A bird mostly blue in color native to North America.

Blue Jay

A bird mostly blue in color native to North America.

A swan like goose.

Chinese Goose

A swan like goose.

An ancient nothern constellationn representing a bird called a swan.


An ancient nothern constellationn representing a bird called a swan.

The tarsus is bare below; the nostrils are linear and oblique; the lores are bare; the bill is slender and much hooked at the end; the tail rounded; and the wings short.

Cayenne Hawk

The tarsus is bare below; the nostrils are linear and oblique; the lores are bare; the bill is slender…

A fast flying bird of Europe.

European Swift

A fast flying bird of Europe.

This illustration shows the three-toed tracks of birds and reptiles.


This illustration shows the three-toed tracks of birds and reptiles.

A large bird that feeds mostly on fish.

Laughing Kingfisher

A large bird that feeds mostly on fish.

A large bird so called for its gracefulness and symmetry in form. Feeds mostly on fish.

Numidian Crane

A large bird so called for its gracefulness and symmetry in form. Feeds mostly on fish.

A tree creeper bird perched on a branch.

Tree Creeper

A tree creeper bird perched on a branch.

A duck with a bill longer than its head and curved downward. Its legs are long and fitted with bird like feet adapted for perching.

Australian Tree Duck

A duck with a bill longer than its head and curved downward. Its legs are long and fitted with bird…

A small bird usually 4 to 6 inches in length with endless varied in coloration, migratory, insectivorous, and usually nesting in trees and bushes.

Black Throated Green Warbler

A small bird usually 4 to 6 inches in length with endless varied in coloration, migratory, insectivorous,…

A small bird of Australia having a very acute bill.

Swallow Sunbird

A small bird of Australia having a very acute bill.

The color is blackish; the total length is about 14 inches; the beak besides being toothed is remarkably large and strong, with a very convex culmen, like that of a bird of prey.

Tooth Billed Pigeon

The color is blackish; the total length is about 14 inches; the beak besides being toothed is remarkably…

A bird with a very acute curved bill finely serrate along a part of the cutting edges, and the toungebifid, whence the name.

Pectoral Honey Creeper

A bird with a very acute curved bill finely serrate along a part of the cutting edges, and the toungebifid,…

A very large flightless bird.

Dinornis Skeleton

A very large flightless bird.

A bird with a long, skinny bill. The bill is used to probe long tubular flowers for food.

Sword Bearing Hummingbird

A bird with a long, skinny bill. The bill is used to probe long tubular flowers for food.

A caricature showing an old man holding an umbrella and a bag.

Jay Bird

A caricature showing an old man holding an umbrella and a bag.

A caricature showing a widow crying over a flower.


A caricature showing a widow crying over a flower.

A cartoon of a cat giving advice to a bird on a fence.

Cat Advice

A cartoon of a cat giving advice to a bird on a fence.

A bird just hatching from its egg with a butterfly flying near.

Baby Bird

A bird just hatching from its egg with a butterfly flying near.

It has a long slender bill only about two inches long. It is abundant during its migrations, and is much sought as a game bird.

Dough Bird

It has a long slender bill only about two inches long. It is abundant during its migrations, and is…

A bird with a long, downward curved bill.

Sickle Billed Sunbird

A bird with a long, downward curved bill.

A game bird with a very long tail and metallic colors.


A game bird with a very long tail and metallic colors.

A common colorful game bird. Generally a golden brown and intimatel bared or laced with black.

Common Pheasant

A common colorful game bird. Generally a golden brown and intimatel bared or laced with black.

A social weaver bird with its hive nest.

Weaver Bird

A social weaver bird with its hive nest.

A bird with twelve rectrices, yellow axillaries, and the greater wing coverts with pale tips.

Yellow Browed Warbler

A bird with twelve rectrices, yellow axillaries, and the greater wing coverts with pale tips.

A bird that does much damage by cutting tender sprouts and buds with their serrated bill.

Plant Cutter

A bird that does much damage by cutting tender sprouts and buds with their serrated bill.

A bird around 16 inches in length with a 7 inch tail. The head is bald and a bright yellow color. The underparts are a creamy white.

Vulturine Pie

A bird around 16 inches in length with a 7 inch tail. The head is bald and a bright yellow color. The…

A bird with its plumage gray, with black and white wings and tail. Feeds on mostly pine nuts.

