The arteries of the head and neck.

Arteries of the Head and Neck

The arteries of the head and neck.

Arytenoid cartilages of the larynx. These are pitcher-like cartilages that are 2 in number, pyramidal-shaped, and situated on the upper margin of the cricoid cartilage posteriorly, closing in the back of the larynx.

Arytenoid Cartilages of the Larynx

Arytenoid cartilages of the larynx. These are pitcher-like cartilages that are 2 in number, pyramidal-shaped,…

The basic structure of the kidney, which consists of the cortical portion, the medullary substance, and the sinus. The kidneys are two organs, situated in the back part of the abdominal cavity, one on each side of the vertebral column, behind the peritoneum.

The Kidney

The basic structure of the kidney, which consists of the cortical portion, the medullary substance,…

Back view of the body and outline of skeleton and covering.

Back View of the Body

Back view of the body and outline of skeleton and covering.

A dorsal vertebra. Labels: 1, the body; 2, face for the head of a rib; 3, superior face of the body; 4, superior half of the intervertebral notch; 5, interior half of the intervertebral notch; 6, spinous process; 7, articular face for the tubercle of a rib; 8, two superior oblique processes; 9, two inferior oblique processes.

Dorsal Vertebra

A dorsal vertebra. Labels: 1, the body; 2, face for the head of a rib; 3, superior face of the body;…

Front view of the bones of the thorax, including the ribs, sternum and vertebrae. Labels: 1, first bone of the sternum; 2, second bone of the sternum; 3, third bone or ensiform cartilage; 4, first dorsal vertebra; 5, last or twelfth dorsal vertebra; 6, first rib; 7, its head; 8, its neck; 9, its tubercle; 10, seventh or last true rib; 11, its cartilage; 12, angle of eleventh rib; 13, its body.

The Bones of the Thorax

Front view of the bones of the thorax, including the ribs, sternum and vertebrae. Labels: 1, first bone…

Venter of scapula. Labels: 1, 1, 1, oblique ridges; 2, 2, fossa for subscapularis muscle; 3, superior border; 4, superior angle; 5, suprascapular notch; 6, coracoid process; 7, acromion process; 8, spine of scapula; 9, articular surface; 10, glenoid cavity; 11, head of scapula; 12, neck; 13, interior border; 14, inferior angle; 15, posterior border; 16, origin of spine.


Venter of scapula. Labels: 1, 1, 1, oblique ridges; 2, 2, fossa for subscapularis muscle; 3, superior…

Anterior view of humerus (bone of the leg) of the right side. Labels: 1, shaft or diaphysis; 2, the head; 3, anatomical neck; 4, greater tuberosity; 5, lesser tuberosity; 6, the bicipital head; 3, anatomical neck; 4, greater tuberosity; 5, lesser tuberosity; 6, the bicipital groove; 7, external bicipital ridge for pectoralis major; 8, internal bicipital ridge; 9, point of insertion of deltoid muscle: 10, nutritious foramen; 11, face for head of the radius; 12, face for the ulna.


Anterior view of humerus (bone of the leg) of the right side. Labels: 1, shaft or diaphysis; 2, the…

Anterior view of radius (bone of the arm) of the right side. Labels: 1, cylindrical head; 2, surface for lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna; 3, neck of the radius; 4, its tubercle, for insertion of biceps muscle; 5, interosseous ridge; 5, interosseous ridge; 6, concavity for lower end of the ulna; 7, lower end of the ulna; 7, carpal surface; 8, styloid process; 9, surface for pronator quadratus muscle.


Anterior view of radius (bone of the arm) of the right side. Labels: 1, cylindrical head; 2, surface…

Anterior view of the ulna (bone of the arm) of the left side. Labels: 1, olecranon process; 2, greater sigmoid cavity; 5, external surface; 6, ridge for interosseous ligament; 7, small head for the radius; 8, carpal surface.


Anterior view of the ulna (bone of the arm) of the left side. Labels: 1, olecranon process; 2, greater…

Posterior view of the femur (bone of the leg). Labels: 1, depression for round ligament; 2, the head; 3, depression for rotary muscles; 4, trochanter major; 5, trochanter minor; 6, roughness for gluteus maximus tendon; 7, 7, linea aspera; 8, surface for gastrocnemius muscle; 9, external condyle; 10, depression for anterior crucial ligament; 11, depression for posterior crucial ligament; 12, origin of internal lateral ligament.


