"Cross section of a portion of leaf of Ficus elastica showing the multiple epidermis from e to a inclusive;…
"Diagram to show the topography and character of the tissues that evolved from the primary meristems.…
Developmental stages of collenchyma: "1 and 2, cross and longitudinal section of a collenchyma cell…
Developmental stages of collenchyma: "3 and 4, longitudinal and cross sections of the same cell at a…
Developmental stages of collenchyma: "5 and 6, longitudinal and cross sections of a mature cell. The…
First developmental stage of stone cells: "1, in the primary meristem condition." -Stevens, 1916
Second developmental stage of stone cells: "2, the cells have enlarged and the walls have begun to thicken…
Third and final developmental stage of stone cells: "3, The walls are completed. The primary wall is…
Developmental stages of bast fibers: "1 and 2, cross and longitudinal sections of primary meristem cells…
Developmental stages of bast fibers: 3 and 4, cross and longitudinal sections of meristem cells becoming…
Developmental stages of bast fibers: "5, longitudinal section of completed bast fibers. In 5 the stippling…
"Portion of a cross section of a root of Allium ascalonicum. h, large central, tracheal tube; i, xylem,…
"Diagram to show different plans in the distribution of bast fibers. A, bast a continuous cylinder in…
First developmental stage of sieve tubes, companion cells, and phloem parenchyma. "A, a and b, two rows…
Second developmental stage of sieve tubes, companion cells, and phloem parenchyma. "B, c, companion…
Third developmental stage of sieve tubes, companion cells, and phloem parenchyma. "The pits in the cross-walls…
"Stages in the development of the elements of the xylem. A, progressive steps in the development of…
Stages in the development of the elements of the xylem. "B, stages in the formation of tracheids from…
Stages in the development of the elements of the xylem. "C, steps in the development of wood fibers…
Stages in the development of the elements of the xylem. "D, steps in the formation of wood parenchyma…
"Diagram showing how the vascular bundles anastomose around the medullary rays. The gaps represent the…
Types of vascular bundles: "A, the concentric type, with xylem, k, surrounding the phloem, h." -Stevens,…
Types of vascular bundles: "B, the collateral type, with phloem, h, standing in front of the xylem,…
Types of vascular bundles: "C, a portion of the radial type, shown complete in D, where the part outlined…
"Gleichenia pubescens: transverse section of stem, showing the protostele." -Stevens, 1916
"Adianium pedatum: transverse section of stem, showing the amphiphloic siphonostele." -Stevens, 1916
"Pteris aquilina: transverse section of stem, showing the polystele." -Stevens, 1916
"Diagram showing additions to the primary tissues through the activity of the cambium and phellogen…
"Diagram showing the relation of this year's leaves to the wood of the current year." -Stevens, 1916
"Portion of a cross section throughout the stem of Dracaena marginata. P, parenchyma of cortex. V, meristematic…
"Diagram showing some types of unusual growth in thickness. A, cross section through a four-year-old…
"Diagram showing some types of unusual growth in thickness...B, cross section of stem of species of…
"Diagram showing some types of unusual growth in thickness...C, portion of a cross section of stem of…
"A, cross section through upper half of leaf of Pyrus Japonica, showing cutinized layer of the outer…
A cross section through the upper half of a Russian olive leaf, showing a "cutinized layer of the outer…
"C, portion of cross section of submerged stem of Nymphaea odorata, where there is no cutinized layer,…
"A, portion of cross section of leaf of Avicennia growing in salty soil; outer wall of epidermis very…
"C, cross section through upper half of petal of Japan Quince." -Stevens, 1916
"D, upper, and E, lower epidermis of leaf of Hibiscus moscheutos." -Stevens, 1916
"Different forms of epidermal outgrowths. 1, hooked hair from Phaseolus multiflorus; 2, climbing hair…
"Multiple epidermis of leaf of mangrove in cross section. This serves as a water reservoir, and the…
"Cross section of yellow poplar wood. E, early; L, late growth; m, medullary ray." -Stevens, 1916
"Stone cells from different sources. 1, from coffee; 2, 3, and 4, from stem of clove; 5 and 6, from…
"Camera-lucida outline of portion of cross section of cornstalk, showing at g bast fiber zone beneath…
"Cross section of a portion of palm stem. e, xylem; f, phloem portions of vascular bundle; g, sclerenchyma…
"Diagram showing the progressive development of the skeletal tissues from the apex toward the base of…
"A single root hair on a large scale, showing that it is an outgrowth of an epidermal cell, and the…
"Portion of cross section through an aerial root of Stanhopea oculata. h, the velamen; i, exodermis;…
"Showing at f the felty body covering the passage way through the exodermis of the aerial root of Sobralia…
"Cross section through a water-absorbing scale of Tillandsia usneoides; a, a, water-absorbing cells…
"A, diagram of course of vascular bundles in a palm stem; 1m, 2m, 3m, bundles from the median portions…
"B, diagram of vascular bundles in external view and in cross section of the stem of Cerastium. The…
"Diagram showing the course of the vascular bundles in a stem of Clematis viticella. Median bundles…
"Different stages in the development of a bordered pit. b, The original, thin, primary wall; a, the…
"Diagrammatic representation of a block of pine wood highly magnified. a, Early growth; b, late growth;…
"Diagram showing the relation of the water-carrying tissues of the leaves to those of the stem, and…