A gothic cathedral located in Paris, France. Viewed from the southeast.

Notre Dame

A gothic cathedral located in Paris, France. Viewed from the southeast.

"Ecole de Medecine, Paris." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"Ecole de Medecine, Paris." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Paris green was used as a popular pigment in artist's paints because of the brilliance of the green. In the 1900's it was used as an insecticide for produce where it was blended with lead arsenate. This heavily toxic mixture is said to have burned the trees and the grass around the tree.

Paris Green Sifter

Paris green was used as a popular pigment in artist's paints because of the brilliance of the green.…

This painting is by Andrea Mantegna was made for the monks of Santa Maria in Organo of Verona. It can now be found in the Louvre in Paris, Italy.

The Madonna Della Vittoria

This painting is by Andrea Mantegna was made for the monks of Santa Maria in Organo of Verona. It can…

This painting is by Andrea Mantegna is a good example of the oil paint on wood technique that he used. The piece can now be found in the Louvre in Paris, Italy.

The Crucifixion

This painting is by Andrea Mantegna is a good example of the oil paint on wood technique that he used.…

One of the greatest of the Girondists, was born at Marseilles, March 6, 1767. At first an advocate and journalist at Marseilles, he was sent by that city to the Constituent Assembly at Paris. There he opposed the Court party, and took part with the Minister, Roland, then out of favor. After the events of the 10th of August, 1792, he returned to his native town, where he was received with enthusiasm, and was soon after chosen delegate to the Convention. In the Convention he adhered to the Girondists, and belonged to the party who, at the trial of the King, voted for an appeal to the people. He boldly opposed the party of Marat and Robespierre, and even directly accused the latter of aiming at the dictatorship; consequently, he was, in May, 1793, proscribed as a royalist and enemy of the Republic. He fled to Calvados, and thence with a few friends to the Gironde, where he wandered about country, hiding himself as he best could for about 13 months. At last, on the point of being taken, he tried to shoot himself; but the shot miscarried, and he was guillotined at Bordeaux, June 25, 1794. This "brave and beautiful young Spartan" was one of the great spirits of the Revolution. There was no loftier-minded dreamer in the Girondist ranks; hardly a nobler head than his fell in that reign of terror. He was "ripe in energy, not ripe in wisdom," says Carlyle, or the history of France might have been different.

Charles Jean Marie Barbaroux

One of the greatest of the Girondists, was born at Marseilles, March 6, 1767. At first an advocate and…

A French Jacobin, born in Province, in 1755, of an ancient family; served as second lieutenant in the regiment of Languedoc until 1775. He made, about this time, a voyage to the Isle-de-France, the governor of which was one of his relations, and entered into the garrison of Pondicherry. On his return, he gave himself up to gambling and women, and dissipated his fortune. The Revolution broke out. He immediately showed himself an opponent of the Court, and had a seat in the <em>tiers-etat</em>, while his brother was sitting in that of the nobility. July 14, 1789, he took part in the attack upon the Bastille, and Aug. 10, 1792, upon the Tuileries. In 1792 he was elected a member of the National Convention, and voted for the unconditional death of Louis XVI. He was sent, in 1793, to the South of France, and commanded the left wing of the besieging army under Dugommier, and it was here that he first met Napoleon Bonaparte, then captain of artillery. The patriotic reputation of Barras was so well established that he abd Freron were the only representatives not denounced by the popular societies. Robespierre, however, was friend of his, and often wished to arrest him. Barras, knowing this, became one of the principle actors of the 9th Thermidor, and put himself at the head of the troops which surrounded Robespierre at the Hotel de Ville. In 1794 he was named one of the Committee of Public Safety, and became a great enemy to the members of the members of the "Mountain." In February, 1795, he was elected President of the Convention, and, in that capacity, declared Paris in a state of siege, when the Assembly was attacked by the populace. Afterward, when the Convention was assailed, Bonaparte, by Barras' advice, was appointed to command the artillery; and that general, on the 13th Vendemaire, decisively repressed the royalist movement. For his services, Barras was now named one of the Directory, and took a prominent part in the changes which that body unerwent until Napoleon's <em>coup d'etat</em> on the 18th Brumaire, which effectually overthrew the power of Barrras and his colleagues. His life, from this date, was, generally speaking, one of retirement. He died in Paris, Jan. 29, 1829. His "Memoirs" appeared in 1895.