Posterior view of the femur (bone of the leg). Labels: 1, depression for round ligament; 2, the head;…

Back view of legs, outlining bones and showing muscles.

Back View of Legs

Back view of legs, outlining bones and showing muscles.

Anterior view of the tibia (bone of the leg). Labels: 1, spinous process; 2, surface for condyles of the femur; 3, face for head of the fibula; 4, the head; 5, the tubercle; 6, 6, spine and ankle; 9, tarsal surface; 10, face for lower end of fibula.


Anterior view of the tibia (bone of the leg). Labels: 1, spinous process; 2, surface for condyles of…

The fibula (bone of leg). Labels: 1, head; 2, articular face; 3, insertion of external ligament; 4, shaft; 5, 5, external face; 6, interosseous ridge; 7, face for lower end of tibia; 8, malleolus externus; 9, tarsal surface.


The fibula (bone of leg). Labels: 1, head; 2, articular face; 3, insertion of external ligament; 4,…

Ligaments of the acromio-clavicular and scapulo-humeral articulations (joints of the shoulder). Labels: 1, superior acromio-clavicular ligament; 2, caraco-clavicular ligament; 3, coraco-acromial ligament; 4, caracoid ligament; 5, capsular ligament of the shoulder joint; 6, ligamentum adscititium, or coraco-humeral ligament; 7, tendon of long head of the biceps muscle.

Bones and Ligaments of the Shoulder Articulation

Ligaments of the acromio-clavicular and scapulo-humeral articulations (joints of the shoulder). Labels:…

Muscle of the body, back view: The fascia is left upon the left limbs, removed from the right.

Back View of the Muscles of the Body

Muscle of the body, back view: The fascia is left upon the left limbs, removed from the right.

Back view of the trunk of body, showing spinal deep muscles.

Deep Muscles of the Trunk of the Body

Back view of the trunk of body, showing spinal deep muscles.

Second layer of muscles of the back. Labels: 1, trapezius; 2, a portion of the ten dinous ellipse formed by the trapezius on both sides; 3, spine of scapula; 4, latissimus dorsi; 5, deltoid; 6, infra-spinatus and teres minor; 7, external oblique; 8, gluteus medius; 9, gluteus magnus; 10, levator scapulae; 11, rhomboideus minor; 12, rhomboideus major; 13, splenius capitis; 14, splenius colli; 15, portion of origin of latissimus dorsi; 16, serratus inferior posticus; 17, supra-spinatus; 18, infra-spinatus; 19, teres minor; 20, teres major; 21, long head of triceps extensor cubiti; 22, serratus major anticus; 23, internal oblique.

Muscles of the Back

Second layer of muscles of the back. Labels: 1, trapezius; 2, a portion of the ten dinous ellipse formed…

Outer layer of muscle on the back of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor; brachialis internus; 3, triceps extensor; 4, supinator radii longus; 5, extensor carpi radialis longior; 6, extensor carpi radialis brevior; 7, tendinous insertions of these muscles; 8, extensor communis digitorum; 9, extensor communis digitorum; 9, extensor communis digitorum; 10, extensor carpi ulnaris; 13, extensor minor pollicis; 14, extensor major pollicis; 15, posterior annular ligament.

Muscles of the Forearm

Outer layer of muscle on the back of the forearm. Labels: 1, biceps flexor; brachialis internus; 3,…

Deep-seated muscles on the posterior part of the hip joint. Labels: 1, fifth lumbar vertebra; 2, ilio-lumbar ligament; 3, crest of the ilium; 4, anterior superior spinous process; 5, origin of the fascia femoris; 6, gluteus medius; 7, its lower and anterior portion; 8, pyriformis; 9, gemini; 10, trochanter major; 11, insertion of the gluteus medius; 12, gradratus femoris; 13, part of the adductor magnus; 14, insertion of the gluteus magnus; 15, vastrus externus; 16, long head of the biceps; 17, semi-membranosos; 18, semi-tendinosus; 19, tuber ischii; 20, obturator internus; 21, point of the coccyx; 22, posterior coccygeal ligament; 23, 24, greater sacro-sciatic ligament; 25, posterior superior spinous process of ilium; 26, posterior sacro-iliac ligaments.

