Leaves - compound; )even-feathered, leaflets, ten to twenty-two or more, usually about fourteen), sometimes twice compound; alternate; edge of leaflets entire as seen above, but as seen below often remotely and slightly toothed. Outline of leaflet - long oval or long egg-shape. Base - and narrowed. Apex - rounded. Leaf/Stem - and very short. Leaflet/Stem - downy. Leaflets - three fourths to one and a half inches long; about one third as wide. Often several of them (one to three) are partly or wholly divided into smaller leaflets. Surfaces smooth and shining. Bark - of trunk, gray, and much less rough than that of the common Locust (which has a somewhat similar leaf); branchlets brown and often warty. The branches and the trunk, excepting in very young and quite old trees, are usually thickly covered with spines, two to four inches long, which are curved at the base, often two- to three-branches, and of a reddish-brown color. Flowers - small and greenish. Fruit - a long, flat pod (nine to eighteen inches long) reddish; somewhat twisted, and filled between the seeds with a pulp which at first is sweet (whence the name "Honey" Locust) but which soon becomes sour. The seeds are flat, hard, and brown. Found - native in Pennsylvania, westward and southward, but also somewhat naturalized and widely introduced northward.  General Information - A tree sometimes seventy feet high, with wide-spreading and graceful branches, and light and delicate foliage. It is often used as a hedge plant. A variety entirely bare of thorns (var. inermis) is sometimes found; also a variety (var. brachycarpos) with shorter fruit and thorns.

Genus Gleditschia, L. (Honey Locust)

Leaves - compound; )even-feathered, leaflets, ten to twenty-two or more, usually about fourteen), sometimes…

Paraguay tea leaves of South America.

Tea Plant

Paraguay tea leaves of South America.

Coffee beans of South America.

Coffee Plant

Coffee beans of South America.

Cacao tree of South America where chocolate is made from.


Cacao tree of South America where chocolate is made from.

The Ipecac plant of South America.


The Ipecac plant of South America.

The Cinchona plant of South America.


The Cinchona plant of South America.

The Cassava plant of South America.


The Cassava plant of South America.

The Vegetable Ivory plant of South America.

Vegetable Ivory

The Vegetable Ivory plant of South America.

The India Rubber plant of South America.

India Rubber

The India Rubber plant of South America.

A Mediterranean plant with bulbs used for medicinal purposes.


A Mediterranean plant with bulbs used for medicinal purposes.

A smooth-leaved sumac.


A smooth-leaved sumac.

Plant found in Malacca and Borneo with properties very similar to those of the rubber plant.


Plant found in Malacca and Borneo with properties very similar to those of the rubber plant.

Purple flowering plant belonging to the lily family.


Purple flowering plant belonging to the lily family.

A blue flag iris.


A blue flag iris.

A North American flowering plant also called the Indian Turnip.


A North American flowering plant also called the Indian Turnip.

Asian flowering plant.


Asian flowering plant.

A bulbous plant with a fragrant flower.


A bulbous plant with a fragrant flower.

"A plant of the nightshade family, extensively cultivated for its leaves, which are used for smoking and chewing and for snuff." -Foster, 1921


"A plant of the nightshade family, extensively cultivated for its leaves, which are used for smoking…

"A plant having edible roots much like the sweet potato." -Foster, 1921


"A plant having edible roots much like the sweet potato." -Foster, 1921

A nutmeg plant and its parts. "a, fruit bursting open; b, the same with one valve removed; c, section of seed; d, seed with the covering removed." -Foster, 1921


A nutmeg plant and its parts. "a, fruit bursting open; b, the same with one valve removed; c, section…

The plant of the poisonous Nux Vomica fruit.

Nux Vomica

The plant of the poisonous Nux Vomica fruit.

The parts of the opium poppy from which the drug is made from the poppy's juice. "a, whole plant; b, flower and leaf; c, ripe capsule; d, seed and its section, enlarged." -Foster, 1921

Opium poppy

The parts of the opium poppy from which the drug is made from the poppy's juice. "a, whole plant; b,…

North American tree frequently used as a hedge plant.

Osage Orange

North American tree frequently used as a hedge plant.

"A native tree of the United States, growing principally in Michigan, New York, New Jersey and Kansas." -Foster, 1921


"A native tree of the United States, growing principally in Michigan, New York, New Jersey and Kansas."…

"A water plant which furnished the material upon which the ancient Egyptians did their writing."


"A water plant which furnished the material upon which the ancient Egyptians did their writing."

A vine of the pea family, the peanut plant is native to Brazil but the fruit of the plant has become popular all over.

Peanut Plant

A vine of the pea family, the peanut plant is native to Brazil but the fruit of the plant has become…

The plant from which the black pepper comes from.


The plant from which the black pepper comes from.

The popular fruit which is native to South America.


The popular fruit which is native to South America.

A flowering plant belonging to a family of weeds.

Greater Plantain

A flowering plant belonging to a family of weeds.

A poisonous plant that climbs and has groups of three leaflets.

Poison Ivy

A poisonous plant that climbs and has groups of three leaflets.

A flowering plant native to North America, Europe, and Asia.


A flowering plant native to North America, Europe, and Asia.

A leaf of the Zamia, a tree from the Mesozoic time.

Zamia Leaf

A leaf of the Zamia, a tree from the Mesozoic time.

"The snapdragon catch-fly, showing tiny insects caught upon the sticky band of the stems." -University Society, 1920


"The snapdragon catch-fly, showing tiny insects caught upon the sticky band of the stems." -University…

The image shows a cow grazing on a thorn-tree. A cow and many other animals graze with their tongue going from underneath the plant. That is why the thorn-tree's thorns have adapted to point mostly downward for protection.