Comte de Barras

A French Jacobin, born in Province, in 1755, of an ancient family; served as second lieutenant in the…

(1735-1803) A Scottish academic and writer.

James Beattie

(1735-1803) A Scottish academic and writer.

The panels of a Quay front in Paris.

Renascence Trophy

The panels of a Quay front in Paris.

The panels of a Quay front in Paris.

Renascence Trophy

The panels of a Quay front in Paris.

An angle ornament in the hall of the Ministry of State in Paris.

Angle Ornament

An angle ornament in the hall of the Ministry of State in Paris.

An angle ornament in the Louvre, Paris.

Angle Ornament

An angle ornament in the Louvre, Paris.

The monastery of St.-Germain-des-Pres in Paris, France.

Monastery in Paris

The monastery of St.-Germain-des-Pres in Paris, France.

Gargoyles on Notre Dame in Paris, France.


Gargoyles on Notre Dame in Paris, France.

The flying buttresses of Notre Dame in Paris, France.

Flying Buttresses

The flying buttresses of Notre Dame in Paris, France.

The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France honoring those who fought for France, commissioned during the Napoleonic wars.

Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France honoring those who fought for France, commissioned during the Napoleonic…

"The snails are male and female in the same individual, or hermaphrodite. [This is] the favorite culinary snail in the region around Paris"

Helix Pomatia (Linnaeus)

"The snails are male and female in the same individual, or hermaphrodite. [This is] the favorite culinary…

The Eiffel Tower, a global icon on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France stands 984 feet high.

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, a global icon on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France stands 984 feet high.

The Bastille, a fortress-prison in Paris remembered by the storming of the Bastille in the French Revolution.


The Bastille, a fortress-prison in Paris remembered by the storming of the Bastille in the French Revolution.

"Paris quadrifolia. 1. A transverse section of an ovary; 2. perpendicular section of the ripe fruit; 3. longitudinal section of a seed; 4. an anther." -Lindley, 1853

Herb Paris

"Paris quadrifolia. 1. A transverse section of an ovary; 2. perpendicular section of the ripe fruit;…

Jules-Martin Cambon (April 5, 1845 in Paris - September 19, 1935 in Vevey, Switzerland) was a French diplomat to the U.S.

Jules Martin Cambon

Jules-Martin Cambon (April 5, 1845 in Paris - September 19, 1935 in Vevey, Switzerland) was a French…

Henry was the only child and heir of King Henry V of England and therefore great things were expected of him from birth. He was born on 6 December 1421 at Windsor, and succeeded to the throne at the age of eight months on 31 August 1422, when his father died. His mother, Catherine of Valois, was then only 20 years old and as the daughter of King Charles VI of France was viewed with considerable suspicion and prevented from having a full role in her son's upbringing. Henry was eventually crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey on 6 November 1429 a month before his eighth birthday, and King of France at Notre Dame in Paris on 16 December 1431. However, he did not assume the reins of government until he was declared of age in 1437&mdash;the year in which his mother died.

Henry VI of England

Henry was the only child and heir of King Henry V of England and therefore great things were expected…

Franklin was a celebrity in Paris even before his arrival in 1777, and medallions from the faience pottery at Chaumont (owned by Franklin's host, Donatien LeRay de Chaumont) were among the earliest portraits of him made in France.

The Franklin Medallion

Franklin was a celebrity in Paris even before his arrival in 1777, and medallions from the faience pottery…

Maximilien Fran&ccedil;ois Marie Isidore de Robespierre (6 May 1758 &ndash; 28 July 1794) is one of the best-known figures of the French Revolution. He studied at College of Louis-le-Grand in Paris and became a lawyer. His supporters called him "The Incorruptible." He was an influential member of the Committee of Public Safety and was instrumental in the period of the Revolution commonly known as the Reign of Terror that ended with his arrest and execution in 1794.

Maximilien Robespierre

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (6 May 1758 – 28 July 1794) is one of…

The tomb of General Lafayette.

Lafayette's Tomb

The tomb of General Lafayette.

William Penn McCann was a naval officer born in Paris, KY on May 4, 1830 and died January 15, 1906.

