The mina, or Acridotheres tristis.


The mina, or Acridotheres tristis.

The kohlmeise, or Parus major.


The kohlmeise, or Parus major.

The chickadee, or Parus atricapillus.


The chickadee, or Parus atricapillus.

topography map, contour map, bird's eye view

Contour Map

topography map, contour map, bird's eye view

"Weed seeds commonly eaten by birds: a, bindweed; b, lamb's-quarters; c, purslane; d, amaranth; e, spotted spurge; f, ragweed; g, pigeon grass; h, dandelion." Department of Agriculture, 1899

Weed Seeds

"Weed seeds commonly eaten by birds: a, bindweed; b, lamb's-quarters; c, purslane; d, amaranth; e, spotted…

The song sparrow, Melospiza fasciata.

Song Sparrow

The song sparrow, Melospiza fasciata.

The goldfinch, Astragalinus tristis.


The goldfinch, Astragalinus tristis.

The dickcissel, spiza americana.


The dickcissel, spiza americana.

The lark finch, chondestes grammacus.

Lark Finch

The lark finch, chondestes grammacus.

The mourning dove, Zenaidura macroura.

Mourning Dove

The mourning dove, Zenaidura macroura.

"German Millet: a and b, two views of the spikelet with its cluster of three "beards;" c, 'seed.'" -Department of Agriculture, 1899

German Millet

"German Millet: a and b, two views of the spikelet with its cluster of three "beards;" c, 'seed.'" -Department…

The Korean foxtail variety of millet, a grain.

Korean Foxtail Millet

The Korean foxtail variety of millet, a grain.

"'Ankee' Millet: a and b, two views of the spikelet; c and d, two views of the 'seed.'" -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Ankee Millet

"'Ankee' Millet: a and b, two views of the spikelet; c and d, two views of the 'seed.'" -Department…

"Shama Millet: a, b, c, d, different views of the spikelet and glumes, or chaff; e, f, two views of the 'seed.'" -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Shama Millet

"Shama Millet: a, b, c, d, different views of the spikelet and glumes, or chaff; e, f, two views of…

"Broom-corn Millet: a, b, and c, views of the spikelet and glumes, or chaff; d and e, two views of the 'seed.'" -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Broom-Corn Millet

"Broom-corn Millet: a, b, and c, views of the spikelet and glumes, or chaff; d and e, two views of the…

The seeds of the Japanese Broom-Corn millet.

Japanese Broom-Corn Millet

The seeds of the Japanese Broom-Corn millet.

A mockingbird.


A mockingbird.

The golden-crested kinglet.

Golden-Crested Kinglet

The golden-crested kinglet.

The Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher.

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

The Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher.

The black-capped chickadee.

Black-Capped Chickadee

The black-capped chickadee.

The winter wren.

Winter Wren

The winter wren.

The black-and-white creeping warbler

Black-and-White Creeping Warbler

The black-and-white creeping warbler

The black-throated green warbler.

Black-Throated Green Warbler

The black-throated green warbler.

The head of the cedar bird.

Cedar Bird

The head of the cedar bird.

The English snipe.

English Snipe

The English snipe.

"1. Lower mandible. 2. Upper mandible. 3. Forehead. 4. Loral space. 5. Crown of the head. 6. Hind part of the head. 7. Scapulars--long feathers frm shoulders over sides of back. 8. Smaller wing coverts. 9. Bend of the wing. 10. Larger wing coverts. 11. Tertials, arising from the second bone of the wing at the elbow-joint. 12. Secondaries, from the second bone of the wing. 13. Primaries, from the first bone of the wing. 14. Tibia, the thigh. 15. Tarsus, the shank. 16. Upper tail coverts. 17. Lower tail coverts. 18. Tail feathers." -Roosevelt, 1884

Bird Parts

"1. Lower mandible. 2. Upper mandible. 3. Forehead. 4. Loral space. 5. Crown of the head. 6. Hind part…

The sheldrake, or common merganser.

Sheldrake Duck

The sheldrake, or common merganser.

The extinct moa and the modern kiwi.


The extinct moa and the modern kiwi.

