The tarsus is bare below; the nostrils are linear and oblique; the lores are bare; the bill is slender…
A large bird so called for its gracefulness and symmetry in form. Feeds mostly on fish.
A duck with a bill longer than its head and curved downward. Its legs are long and fitted with bird…
A small bird usually 4 to 6 inches in length with endless varied in coloration, migratory, insectivorous,…
The color is blackish; the total length is about 14 inches; the beak besides being toothed is remarkably…
A bird with a very acute curved bill finely serrate along a part of the cutting edges, and the toungebifid,…
A bird with a long, skinny bill. The bill is used to probe long tubular flowers for food.
It has a long slender bill only about two inches long. It is abundant during its migrations, and is…
A common colorful game bird. Generally a golden brown and intimatel bared or laced with black.
A bird with twelve rectrices, yellow axillaries, and the greater wing coverts with pale tips.
A bird that does much damage by cutting tender sprouts and buds with their serrated bill.
A bird around 16 inches in length with a 7 inch tail. The head is bald and a bright yellow color. The…
A bird with its plumage gray, with black and white wings and tail. Feeds on mostly pine nuts.
A loud bird that uses it beak to bore holes in tree trunks to feed on bugs.
A large fringilline bird of Europe and North American found chiefly in coniferous woods in northerly…
"The national emblem of Ireland, is a plant with a leaf formed from three leaflets. It is thought to…
"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…
"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…
"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…
"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…
"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…
"Bird-catching Spider, a name originally given to a large spider, Mygale avicularia, a native of Cayenne…
"Footprints resembling those birds are found on red argillaceous sandstones in the valley of Connecticut…