The typical representation of shores and low-water lines with gravel and rocks on a topographical map.

Gravel and Rocks

The typical representation of shores and low-water lines with gravel and rocks on a topographical map.

The typical representation of shores and low-water lines with mud on a topographical map.


The typical representation of shores and low-water lines with mud on a topographical map.

A torpedo boat is a relatively small and fast naval ship designed to carry torpedoes into battle.<br>Top: A, platform; B, torpedo; C, water tight pine box; D, pin to be drawn.<br>Lower: A, vessel at anchor; B, her cable; E, F, two torpedoes; C, D, the coupling lines.

Torpedo Boat

A torpedo boat is a relatively small and fast naval ship designed to carry torpedoes into battle. Top:…

The abdomen viscera after the removal of the jejunum and ileum. The transverse colon is much more regular than usual. Both the liver and caecum extend lower down than normal. The subdivisions of the abdominal cavity are indicated by dark lines.

Abdomen Laid Open After Removal of Jejunum and Ileum

The abdomen viscera after the removal of the jejunum and ileum. The transverse colon is much more regular…

The iliac and pelvic colons, from a formalin-hardened male body, aged 30. The pelvic colon was usually long; its course is shown, as well as that of the beginning of the rectum, by dotted lines. It first ran across the upper surface of the bladder to the right pelvic wall, then recrossed the pelvis in a line posterior to is first crossing; finally it returned towards the middle line, and passed into the rectum. As a rule, after crossing to the right side of the pelvis, the pelvic colon turns backwards and inwards to reach the middle line, where it passes into the rectum.

Iliac and Pelvic Colons

The iliac and pelvic colons, from a formalin-hardened male body, aged 30. The pelvic colon was usually…

The kidneys viewed from behind. The dotted lines mark out the areas contact with the various muscle forming the posterior abdominal wall. Labels: a, depression corresponding to the transverse process of the first lumbar vertebrae; b, depression corresponding to the transverse process of the second lumbar vertebrae; c, depression corresponding to the twelfth rib.

Kidneys from Behind

The kidneys viewed from behind. The dotted lines mark out the areas contact with the various muscle…

The kidneys and great vessels viewed from the front. The drawing was made before the removal of the organs, from a specimen in which the viscera has been hardened in situ. The dotted lines mark out the areas which were contacted with various other abdominal viscera.

Kidneys from the Front

The kidneys and great vessels viewed from the front. The drawing was made before the removal of the…

The Ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapillus, is a small songbird of the New World warbler family. Ovenbirds are 14 cm long and weigh 18 g. They have white underparts streaked with black, and olive-brown upperparts. They have white eye rings, pinkish legs and thin pointed bills. They have orange lines on the top of their crowns, which are bordered on each side with dark brown.


The Ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapillus, is a small songbird of the New World warbler family. Ovenbirds are…

The Pine Warbler, Dendroica pinus, is a small songbird of the New World warbler family. These birds have white bellies, white wing bars, dark legs and thin, relatively long pointed bills; they have yellowish lines over their eyes. Adult males have olive upperparts and bright yellow throats and breasts; females and immatures display upperparts which are olive-brown. Their throats and breasts are paler. The song of this bird is a musical trill. Their calls are slurred chips.

Pine Warbler

The Pine Warbler, Dendroica pinus, is a small songbird of the New World warbler family. These birds…

"Nodal Cubic, with four primary lines and their satellite. In the diagram, ABC is the satellite line. From its intersections with the cubic curve tangents are drawn to the latter, AD, AE, BF, BG, CH, CI. The points of tangency lie three by three on four primary lines, FDH, DGI, EGH, FEI." -Whitney, 1911


"Nodal Cubic, with four primary lines and their satellite. In the diagram, ABC is the satellite line.…

