"Longitudinal section through fertilized ovule of a spruce. p, pollen grains; t, pollen tubes; n neck…
"The Lungs. 1, Summit of lungs. 2, Base of lungs. 3, Trachea. 4, Right bronchus. 5, Left bronchus. 6,…
"Superficial arteries and nerves of the face and neck. 1, Temporal artery; 2, artery behind the ear;…
"Nerves of the had. 1, Nerves of the skin; 2, tendons; 3, arteries of the palm of the hand; 4, elbow…
"Thorax and abdomen. 1, 1, 1, 1. Muscles of the chest. 2, 2, 2, 2. Ribs. 3, 3, 3. Upper, middle and…
(1799-1850) French novelist and playwright most famous for Eugenie Grandet and La Comedie Humaine.
A bony structure located at the bottom of the spine. The human sacrum forms the back part of the pelvis,…
The chief organs of the body from the side. Labels: a, arch of the aorta or main artery of the trunk;…
The molar teeth of a human, horse and dog. The first image to the left in a molar tooth of a horse.…
Diagram of human brain in vertical section, showing the situation of the different ganglia and the course…
"Cross-sections of leaves of an oak (Quercus novimexicana), showing the effect of different light conditions…
"Diagram showing tissue-systems in young stem of castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis), as seen in cross-section.…
"The castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis). Portion of cross-section of young stem. co, Cortex; p, pith…
The human skull. Labels: 1, frontal lobe; 2, parietal lobe; 3, temporal lobe; 4, the sphenoid bone;…
The human torso. Labels: A, the heart; B, the lungs drawn aside to show the internal organs; C, the…
A magnified view of corpuscles of human blood compared to animal blood. Labels: A, corpuscles of human…
The human nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and the nerves. Labels: A, cerebrum; B, cerebellum.
The human ear. Labels: A, vestibule or antechamber; B, auditory canal; C, the hammer, anvil, and the…
The human eye. Labels: a, crystalline lens; b, retina; c, cornea; d, sclerotic; e, choroid; g, ciliary…
The power possessed by the hand of a human is chiefly depended upon the size and power of the thumb,…
The diagram of a human ovum undergoing segmentation. Labels: a, human ovum; b, ovum divided into two;…
Ciliated epithelium from the human trachea. Large fully formed cell. Labels: b, shorter cell; c, developing…
The bone contains a multitude of small irregular spaces, approximately fusiform in shape, called lacunae,…
Lamellae torn off from a decalcified human parietal bone at some depth from the surface. Labels: a,…
Osteoblasts from the parietal bone of a human embryo, thirteen weeks old. Labels: a, bony septa with…
Transverse section of femur of a human embryo about eleven weeks old. Labels: a, rudimentary Haversian…
Longitudinal section (A) and transverse section (B) of a human molar tooth. Labels: c, cement; d, dentine;…
Transverse section through muscular fibers of human tongue. The muscle corpuscles are indicated by their…
A. Portion of a medium sized human muscular fiber. B. Separated bundles of fibrils equally magnified.…
Different forms of ganglion cells. A, a, round ball-shaped unipolar cell from the human Gasserian ganglion.…
An isolated ganglion cell of a human, showing sheath with nucleated cell lining, B. A Ganglion cell,…
The Pacinian bodies or corpuscles are elongated oval bodies situated on some of the cerebrospinal and…
The Pacinian bodies or corpuscles are elongated oval bodies situated on some of the cerebrospinal and…
Touch corpuscles are found in the papillae of the skin of the fingers and toes, or among its epithelium;…
The clotting of the blood is due to the development in it of a substance called fibrin which appears…
Acetic acid (dilute) causes the nucleus of the red blood cells in the frog to become more clearly defined;…
When a 2 percent fresh solution of tannic acid is applied to frog's blood it causes the appearance of…
Human colorless blood corpuscle, showing its successive changes of outline within ten minutes when kept…
Ciliary epithelium of the human trachea. Labels: a, layer of longitudinally arranged elastic fibers;…
A tonsil consists of an elevation of the mucous membrane presenting 12 to 15 orifices which lead into…
Brain of the Orangoutang, showing arrangement of the convolutions. Sy, fissure of Sylvius; R, fissure…
Section through the choroid coat of the human eye. Labels: 1, elastic membrane, structureless or finely…
Section through the macula lutea and fovea centralis of the human retina. Labels: a, fovea; b, descent…
Spermatozoa of the salamander (1) and human (2). Labels: a, long pointed head; b, elliptical structure…
Diagrammatic section showing the relation in a mammal between the primitive alimentary canal and the…
Human embryo of fifth week with umbilical vesicle. The human umbilical vesicle never exceeds the size…
Very soon after the entrance of the ovum into the uterus, in the human subject, the outer surface of…