William Penn McCann

William Penn McCann was a naval officer born in Paris, KY on May 4, 1830 and died January 15, 1906.

La Sainte-Chapelle (English: The Holy Chapel) is a Gothic chapel on the &Icirc;le de la Cit&eacute; in the heart of Paris, France. It is perhaps the high point of the full tide of the rayonnante period of Gothic architecture.

Plan of Sainte Chapelle, Paris

La Sainte-Chapelle (English: The Holy Chapel) is a Gothic chapel on the Île de la Cité…

A French Gothic capital from Sainte Chapelle in Paris from the thirteenth century. The capitals were tall and slender, concave in profile, with heavy square or octagonal abaci. After the middle of the thirteenth century the carving became more realistic; the leaves, larger and more mature, were treated as if applied to the capital or moulding, not as if they grew out of it.

French Gothic Capital

A French Gothic capital from Sainte Chapelle in Paris from the thirteenth century. The capitals were…

A fourteenth century capital from transept of Notre Dame, Paris. The capitals were tall and slender, concave in profile, with heavy square or octagonal abaci. After the middle of the thirteenth century the carving became more realistic; the leaves, larger and more mature, were treated as if applied to the capital or moulding, not as if they grew out of it.

French Gothic Capital

A fourteenth century capital from transept of Notre Dame, Paris. The capitals were tall and slender,…

The same gothic principles controlled the designing of houses, farm buildings, barns, granaries, and the like. The finest palaces are well represented by the Ducal Palace at Nancy (1476), the Hotel de Cluny at Paris (1485), and the Hotel Jacques at Bourges. These palaces are elaborately planned, with large halls, many staircases, and handsome courts; they are also extremely picturesque with their square and circular towers, slender turrets, elaborate dormers, and rich carved detail.

Hotel Jacques Coeur, Bourges

The same gothic principles controlled the designing of houses, farm buildings, barns, granaries, and…

The palais du Louvre in Paris, on the Right Bank of the Seine is a former royal palace, situated between the Tuileries Gardens and the church of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois. Its origins date back to the medieval period and its present structure has evolved in stages since the sixteenth century.

Plan of Louvre and Tuileries, Paris

The palais du Louvre in Paris, on the Right Bank of the Seine is a former royal palace, situated between…

Two American girls on a balcony in Paris dropping popcorn to local boys who, at the time, had never seen popcorn before. The caption reads, "above, on the iron balcony ,two American girls were laughing merrily over the joke."

Two Girls on a Balcony

Two American girls on a balcony in Paris dropping popcorn to local boys who, at the time, had never…

&quot;Regency Style; motive from Hotel Soubise, Paris ... in the history of the fine arts in France, a name given to work which corresponds to the Regency (1715-23) of Philip of Orleans during the minority of Louis XV.&quot; -Whitney, 1911

Regency Style

"Regency Style; motive from Hotel Soubise, Paris ... in the history of the fine arts in France,…

"Shell-work, H&ocirc;tel Cluny, Paris. In decorative design, especially carved or modeled, a motive which imitates or is suggested by the forms of shells." -Whitney, 1911

Shell Work

"Shell-work, Hôtel Cluny, Paris. In decorative design, especially carved or modeled, a motive…

The Early Gothic Ornament design is found in Notre Dame, Paris.

Early Gothic Ornament

The Early Gothic Ornament design is found in Notre Dame, Paris.

The Early Gothic Ornament vine was a design found in Notre Dame, Paris.

Early Gothic Ornament Vine

The Early Gothic Ornament vine was a design found in Notre Dame, Paris.

The Modern Leaf Festoon is found in Paris, France.

Modern Leaf Festoon

The Modern Leaf Festoon is found in Paris, France.

This Lion statue is found in front of the Louvre, Paris, sculpted by Barye.

Lion Statue

This Lion statue is found in front of the Louvre, Paris, sculpted by Barye.

This Lion Tuileries is a statue of a lion found in a palace in Paris, France.

Lion Tuileries

This Lion Tuileries is a statue of a lion found in a palace in Paris, France.

The Akroter Eagle is shown at the Flora Pavillion in the Louvre in Paris, France. It was designed by Architect Lefeul.

