Leaves and flowers of the cinnamon plant.


Leaves and flowers of the cinnamon plant.

A variety of dahlias of the Composite family.


A variety of dahlias of the Composite family.

"The cocoa, or as it should be written,cacao, tree is an evergreen, and it said to bear some resemblance to a young cherry-tree; the leaves are large and simple, the flowers grow in clusters, the pods are not unlike cucumbers in form, and of a yellowish red color; they contain from twenty to thirty nuts." -Lupton

Cacao Tree

"The cocoa, or as it should be written,cacao, tree is an evergreen, and it said to bear some resemblance…

"The most common variety of the flax plant has a very slender erect stem, two or three feet high, branching only near the top, so as to form a loose corymb of flowers." -Lupton

Flax Plant

"The most common variety of the flax plant has a very slender erect stem, two or three feet high, branching…

"An evergreen of the laurel family, having glossy leaves and bearing clusters of yellowish flowers, which are succeeded by branches of fruit resembling black currants." -Lupton

Camphor Tree

"An evergreen of the laurel family, having glossy leaves and bearing clusters of yellowish flowers,…

The nutmeg trees are genus of the evergreen tree. The flowers grown on the nutmeg tree can be used as two spices, nutmeg and mace.

Nutmeg Tree

The nutmeg trees are genus of the evergreen tree. The flowers grown on the nutmeg tree can be used as…

" Our engraving represents a wonderfully singular and beautiful plant, which grows among the mountains of California. " -Lupton

Twining Hyacinth of California

" Our engraving represents a wonderfully singular and beautiful plant, which grows among the mountains…

"Flowers often grow out of the cacti in a very unexpected fashion and of very curious forms. We give illustration of a variety, whose flower very much resembles a starfish." -Lupton

The Starfish Cactus

"Flowers often grow out of the cacti in a very unexpected fashion and of very curious forms. We give…

Convallaria majalis or lily of the valley.

Lily of the Valley

Convallaria majalis or lily of the valley.

Leaves, flowers, and seeds from the Logwood tree (Haematoxylum campechianum).


Leaves, flowers, and seeds from the Logwood tree (Haematoxylum campechianum).

The leaves, flowers, and fruit of the mango tree.


The leaves, flowers, and fruit of the mango tree.

Marigolds, of the Composite family.


Marigolds, of the Composite family.

A small cruciferous plant, growing in arid Arabia and Palestine. When full grown and ripe its leaves drop and it becomes rolled up like a ball in the dry season, but opens its branches and seed vessels when it comes in contact with moisture.

Illustration of Roots and Jericho Rose

A small cruciferous plant, growing in arid Arabia and Palestine. When full grown and ripe its leaves…

A circular window, divided into compartments by mullions and tracery radiating from a centre, also called Catharine-wheel, and marigold-window.

Rose Brickwork Window

A circular window, divided into compartments by mullions and tracery radiating from a centre, also called…

The aloe plant is native to Africa and used for its healing properties.


The aloe plant is native to Africa and used for its healing properties.

The larkspur (Consolida) is a flowering plant of the buttercup family.


The larkspur (Consolida) is a flowering plant of the buttercup family.

The honeysuckle is a flowering plant of the heath family.


The honeysuckle is a flowering plant of the heath family.

The rhododendron is a flowering plant of the heath family.


The rhododendron is a flowering plant of the heath family.

The bleeding heart is a flowering plant of the poppy family.

Bleeding Heart

The bleeding heart is a flowering plant of the poppy family.

"Flower of a buttercup (Ranunculus sp.); a, b, normal, showing 5 petals; c, d, petalody of stamens; e, petal with nectary at its base; f-h ripened ovaries." -Gager, 1916

Buttercup Flowers

"Flower of a buttercup (Ranunculus sp.); a, b, normal, showing 5 petals; c, d, petalody of stamens;…

"Rue anemone (Anemonella thalictroides). 1, normal flower with 5 petals; 3, petalody of stamens; 4, coalescence of petals (c1); 2, coalescence (c), and petalody of stamens. At 2, s is shown a stamen partially transformed into a petal, but with a portion of the anther still remaining." -Gager, 1916

Buttercup Flowers

"Rue anemone (Anemonella thalictroides). 1, normal flower with 5 petals; 3, petalody of stamens; 4,…

"Wild senna (Cassia marilandica)." -Gager, 1916

Wild Senna

"Wild senna (Cassia marilandica)." -Gager, 1916

"Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia). a, stamens in their original position, with the anthers in the pouches; b, stamens inflexed (detail at e); c, side view; d, essential organs; f and g, stamens." -Gager, 1916

Mountain Laurel

"Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia). a, stamens in their original position, with the anthers in the…

The Field or Lesser Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis).

