The thornback ray (Raja clavata) is a species of fish in the Rajidae family.

Thornback Ray

The thornback ray (Raja clavata) is a species of fish in the Rajidae family.

The leaf insect or walking leaf is an insect that has the appearance of a leaf from the family Phylliidae.

Leaf Insect

The leaf insect or walking leaf is an insect that has the appearance of a leaf from the family Phylliidae.

"They eat bacon, skins, and also attack each other. The perfect insect does no damage. Insects in this family feign death when attacked."

Bacon Beetle (Dermestes Lardarius)

"They eat bacon, skins, and also attack each other. The perfect insect does no damage. Insects in this…

Another insect belonging to the <em>Dytici</em> family, or Water Beetles.

Cybister Roeselii

Another insect belonging to the Dytici family, or Water Beetles.

Beetles in the family Chrysomelidae are commonly known as leaf beetles.

Lina Populi

Beetles in the family Chrysomelidae are commonly known as leaf beetles.

A family sitting around the table with children on the floor and in the parent's lap.

family Sitting Around a Table

A family sitting around the table with children on the floor and in the parent's lap.

"The Blue Minyad is a type of a family in which the base of the body, in place of extending itself in a disk-like form, in order to grapple with the rocks and other projections at the bottom of the sea, turns itself inward, forming a sort of purse, which seems to imprison the air. From this results a sort of hydrostatic apparatus, aided by which the animals can float in the water and transport themselves from one place to another."

Blue Minyad (Minyas Cyanea)

"The Blue Minyad is a type of a family in which the base of the body, in place of extending itself in…

"The <em>Crinoidea</em>, which belong to the family of starfishes, are mostly attached to marine rocks by a sort of root, having a long, flexible stem, which enables them to execute movements in the circle limited only by the length of this stem."

Pentacrinus Caput Medusae (Muller)

"The Crinoidea, which belong to the family of starfishes, are mostly attached to marine rocks…

"The <em>Crinoidea</em>, which belong to the family of starfishes, are mostly attached to marine rocks by a sort of root. Another division of this family, although at first fixed to some rooted stem, in their adult state they throw off the bonds and move freely, swimming through the water water or clinging to mussel or oyster banks."

Pentacrinus Europaeus (Thompson)

"The Crinoidea, which belong to the family of starfishes, are mostly attached to marine rocks…

"This figure shows a specimen of a family in which the arms are something like the tails of serpents. This species lives in she seas of the Antilles; the five arms are each provided with three to four rows of spines."

Ophiocoma Riisea (Lutken)

"This figure shows a specimen of a family in which the arms are something like the tails of serpents.…

An illustration of a proposed family hotel in New York City. "There is probably no great city in the world which needs a reform in domestic architecture more urgently than New York; as there us none which contains such a preponderance of dwellings unsuited to the wants of the people who inhabit them." -Holland, 1874

Proposed Family Hotel

An illustration of a proposed family hotel in New York City. "There is probably no great city in the…

The Antrophyum Lessonii is a type of fern from the Polypodiaceae family.

Antrophyum Fern

The Antrophyum Lessonii is a type of fern from the Polypodiaceae family.

Setaria glauca or the Yellow Foxtail is a monocot weed in the Poaceae family.

Yellow Foxtail

Setaria glauca or the Yellow Foxtail is a monocot weed in the Poaceae family.

Arum maculatum or the wild arum is a woodland plant of the Araceae family.

Wild Arum

Arum maculatum or the wild arum is a woodland plant of the Araceae family.

Herminium monorchis or the Musk Orchid is a flowering plant of the Orchid family.

Musk Orchid

Herminium monorchis or the Musk Orchid is a flowering plant of the Orchid family.

The Kesselstadt Picture, a picture of the deceased William Shakespeare, was in possession of Count Francis von Kesselstadt's family for more than a century

William Shakespeare

The Kesselstadt Picture, a picture of the deceased William Shakespeare, was in possession of Count Francis…

Anastatica hierochuntina or the Rose of Jericho is member of the Brassicaceae family.

