"George III (1760-1815). The first two Hanoverian kings were ignorant of English politics and obliged to rely on their ministers. Moreover, they cared more for Hanover than for England. But George II had English ideas. He was born and educated in England, and he made up his mind that he would rule in the manner of the old kings. He tried to restore the power of the crown at the expense of Parliament. In private morals and social relations he was better than his predecessors, and his character inspired respect. He had the loftiest ideas of royal dignity, and the greater part of his reign was taken up with the struggles with Parliament. But though he had some good qualities, he was narrow-minded, ill-educated, and imprudent. During the first twenty-four years of his reign he managed to estrange his people, check the prosperity of the nation, and lose forever the American colonies. His reign therefore was disastrous. The details of the struggle with the American colonies and the rise of the United States to the foremost rank among nations do not properly fall within the scope of this work. It is sufficient here to state that by the treaty of 1783 England's control over the thirteen colonies was lost forever. During the latter part of the reign of George III he was incapacitated for ruling. He was stricken with insanity, and the government passed into the hands of the prince regent, afterwards George IV. The most interesting side of the reign from the point of view of general history is the relations of England with foreign powers and the part where she played in the wars that arose from the French Revolution."—Colby, 1899

George III, King of England

"George III (1760-1815). The first two Hanoverian kings were ignorant of English politics and obliged…

"Pasiflora is the passion-flower. Generally climbing herbs or shrubs. Fruit succulent, seeds many. Found chiefly in tropical America. The three stigmas seemed to the devout Roman Catholics of South America to represent nails; one transfixing each hand, and one the feet of the crucified Saviour; the five anthers, His five wounds; the rays of the corona, His crown of thorns, or the halo of glory around His head; the digitate leaves, the hands of those who scourged Him; the tendrils, the scourge itself; while, finally, the 10 parts of the perianth were the 10 apostles– that is, the 12 wanting Judas who betrayed, and Peter who denied, his Lord."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Passion Flower

"Pasiflora is the passion-flower. Generally climbing herbs or shrubs. Fruit succulent, seeds many. Found…

"Thus the prince, both when present and when coming, was alike victorius: and these things he achieved just starting up from amidst his books; or rather, in marching against the adversary, he marched with his books, for he had always in his hands either books or arms, believing that war was wonderfully assisted by philosophy, and that a prince competent to give counsel threw more weight into the scale than a fighting one." — The Delphian Society, 1913


"Thus the prince, both when present and when coming, was alike victorius: and these things he achieved…

"The battering-ram, was used to batter down the walls of besieged cities. It consisted of a large beam, made of the trunk of a tree, especially of a fir or an ash. To one end was fastened a mass of bronze or iron, which resembled in its form the head of a ram. The upper figure in the annexed cut shows the aries in its simplest state, and as it was borne and impelled by human hands, without other assistance. In an improced form, the ram was surrounded with iron bands, to which rings were attached for the purpose of suspending it by ropes or chains from a beam fixed transversel over it. " — Smith, 1873


"The battering-ram, was used to batter down the walls of besieged cities. It consisted of a large beam,…

"Rowing is the propulsion of a boat by oars. The oarsman sits with his face to the stern of the boat, his feet planted flush against his 'stretcher' or footboard, and the handle of the oar in his hands, the loom of the oar resting in the rowlock, the 'button' being inside the thowl-pin. 1, entering the water."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Positions in Rowing

"Rowing is the propulsion of a boat by oars. The oarsman sits with his face to the stern of the boat,…

"Rowing is the propulsion of a boat by oars. The oarsman sits with his face to the stern of the boat, his feet planted flush against his 'stretcher' or footboard, and the handle of the oar in his hands, the loom of the oar resting in the rowlock, the 'button' being inside the thowl-pin. 2, end of the stroke."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Positions in Rowing

"Rowing is the propulsion of a boat by oars. The oarsman sits with his face to the stern of the boat,…

"Rowing is the propulsion of a boat by oars. The oarsman sits with his face to the stern of the boat, his feet planted flush against his 'stretcher' or footboard, and the handle of the oar in his hands, the loom of the oar resting in the rowlock, the 'button' being inside the thowl-pin. 3, positions of the wrists in feathering the oar."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Wrist Positions in Rowing

"Rowing is the propulsion of a boat by oars. The oarsman sits with his face to the stern of the boat,…

"Rowing is the propulsion of a boat by oars. The oarsman sits with his face to the stern of the boat, his feet planted flush against his 'stretcher' or footboard, and the handle of the oar in his hands, the loom of the oar resting in the rowlock, the 'button' being inside the thowl-pin. 3, positions of the wrists in feathering the oar."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Wrist Positions in Rowing