Deep Muscles of the Hip Joint

Deep-seated muscles on the posterior part of the hip joint. Labels: 1, fifth lumbar vertebra; 2, ilio-lumbar…

The arteries of the face and head. Labels: 1, common carotid; 2, internal carotid; 3, external carotid; 4, occipital artery; 5, superior thyroid artery; 6, trapezius; 7, lingual artery; 8, sterno-mastoid; 9, facial artery; 10, temporal artery, dividing into anterior and posterior branches; 11, submental branch; 12, transverse facial artery 13, inferior labial branch; 15, inferior coronary branch; 17, superior coronary branch; 19, lateral nasal branch; 21, angular branch.

Arteries of the Face and Head

The arteries of the face and head. Labels: 1, common carotid; 2, internal carotid; 3, external carotid;…

Superficial veins of the legs. Labels: 1, saphena major; 2, collateral branch; 3, anastomosis of veins; 4, internal saphena; 5, origin of the saphena vein; 6, anastomosing branch; 7, branches on the back of the leg; 8, the great internal vein of the foot; 9, arch of veins on the metatarsal bones; 10, branch from the heel; 11, branches on the sole of the foot.

Veins of the Legs

Superficial veins of the legs. Labels: 1, saphena major; 2, collateral branch; 3, anastomosis of veins;…

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. Dime.

Back of a Dime

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. Dime.

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. Dollar.

Back of a Dollar

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. Dollar.

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. Half Dollar.

Back of a Half Dollar

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. Half Dollar.

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. nickel.

Back of a Nickel

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. nickel.

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. Penny.

Back of a Penny

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. Penny.

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. Quarter.

Back of a Quarter

An illustration of the reverse side of a U.S. Quarter.

Cross-section of the external and internal ear. <em>a, b, and c</em>: External ear. <em>d</em>: Entrance to the tube of the ear <em>(f)</em>. <em>g</em>: Drum of the ear. <em>h</em>: Cavity beyond the drum where the chain of bones is, the bones being left out that the arrangement of the apparatus may be more clear to you. <em>k</em>: Tube which comes from the back part of the throat to this cavity. If you shut your mouth and close the nostrils with your fingers, and then force the air strongly from your chest into the mouth, you can feel the air pass through this tube into the ear where the little bones are. <em>l</em>: is the vestibule of the labyrinth. <em>m</em>: Semi-circular canals. <em>n</em>: Cochlea. <em>o</em>: Trunk of the nerve of hearing as it goes to branch out in the labyrinth. <em>e</em>: Bone in which the labyrinth is enclosed.

A Cross-Section of the Ear

Cross-section of the external and internal ear. a, b, and c: External ear. d: Entrance…

Half of the teeth of the upper jaw. <em>a,a,</em> are the two front cutting teeth. <em>d,d,d</em> are the three large back teeth. c,c are two smaller grinders. At <em>b</em> is what is commonly called an "eye-tooth."

Teeth of the Upper Jaw

Half of the teeth of the upper jaw. a,a, are the two front cutting teeth. d,d,d are…

Teeth of a carnivorous animal that lives on flesh alone. The front teeth are designed for tearing, while the back teeth have sharp edges for cutting.

Teeth of a Carnivorous Animal

Teeth of a carnivorous animal that lives on flesh alone. The front teeth are designed for tearing, while…

Teeth of an herbivore, showing the rough surface of some of these teeth. Herbivores have no tearing teeth. Instead they have two kinds of teeth, cutting teeth in the front and grinding teeth in the back. This figure shows a peculiar arrangement of the enamel, which admirably fits them to grind up the fibers of the grass in the back grinding teeth of an herbivore. The enamel is not only on the outside as it is in human teeth, rather there are ridges on it standing up in the middle of each tooth.