"Forms of spermatozoa (not drawn to scale). 1 and 2. Immature and mature spermatozoa of snail; 3. of bird; 4. of man (h., head; m., middle portion; t., tail); 5. of salamander, with vibratile fringe (f.); 6. of Ascaris, slightly amoeboid with cap (c); 7. of crayfish." -Thomson, 1916


"Forms of spermatozoa (not drawn to scale). 1 and 2. Immature and mature spermatozoa of snail; 3. of…

"Fore-limb and hind-limb compared. H., Humerus; R., radius; U., ulna; r., radiale; u., ulnare; C., distal carpals united to carpo-metacarpus; CC., the whole carpal region; MC.I., metacarpal of the thumb; I., phalanx of the thumb; MC.II., second metacarpus; II., second digit; MC.III., third metacarpus; III., third digit. F., femur; T.T., tibio-tarsus; Fi., fibula; Pt., proximal tarsals united to lower end of tibia; dt., distal tarsals nited to upper end of tarso-metatarsus (T.MT.); T., entire tarsal region; MT.I., first metatarsal, free; I.-IV., toes." -Thomson, 1916

Bird Limbs

"Fore-limb and hind-limb compared. H., Humerus; R., radius; U., ulna; r., radiale; u., ulnare; C., distal…

"Diagrammatic section of young bird. n., Spinal cord; v., vertebra; r., rib; L., liver; G., gut; som. (dotted), somatic layer of mesoblast; spl. (dotted), splanchnic layer of mesoblast; ao., aorta; R., reproductive organ; K., kidney." -Thomson, 1916

Bird Section

"Diagrammatic section of young bird. n., Spinal cord; v., vertebra; r., rib; L., liver; G., gut; som.…

"A falcon. mn., Mandible; C., cere; N., nostril; E.C., ear covert; th.W., thumb wing; C., wing coverts; D., dorsal coverts; S., secondaries; P., primaries; R., rectrices; A., ankle; Mt., tarso-metatarsus; I., first toe." -Thomson, 1916


"A falcon. mn., Mandible; C., cere; N., nostril; E.C., ear covert; th.W., thumb wing; C., wing coverts;…

"Young bearded griffin (Gypaetus barbatus). Showing the feather-tracts or pterylae, for instance those on the breast (PT.). E., ear; P., web or propatagium; TH., thumb; PR., bases of primary feathers; S., bases of secondary feathers; B.S., bare streak without pterylae; CL., cloaca; R., bases of rectrices or tail feathers." -Thomson, 1916


"Young bearded griffin (Gypaetus barbatus). Showing the feather-tracts or pterylae, for instance those…

"A., Filoplume. B., very young feather within its sheath (sh.); c., the core of dermis; b., the barbs. C., the same, external view." -Thomson, 1916


"A., Filoplume. B., very young feather within its sheath (sh.); c., the core of dermis; b., the barbs.…

"Types of feathers. D., Down. 2, Developing feather in sheath (sh.). 3, Covert of heron showing aftershaft (A.S.). 4, Secondary feather of pigeon--C., calamus; A.S., aftershaft; R., rachis; V., vane. 5, Portion of quill showing inferior umbilicus (I.u.), superior umbilicus (S.u.), pith (P.); F., filoplume." -Thomson, 1916

Feather Types

"Types of feathers. D., Down. 2, Developing feather in sheath (sh.). 3, Covert of heron showing aftershaft…

"Parts of a feather. I., Four barbs (B.) bearing anterior barbules (A.BB.) and posterior barbules (P.BB.); II., six barbs (B.) in section, showing interlocking of barbules; III., anterior barbule with barbicels (H.)." -Thomson, 1916

Feather Parts

"Parts of a feather. I., Four barbs (B.) bearing anterior barbules (A.BB.) and posterior barbules (P.BB.);…

"Entire skeleton of condor, showing the relative positions of the chief bones." -Thomson, 1916

Condor Skeleton

"Entire skeleton of condor, showing the relative positions of the chief bones." -Thomson, 1916