"Rowing is the propulsion of a boat by oars. The oarsman sits with his face to the stern of the boat,…

Children holding hands


Children holding hands

"The thongs or bands of leather, which were tied round the hands of boxers, in order to render their blows more powerful. The cestus was used by boxers in the earliest times, and is mentioned in he Iliad; but in the heroic times it consisted merely of thongs of leather, and differed from the cestos used in later times in the public games, which was a most formidable weapon, being frequently covered with knots and nails, and loaded with lead and iron." — Smith, 1873


"The thongs or bands of leather, which were tied round the hands of boxers, in order to render their…

"Two players are made to sit on the ground draw their legs up, and clasp their hands together over their shins. A stout stick is then passed through under their knees, and over their arms at the bend of the elbows, as in the cut, and there they sit trussed like a couple of fowls. Thus prepared, the two cobatants are placed face to face, their toes touching, and are left to fight it out. This they do by striving to knock each other down, each to overbalance the other without loosing his own equilibrium. Two falls out of three decide the game; if both fall it is no 'round,' and does not count. As the player may not unclasp his hands even when down, he is quite helpless, and must be assisted by his friends." — Thomas Sheppard Meek


"Two players are made to sit on the ground draw their legs up, and clasp their hands together over their…

"Get a circular piece of tin, three inches or more in diameter, and cut it round the edges in the form of a star. Bore two holes through it about an inch and a half apart; pass the two ends of a string through the holes; tie them, and the toy is complete. When the tin star cannot be procured, a big button will serve the purpose admirably. Hold an end of the double string in each hand, as seen in the illustration, and spin the tin star, or 'whizzer' as we shall call it, until the string is twisted as far as it will bear. Now separate the hands, and the whizzer will revolve rapidly, and, when the hands are stretched wide, will come to rest as shown in the illustration. But if, instead of allowing the hands to reach their fullest extent and to remain there, they are brought gradually together again, the cutter will revolve in the opposite direction, and wind itself up again. Thus it may be made to wind and unwind itself as long as the player likes."— Thomas Sheppard Meek


"Get a circular piece of tin, three inches or more in diameter, and cut it round the edges in the form…

Man bending and stretching his hands.


Man bending and stretching his hands.

"Halteres were certain masses of stone or metal, which were used in the gymnastic exercises of the Greeks and Romans. Persons who practised leaping frequently performed their exercises with halteres in both hands; but they were also frequently used merely to exercise the body in somewhat the same manner as out dumb-bells." — Smith, 1873


"Halteres were certain masses of stone or metal, which were used in the gymnastic exercises of the Greeks…

"A hammer, a mallet. In the hands of the farmer the mallet of wood served to break down the clods and to pulverize them. The butcher used it in slaying cattle, by striking the head, and we often read of it as used by the smith upon the anvil. When several men were employed at te same anvil it was a matter of necessity that they should strike in time, and Virgil, accordingly says of the Cyclopes, "inter se brachia tollunt in numerum." The scene which he describes is represented in the annexed woodcut, taken from an ancient bas-relief, in which Vulcan, Brontes, and Steropes, are seen forging the metal, while the third Cyclops, Pyracmon, blows the bellows. Beside the anvil is seen the vessel of water in which the hot iron or bronze was immersed. But besides the employment of the hammer upon the anvil for making all ordinary utensils, the smith wrought with this instrument figures which were either small and fine, some of their parts being beaten as thin as paper, and being in very high relief, as in the bronzes of Siris, or of colossal proportions, being composed of seperate plates riveted together." — Smith, 1873


"A hammer, a mallet. In the hands of the farmer the mallet of wood served to break down the clods and…

"A shepherd's crook. On account of its connection with pastoral life, the crook is often seen in works of ancient art, in the hands of Pan, Satyrs, Fauns, and shepherds. It was also the usual attribute of Thalia, as the muse of pastoral poetry." — Smith, 1873


"A shepherd's crook. On account of its connection with pastoral life, the crook is often seen in works…

"In this woodcut, two men are carrying the net home after the chase, and hold in their hands two of the forked stakes for supporting it." — Smith, 1873


"In this woodcut, two men are carrying the net home after the chase, and hold in their hands two of…

Up into the cherry tree, who should climb but little me? I held the trunk with both my hands and looked abroad on foreign lands. I saw the next-door garden lie, adorned with flowers before my eye, and many pleasant places more that I had never seen before.

Foreign Lands

Up into the cherry tree, who should climb but little me? I held the trunk with both my hands and looked…

Children holding hands

Holding Hands

Children holding hands

A large West African Ape. A dark blackish brown hair, flesh-colored hands and feet, arms reaching to the knee, and very large ears, and like the orang in having the hair on its forearm turned backward.