Akroter Eagle

The Akroter Eagle is shown at the Flora Pavillion in the Louvre in Paris, France. It was designed by…

The Olive Branch Eagle is a medallion shown at the Louvre, Paris.

Olive Branch Eagle

The Olive Branch Eagle is a medallion shown at the Louvre, Paris.

The French Eagle is a modern design found at the Opera House in Paris, France. It was designed by Architect Garnier.

French Eagle

The French Eagle is a modern design found at the Opera House in Paris, France. It was designed by Architect…

The Italian Renaissance Dolphin is found at the Louvre in Paris.

Italian Renaissance Dolphin

The Italian Renaissance Dolphin is found at the Louvre in Paris.

This Dolphin Head is shown in the form of a spout, designed by Barbezat in Paris, France.

Dolphin Head

This Dolphin Head is shown in the form of a spout, designed by Barbezat in Paris, France.

This Modern French Grotesque mask is found at the Ministry of War in Paris, France. This design used on keystones, consoles, spouts, handles, shields, capitals, panels, and carved furniture.

Evil Modern French Grotesque

This Modern French Grotesque mask is found at the Ministry of War in Paris, France. This design used…

The Tympanum Medusa Head is found in the arch of the entrance of the Royal Palace of Tuileries in Paris, France.

Tympanum Medusa Head

The Tympanum Medusa Head is found in the arch of the entrance of the Royal Palace of Tuileries in Paris,…

This thinner trophy panel was designed on a quay front (dock) in Missileries, Paris, France.

Thinner Trophy Panel

This thinner trophy panel was designed on a quay front (dock) in Missileries, Paris, France.

This trophy panel slab was designed on a quay front (dock) in Missileries, Paris, France.

Trophy Panel Slab

This trophy panel slab was designed on a quay front (dock) in Missileries, Paris, France.

The navigation symbol is found in front of the Tuileries a royal palace in Paris, France.

Navigation Symbol

The navigation symbol is found in front of the Tuileries a royal palace in Paris, France.

The agriculture symbol is found in front of the Tuileries a royal palace in Paris, France.

Agriculture Symbol

The agriculture symbol is found in front of the Tuileries a royal palace in Paris, France.

The music symbol is found in front of the Tuileries a royal palace in Paris, France.

Music Symbol

The music symbol is found in front of the Tuileries a royal palace in Paris, France.

The farming symbol is found in front of the Tuileries a royal palace in Paris, France.

Farming Symbol

The farming symbol is found in front of the Tuileries a royal palace in Paris, France.

The Louvre Torus Moulding is a French Renaissance design of foliage. It is found in the Louvre museum in Paris, France.

Louvre Torus Moulding

The Louvre Torus Moulding is a French Renaissance design of foliage. It is found in the Louvre museum…

The Louvre Torus Moulding is a French Renaissance design of foliage. It is found in the Louvre museum in Paris, France.

Louvre Torus Moulding

The Louvre Torus Moulding is a French Renaissance design of foliage. It is found in the Louvre museum…

The Louvre Torus Moulding is a French Renaissance design of foliage. It is found in the Louvre museum in Paris, France.

Louvre Torus Moulding

The Louvre Torus Moulding is a French Renaissance design of foliage. It is found in the Louvre museum…

This modern french cresting border is found in Cour de Cassation (French Judiciary court) in Paris, France. It is found on the ridge or top of roof.

Modern French Cresting Border

This modern french cresting border is found in Cour de Cassation (French Judiciary court) in Paris,…

This modern French cross is found in Paris, France. It is typically used as a finial on gables (top of roofs).

Modern French Cross

This modern French cross is found in Paris, France. It is typically used as a finial on gables (top…

This steeple cross is found in a commune in Paris, France.

Steeple Cross

This steeple cross is found in a commune in Paris, France.

The termination of fountain finial is a 15th century design found in the Cluny museum in Paris, France. It is made out of wrought-iron in the shape of a flower.

Termination of Fountain Finial

The termination of fountain finial is a 15th century design found in the Cluny museum in Paris, France.…

This finial modern vase is found in the ministry of war in Paris, France. It is typically used on tombs, doorposts and on attics of ornamental architecture.

Finial Modern French Vase

This finial modern vase is found in the ministry of war in Paris, France. It is typically used on tombs,…