Teeth of an Herbivore

Teeth of an herbivore, showing the rough surface of some of these teeth. Herbivores have no tearing…

Diagram showing the compartments of the heart. The smaller compartments are the auricles (also known as atria) and the larger compartments are the ventricles. The middle part of the figure represents the heart with its two sides; <em>a</em> being the right auricle, <em>b</em> the right ventricle, <em>d</em> the left auricle, and <em>e</em> the left ventricle. The blood is received in the right auricle, <em>a</em>, from the general system, <em>f</em>. It then passes into the right ventricle, <em>b</em>, and is forced by the contraction of it through arteries to the lungs, <em>c</em>. From the lungs it comes back to the heart, to the left side, and enters the left auricle, <em>d</em>. From this it passes into the left ventricle, <em>e</em>, from which it is sent all over the body, represented by <em>f</em>.

Heart, Compartments of

Diagram showing the compartments of the heart. The smaller compartments are the auricles (also known…

The heart, showing its relative position to the lungs. The heart is almost wholly covered up by the lungs and it is encased in a sack or bag (the pericardium), and around this there is considerable padding. The lungs are represented as drawn apart, so that a full view of the heart with its arteries and veins can be seen, and the sac of the heart and packing material is also removed. At <em>a</em> is the trachea or windpipe; on each side are the two arteries that go to the head; <em>c</em> is the artery that goes to the arm; <em>b, b</em> are the veins coming from the head, and <em>d, d</em> the veins from the arms, all emptying into a large vein that goes to the right auricle of the heart, <em>e</em>; <em>f</em> is the large vein that brings the blood from below to this auricle; <em>g</em> is the right ventricle, <em>i</em> the left, and <em>h</em> is the aorta as it goes down from the heart.

Heart and Lungs

The heart, showing its relative position to the lungs. The heart is almost wholly covered up by the…

The human skull, showing the bones of the head. <em>a</em>is the large bone of the forehead known as the frontal bone; <em>b</em> is known as the parietal bone, and <em>c</em> is the temporal bone.


The human skull, showing the bones of the head. ais the large bone of the forehead known as…

The bones of the top of the head are fastened together by what are called sutures which are locked together by little teeth of bone that shoot by each other, as shown in the figure. <em>b</em> is the suture at the top of the head between the two parietal bones; <em>a a</em> is that between the two parietal bones and the frontal bone in front; and <em>c c </em> is that between the parietal bones and the bone at the back part of the cranium. These bones are not completely formed in the newborn infant.

Cranial Sutures

The bones of the top of the head are fastened together by what are called sutures which are locked together…

The upper two vertebrae of the spinal column, involved in head movement. In performing the rotary motion of turning your head, the skull does not move alone, but it moves together with the first vertebra. The first vertebra in this motion moves on the second around a tooth-like process that stands up from this second vertebra. This tooth works in a smooth notch on the inside of the first vertebra. It is bound very fast in this notch by a strong ligament, so that it may not, in any of the quick motions of the head, be made to press on the delicate spinal marrow which lies against it.

Upper Two Vertebrae

The upper two vertebrae of the spinal column, involved in head movement. In performing the rotary motion…

Muscles of the face and neck.

Muscles of the Face and Neck

Muscles of the face and neck.

Three Dollars ($3.00) United States coin from 1854. Obverse has a left-facing indian head with a coronet of feathers and band inscribed LIBERTY. Reverse shows the value and date in a wreath of cereals tied with a ribbon in a bow.

Gold Three Dollars Coin, 1854

Three Dollars ($3.00) United States coin from 1854. Obverse has a left-facing indian head with a coronet…

Half Eagle ($5.00) United States coin from 1795. Obverse has a right-facing image of Liberty wearing a cap with LIBERTY inscribed above head. Reverse shows an eagle on olive branch in a plain field holding a laurel wreath in its beak with its head turned to the right.