A large West African Ape. A dark blackish brown hair, flesh-colored hands and feet, arms reaching to…

"The cestus was used by boxers from the earliest times. It consisted of thongs of raw ox-hide, or of leather, tied round the hands of pugilists, in order to render their blows more powerful. Sometimes these bands were tied round the arms as high as the elbow." — Anthon, 1891

Boxer with cestus

"The cestus was used by boxers from the earliest times. It consisted of thongs of raw ox-hide, or of…

"Carry the right foot 6 inches straight to the rear, left knee slightly bent; clasp the hands, without constriant, in front of the center of the body, fingers joined, left hand uppermost, left thumb clasped by the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, preserve silence and steadiness of position." — Moss, 1914

Parade Rest

"Carry the right foot 6 inches straight to the rear, left knee slightly bent; clasp the hands, without…

"The butt rests evenly on the ground, barrel to the rear, toe of the butt on a line with toe of, and touhcing, the right shoe, arm and hands hanging naturally right hand holding the piece between the thumb and fingers." — Moss, 1914

Order Arms Standing

"The butt rests evenly on the ground, barrel to the rear, toe of the butt on a line with toe of, and…

"With the right hand raise and throw the piece diagonally across the body, grasp it smartly with both hands, the right, palm down, at the small of the stock, the left, palm up, at the balance; barrel up, sloping to the left and crossing opposite the junction of the neck with the left shoulder." — Moss, 1914

Port Arms

"With the right hand raise and throw the piece diagonally across the body, grasp it smartly with both…

"At the command <em>aim</em> raise the piece with both hands and support the butt firmly against the hollow of the right shoulder." &mdash; Moss, 1914


"At the command aim raise the piece with both hands and support the butt firmly against the…

"In aiming, lying down, raise the piece with both hands; rest on both elbows and press the butt firmly against the right shoulder." &mdash; Moss, 1914

Aim lying down

"In aiming, lying down, raise the piece with both hands; rest on both elbows and press the butt firmly…

"Raise the rifle with both hands high enough to clear the line of vision, barrel downward, point of the bayonet to the left front. When necessary to raise the rifle well above the head, it may be supported between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. This position will be necessary against attacks from higher elevation, such as men mounted or on top of parapets." — Moss, 1914

High Parry

"Raise the rifle with both hands high enough to clear the line of vision, barrel downward, point of…

"The bolt and magazine mechanism can be dismounted without removing the stock. The latter should never be done, except for making repairs, and then only by some selected and instructed men." &mdash; Moss, 1914

Bolt and magazine

"The bolt and magazine mechanism can be dismounted without removing the stock. The latter should never…

The hand with the fingers doubled into the palm.


The hand with the fingers doubled into the palm.

The outer extremity of the human arm, consisting of the palm and fingers.


The outer extremity of the human arm, consisting of the palm and fingers.

A cover for the hand, with a separate sheath for each finger.


A cover for the hand, with a separate sheath for each finger.

The short, thick, finger of the human hand, or the corresponding member of animals.


The short, thick, finger of the human hand, or the corresponding member of animals.

Two spheres of iron or other heavy material, connected by a short bar for a handle; used as a weight for swinging in the hands.


Two spheres of iron or other heavy material, connected by a short bar for a handle; used as a weight…

One of the extremities of the hand, not including the thumb.


One of the extremities of the hand, not including the thumb.

A cloth used for wiping the hands and face.


A cloth used for wiping the hands and face.

A card and coin balanced on one finger, with the other hand poised to flick it off.

Hands and Card

A card and coin balanced on one finger, with the other hand poised to flick it off.

"When the pendulum hands at rest in a vertical position, as Pa, it has no energy at all. Considered as a mass of matter seperate from the earth; it certainly has potential energy; but considered as a pendulum, it has not." &mdash; Avery, 1895

Path of a pendulum

"When the pendulum hands at rest in a vertical position, as Pa, it has no energy at all. Considered…

A pair of hands holding a glass tube filled with a dark liquid.

Hands with tube

A pair of hands holding a glass tube filled with a dark liquid.

A pair of hands holding a tube and tuning fork over a resonator.

Hands with tuning fork and tube

A pair of hands holding a tube and tuning fork over a resonator.

A steel rod being held horizontally by a pair of hands.

Hands with rod

A steel rod being held horizontally by a pair of hands.

A pair of hands, each holding a narrow bit of wire over a compass needle.

Hands with wires

A pair of hands, each holding a narrow bit of wire over a compass needle.