Rose of Jericho

Anastatica hierochuntina or the Rose of Jericho is member of the Brassicaceae family.

The flower of Arrudea clusioides from the family Clusiaceae.


The flower of Arrudea clusioides from the family Clusiaceae.

Ranunculus bulbosus or the bulbous buttercup is a perennial weed of the Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae.

Bulbous Buttercup

Ranunculus bulbosus or the bulbous buttercup is a perennial weed of the Buttercup family, Ranunculaceae.

An illustration of the Yucca gloriosa, commonly referred to as the Spanish Dagger. The yucca gloriosa is an evergreen shrub of the family Agavaceae, and the genus Yucca. The yucca is caulescent, 0.5 - 2.5 meters tall, usually with several stems from the base and its base is thickened in adult specimens. Other commons names are Moundlily Yucca, Soft-tipped Yucca, Spanish Bayonet and Sea Islands Yucca.

Spanish Dagger (Yucca)

An illustration of the Yucca gloriosa, commonly referred to as the Spanish Dagger. The yucca gloriosa…

Of the Mahogany family, "Ekebergia Senegalensis. 1. a flower; 2. the calyx and staminal tube; 3. a transverse section of the ovary; 4. a ripe fruit; 5. a vertical section of the latter." -Lindley, 1853


Of the Mahogany family, "Ekebergia Senegalensis. 1. a flower; 2. the calyx and staminal tube; 3. a transverse…

Silene dioica or the red campion was once known as Lychnis diurna and is a member of the Caryophyllaceae family.

Red Campion

Silene dioica or the red campion was once known as Lychnis diurna and is a member of the Caryophyllaceae…

Kava or Piper methysticum is a crop from the pepper family.


Kava or Piper methysticum is a crop from the pepper family.

"Litsaea Baueri. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a stamen, with a gland at the base; 4. an anther, with the recurved valves; 5. a cluster of fruit; 6. a cotyledon seen from within, with the plumule adhering to the inner face." -Lindley, 1853


"Litsaea Baueri. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a stamen, with a gland at the base; 4. an anther,…

Dipteryx odorata or the tonka bean is the seed from a legume tree of the Fabaceae family.

Tonka Bean

Dipteryx odorata or the tonka bean is the seed from a legume tree of the Fabaceae family.

Diplusodon arboreus is a flowering plant of the Lythraceae family.


Diplusodon arboreus is a flowering plant of the Lythraceae family.

Sarcocolla vulgaris, a flowering plant from the Penaeaceae family.


Sarcocolla vulgaris, a flowering plant from the Penaeaceae family.

Catha edulis or Khat is a flowering plant of the Celastraceae family.


Catha edulis or Khat is a flowering plant of the Celastraceae family.

Gentiana amarella or the Autumn Gentian is a flowering plant from the family, Gentianaceae.

Autumn Gentian

Gentiana amarella or the Autumn Gentian is a flowering plant from the family, Gentianaceae.

William Warham (c. 1450 &ndash; August 22, 1532), Archbishop of Canterbury, belonged to a Hampshire family, and was educated at Winchester and New College, Oxford, afterwards practising and teaching law both in London and Oxford. Later he took holy orders, held two livings (Barley and Cottenham), and became Master of the Rolls in 1494, while Henry VII found him a useful and clever diplomatist.

Archbishop Warham

William Warham (c. 1450 – August 22, 1532), Archbishop of Canterbury, belonged to a Hampshire…

Pope Paul III (February 29, 1468 &ndash; November 10, 1549), born Alessandro Farnese, was Pope of the Roman Catholic Church from 1534 to his death in 1549. He also called the Council of Trent in 1545. Born in Canino, Latium (then part of the Papal States), Farnese was the oldest son of Pier Luigi Farnese, Signore di Montalto (1435-1487) and wife Giovanna Caetani, descended from the Caetani family, which had also produced Pope Boniface VIII. He was one of the few Popes to have fathered children before his election, by Silvia Ruffini, one of whom, Pier Luigi, he created Duke of Parma. The others were Ranuccio Farnese and Costanza Farnese.

