"Weed seeds commonly eaten by birds: a, bindweed; b, lamb's-quarters; c, purslane; d, amaranth; e, spotted…
"German Millet: a and b, two views of the spikelet with its cluster of three "beards;" c, 'seed.'" -Department…
"'Ankee' Millet: a and b, two views of the spikelet; c and d, two views of the 'seed.'" -Department…
"Shama Millet: a, b, c, d, different views of the spikelet and glumes, or chaff; e, f, two views of…
"Broom-corn Millet: a, b, and c, views of the spikelet and glumes, or chaff; d and e, two views of the…
"1. Lower mandible. 2. Upper mandible. 3. Forehead. 4. Loral space. 5. Crown of the head. 6. Hind part…
"Forms of spermatozoa (not drawn to scale). 1 and 2. Immature and mature spermatozoa of snail; 3. of…
"Fore-limb and hind-limb compared. H., Humerus; R., radius; U., ulna; r., radiale; u., ulnare; C., distal…
"Diagrammatic section of young bird. n., Spinal cord; v., vertebra; r., rib; L., liver; G., gut; som.…
"A falcon. mn., Mandible; C., cere; N., nostril; E.C., ear covert; th.W., thumb wing; C., wing coverts;…
"Young bearded griffin (Gypaetus barbatus). Showing the feather-tracts or pterylae, for instance those…
"A., Filoplume. B., very young feather within its sheath (sh.); c., the core of dermis; b., the barbs.…
"Types of feathers. D., Down. 2, Developing feather in sheath (sh.). 3, Covert of heron showing aftershaft…
"Parts of a feather. I., Four barbs (B.) bearing anterior barbules (A.BB.) and posterior barbules (P.BB.);…
"Entire skeleton of condor, showing the relative positions of the chief bones." -Thomson, 1916
"Disarticulation of bird's skull. Membrane bones shaded. B.Oc., basioccipital; E.Oc., exoccipital; S.Oc.,…
"Wing of dove. h., Humerus; s.f., secondary feathers; r., radius; u., ulna; c., carpals; mc., carpo-metacarpus;…
"Bones of hind-limb of eagle. f., Femur; t.t., tibio-tarsus; fb., fibula; a., ankle-joint; m.t., tarso-metatarsus;…
"Brain of pigeon (I. dorsal, II. ventral, III. lateral aspects). OLF.L., Olfactory lobes; C.H., cerebral…
"Heart and arterial system of pigeon. R.A., right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle;…
"Heart and venous system of pigeon. R.A., Right auricle; R.V., right ventricle; L.V., left ventricle;…
"Female urogenital organs of pigeon. K., Kidney with three lobes; u., ureter; cl., cloaca; ov., ovary;…
"Male urogenital organs of pigeon. T., testes; V., base of inferior vena cava; S.R., suprarenal bodies;…
"Hesperornis. ST., Sternum; CO., coracoid; CL., clavicle; H., rudimentary humerus; SC., scapula; P.,…
"Diagram of the stomach and esophagus of the fowl. o, esophagus; c, crop; p, proventriculus or glandular…
"Diagram showing the tracts where the principal growth of feathers occurs (Upupa epops). The dotted…
"Diagram of the female genital organs of a Bird. c, cloaca; i, intestine; k, kidney; o, ovary with ova…
"Diagram of the urino-genital organs of a male Bird. ad., adrenal body; c, cloaca; i, intestine; k,…
"Diagram of a longitudinal section through the embryo of a fowl, showing formation of amnion and allantois…
"Pterylosis of Columba livia. A, ventral; B, dorsal. al. pt, alar pteryla or wing-tract; c. pt, cephalic…
"Columba livia. Sacrum of a nestling (about fourteen days old), ventral aspect. c1, centrum of first…