"Oven-birds live singly or in pairs, in the plains of Chili, Brazil and Guiana."

Furnarius Rufus and Oven-Bird (Synallaxis Frontalis)

"Oven-birds live singly or in pairs, in the plains of Chili, Brazil and Guiana."

"They feed on honey extracted from flowers and the sap from the sugar-cane, the juice of which they suck through crevices made in the stem."

Columbian Thornbill

"They feed on honey extracted from flowers and the sap from the sugar-cane, the juice of which they…

"The King Bird of Paradise is a rare bird, a native of the islands of Molucca."

King Bird of Paradise

"The King Bird of Paradise is a rare bird, a native of the islands of Molucca."

"The Superb has a beak furnished with elongated feathers, extending half its length.

The Superb Bird of Paradise

"The Superb has a beak furnished with elongated feathers, extending half its length.

"The Golden Bird of Paradise has a beak furnished with short feathers for half its length."

Golden Bird of Paradise

"The Golden Bird of Paradise has a beak furnished with short feathers for half its length."

"They are sometimes found near orchards, feeding on the kernels of apples, which their bills readily cut."


"They are sometimes found near orchards, feeding on the kernels of apples, which their bills readily…

"Lively, pert and cunning, it is the true gamin of the winged race. They are very sociable, seeking their food and building their nests near each other."

Hedge Sparrows (Sylvia Curruca and Sylvia Rufa)

"Lively, pert and cunning, it is the true gamin of the winged race. They are very sociable, seeking…

"The Whidah-Birds have long, drooping tail feathers. They are natives of South Africa and Senegal."


"The Whidah-Birds have long, drooping tail feathers. They are natives of South Africa and Senegal."

"Sometimes one may observe eight of ten on the wing together in the dusk of evening in pursuit of insects."

Flag Night-Jar

"Sometimes one may observe eight of ten on the wing together in the dusk of evening in pursuit of insects."

"In the first rank of the Warblers stands the Nightingale, celebrated all over the world for its song, which is superior, without any doubt, to that of any other bird."

Nightingales (Philomela Luscinia and Luscinia Philomela)

"In the first rank of the Warblers stands the Nightingale, celebrated all over the world for its song,…

"The Wrens are among the smallest birds."Left: Golden Wren.Top: Fire-Crested Wren.Right: Golden-Crested Wren.


"The Wrens are among the smallest birds." Left: Golden Wren. Top: Fire-Crested Wren. Right: Golden-Crested…

"The Stonechat generally forms itts nest under some furze-bush or other shrub, or among rank grass."Left: Wagtail.Top: Whinchat.Bottom-right: Stonechat.


"The Stonechat generally forms itts nest under some furze-bush or other shrub, or among rank grass."…

"The Hawk-Owl is especially well known in Canada. This bird goes as far south as Louisiana."

The Hawk or Canada Owl

"The Hawk-Owl is especially well known in Canada. This bird goes as far south as Louisiana."

"Its flight is as powerful as that of the golden eagle, and its adroitness and strength are even greater. This eagle is the chosen emblem of the United States."

Bald or White-headed Eagle (Haliaetus Leucocephalus)

"Its flight is as powerful as that of the golden eagle, and its adroitness and strength are even greater.…

"The Gerfalcon is the most powerful of the Falcon tribe. The falcons, it may be said, realize the ideal of a bird of prey."


"The Gerfalcon is the most powerful of the Falcon tribe. The falcons, it may be said, realize the ideal…

"The Harpy or Crested Eagle is the model species of the genus to which it belongs. It measures nearly five feet from the extremity of the head to that of the tail."

Harpy-Eagle (Harpyia Destructor)

"The Harpy or Crested Eagle is the model species of the genus to which it belongs. It measures nearly…

"The falcons, it may be said, realize the ideal of a bird of prey. They feed only on living animals, birds or small mammals. They always hunt on the wing."

Red-Necked Falcon, or Turumdi (Falco Chiquera)

"The falcons, it may be said, realize the ideal of a bird of prey. They feed only on living animals,…

"When pressed by hunger it shows no fear in attacking live animals, which makes it dreaded by the shepherds along the coast of the Mediterranean."

The Fulvous Vulture

"When pressed by hunger it shows no fear in attacking live animals, which makes it dreaded by the shepherds…

"The King-vulture is distinguished from the condor by the collar-ruff which surrounds the neck being slate-colored."

King Vulture (Sarcorhamphus Papa)

"The King-vulture is distinguished from the condor by the collar-ruff which surrounds the neck being…

The Swiss Family Robinson in their tub-boat from Johann David Wyss' novel.