Pope Paul III

Pope Paul III (February 29, 1468 – November 10, 1549), born Alessandro Farnese, was Pope of the…

The Royal Palace of Madrid is the official residence of the King of Spain, located in Madrid. King Juan Carlos and the royal family do not actually reside in this palace, instead choosing the smaller Palacio de la Zarzuela, on the outskirts of Madrid. However, the Palacio Real de Madrid is still used for state occasions. The palace is owned by the Spanish state and administered by the Patrimonio Nacional agency. The palace also has the distinction of being the largest royal palace in Western Europe in size, with over a combined area of over 135,000 m<sup>2</sup> and more than 2,800 rooms.

Royal Palace, Madrid

The Royal Palace of Madrid is the official residence of the King of Spain, located in Madrid. King Juan…

Sophia Dorothea of Hanover (16 March 1687 &ndash; 28 June 1757) was a member of the British Royal Family, only daughter of George I. She was, between 1713 and 1740, Queen consort in Prussia. Sophia married her cousin, Crown Prince Frederick William of Prussia, heir-apparent to the Prussian throne, on 28 November 1706, and became styled HRH The Crown Princess of Prussia.

Sophia Dorothea of Hanover

Sophia Dorothea of Hanover (16 March 1687 – 28 June 1757) was a member of the British Royal Family,…

An illustration of a family sitting outside of a log cabin. A child is gathering wood on the left bottom, a woman is sheering a sheep directly in front of the cabin door, another woman is milking a cow, and a man is standing on the right side of the cabin.

Log Cabin

An illustration of a family sitting outside of a log cabin. A child is gathering wood on the left bottom,…

An illustration of a family standing in front a barn filled from harvest.

Family & Barn

An illustration of a family standing in front a barn filled from harvest.

Petunia violacea or the violetflower petunia is a trumpet shaped flowering plant of the Solanaceae family.

Violetflower Petunia

Petunia violacea or the violetflower petunia is a trumpet shaped flowering plant of the Solanaceae family.

Sir Walter Raleigh or Ralegh (c. 1552 – 29 October 1618), was a famed English writer, poet, soldier, courtier and explorer. Raleigh was born to a Protestant family in Devon, the son of Walter Raleigh and Catherine Champernowne.

Sir Walter Raleigh

Sir Walter Raleigh or Ralegh (c. 1552 – 29 October 1618), was a famed English writer, poet, soldier,…

Stapelia is a genus of large flowering plants of the Apocynaceae family.


Stapelia is a genus of large flowering plants of the Apocynaceae family.

Primula involucrata is a low-growing herb of the Primulaceae family.


Primula involucrata is a low-growing herb of the Primulaceae family.

Streptocarpus rexii is known as the Cape Primrose and is not actually a primrose but in the Gesneriaceae family.

Cape Primrose

Streptocarpus rexii is known as the Cape Primrose and is not actually a primrose but in the Gesneriaceae…

Native to Florida, Crescentia obovata or the Black Calabash tree is a flowering plant of the Bignoniaceae family.

Black Calabash Tree

Native to Florida, Crescentia obovata or the Black Calabash tree is a flowering plant of the Bignoniaceae…

Leschenaultia biloba or the blue lechenaultia is a flowering plant of the Goodeniaceae family.

Blue Lechenaultia

Leschenaultia biloba or the blue lechenaultia is a flowering plant of the Goodeniaceae family.

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605, or the Powder Treason, as it was known at the time, was a failed assassination attempt by a group of provincial English Catholics against King James I of England and VI of Scotland. The plot intended to kill the king, his family, and most of the Protestant aristocracy in a single attack by blowing up the Houses of Parliament during the State Opening on 5 November 1605. The conspirators had also planned to abduct the royal children, not present in Parliament, and incite a popular revolt in the Midlands.

Gunpowder Conspirators' House, Lambeth

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605, or the Powder Treason, as it was known at the time, was a failed assassination…

Hampden House is a country house in the village of Great Hampden, between Great Missenden and Princes Risborough in Buckinghamshire. It is named after the Hampden family. The Hampdens (later Earls of Buckinghamshire) are recorded as owning the site from before the Norman conquest. They lived continually in the house until 1938.