Gold Half Eagle Coin, 1795

Half Eagle ($5.00) United States coin from 1795. Obverse has a right-facing image of Liberty wearing…

Virginia Shilling (Shilling) Virginia Colony coin from 1774. Obverse has an image of a right-facing head with the inscription - GEORGIUS III DEI GRATIA. Reverse shows an image of a crowned coat of arms with the date at the top and the inscription - VIRGI NIA

Silver Virginia Shilling Coin, 1774

Virginia Shilling (Shilling) Virginia Colony coin from 1774. Obverse has an image of a right-facing…

Dime (10 cents) United States coin from 1796. Obverse has the image of a right-facing Liberty with LIBERTY inscribed above and 1796 inscribed below, surrounded by 13 stars - 6 facing. Reverse shows an heraldic eagle with a left-facing head, banner in beak inscribed with E PLURIBUS UNUM, clouds above.

Silver Dime Coin, 1796

Dime (10 cents) United States coin from 1796. Obverse has the image of a right-facing Liberty with LIBERTY…

Fifth Dollar (20 cents) United States Coin from 1857. Obverse has the image of Liberty beside a shield holding a staff with a cap in her left hand and surrounded by 13 equally-spaced stars. Reverse is an eagle with NO shield with head right-facing surrounded by the inscription - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TWENTY CENTS.

Silver Fifth Dollar Coin, 1875

Fifth Dollar (20 cents) United States Coin from 1857. Obverse has the image of Liberty beside a shield…

Quarter (25 cents) United States coin from 1853. Obverse has the image of a Liberty seated beside a shield, holding a staff with a cap in her left hand surrounded by 13 stars and the date at the bottom. Reverse shows an eagle with a left-turned head, holding arrows and an olive branch with rays over its head surrounded by the inscription - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA QUAR. DOL.

Silver Quarter Coin, 1853

Quarter (25 cents) United States coin from 1853. Obverse has the image of a Liberty seated beside a…

Half Dollar (50 cents) United States coin from 1794. Obverse has the head of Liberty right-facing with 15 stars - 7 facing, LIBERTY inscribed above and 1794 inscribed below. Reverse shows an eagle within a wreath surrounded by the inscription - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Silver Half Dollar Coin, 1794

Half Dollar (50 cents) United States coin from 1794. Obverse has the head of Liberty right-facing with…

Half Dollar (50 cents) United States coin from 1853. Obverse has the image of a Liberty seated beside a shield, holding a staff with a cap in her left hand surrounded by 13 stars and with arrowheads at the date below the image. Reverse shows an eagle with a left-turned head, holding arrows and an olive branch with rays over its head surrounded by the inscription - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HALF DOL.

Silver Half Dollar Coin, 1853

Half Dollar (50 cents) United States coin from 1853. Obverse has the image of a Liberty seated beside…

Half Dollar (50 cents) United States coin from 1892. Obverse has the head of Liberty right-facing a laurel branch on her head with 15 stars - 7 facing, LIBERTY inscribed above and 1892 inscribed below. Reverse shows an heraldic eagle with a left-turned head, holding arrows and an olive branch with stars over its head surrounded by the inscription - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HALF DOLLAR.

Silver Half Dollar Coin, 1892

Half Dollar (50 cents) United States coin from 1892. Obverse has the head of Liberty right-facing a…

Half Dollar (50 cents) United States coin from 1892. Obverse has the head of Columbus right-facing with the inscription - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COLUMBIAN HALF DOLLAR. Reverse shows a sailing caravel left-facing over the two hemispheres which separate 14 92 surrounded by the inscription WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CHICAGO 1892.

Silver Columbian Half Dollar, 1892

Half Dollar (50 cents) United States coin from 1892. Obverse has the head of Columbus right-facing with…

Trade Dollar ($1.00) United States coin from 1873. Obverse has a seated, left-facing Liberty holding a label in her left hand which reads LIBERTY. At the base of her seat is inscribed IN GOD WE TRUST just above the date. She is surrounded by 13 stars - 6 facing. Reverse shows an eagle with a right-facing head with a label on which the motto is inscribed. Inscription - TRADE DOLLAR.

Silver Trade Dollar Coin, 1873

Trade Dollar ($1.00) United States coin from 1873. Obverse has a seated, left-facing Liberty holding…

New York Cent (1 cent) New York coin from 1787. Obverse has the state coat of arms with the inscription - EXCELSIOR beneath the figure. Reverse shows a right-facing heraldic eagle with thirteen stars over head, surrounded by the inscription - E PLURIBUS UNUM 1787.