Coca is a plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to north-western South America. The plant plays a significant role in traditional Andean culture. Coca leaves contain cocaine alkaloids, a basis for the drug cocaine, which is a powerful stimulant. Coca should not be confused with the similarly named South American cocoa bean from which chocolate is made. The plant resembles a blackthorn bush, and grows to a height of 2&ndash;3 m (7&ndash;10 ft). The branches are straight, and the leaves, which have a green tint, are thin, opaque, oval, and taper at the extremities. A marked characteristic of the leaf is an areolated portion bounded by two longitudinal curved lines, one line on each side of the midrib, and more conspicuous on the under face of the leaf. The flowers are small, and disposed in little clusters on short stalks; the corolla is composed of five yellowish-white petals, the anthers are heart-shaped, and the pistil consists of three carpels united to form a three-chambered ovary. The flowers mature into red berries.

Coca Flower

Coca is a plant in the family Erythroxylaceae, native to north-western South America. The plant plays…

The Young Men's Christian Association ("YMCA" or "the Y") was founded on June 6, 1844 in London, England, by George Williams. The original intention of the organization was to put Christian principles into practice, as taught by Jesus Christ. The YMCA idea, which began among evangelicals, was unusual because it crossed the rigid lines that separated all the different churches and social classes in England in those days. The movement extended to the United States in December 1951. The 23rd Street Branch was torn down in 1903.

YMCA, 23rd Street Branch, New York City

The Young Men's Christian Association ("YMCA" or "the Y") was founded on June 6, 1844 in London, England,…

An illustration of a transverse section of an ideal eye. "A, summit of cornea; SC, sclerotic; S, Schlemm's canal; CH, choroid; I, iris; M, ciliary muscle; R, retina; N, optic nerve; HA, aqueous humour; L, crystalline lens, the anterior of the double lines on its face showing its form during accommodation; HV, vitreous humour; DN, internal rectus muscle YY', principle optical axis; C, [center] of the ocular globe..." (Britannica, 132).

Transverse Section of an Ideal Eye

An illustration of a transverse section of an ideal eye. "A, summit of cornea; SC, sclerotic; S, Schlemm's…

An illustration depicting an astigmatism. An optical system with astigmatism is one where rays that propagate in two perpendicular planes have different foci. If an optical system with astigmatism is used to form an image of a cross, the vertical and horizontal lines will be in sharp focus at two different distances.

Diagram Illustrating Astigmatism

An illustration depicting an astigmatism. An optical system with astigmatism is one where rays that…

The Zöllner illusion is a classic optical illusion named after its discoverer, German astrophysicist Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner. In this figure the black lines seem to be unparallel, but in reality they are parallel. The shorter lines are on an angle to the longer lines. This angle helps to create the impression that one end of the longer lines is nearer to us than the other end. This is very similar to the way the Wundt illusion appears. It may be that the Zöllner illusion is caused by this impression of depth.

Zollner Illusion

The Zöllner illusion is a classic optical illusion named after its discoverer, German astrophysicist…

The chief advantages of the horizontal sundial are that it is easy to read, and the sun lights the face throughout the year. All the hour-lines intersect at the point where the gnomon's style crosses the horizontal plane. Since the style is aligned with the Earth's rotational axis, the style points true North and its angle with the horizontal equals the sundial's geographical latitude &lambda;. A sundial designed for one latitude can be used in another latitude, provided that the sundial is tilted upwards or downwards by an angle equal to the difference in latitude. For example, a sundial designed for a latitude of 40&deg; can be used at a latitude of 45&deg;, if the sundial plane is tilted upwards by 5&deg;, thus aligning the style with the Earth's rotational axis.

Horizontal Dial

The chief advantages of the horizontal sundial are that it is easy to read, and the sun lights the face…

A sundial is a device that measures time by the position of the Sun. In common designs such as the horizontal sundial, the sun casts a shadow from its style (a thin rod or a sharp, straight edge) onto a flat surface marked with lines indicating the hours of the day. As the sun moves across the sky, the shadow-edge progressively aligns with different hour-lines on the plate. Such designs rely on the style being aligned with the axis of the Earth's rotation. Hence, if such a sundial is to tell the correct time, the style must point towards true North (not the north or south magnetic pole) and the style's angle with horizontal must equal the sundial's geographical latitude.