John Hampden's House, Buckinghamshire

Hampden House is a country house in the village of Great Hampden, between Great Missenden and Princes…

Samuel Francis Du Pont (September 27, 1803 &ndash; June 23, 1865) was an American naval officer who achieved the rank of Rear Admiral in the United States Navy, and a member of the prominent Du Pont family.

Samuel Francis Dupont

Samuel Francis Du Pont (September 27, 1803 – June 23, 1865) was an American naval officer who…

All Saints Church in Wilden, Worcestershire about one mile to the north east of Stourport. It was designed by W J Hopkins with funds provided by Alfred Baldwin very close to his own home, Wilden House and one of his large iron works. It served the Baldwin family and their employees and was consecrated in 1880.

Church of All Saints, Wilden, Worcestershire

All Saints Church in Wilden, Worcestershire about one mile to the north east of Stourport. It was designed…

Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum is a synonym for Leucanthemum vulgare, or the oxeye daisy, a flowering plant of the Asteraceae family.

Oxeye Daisy

Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum is a synonym for Leucanthemum vulgare, or the oxeye daisy, a flowering plant…

Medinilla Sieboldiana is a flowering plant of the Melastomataceae family.

Siebold's Medinilla

Medinilla Sieboldiana is a flowering plant of the Melastomataceae family.

Loasa Pentlandica is a flowering plant of the Loasaceae family used as an ornamental plant.


Loasa Pentlandica is a flowering plant of the Loasaceae family used as an ornamental plant.

Barringtonia speciosa or cornbeefwood is a species of flowering plants from the Lecythidaceae family.


Barringtonia speciosa or cornbeefwood is a species of flowering plants from the Lecythidaceae family.

The flower of a species of Angelica, a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family.


The flower of a species of Angelica, a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family.

Flowers of Leucolaena rotundifolia, from the Apiaceae family.


Flowers of Leucolaena rotundifolia, from the Apiaceae family.

The flowers of Bolax glebaria, a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family.


The flowers of Bolax glebaria, a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family.

The flowers of Archangelica officinalis, or the Garden Angelica, a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family.

Garden Angelica

The flowers of Archangelica officinalis, or the Garden Angelica, a flowering plant in the Apiaceae family.

"1. Hedera Helix; 2. a flower of Dimorphanthus edulis; 3. perpendicular section of the ovary; 4. undivided ovary; 5. ripe fruit; 6. cross section of it; 7. section of seed of H. Helix." -Lindley, 1853


"1. Hedera Helix; 2. a flower of Dimorphanthus edulis; 3. perpendicular section of the ovary; 4. undivided…

The flower and plant of the moschatel or Adoxa moschatellina, a flowering plant in the Adoxaceae family.


The flower and plant of the moschatel or Adoxa moschatellina, a flowering plant in the Adoxaceae family.

The spore-case of Schizaea dichotoma, a fern from the Polypodiaceae family.


The spore-case of Schizaea dichotoma, a fern from the Polypodiaceae family.

Ione bicolor, a species in the Orchid family.


Ione bicolor, a species in the Orchid family.

Mangroves (generally) are trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics. The word is used in at least three senses: (1) most broadly to refer to the habitat and entire plant assemblage or mangal, for which the terms mangrove swamp and mangrove forest are also used, (2) to refer to all trees and large shrubs in the mangal, and (3) narrowly to refer to the mangrove family of plants, the Rhizophoraceae, or even more specifically just to mangrove trees of the genus Rhizophora. Mangals are found in depositional coastal environments where fine sediments, often with high organic content, collect in areas protected from high energy wave action.


Mangroves (generally) are trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics.…

The White Pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus also known as the Eastern White Pelican or Great White Pelican is a bird in the pelican family. It breeds from southeastern Europe through Asia and in Africa in swamps and shallow lakes. The tree nest is a crude heap of vegetation.

White Pelican

The White Pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus also known as the Eastern White Pelican or Great White Pelican…