"Disarticulation of bird's skull. Membrane bones shaded. B.Oc., basioccipital; E.Oc., exoccipital; S.Oc., supraoccipital; Pa., parietal; Fr., frontal; Na., nasal; pm., premaxilla; M., maxilla; Ju., jugal; Qj., quadrato-jugal; Qu., quadrate; pe., periotic; Sq., squamosal; AS., alisphenoid; B.S., basisphenoid; O.S., orbito-sphenoid; Pr.Sph., presphenoid; vo., vomer; iOS., interorbitalk septum; E., ethmoid; Se., nasal septum; De., dentary; Sp., splenial; An., angular; Ar., articular; MK., Meckel's cartilage." -Thomson, 1916

Bird Skull Disarticulation

"Disarticulation of bird's skull. Membrane bones shaded. B.Oc., basioccipital; E.Oc., exoccipital; S.Oc.,…

"Wing of dove. h., Humerus; s.f., secondary feathers; r., radius; u., ulna; c., carpals; mc., carpo-metacarpus; p.f., primary feathers." -Thomson, 1916

Dove Wing

"Wing of dove. h., Humerus; s.f., secondary feathers; r., radius; u., ulna; c., carpals; mc., carpo-metacarpus;…

"Bones of hind-limb of eagle. f., Femur; t.t., tibio-tarsus; fb., fibula; a., ankle-joint; m.t., tarso-metatarsus; m.t'., first metatarsal (free)." -Thomson, 1916

Eagle Hind-Limb

"Bones of hind-limb of eagle. f., Femur; t.t., tibio-tarsus; fb., fibula; a., ankle-joint; m.t., tarso-metatarsus;…

"Brain of pigeon (I. dorsal, II. ventral, III. lateral aspects). OLF.L., Olfactory lobes; C.H., cerebral hemispheres; PB., pineal body; OL., optic lobes; CB., cerebellum; FL., flocculus or lateral extension of cerebellum; M.O., medulla oblongata; PIT., pituitary body at end of infundibulum (INF.); O.N., optic nerves crossing in the chiasma." -Thomson, 1916

Pigeon Brain

"Brain of pigeon (I. dorsal, II. ventral, III. lateral aspects). OLF.L., Olfactory lobes; C.H., cerebral…

"Heart and arterial system of pigeon. R.A., right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle; L.A., left auricle; P.V., pulmonary veins; P., pectoral artery; Br., brachial artery; C., carotid artery; D.A., dorsal aorta; CL., coeliac; A.M., anterior mesenteric; R., renals; F., femoral; Sc., sciatic; IL., iliac; p.m., posterior mesenteric; C., caudal." -Thomson, 1916

Pigeon Arterial System

"Heart and arterial system of pigeon. R.A., right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle;…

"Heart and venous system of pigeon. R.A., Right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle; L.A., left auricle; P.V., pulmonary veins; P.A., pulmonary arteries; J., jugular; Br., brachial; P., pectoral; H.V., hepatic; E.P., epigastric; I.V.C., inferior vena cava; C.M., coccygeo-mesenteric; I.V., iliac; F., femoral; R., renal; Sc., sciatic; Hyp., hypogastric or "renal-portal";, internal iliac; C., caudal." -Thomson, 1916

Pigeon Venous System

"Heart and venous system of pigeon. R.A., Right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle;…

"Female urogenital organs of pigeon. K., Kidney with three lobes; u., ureter; cl., cloaca; ov., ovary; od., oviduct; f.t., funnel at end of oviduct; r.r.od., rudimentary right oviduct." -Thomson, 1916

Female Pigeon Urogenital Organs

"Female urogenital organs of pigeon. K., Kidney with three lobes; u., ureter; cl., cloaca; ov., ovary;…

"Male urogenital organs of pigeon. T., testes; V., base of inferior vena cava; S.R., suprarenal bodies; K., kidneys with three lobes (1, 2, 3); u., ureter; v.d., vas deferens; vs., seminal vesicle; cl., cloaca." -Thomson, 1916

Male Pigeon Urogenital Organs

"Male urogenital organs of pigeon. T., testes; V., base of inferior vena cava; S.R., suprarenal bodies;…

"Hesperornis. ST., Sternum; CO., coracoid; CL., clavicle; H., rudimentary humerus; SC., scapula; P., pectineal pubic process; IL., ilim; IS., ischium; P.P., post-pubis; C.T., crest of tibia; F. fibula; T.T., base tibio-tarsus; T.M.T., tarso-metatarsus." -Thomson, 1916