A sundial is a device that measures time by the position of the Sun. In common designs such as the horizontal…

In polar dials, the shadow-receiving plane is aligned parallel to the gnomon-style. Thus, the shadow slides sideways over the surface, moving perpendicularly to itself as the sun rotates about the style. As with the gnomon, the hour-lines are all aligned with the Earth's rotational axis. When the sun's rays are nearly parallel to the plane, the shadow moves very quickly and the hour lines are spaced far apart. The direct East- and West-facing dials are examples of a polar dial. However, the face of a polar dial need not be vertical; it need only be parallel to the gnomon.

Polar Dials

In polar dials, the shadow-receiving plane is aligned parallel to the gnomon-style. Thus, the shadow…

The illustration "shows how the octahedron with furrowed edge may be constructed from two interpenetrating tetrahedra (shown in dotted lines)." -Britannica, 1910

Octahedron with Furrow Edge

The illustration "shows how the octahedron with furrowed edge may be constructed from two interpenetrating…

Two boys entangle their fishing lines while trying to catch a catfish.


Two boys entangle their fishing lines while trying to catch a catfish.

&quot;Architectural Refinement from Church of St. Quentin, France ... deviations from the geometrical accuracy of purely structural lines, which have been found widely distributed in architecture before the most modern era.&quot; -Whitney, 1911


"Architectural Refinement from Church of St. Quentin, France ... deviations from the geometrical…

"Hawser-rudder. a, hawser; bb, hauling-lines, leading through chocks on each quarter." -Whitney, 1911

Hawser Rudder

"Hawser-rudder. a, hawser; bb, hauling-lines, leading through chocks on each quarter." -Whitney, 1911

The serious, solemn, and awe-inspiring efect which the general arrangement of the temple produces is maintained by the smaller details, while the slanting form of the outer walls gives the temple an appearance of solidity and isolation. On this account, and especially owing to its simple unbroken lines, the exterior although monotonous and heavy, is still imposing. The chief peculiarity in the construction of these buildings is that they produce the effect of being composed of an agglomeration of separate parts, which resemble on another, but become smaller and smaller towards the rear of the structure.

Back View of the Temple of Philæ

The serious, solemn, and awe-inspiring efect which the general arrangement of the temple produces is…

"Grolier scroll, the flowing curved lines that surround and interlace the geometrical framework of a design for a book-cover in the style of Grolier." -Whitney, 1911

Grolier Scroll

"Grolier scroll, the flowing curved lines that surround and interlace the geometrical framework of a…

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers and tendrils, and sometimes statues of gods or animals. These were placed on small pedestals, and offered an &aelig;sthetic contrast to the sliding effect which would otherwise have been produced by the oblique lines of the pediment.

Façade Tile from the Temple of Diana at Ephesus

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers…

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers and tendrils, and sometimes statues of gods or animals. These were placed on small pedestals, and offered an &aelig;sthetic contrast to the sliding effect which would otherwise have been produced by the oblique lines of the pediment.

Acroteria, or Roof-Pedestal, from the Temple of Theseus at Athens

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers…

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers and tendrils, and sometimes statues of gods or animals. These were placed on small pedestals, and offered an &aelig;sthetic contrast to the sliding effect which would otherwise have been produced by the oblique lines of the pediment.

Acroteria from the Temple of Minerva at Ægina

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers…

The evolute spiral border is a wavelike pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. Designed by Sebastian Serlio during the 16th century. The interstices (small opening) between the lines is decorated with leaves and flower buds.