There was an old man at a casement, who held up his hands in amazement; When they said, "Sir, you'll fall!" He replied, "Not at all!" That incipient old man at a casement.

Edward Lear's Rhymes

There was an old man at a casement, who held up his hands in amazement; When they said, "Sir, you'll…

A hand


A hand

An artificial hand made of iron.


An artificial hand made of iron.

This image shows a group of ancient egyptian street musicians. (1) Woman with a tall light harp with fourteen strings. (2) Cithara. (3) Te-bouni, or banjo. (4) Double flute. (5) Shoulder Harp. (6) Singer, clapping hands.

Ancient Egyptian Music

This image shows a group of ancient egyptian street musicians. (1) Woman with a tall light harp with…

This illustration shows buyers wheat buyers waiting to get their hands on some product.

Wheat Market

This illustration shows buyers wheat buyers waiting to get their hands on some product.

A young boy and girl holding hands.


A young boy and girl holding hands.

A toy consisting of a hollow and well balanced piece of wood turned in the shape of an hour glass. It is first placed upon a cord loosely hanging from two sticks held in the hands, and upon being made to rotate by the movement of the sticks it exhibits effects somewhat similar to those of a top.

String Toy

A toy consisting of a hollow and well balanced piece of wood turned in the shape of an hour glass. It…

Illustration showing the hand and food of a chimpanzee.

Chimpanzee Hands

Illustration showing the hand and food of a chimpanzee.

A frame of wood erected on a post or pole, with movable boards resembling those in the stocks, and the holes which were put the head and hands of an offender, which was thus exposed to public derision.


A frame of wood erected on a post or pole, with movable boards resembling those in the stocks, and the…

Fifteen children holding their hands above their heads.


Fifteen children holding their hands above their heads.

A young girl clapping her hands.

Girl Clapping

A young girl clapping her hands.

A girl standing with her hands at her shoulders.

Girl Standing

A girl standing with her hands at her shoulders.

A girl standing with her hands straight out in the air.

Girl Standing

A girl standing with her hands straight out in the air.

A girl standing with her hands to her face, crying.

Girl Crying

A girl standing with her hands to her face, crying.

A girl standing with her arm in front of her, pointing at something.

Girl Pointing

A girl standing with her arm in front of her, pointing at something.

Two heavily armored knights on horseback shaking hands.

Two Knights

Two heavily armored knights on horseback shaking hands.

The upper extremity of the human body. 1: Clavicle; 2: Scapula; 3: Humerus; 4: Ulna; 5: Radius; 6: Carpus; 7: Metacarpal; 8: Phalanges.

Upper Extremity

The upper extremity of the human body. 1: Clavicle; 2: Scapula; 3: Humerus; 4: Ulna; 5: Radius; 6: Carpus;…

Caractacus was a British Chief that had fought very bravely against the Romans. He was brought to Rome with chains on his hands and feet and set before the emperor of Rome. The wife of Caratacus, who had also been brought a prisoner to Rome, fell upon her knees imploring pity, but Caractacus asked for nothing and exhibited no signs of fear.

Caractacus And Claudius

Caractacus was a British Chief that had fought very bravely against the Romans. He was brought to Rome…

As a kind of joke, John, King Henry's youngest son, had been called Lackland, because he had nothing when his brothers each had some great dukedom. The name suited him only too well before the end of his life. The English made him king at once. Richard had never had any children, but his brother Geoffery, who was older than John had left a son named Arthur, who was about twelve years old, and who rightly the Duke of Normandy and Count of Anjou. King Philip, who was always glad to vex whoever was king of England, took Arthur under his protection, and promised to get Normandy out of John's hands. However, John had a meeting with him and persuaded him to desert Arthur, and marry his son Louis to John's own niece, Blanche, who had a chance of being queen of part of Spain. Still Arthur lived at the French King's court, and when he was sixteen years old, Philip helped him to raise an army and go to try his fortune against his uncle. He laid siege to Mirabeau, a town where his grandmother, Queen Eleanor, was living. John, who was then in Normandy, hurried to her rescue, beat Arthur's army, made him prisoner and carried him off, first to Romen, and then to the strong castle of Falaise. Nobody quite knows what was done to him there. The governor, Hubert de Burgh, once found him fighting hard, though with no weapon but a stool, to defend himself from some ruffians who had been sent to put out his eyes. Hubert saved him from these men, but shortly after this good man was sent elsewhere by the king, and John came himself to Falaise. Arthur was never seen alive again, and it is believed that John took him out in a boat in the river at night, stabbed him with his own hand, and threw his body in the river.

Murder of Prince Arthur

As a kind of joke, John, King Henry's youngest son, had been called Lackland, because he had nothing…