Copper Cent Coin, 1787

New York Cent (1 cent) New York coin from 1787. Obverse has the state coat of arms with the inscription…

Pennsylvania Cent (1 cent) Pennsylvania coin from 1785. Obverse has a right-facing image of a head surrounded by the inscription - VERMON AUCTORI. Reverse shows a right-facing image holding scales and a staff surrounded by the inscription - IMMUNE COLUMBIA 1785. No legal coinage.

Copper Cent Coin, 1785

Pennsylvania Cent (1 cent) Pennsylvania coin from 1785. Obverse has a right-facing image of a head surrounded…

Virginia Half Pence (half pence) Virginia Colony coin from 1773. Obverse has an image of a right-facing head with the inscription - GEORGIUS III REX. Reverse shows an image of a crowned coat of arms with the date at the top and the inscription - VIRGI NIA 1773.

Copper Half Pence Coin, 1773

Virginia Half Pence (half pence) Virginia Colony coin from 1773. Obverse has an image of a right-facing…

War token with head with winged cap obverse and eagle with shield reverse. These little mementoes of the War of the Rebellion represent the small currency chiefly in use during that period. They were all privately issued, and the Government did not interfere. Merchants displayed their cards on them (often with appropriate characteristic devices), and freely used them in their business. Others partook of the general type, were supplied in suitable quantities to the purchaser, and were "current everywhere." They continued in circulation until about 1867 when their use was prohibited by law.

War Token, 1863

War token with head with winged cap obverse and eagle with shield reverse. These little mementoes of…

War token with femal head and "FOR PUBLIC ACCOMODATION" obverse and eagle reverse. These little mementoes of the War of the Rebellion represent the small currency chiefly in use during that period. They were all privately issued, and the Government did not interfere. Merchants displayed their cards on them (often with appropriate characteristic devices), and freely used them in their business. Others partook of the general type, were supplied in suitable quantities to the purchaser, and were "current everywhere." They continued in circulation until about 1867 when their use was prohibited by law.

War Token, 1863

War token with femal head and "FOR PUBLIC ACCOMODATION" obverse and eagle reverse. These little mementoes…

War token with male head with Phrygian (liberty) cap obverse and "OUR LITTLE MONITOR" reverse. These little mementoes of the War of the Rebellion represent the small currency chiefly in use during that period. They were all privately issued, and the Government did not interfere. Merchants displayed their cards on them (often with appropriate characteristic devices), and freely used them in their business. Others partook of the general type, were supplied in suitable quantities to the purchaser, and were "current everywhere." They continued in circulation until about 1867 when their use was prohibited by law.

War Token, 1863

War token with male head with Phrygian (liberty) cap obverse and "OUR LITTLE MONITOR" reverse. These…

Cent (1 cent) United States coin from 1859. Obverse has a left-facing Indian head and is inscribed - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1859. Reverse shows the value inscribed inside a wreath of olive branches.

Copper-Nickel Cent Coin, 1859

Cent (1 cent) United States coin from 1859. Obverse has a left-facing Indian head and is inscribed -…

Proportions of a health child's body and head size at birth and at one year of age.

Proportions of a Healthy Child's Body at Birth and Birth and One Year

Proportions of a health child's body and head size at birth and at one year of age.

Proportions of a health child's body and head size at 2 and 5.5 years of age.

Proportions of a Healthy Child's Body at 2 and 5 Years of Age

Proportions of a health child's body and head size at 2 and 5.5 years of age.

A thoracic vertebra seen from behind, i.e., the end turned from the head.

Thoracic Vertebra

A thoracic vertebra seen from behind, i.e., the end turned from the head.

Two thoracic vertebrae seen from behind, i.e., the end turned from the head. Labels: C, the body; A, neural arch; Ps, spinous process; Pas, anterior articular process; Pai, posterior articular process; Pt, transverse process; Ft, facet for articulation with the tubercle of a rib; Fcs, Fci, articular surface on the centrum for articulation with a rib.

Thoracic Vertebrae

Two thoracic vertebrae seen from behind, i.e., the end turned from the head. Labels: C, the body; A,…