Evolute Spiral Border

The evolute spiral border is a wavelike pattern that mimics the wave of the sea. Designed by Sebastian…

The evolute spiral frieze is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea. Its interstices (small openings) between the lines is decorates with leaves and flower buds. This design is found in the Otto-Heinrich building of Heidelberg Castle in Germany.

Evolute Spiral Frieze

The evolute spiral frieze is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea. Its interstices (small…

The evolute spiral stove tile is a painting during the German Renaissance. It is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea. The interstices (small opening) between the lines is decorated with leaves and flower buds.

Evolute Spiral Stove Tile

The evolute spiral stove tile is a painting during the German Renaissance. It is a wavelike pattern…

The modern Gothic parapet is a stone design of a wall-like barrier found on the edge of a roof or structure. This style includes tracery, a series of intersecting ribbed lines.

Modern Gothic Parapet

The modern Gothic parapet is a stone design of a wall-like barrier found on the edge of a roof or structure.…

The modern Gothic parapet is a stone design of a wall-like barrier found on the edge of a roof or structure. This style includes tracery, a series of intersecting ribbed lines.

Modern Gothic Parapet

The modern Gothic parapet is a stone design of a wall-like barrier found on the edge of a roof or structure.…

This modern French console is a vertical design of spiral curves and straight lines.

Modern French Console

This modern French console is a vertical design of spiral curves and straight lines.

This modern French console is a vertical design of spiral curves and straight lines.

Modern French Console

This modern French console is a vertical design of spiral curves and straight lines.

This modern French console is a vertical design of spiral curves and straight lines.

Modern French Console

This modern French console is a vertical design of spiral curves and straight lines.

The wels catfish is a scaleless fresh and brackish water catfish recognizable by its broad, flat head and wide mouth. The mouth contains lines of numerous small teeth, two long barbels on the upper jaw and four shorter barbels on the lower jaw. It has a long anal fin that extends to the caudal fin, and a small sharp dorsal fin positioned relatively far forward. It uses its sharp pectoral fins to capture prey. With these fins, it creates an eddy to disorient its victim, which it then simply engulfs in its enormous throat. It has very slippery green-brown skin. Its belly is pale yellow or white. Wels catfish can live for at least thirty years and have very good hearing.

Wels Catfish

The wels catfish is a scaleless fresh and brackish water catfish recognizable by its broad, flat head…

Illustration showing that the rolling of non-cylindrical surfaces. "If the angular velocity ratio of two rolling bodies is not a constant, the pitch lines take, the conditions of pure rolling contact should be fulfilled, namely, the point of contact must be on the line of centres, and the rolling arcs must be of equal length.

Rolling of Non-cylindrical Surfaces

Illustration showing that the rolling of non-cylindrical surfaces. "If the angular velocity ratio of…

"Equipotential Lines about two similarly electrified spheres, A and B, the quantities of electricity being as 2:1. The lines of force are also shown radiating from the spheres." -Whitney, 1911


"Equipotential Lines about two similarly electrified spheres, A and B, the quantities of electricity…

An illustration of a triangle comprised of a tower and two lines. This illustration can be used to determine the height of the tower, the hypotenuse, and distance of the tower from the object.

Triangle with Tower

An illustration of a triangle comprised of a tower and two lines. This illustration can be used to determine…

An illustration of a triangle comprised of a church and two lines. This illustration can be used to determine the height of the church steeple, the hypotenuse, and distance of the tower from object one and two.

Triangle with Church

An illustration of a triangle comprised of a church and two lines. This illustration can be used to…

An illustration of a triangle comprised of a tree and two lines. This is an example of a problem that can be used to fine the distance of an inaccessible object without measuring elevation and whether on a horizontal plane or not.

