The familiar cockles are among the most widely distributed of shells. A species common to the Atlantic…

"The familiar cockles are among the most widely distributed of shells. The accessory ornamentation varies with the species, some being smooth."

Cardium Groenlandicum (Chemnitz)

"The familiar cockles are among the most widely distributed of shells. The accessory ornamentation varies…

A genus of siphonate bivalves.


A genus of siphonate bivalves.

this is the common round clam of the Atlantic coast found from Texas to Cape Cod. It is frequently seen in eastern markets and much esteemed as food, (Beach, 1909).


this is the common round clam of the Atlantic coast found from Texas to Cape Cod. It is frequently seen…

Internal structures of the body of a clam.


Internal structures of the body of a clam.

Internal structures of the body of a clam, side view.


Internal structures of the body of a clam, side view.

Cross section of the body of a clam, through the heart. Arrows indicate water current through the gills.


Cross section of the body of a clam, through the heart. Arrows indicate water current through the gills.

Cross section of the body of a clam, through the posterior adductor muscles. Arrows indicate water current through the gills.


Cross section of the body of a clam, through the posterior adductor muscles. Arrows indicate water current…

Digestive and excretory organs of a clam.


Digestive and excretory organs of a clam.

The nervous system of a clam.


The nervous system of a clam.

Young clam, still within the egg membrane. m, adductor muscle; t, hooks by which it attaches itself to the gills or fins of fishes; b, byssus; s, sense organs.


Young clam, still within the egg membrane. m, adductor muscle; t, hooks by which it attaches itself…

Long clam, buried in the mud. The arrows show the currents in the siphons.


Long clam, buried in the mud. The arrows show the currents in the siphons.

Hard clam; round clam; Quahog, with foot, siphons and edge of mantle extended.


Hard clam; round clam; Quahog, with foot, siphons and edge of mantle extended.

Anatomy of a bivalve clam. (ss) respiratory tubes; (aa) muscles by which the shell is closed (b) gills; (h) heart; (o) mouth; (f) foot; (m) cut edge of mantle.


Anatomy of a bivalve clam. (ss) respiratory tubes; (aa) muscles by which the shell is closed (b) gills;…

a - foot; b,c - siphons


a - foot; b,c - siphons

Right valve of a clam.


Right valve of a clam.

<em>Venus mercenaria</em>, the common quahaug or salt-water clam, about three fourths natural size.


Venus mercenaria, the common quahaug or salt-water clam, about three fourths natural size.

<em>Unio radiatus</em>, a common species of freshwater clam, of New England ponds and streams.


Unio radiatus, a common species of freshwater clam, of New England ponds and streams.

"Mya arenaria, a burrowing clam. The siphon is represented as fully extended. This is quickly retracted when the animal is disturbed." -Galloway, 1915

Burrowing Clam

"Mya arenaria, a burrowing clam. The siphon is represented as fully extended. This is quickly retracted…

The razor shell clam has a shell somewhat resembling in shape and size the handle of a razor.

Razor Shell Clam

The razor shell clam has a shell somewhat resembling in shape and size the handle of a razor.

"a, a', impressions of the muscles; p, pallial line; s, bend occupied by the siphon; h, hinge; c, t, t', teeth." -Cooper, 1887


"a, a', impressions of the muscles; p, pallial line; s, bend occupied by the siphon; h, hinge; c, t,…

A common cockle shell.


A common cockle shell.

"Another species, St. James's cockle, <em>P. Jacobaeus</em>, having been adopted in the Middle Ages as the badge of St. James of Spain, became also the distinction of the pilgrims returning from the Holy Land." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

St, James' cockle

"Another species, St. James's cockle, P. Jacobaeus, having been adopted in the Middle Ages…

"Among the cast number of species belonging to the Veneridae family, many are extremely rare, and much sought after by collectors in consequence of their great beauty"

Cytherea Maculata (Linn.)

