A: "Camera-lucida drawing of a bleached leaf of a Dicotyledon, showing the course of the vascular bundles,…
B: "Camera-lucida drawing of a bleached leaf of... a Monocotyledon, showing the anastomosis of the parallel…
"Semi-diagrammatic cross section of a leaf showing by arrows how the water passes from the tracheal…
"Diagram to show the path of the water as it rises to, and escapes from, the leaves." -Stevens, 1916
The cross section of the stem of yellow poplar, which carries large amounts of water.
The cross section of the stem of water cress, which carries very little water.
The cross section of the stem of Pisdium Galapageium, which carries very little water.
"A typical stoma in cross section and surface view combined. k, guard cell; j, the gap or stoma between…
"A, diagram showing relative position of the guard cells in cross section in the open and closed positions;…
"B and C, early stages in the formation of stomata; at s, mother cells of guard cells are shown. D,…
"Diagram of apparatus showing how the guard cells draw apart; j, j, position of the rubber tubing when…
"A, depressed stoma of the under side of a leaf of Amherstia nobilis." -Stevens, 1916
"B, depressed stoma of Hakea suaveolens. g stands beneath the guard cells; d, outer, and e inner, cavities."…
"Diagram suggestive of the distribution of intercellular spaces throughout a plant. The heavy horizontal…
"A, cross section of stem of Juncus...the black lines traversing the section are really chains of cells…
"Cross section of a portion of the blade of a leaf, showing upper epidermis at a, lower epidermis at…
"Diagrammatic representation of a single palisade cell, with chloroplasts lining the walls." -Stevens,…
"Starch grains from the palisade cells of a Euphorbia leaf." -Stevens, 1916
"Diagram to show the intake of carbon dioxide by the palisade cells from the intercellular spaces, the…
"Diagram showing how the position of the chlorplasts against the vertical walls of the palisade cells…
"Diagram to show the activities going on in a palisade cell. The arrows from the chloroplasts into the…
"Diagram to show the effect of different portions of the spectrum on photosynthesis. a to F, different…
"Showing intercellular spaces: f, between the palisade cells; e, in a leaf; g, border parenchyma; h,…
"Diagram to show the architecture of a typical leaf in the region of one of the lateral veins. The shaded…
"Cross section through a portion of rubber leaf, showing the large percentage of water-storage tissues…
"Cross section of a portion of a leaf of Indian corn. a, upper and b, lower epidermis; c, c, palisade…
"Cross section of a portion of leaf of Codonanthe, showing the water-storage tissue at f, and the chlorophyll-bearing…
"B, cell of Spirogyra, with spiral chloroplast at c, nucleus at n, and pyrenoid at e." -Stevens, 1916
"C, cross section of Spirogyra cell, with nucleus at n, and section of chloroplast and pyrenoid below."…
"Cross section through the thallus of Marchantia. j, stoma leading into a relatively large air-chamber…
"Portion of leaf of Sphagnum, in cross section on the left, and surface view on the right. h, hole through…
"Cross section through a portion of leaf of Polytrichum commune. b, chains of chlorophyll-bearing cells;…
"Cross section, A, and surface view, B, of a leaf of common moss, showing chloroplasts, c." -Stevens,…
"Diagram to show path of stored food upward through the tracheal tubes, and through the phloem portion…
"Showing pitted connections between medullary rays and xylem parenchyma, and between contiguous xylem…
"Outline of tangential section of wood of oak, to show frequency of medullary rays. The section is 1…
"Diagram indicating the succession of the conducting tissues of a vein from the base toward the apex.…
"Showing the effect of cutting across the veins on the removal of food from the leaf. A, all of the…
"Diagram illustrating the descent of food from the leaf into the stem, and its circulation upward and…
"Diagram showing how, in Indian corn, the food from the upper and lower leaves finds its way into the…
"Diagram showing the transport of food through the sieve tubes, medullary rays and tracheal tubes, and…
"Diagram to show the relation of the food-conducting tissues of the leaf to those of the stem; and in…
"Tangential section through the wood of grapevine. m, cells of medullary ray, and n, of xylem parenchyma,…
"Starch from different sources. A, curcuma starch; B, corn starch; C, tapioca starch; D, rice starch,…
"Sphaero-crystals of unilin from tuber of Dahlia variabilis. A, precipitated from an aqueous solution;…
"Storage tissues of the cotyledon of Impatiens Balsamina. A, from the resting seed, and B, from a germinating…
"To show aleurone grains. A, cells from cotyledon of seed of garden bean; n, aleurone grains; m, starch;…
"Showing concentric and eccentric striations of starch grains. e, potato starch eccentrically striated;…
"Tangential section of wood of Liriodendron tulipifera, showing frequency of contact of medullary rays…
"Diagram to show food from the leaves descending through the sieve tubes and being stored in the medullary…
"The digestion of the stored food and its ascent through the tracheal tubes when growth is resumed in…
"Longitudinal section through a digestive gland of Drosera rotundifolia." -Stevens, 1916
"Cross section of leaf of Mesembryanthemum Forskalii showing a large part of the leaf devoted to the…