Field Bindweed

The Field or Lesser Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis).

"Sections of flowers of the toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). A, front view; a, anthers; s, stigma; n, nectar-gland. B, side view; o, ovary." -Gager, 1916

Common Toadflax

"Sections of flowers of the toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). A, front view; a, anthers; s, stigma; n, nectar-gland.…

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Inflorescence, showing normal (spurred) flowers, and several abnormal flowers without spurs." -Gager, 1916

Common Toadflax

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Inflorescence, showing normal (spurred) flowers, and several abnormal…

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Abnormal flowers (pelories), having five or more spurs. Normal, one-spurred buds are shown in A." -Gager, 1916

Common Toadflax

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Abnormal flowers (pelories), having five or more spurs. Normal, one-spurred…

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Flowers being visited by an insect for nectar. B, longitudinal section, showing the insect's proboscis extended down the spur toward the nectar-gland; C, insect with a mass of pollen (p), rubbed off from anthers onto the dorsal hairs of the thorax, during successive visits." -Gager, 1916

Common Toadflax with Insect

"Toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris). Flowers being visited by an insect for nectar. B, longitudinal section,…

"Inflorescence and flowers of the burdock (Arctium minus). a, Inflorescences; b, longitudinal section of the same; c, bud of individual flower; d, mature flower; sty, stigma; stig, style; a, ring of syngenesius anthers; c, corolla; p, pappus (calyx); ov, ovary; e, mature seed." -Gager, 1916

Lesser Burdock

"Inflorescence and flowers of the burdock (Arctium minus). a, Inflorescences; b, longitudinal section…

"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid); C, median longitudinal section through a head, showing the insertion of the flowers; D, individual flower; E, fruit (ripened ovary), showing the persistent pappus (calyx) of short scales." -Gager, 1916

Common Chicory

"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid);…

"A composite (Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflorescence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section through the head; F, a disc-flower in bud; G, disc-flower just opened; H, older disc-flower, the stigmas reflexed; I, disc-flower with corolla removed." -Gager, 1916


"A composite (Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflorescence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section…

"Broccoli (leaves and flowers both used)." -Gager, 1916


"Broccoli (leaves and flowers both used)." -Gager, 1916

The female flowers and fruit of the fig tree.

Fig Flowers and Fruit

The female flowers and fruit of the fig tree.

"Foxtail grass, the common name given to certain grasses, because of the shape of the large clusters in which the flowers are arranged." -Foster, 1921

Foxtail Grass

"Foxtail grass, the common name given to certain grasses, because of the shape of the large clusters…

"They feed on honey extracted from flowers and the sap from the sugar-cane, the juice of which they suck through crevices made in the stem."

Columbian Thornbill

"They feed on honey extracted from flowers and the sap from the sugar-cane, the juice of which they…

Conops "are to be found on flowers, of which they suck the honeyed juice."


Conops "are to be found on flowers, of which they suck the honeyed juice."

"They derive nourishment from flowers, deposit their eggs on caterpillars, and the young larvae on hatching penetrate their bodies, and feed on them."

Echinomyia Grossa

"They derive nourishment from flowers, deposit their eggs on caterpillars, and the young larvae on hatching…

A bunch of daisies.


A bunch of daisies.

"Bunch together seven fine, strong seed-grass stalks and tie just below the blossoms, with the root-end of you long-blade grass. The stems of the seed-grasses are the spokes, the long grass the weaver. Turn the blossoms-end down, the stems-ends up, and close to where it is tied, begin to weave the long grass in and out, under one spoke, over the next, under the third, over the fourth, going around and around spirally until the end of the weaver is reached, then tie it to one of the spokes. Keep forcing the spokes farther and farther apart as you weave until the holder is shaped like a cone." -Beard, 1906

Bouquet holder

"Bunch together seven fine, strong seed-grass stalks and tie just below the blossoms, with the root-end…

"Bunch together seven fine, strong seed-grass stalks and tie just below the blossoms, with the root-end of you long-blade grass." -Beard, 1906

Bouquet of wild grasses

"Bunch together seven fine, strong seed-grass stalks and tie just below the blossoms, with the root-end…

The letter A surrounded by two young girls and wild flowers.