"Among the cast number of species belonging to the Veneridae family, many are extremely rare, and much…

"Among the cast number of species belonging to the Veneridae family, many are extremely rare, and much sought after by collectors in consequence of their great beauty"

Cytherea Petechialis (Lamarck)

"Among the cast number of species belonging to the Veneridae family, many are extremely rare, and much…

"Among the cast number of species belonging to the Veneridae family, many are extremely rare, and much sought after by collectors in consequence of their great beauty"

Cytherea Zonaria (Lamarck)

"Among the cast number of species belonging to the Veneridae family, many are extremely rare, and much…

"The posterior being besest by spines, and the sides furrowed with elevated lamell&aelig;. The color is of a beautiful rosy purple. Found in South American seas." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Cytherea dione

"The posterior being besest by spines, and the sides furrowed with elevated lamellæ. The color…

"The <em>U. elongata</em> is found in Great Britain, and formerly produced numerous pearly; these were famous even in the time of Julius Caeser. In Ireland and Scotland this species has produced pearly, in modern times, valued at between twenty to four hundred dollars." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Unio elongata

"The U. elongata is found in Great Britain, and formerly produced numerous pearly; these were…

"Emarginula reticulata." -Taylor, 1904

Emarginula reticulata

"Emarginula reticulata." -Taylor, 1904

Galatea reclusa is a species of bivalve mollusk in the Donacidae family of bean clams (wedge shells).

Right Valve of Galatea Bivalve

Galatea reclusa is a species of bivalve mollusk in the Donacidae family of bean clams (wedge shells).

"Dorsal View of Gastrochaena. The ventral view shows the dried mantle with pedal perforation." -Whitney, 1911

Dorsal View of Gastrochaena

"Dorsal View of Gastrochaena. The ventral view shows the dried mantle with pedal perforation." -Whitney,…

"Lateral View of Gastrochaena. The ventral view shows the dried mantle with pedal perforation." -Whitney, 1911

Lateral View of Gastrochaena

"Lateral View of Gastrochaena. The ventral view shows the dried mantle with pedal perforation." -Whitney,…

"Ventral View of Gastrochaena. The ventral view shows the dried mantle with pedal perforation." -Whitney, 1911

Ventral View of Gastrochaena

"Ventral View of Gastrochaena. The ventral view shows the dried mantle with pedal perforation." -Whitney,…

Structure of a clam's gill. Arrows indicate water currents through the gills.

Clam Gills

Structure of a clam's gill. Arrows indicate water currents through the gills.

"Gnathodon cuneatus. A bivalve mollusk. G. cuneatus is the cuneate clam of Louisiana." -Whitney, 1911


"Gnathodon cuneatus. A bivalve mollusk. G. cuneatus is the cuneate clam of Louisiana." -Whitney, 1911

"The Giant Clam, <em>Tridacna gigas</em>, is the largest of known shell-fish, the two valves sometimes weighing five hundred pounds, and the animal from twenty to thirty pounds. It is found along the shores of the Polynesian and Asiatic Islands, where the flesh is eaten raw by the natives." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Shells of the great clam

"The Giant Clam, Tridacna gigas, is the largest of known shell-fish, the two valves sometimes…

"Gryphea&ndash;a common Oolitic and Liassic fossil." -Taylor, 1904


"Gryphea–a common Oolitic and Liassic fossil." -Taylor, 1904

A clam with hydriods growing upon its shell.


A clam with hydriods growing upon its shell.

"The <em>Perna isognomum</em> has a somewhat similar form to the Hammer Oyster; it lives in deep water, attached to rocks by its byssus." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Perna isognomum

"The Perna isognomum has a somewhat similar form to the Hammer Oyster; it lives in deep water,…

"The <em>C. junonae</em> is a very beautiful species. The great assemblage of the different kinds is in the Indian Ocean, though some of the species are found in all seas." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Cardium junonae

"The C. junonae is a very beautiful species. The great assemblage of the different kinds is…

"The shells of the <em>Hippopus maculatus</em> are smaller but are more beatiful, and are used in the manufacture of various ornamental articles, such as inkstands, &c." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Hippopus maculatus

"The shells of the Hippopus maculatus are smaller but are more beatiful, and are used in the…