Cow Grazing on a Thorn-Tree

The image shows a cow grazing on a thorn-tree. A cow and many other animals graze with their tongue…

A gingko leaf.

Gingko Leaf

A gingko leaf.

The leaves and fruit of the American Holly.


The leaves and fruit of the American Holly.

A man holding a plant.

Man with Plant

A man holding a plant.

Damage done on seed pods by a false bud worm.

False Bud Worm Damage

Damage done on seed pods by a false bud worm.

The brachypterous female of the Halticus uhleri, or plant-bug.

Female Plant Bug

The brachypterous female of the Halticus uhleri, or plant-bug.

The winged female of the Halticus uhleri, or plant-bug.

Winged Female Plant Bug

The winged female of the Halticus uhleri, or plant-bug.

The male of the Halticus uhleri, or plant-bug.

Male Plant Bug

The male of the Halticus uhleri, or plant-bug.

"German Millet: a and b, two views of the spikelet with its cluster of three "beards;" c, 'seed.'" -Department of Agriculture, 1899

German Millet

"German Millet: a and b, two views of the spikelet with its cluster of three "beards;" c, 'seed.'" -Department…

The Korean foxtail variety of millet, a grain.

Korean Foxtail Millet

The Korean foxtail variety of millet, a grain.

"'Ankee' Millet: a and b, two views of the spikelet; c and d, two views of the 'seed.'" -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Ankee Millet

"'Ankee' Millet: a and b, two views of the spikelet; c and d, two views of the 'seed.'" -Department…

"Shama Millet: a, b, c, d, different views of the spikelet and glumes, or chaff; e, f, two views of the 'seed.'" -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Shama Millet

"Shama Millet: a, b, c, d, different views of the spikelet and glumes, or chaff; e, f, two views of…

"Broom-corn Millet: a, b, and c, views of the spikelet and glumes, or chaff; d and e, two views of the 'seed.'" -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Broom-Corn Millet

"Broom-corn Millet: a, b, and c, views of the spikelet and glumes, or chaff; d and e, two views of the…

The seeds of the Japanese Broom-Corn millet.

Japanese Broom-Corn Millet

The seeds of the Japanese Broom-Corn millet.

"Wild plant of the true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): a, b, calyxes of flowers, the chief source of the oil." -Department of Agriculture, 1899


"Wild plant of the true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): a, b, calyxes of flowers, the chief source…

"Cassie or opoponax (Acacia farnesiana): a, head of opened flowers; b, head of unopened flowers." -Department of Agriculture, 1899


"Cassie or opoponax (Acacia farnesiana): a, head of opened flowers; b, head of unopened flowers." -Department…

Australian saltbush, Atriplex semibaccata.

Australian Saltbush

Australian saltbush, Atriplex semibaccata.

Annual saltbush, Atriplex holocarpa.

Annual Saltbush

Annual saltbush, Atriplex holocarpa.

"A, embryonic cells from onion root tip; d, plasmatic membrane; c, cytoplasm; a, nuclear membrane enclosing the thread-like nuclear reticulum; b, nucleolus; e, plastids (black dots scattered about)." -Stevens, 1916

Onion Cells

"A, embryonic cells from onion root tip; d, plasmatic membrane; c, cytoplasm; a, nuclear membrane enclosing…

"B, older (onion) cells farther back from the root tip. The cytoplasm is becoming vacuolate; f, vacuole." -Stevens, 1916

Onion Cells

"B, older (onion) cells farther back from the root tip. The cytoplasm is becoming vacuolate; f, vacuole."…

In onion cells: "C, a cell from the epidermis of the mid-rib of Tradescantia zebrina, in its natural condition on the right, and plasmolyzed by salt solution on the left; g, space left by the recedence of the cytoplasm from the wall; the plasma membrane can now be seen as a delicate membrane bounding the shrunken protoplast." -Stevens, 1916

T. Zebrina Cell

In onion cells: "C, a cell from the epidermis of the mid-rib of Tradescantia zebrina, in its natural…

"A, cell from the epidermis of the upper side of the calyx of Tropaeolum majus with crystalline chromoplasts." -Stevens, 1916

T. Majus Cell

"A, cell from the epidermis of the upper side of the calyx of Tropaeolum majus with crystalline chromoplasts."…

"B, cells from the petal of Lupinus luteus with yellow chromoplasts." -Stevens, 1916

L. Luteus Cell

"B, cells from the petal of Lupinus luteus with yellow chromoplasts." -Stevens, 1916

"C, cell showing numerous chloroplasts scattered through the cytoplasm." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell

"C, cell showing numerous chloroplasts scattered through the cytoplasm." -Stevens, 1916

First stage in plant cell division: Protophase 1; "Resting cell ready to begin division." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 1

First stage in plant cell division: Protophase 1; "Resting cell ready to begin division." -Stevens,…

Second stage in plant cell division: Protophase 2; "the nuclear reticulum is assuming the form of a thickened thread, and the cytoplasm at opposite poles is becoming thread-like to form the spindle fibers." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 2

Second stage in plant cell division: Protophase 2; "the nuclear reticulum is assuming the form of a…

Third stage in plant cell division: Protophase 3; "The nuclear thread has divided longitudinally throughout the middle, and the spindle fibers have become more definite." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 3

Third stage in plant cell division: Protophase 3; "The nuclear thread has divided longitudinally throughout…