The letter A

The letter A surrounded by two young girls and wild flowers.

"Carnations modeled from tissue-paper.' -Beard 1906

Tissue paper carnations

"Carnations modeled from tissue-paper.' -Beard 1906

"Nature, pervades the air, where grow the modest blue-eyed violets, the fragrant trailing arbutus, spicy and sweet, the funny Jack-in-the-pulpit, without which no collection of wild flowers would be complete, and there also maybe found the rare and beautiful bloodroot, whose stay is so short one can scarce catch a glimpse of its pure, white blossoms ere they vanish." -Beard, 1906

Bloodroot flower

"Nature, pervades the air, where grow the modest blue-eyed violets, the fragrant trailing arbutus, spicy…

"Water-proof paper flower-pot May-basket." -Beard, 1906

Mayflower basket

"Water-proof paper flower-pot May-basket." -Beard, 1906

"A may-basket which can be made in a moment is simply a bright-colored paper six inches long and three inches wide, with on if its long sides brought together at the two corners from the middle and fastened securely." -Beard, 1906

May Day basket

"A may-basket which can be made in a moment is simply a bright-colored paper six inches long and three…

This picture is of a young woman arranging flowers.

Flower Arranging

This picture is of a young woman arranging flowers.

A decorative "T" surrounded by wild flowers.

The letter T

A decorative "T" surrounded by wild flowers.

"Make the little vases of large punk rosebuds; those begining to unfold are the best. Peel off the outside petals, and grasping each bud in turn near its base with the thumb and first two fingers gently work it back and forth until it is loosened and can be removed entire without damage. Stand each base on a level surface and gather spears of grass on to place in them." -Beard, 1906

Rosebud vase

"Make the little vases of large punk rosebuds; those begining to unfold are the best. Peel off the outside…

A simple table constructed of barrels and a wooden plank covered with boxes.

Simple barrel table

A simple table constructed of barrels and a wooden plank covered with boxes.

"Use the entire blossom mingled with buds and green leaves, all short stemmed, not longer than three or four inches. Bind the stems with string on a circle made of a piece of willow or some other pliable material, and be sure to removed the thorns from all them stems before weaving the wreath." -Beard, 1906

Wreath of roses

"Use the entire blossom mingled with buds and green leaves, all short stemmed, not longer than three…

The creosote is a sticky, resinous bush with small round evergreen leaves, yellow flowers, woolly fruit, and a very strong disagreeable odor.

Creosote bush (larrea mexicana)

The creosote is a sticky, resinous bush with small round evergreen leaves, yellow flowers, woolly fruit,…

The acacia have small leaves and very small yellow flowers in dense spherical or cylindrical heads. The <em>acacia constricta</em> is well distinguished by the slender pods constricted between the seeds.

Acacia bush (acacia constricta).

The acacia have small leaves and very small yellow flowers in dense spherical or cylindrical heads.…

Amole has a cluster of thick spiny-margined leaves, from which arises a stem an inch or two in diameter, bearing at the top a showy pancle of creamy white flowers.

Amole (agave parryi)

Amole has a cluster of thick spiny-margined leaves, from which arises a stem an inch or two in diameter,…

A group of young girls with flowers.

Young Girls with Flowers

A group of young girls with flowers.

The trademark of prints published by William Caxton and Wynkyn de Worde.

Caxton and de Worde

The trademark of prints published by William Caxton and Wynkyn de Worde.

The branch, nuts, and flowers of an almond tree.

Almond Tree

The branch, nuts, and flowers of an almond tree.

Lilies are herbaceous flowering plants normally grown from bulbs. They are large showy flowering garden plants.


Lilies are herbaceous flowering plants normally grown from bulbs. They are large showy flowering garden…

A floral border consisting of leaves, flowers, and vines.

Floral border

A floral border consisting of leaves, flowers, and vines.

An illustration of a garden at Mt. Pleasant.


An illustration of a garden at Mt. Pleasant.

"Tonina fluviatilis. 1. male flower; 2. centre of do.; 3. female and male flowers; 4. section of ripe fruit; 5. seed; 6. section of do." -Lindley, 1853

Tonina fluviatilis

"Tonina fluviatilis. 1. male flower; 2. centre of do.; 3. female and male flowers; 4. section of ripe…