American Nutcracker

A bird with its plumage gray, with black and white wings and tail. Feeds on mostly pine nuts.

A loud bird that uses it beak to bore holes in tree trunks to feed on bugs.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

A loud bird that uses it beak to bore holes in tree trunks to feed on bugs.

A common bird found in nearly all parts of the world

Domestic Pigeon

A common bird found in nearly all parts of the world

A large fringilline bird of Europe and North American found chiefly in coniferous woods in northerly or alpine regions.

Pine Grosbeak

A large fringilline bird of Europe and North American found chiefly in coniferous woods in northerly…

A girl in the woods with flowers and a bird.


A girl in the woods with flowers and a bird.

A curved banner with a bird.

Bird Banner

A curved banner with a bird.

A woman in a stream next to a banner.

Woman Banner

A woman in a stream next to a banner.

A floral banner with a bird.

Floral Banner

A floral banner with a bird.

Calligraphic banner with bird.

Calligraphic Banner

Calligraphic banner with bird.

Calligraphic banner with bird.

Calligraphic Banner

Calligraphic banner with bird.

A curved filigree banner with a bird.

Curved Banner

A curved filigree banner with a bird.

A curved filigree banner with a bird.

Curved Banner

A curved filigree banner with a bird.

A filigree banner with a bird.

Filigree Banner

A filigree banner with a bird.

A calligraphic banner with a bird.

Calligraphic Banner

A calligraphic banner with a bird.

A triple floral banner with two birds.

Triple Banner

A triple floral banner with two birds.

A calligraphic banner with a bird.

Calligraphic Banner

A calligraphic banner with a bird.

Ornate design with two birds.

Ornate Design

Ornate design with two birds.

Ornate design with two birds.

Ornate Design

Ornate design with two birds.

The sun setting over the ocean with birds flying in the air.

Sun and Ocean

The sun setting over the ocean with birds flying in the air.

"The national emblem of Ireland, is a plant with a leaf formed from three leaflets. It is thought to be the wood-sorrel, a native of Ireland, by some, and by others the name is given to the bird's-foot trefoil." — Beach, 1900


"The national emblem of Ireland, is a plant with a leaf formed from three leaflets. It is thought to…

The inner ear of a reptile (top), a bird (left) and an ox (right).

Animal Ears

The inner ear of a reptile (top), a bird (left) and an ox (right).

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls belong embraces also the terns, and these two kinds of birds are closely related." — Beach, 1909

Great Black Backed Gull

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls belong embraces also the terns, and these two kinds of birds are closely related." — Beach, 1909

Black-headed Gull

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls belong embraces also the terns, and these two kinds of birds are closely related." — Beach, 1909

Killiwake Gull

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls belong embraces also the terns, and these two kinds of birds are closely related." — Beach, 1909

Small Black-Backed Gull

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls belong embraces also the terns, and these two kinds of birds are closely related." — Beach, 1909

Herring Gull

"A long-winged water-bird with webbed feet, inhabiting all parts of the world. The group to which gulls…

Bill of Goat-sucker (Insect-eating bird).


Bill of Goat-sucker (Insect-eating bird).

"Bird-catching Spider, a name originally given to a large spider, Mygale avicularia, a native of Cayenne and Surinam; but which is now more extensively applied, being equally appropriate to a number of large species of Mygale and Epeira, berhaps also of other genera. It has, indeed, been denied by some observers that the name is truly appropriate, but the positive evidence is too strong to be easily set aside by evidence merely negative." — Chambers, 1881


"Bird-catching Spider, a name originally given to a large spider, Mygale avicularia, a native of Cayenne…

"Footprints resembling those birds are found on red argillaceous sandstones in the valley of Connecticut river, North America. These sandstones, though long considered of a much older date, were referred by the brothers Rogers to the oolitic period." — Chambers, 1881


"Footprints resembling those birds are found on red argillaceous sandstones in the valley of Connecticut…

A large bird with rounded short wings, long round tail, and large strong feet.


A large bird with rounded short wings, long round tail, and large strong feet.

A bird native to the United States with red or scarlet on or near the head.

Rose Throated Tanager

A bird native to the United States with red or scarlet on or near the head.

A large bird with the tip of its bill shaped like that of a spoon.


A large bird with the tip of its bill shaped like that of a spoon.