Swiss Family Robinson

The Swiss Family Robinson in their tub-boat from Johann David Wyss' novel.

Three ships sailing on the ocean.


Three ships sailing on the ocean.

"Egyptian noble hunting waterfowl on the Nile with the "throwstick' (a boomerang). The birds rise from a group of papyrus reeds, -- Egyptian relief; after Maspero." -West 1904

Egyptian Noble Hunting Waterfowl

"Egyptian noble hunting waterfowl on the Nile with the "throwstick' (a boomerang). The birds rise from…

An illustration of two cock of the plains also known by its scientific name Centrocercus urophasianus.

Cock of the plains

An illustration of two cock of the plains also known by its scientific name Centrocercus urophasianus.

The Yellowhammer from Thomas Bewick's wood engraving in 'The Land Birds.'


The Yellowhammer from Thomas Bewick's wood engraving in 'The Land Birds.'

The Woodcock from Thomas Bewick's wood engraving in 'The Water Birds.'


The Woodcock from Thomas Bewick's wood engraving in 'The Water Birds.'

An illustration of two birds. On the left side is a European wood pigeon and on the right is a stock-dove.


An illustration of two birds. On the left side is a European wood pigeon and on the right is a stock-dove.

An illustration of two species of doves. On the left is a crested dove and on the right hand side is a common Australian bronze-winged dove.


An illustration of two species of doves. On the left is a crested dove and on the right hand side is…

This is a nest made by birds with eggs inside the nest.

Bird Nest with Eggs

This is a nest made by birds with eggs inside the nest.

Hummingbird species (Ornismya): Gould's hummingbird (O. gouldii), Bar-tailed hummingbird (O. sappho), Cora hummingbird (O. cora), and the double-crested hummingbird (O. chrysolopha).

Hummingbird Species

Hummingbird species (Ornismya): Gould's hummingbird (O. gouldii), Bar-tailed hummingbird (O. sappho),…

The Greater Bird of Paradise was once called as the Emerald Bird of Paradise because of the dark green color on its throat.

Greater Bird of Paradise

The Greater Bird of Paradise was once called as the Emerald Bird of Paradise because of the dark green…

A group of different varieties of domestic pigeons including the tumbler, the pouter, and the carrier pigeon.

Domestic Pigeons

A group of different varieties of domestic pigeons including the tumbler, the pouter, and the carrier…

A partridge from the genus, Perdix.


A partridge from the genus, Perdix.

The American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) is a large wading bird known for its red or pink feathers.

American Flamingo

The American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) is a large wading bird known for its red or pink feathers.

The mute swan (Cygnus olor) is a large water bird in the family Anatidae which also includes geese and ducks.

Mute Swan

The mute swan (Cygnus olor) is a large water bird in the family Anatidae which also includes geese and…

The chicken is a domesticated fowl which is commonly used from its meat and eggs.


The chicken is a domesticated fowl which is commonly used from its meat and eggs.

An illustration of a mother chick overlooking her baby chicks.

Chicken and Chicks

An illustration of a mother chick overlooking her baby chicks.

An illustration of a mother chick surrounded by her baby chicks.

Chicken and Chicks

An illustration of a mother chick surrounded by her baby chicks.

An illustration with a man and a child watching birds fly overhead while standing on a rock.

Man and child

An illustration with a man and a child watching birds fly overhead while standing on a rock.

An image of a man using rope to hunt birds.

Hunting Birds

An image of a man using rope to hunt birds.

Generally, sparrows tend to be small, plump brown-grey birds with short tails and stubby yet powerful beaks.


Generally, sparrows tend to be small, plump brown-grey birds with short tails and stubby yet powerful…

A girl spreading seeds for birds to eat.

Girl Feeding Birds

A girl spreading seeds for birds to eat.

Tree leaning across the page with a couple birds in the bottom right corner.


Tree leaning across the page with a couple birds in the bottom right corner.

A decorative divider containing birds.


A decorative divider containing birds.

An illustration of a barn filled with animals, including: cows, a rooster, a horse, lambs, and birds.

Barn Full of Animals

An illustration of a barn filled with animals, including: cows, a rooster, a horse, lambs, and birds.

An illustration of a fowl market located on a river in Cairo, Illinois.

Fowl Market

An illustration of a fowl market located on a river in Cairo, Illinois.

An illustration of a small birdcage.


An illustration of a small birdcage.