Triangle with Tree

An illustration of a triangle comprised of a tree and two lines. This is an example of a problem that…

"In heraldry, represented as covered with escallop- or scallop-shells: said of the field; also, covered with an imbricated pattern of curving lines." -Whitney, 1911


"In heraldry, represented as covered with escallop- or scallop-shells: said of the field; also, covered…

Illustration showing complex numbers with a modulus equal to unity. The lines representing these numbers terminate in points lying on the circumference of a circle whose radius is unity.

Geometric Inspection of Complex Numbers

Illustration showing complex numbers with a modulus equal to unity. The lines representing these numbers…

The modern pattern has curved lines.

Modern Pattern

The modern pattern has curved lines.

Diagram illustrating the formation of contraction prisms. The centers of attraction are connected by solid lines. The prisms formed are dotted.

Contraction Prisms

Diagram illustrating the formation of contraction prisms. The centers of attraction are connected by…

The Tabard, an inn that stood on the east side of Borough High Street in Southwark, was established in 1307, when the abbot of Hyde purchased the land to construct a hostel for himself and his brethren, when business took them to London, as well as an inn to accommodate the numerous pilgrims headed on annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Thomas Beckett in Canterbury Cathedral. The Tabard is famous as the place owned by Harry Bailey, the host in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, and is described in the first few lines of Chaucer's work as the location where the pilgrims first meet on their journey to Canterbury in the 1380s.

Tabard Inn

The Tabard, an inn that stood on the east side of Borough High Street in Southwark, was established…

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system. Neither axis is labeled.

Blank Coordinate Grid With Grid Lines Shown

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system. Neither…

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with both axes labeled.

Coordinate Grid With Axes Labeled And Grid Lines Shown

Illustration of an xy grid/graph with grid lines shown. It is the Cartesian coordinate system with both…

Illustration used to show how to bisect a straight line.

Bisect A Straight Line

Illustration used to show how to bisect a straight line.

Illustration used to show how to draw a perpendicular to a straight line from a given point on the line when the point is at or near the center of the line.

Perpendicular To Straight Line Construction

Illustration used to show how to draw a perpendicular to a straight line from a given point on the line…

Illustration used to show how to draw a perpendicular to a straight line from a given point on the line when the point is near the end of the line.

Perpendicular To Straight Line Construction

Illustration used to show how to draw a perpendicular to a straight line from a given point on the line…

Illustration used to show how to draw a perpendicular to a straight line from a given point that is not on the line and which lies nearly over the center of the line.

Perpendicular To Straight Line Construction

Illustration used to show how to draw a perpendicular to a straight line from a given point that is…

Illustration used to show how to draw a perpendicular to a straight line from a given point that is not on the line and which lies nearly over one end of the line.

Perpendicular To Straight Line Construction

Illustration used to show how to draw a perpendicular to a straight line from a given point that is…

Illustration used to show how to draw a straight line parallel to a straight line through a given point.

Parallel To Straight Line Construction

Illustration used to show how to draw a straight line parallel to a straight line through a given point.

Illustration used to show how to construct a bisector of an angle when the sides intersect within the limits of the drawing.

Bisect An Angle

Illustration used to show how to construct a bisector of an angle when the sides intersect within the…

Illustration used to show how to construct a bisector of an angle when the sides no not intersect within the limits of the drawing.

Bisect An Angle

Illustration used to show how to construct a bisector of an angle when the sides no not intersect within…

Illustration used to show how to divide a given straight line into required number of equal parts.

Construction Of Dividing A Line

Illustration used to show how to divide a given straight line into required number of equal parts.

Illustration used to show how to divide a given straight line into required number of equal parts.

Construction Of Dividing A Line

Illustration used to show how to divide a given straight line into required number of equal parts.

Illustration used to show how to "draw a straight line through any given point on a given straight line to make any required angle with that line."

Construction Of Angle On Straight Line

Illustration used to show how to "draw a straight line through any given point on a given straight line…

Illustration used to show how to draw an equilateral triangle when given one side.

Construction Of Equilateral Triangle

Illustration used to show how to draw an equilateral triangle when given one side.