An illustration of a female nautilus without the shell. "c, points to the concave margin of the mantle-skirt…
An illustration of the postero-ventral view female nautilus without the shell. "a, Muscular band passing…
"Transverse Section through Side Walls of Skull, showing the Inner Parts of the Ear. Co, concha or external…
"External Ear, or Pinna. 1, helix; 2, fossa of antihelix, or fossa triangularis; 3, fossa of helix,…
"Diagram of an Echinus (stripped of its spines). a, mouth; a', gullet; b, teeth; c, lips; d, alveoli;…
"Brain of Skate (Raia batis), an elasmobranchiate fish. B, from below, in part enlarged: ch, optic chiasm;…
"Brain of Skate (Raia batis), an elasmobranchiate fish. A, from above; s, olfactory bulbs; a, cerebral…
"Skeleton and Outline of African Elephant (Elephas or Loxodon africanus). fr, frontal; ma, mandible;…
"Early Human Embryo, giving diagrammatically the principal vessels antecedent to the establishment of…
"Diagram of Vertebrate Encephalon ... in longitudinal vertical section. Mb, mid-brain; in front of it…
"Diagram of Vertebrate Encephalon ... in horizontal section. Mb, mid-brain; in front of it all is forebrain,…
"A, Developed Endopodite, or ordinary ambulatory leg of the crawfish as a thoracic appendage: ab, the…
"Segment of Endoskeleton from Thoracic Region of Crocodile. C, centrum of a vertebra, over which rises…
"Anterior View, Distal End, of Right Humerus of a Man. H, humerus; epc, epicondyle, or external supracondyloid…
The bill of the gull (Laridae) is epignathous: "hook-billed; having the end of the upper mandible decurved…
"Head of Scolopendra, from below, showing the epilabrum, the protomala with its cardo (Card), and stipes…
"Right Femur of a Youth. E, E, epiphyses; gtr, ltr, greater and lesser trochanter; h, head; et, it,…
"Epipleurae.-- Thorax, scapular arch, and part of pelvic arch of a bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus).…
Also known as fish lice, this is a species of copepod, a parasitic crustacean. "Female of Chondracathus…
"Skeleton of Horse (Equus caballus). fr, frontal bone; C, cervical vertebrae; D, dorsal vertebrae; L,…
"Cartilaginous Cranium of the Pike (Esox lucius), with its intrinsic ossifications. A, top view; 3,…
"Cartilaginous Cranium of the Pike (Esox lucius), with its intrinsic ossifications. B, side view: V,…
"Human Eye, in Median Vertical Anteroposterior Section. (Ciliary processes shown, through not all lying…
"Right Eyeball of Bird, seen from behind, showing the following muscles; a, rectus superior; b, rectus…
"Exterior of Left Human Eye. 1, supercilium, or eyebrow; 2, palpebra superior, or upper eyelid; 3, 3,…
"Muscles of Left Human Eyeball. so, superior oblique, passing through a trochlea or pulley; io, inferior…
"Skull of Cat (Felis catus), showing the following bones, viz. : na, nasal; pm, premaxillary; m, maxillary;…
"Anterior View of Human Right Femur. ec, external condyle; etu, external tuberosity; ic, internal condyle;…
"Posterior View of Left Femur of a Horse. h, head; gtr, great trochanter; ttr, third trochanter; ltr,…
Cypris, a modern ostracod. Female before sexual maturity, right valve of shell removed to show internal…
"In ornithology, pinnatiped; having pinnate feet, the toes being separately furnished with flaps, as…
"Skeleton of Fish (Perch). a, intermaxillaries; b, nasal region; c, dentary bone of mandible; d, orbit…
"In ornithology, having the beak broad and deeply cleft, as a swallow, swift, or goatsucker" or nightjar.…
"Bones of Human Foot, or Pes, the third principal segment of the hind limb, consisting of tarsus, metatarsus,…
"Heterocercal Caudal Fin of a Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostris), showing the series of fulcrums, Fl,…
"Typical Skull of Common Fowl (Galliformes). A, side view: sa, surangular bone of mandible; ar, articular…
"Typical Skull of Common Fowl (Galliformes). B, vertical longitudinal section: sa, surangular bone of…
"Cats purr, dogs bark, cocks crow, a cow lows, a donkey brays, an eagle screams, parrots talk, spiders…
"Third cervical vertebra of Woodpecker (Picus viridis). (Viewed anteriorly.) Ft, vertebrarterial foramen;…
"Skeleton of the trunk of a Falcon. Ca, coracoid, which articulates with the sternum (St) at ; Cr, keel…
"Skeleton of the Limbs and Tail of a Carinate Bird. (The skeleton of the body is indicated by dotted…
"Pelvis of Apteryx austrlis. Lateral view. a, Acetabulum; il, ilium; is, ischium; p, pectineal process…
"Skull of a Wild Duck (Anus boscas), from the side. ag, Angular; als, alisphenoid; ar, articular; bt,…
"The annexed figure explains the nomenclature of most of the outward of a Bird, but some further explanations…
"Archaeornithes is at present represented by but one member, the first undoubted fossil Bird, made known…