Hesperornis Skeleton

"Hesperornis. ST., Sternum; CO., coracoid; CL., clavicle; H., rudimentary humerus; SC., scapula; P.,…

"Diagram of the stomach and esophagus of the fowl. o, esophagus; c, crop; p, proventriculus or glandular stomach; g, gizzard or grinding stomach; i, intestine." -Galloway, 1915

Fowl Stomach

"Diagram of the stomach and esophagus of the fowl. o, esophagus; c, crop; p, proventriculus or glandular…

"Diagram showing the tracts where the principal growth of feathers occurs (Upupa epops). The dotted areas are the pteryla." -Galloway, 1915


"Diagram showing the tracts where the principal growth of feathers occurs (Upupa epops). The dotted…

"Diagram of the female genital organs of a Bird. c, cloaca; i, intestine; k, kidney; o, ovary with ova of different size; od., oviduct; o.f., funnel of the oviduct; o.o., opening of the oviduct into the cloaca; u, ureter; u.o., opening of ureter into the cloaca. Only one ovary and oviduct are fully developed in the Birds." -Galloway, 1915

Female Bird Genital Organs

"Diagram of the female genital organs of a Bird. c, cloaca; i, intestine; k, kidney; o, ovary with ova…

"Diagram of the urino-genital organs of a male Bird. ad., adrenal body; c, cloaca; i, intestine; k, kidney; t, testis; u, ureter; u.o., opening of ureter into the cloaca; v.d., vas deferens; v.d.o., opening of the vas deferens; v.s., vesicula seminalis." -Galloway, 1915

Male Bird Genital Organs

"Diagram of the urino-genital organs of a male Bird. ad., adrenal body; c, cloaca; i, intestine; k,…

"Diagram of a longitudinal section through the embryo of a fowl, showing formation of amnion and allantois and the relation of these membranes to the embryo. am1, inner or true amnion; am2, outer or false amnion; am.c., amniotic cavity; al., allantois; c.c., central canal of the spinal cord; co., coelom; g, gut; ys., yolk sac." -Galloway, 1915

Fowl Embryo

"Diagram of a longitudinal section through the embryo of a fowl, showing formation of amnion and allantois…

"Archaeopteryx lithographica, an early reptilian Bird." -Galloway, 1915


"Archaeopteryx lithographica, an early reptilian Bird." -Galloway, 1915

The Apteryx australis, or tokoeka, a species of the kiwi bird.


The Apteryx australis, or tokoeka, a species of the kiwi bird.

The American goldfinch or Spinus tristis.

American Goldfinch

The American goldfinch or Spinus tristis.

The Northern mockingbird or Mimus polyglottos.

Northern Mockingbird

The Northern mockingbird or Mimus polyglottos.

The meadowlark.


The meadowlark.

An eagle sits on a branch in a tree.

Eagle in Tree

An eagle sits on a branch in a tree.

A decorative divider with leaves and birds.

Bird Divider

A decorative divider with leaves and birds.

"Pterylosis of Columba livia. A, ventral; B, dorsal. al. pt, alar pteryla or wing-tract; c. pt, cephalic pteryla or head-tract; cd. pt, caudal pteryla or tail-tract; cr. pt, crural pteryla; cr. apt, cervical apterium or neck-space; fm. pt, femoral pteryla; hu. pt, humeral pteryla; lat. apt, lateral apterium; sp. pt, spinal pteryla; v. apt, ventral apterium; v. pt, ventral pteryla." -Parker, 1900

Rock Pigeon Feather Tracts

"Pterylosis of Columba livia. A, ventral; B, dorsal. al. pt, alar pteryla or wing-tract; c. pt, cephalic…

"Columba livia. Sacrum of a nestling (about fourteen days old), ventral aspect. c1, centrum of first sacral vertebra; c1, centrum of fifth caudal; c. r, first sacral rib; l1, centrum of first lumbar; l3, of third lumbar; s1, of fourth lumbar; s3, of sixth lumbar; tr. p, transverse process of first lumbar; tr. p', of fifth lumbar; tr. p'', of first sacral." -Parker, 1900

Rock Pigeon Sacrum

"Columba livia. Sacrum of a nestling (about fourteen days old), ventral aspect. c1, centrum of first…