An illustration of a peacock beneath a tree filled with smaller birds.

Peacock and Tree

An illustration of a peacock beneath a tree filled with smaller birds.

A tailpiece or page footer with two mirrored birds.

Bird Tailpiece

A tailpiece or page footer with two mirrored birds.

An illustration of a brown pelican with a fish in it's mouth and a sea gull resting on his back. The brown pelican is the smallest of the eight species of pelican, although it is a large bird in nearly every other regard. It lives strictly on coasts from Washington and Virginia south to northern Chile and the mouth of the Amazon River, as well as the island of Saut d'Eau in Trinidad and Tobago. Some immature birds may stray to inland freshwater lakes. After nesting, North American birds move in flocks further north along the coasts, returning to warmer waters for winter. Their young are hatched in broods of about 3, and eat around 150 lbs. of fish in the 8-10 month period they are cared for. Gulls (often informally Seagulls) are birds in the family Laridae. They are typically medium to large birds, usually gray or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. They typically have harsh wailing or squawking calls. They have stout, longish bills, and webbed feet.

Brown Pelican and Sea Gull

An illustration of a brown pelican with a fish in it's mouth and a sea gull resting on his back. The…

A decorative divider containing several birds and flowers.


A decorative divider containing several birds and flowers.

An illustration of children playing with fake birds while adults watch.

Children Playing

An illustration of children playing with fake birds while adults watch.

The totem or emblem of the Huron, a Native American tribe has a beaver on top of a log in the water.

Huron Totem

The totem or emblem of the Huron, a Native American tribe has a beaver on top of a log in the water.

The Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) is a member of the family Bombycillidae or waxwing family of passerine birds. It breeds in open wooded areas in North America, principally southern Canada and the northern United States.

Cedar Waxwing Hatchling

The Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) is a member of the family Bombycillidae or waxwing family of…

The Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) is a member of the family Bombycillidae or waxwing family of passerine birds. It breeds in open wooded areas in North America, principally southern Canada and the northern United States.

Cedar Waxwing (3 Weeks)

The Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) is a member of the family Bombycillidae or waxwing family of…

Grouse are a group of birds from the order Galliformes. Often considered a family Tetraonidae, the American Ornithologists' Union and many others include grouse as a subfamily Tetraoninae in the family Phasianidae. Grouse inhabit temperate and subarctic regions of the northern hemisphere, from pine forests to moorland and mountainside. Most species are year-round residents, and do not migrate. These birds feed mainly on vegetation, but also on insects, especially when feeding young. Several of the forest-living species are notable for eating large quantities of conifer needles, which most other vertebrates refuse

Young Grouse

Grouse are a group of birds from the order Galliformes. Often considered a family Tetraonidae, the American…

The woodcocks are a group of seven extant very similar wading bird species in the genus Scolopax, characterised by a long slender bill and cryptic brown and blackish plumage. Only two woodcocks are widespread, the others being localised island species. Their closest relatives are the typical snipes of the genus Gallinago (Thomas et al., 2004). These are woodland birds which feed at night or in the evenings, searching for invertebrates in soft ground with their long bills. Unlike in most birds the tip of the upper mandible is flexible. This habit and their unobtrusive plumage makes it difficult to see them when they are resting in the day. The tiny feathers that are located at the first joint of the woodcock's wings are referred to as "pin feathers" and these are much sought after by artists for fine painting work.

Young Woodcock

The woodcocks are a group of seven extant very similar wading bird species in the genus Scolopax, characterised…

The true crows are large passerine birds that comprise the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. Ranging in size from the relatively small pigeon-sized jackdaws (Eurasian and Daurian) to the Common Raven of the Holarctic region and Thick-billed Raven of the highlands of Ethiopia, the 40 or so members of this genus occur on all temperate continents (except South America) and several offshore and oceanic islands (including Hawaii).


The true crows are large passerine birds that comprise the genus Corvus in the family Corvidae. Ranging…

An illustration of gulls eating crickets from a crop field.

Gulls Eating Crickets

An illustration of gulls eating crickets from a crop field.

An illustration of two birds on a tree.

Two Birds on Tree

An illustration of two birds on a tree.

The woodpeckers, piculets and wrynecks are a family, Picidae, of near-passerine birds . Members of this family are found worldwide, except for Australia and New Zealand, Madagascar, and the extreme polar regions. Most species live in forests or woodland habitats, although a few species are known to live in desert areas.


The woodpeckers, piculets and wrynecks are a family, Picidae, of near-passerine birds . Members of this…