An illustration of the hop plant. Humulus, (hop) is a small genus of flowering plants, native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere. The female flowers of one species are called hops, and are used as flavoring and stabilizers, especially for brewing beer. The hop is part of the family Cannabaceae, which also includes the genus Cannabis (hemp).


An illustration of the hop plant. Humulus, (hop) is a small genus of flowering plants, native to the…

Cynoglossum officinale (hound's tongue, dog's tongue, gypsy flower, and rats and mice due to its smell) is a herbaceous plant of the family Boraginaceae, found in most parts of Europe, and also North America where it was accidentally introduced. It can be either annual or biennial, with reddish-purple flowers blooming between May and September. It lives in wet places, waste land and hedges.

Hound's Tongue

Cynoglossum officinale (hound's tongue, dog's tongue, gypsy flower, and rats and mice due to its smell)…

An illustration of vine foliage and inflorescence. An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches.


An illustration of vine foliage and inflorescence. An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers…

"Self-heal. (Prunella vulgaris). The upper part of the stem with flowers. a, the calyx; b, the corolla; c, a leaf; d, a bract from the inflorescence." -Whitney, 1911


"Self-heal. (Prunella vulgaris). The upper part of the stem with flowers. a, the calyx; b, the corolla;…

"Flowering branch of Senna (Cassia obovata). a, a pod." -Whitney, 1911


"Flowering branch of Senna (Cassia obovata). a, a pod." -Whitney, 1911

Jasminum grandiflorum (chameli in Hindi) is a species of jasmine native to South Asia. In India, its leaves are widely used as an Ayurvedic herbal medicine and its flowers are used to adorn the coiffure of women. In Pakistan, it grows wild in the Salt Range and Rawalpindi District at 500-1500 m altitude. It is closely related to, and sometimes treated as merely a form of, Jasminum officinale. It is a scrambling deciduous shrub growing to 2–4 m tall. The leaves are opposite, 5–12 cm long, pinnate with 5–11 leaflets. The flowers are produced in open cymes, the individual flowers are white having corolla with a basal tube 13–25 mm long and five lobes 13–22 mm long. The flower's fragrance is unique and sweet. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in warm temperate and subtropical regions.

Jasminum grandiflorum

Jasminum grandiflorum (chameli in Hindi) is a species of jasmine native to South Asia. In India, its…

Dill (Anethum graveolens) is a short-lived perennial herb. It is the sole species of the genus Anethum, though classified by some botanists in a related genus as Peucedanum graveolens (L.) C.B.Clarke. It grows to 40–60 cm (16–24 in) 1 inch, with slender stems and alternate, finely divided, softly delicate leaves 10–20 cm (3.9–7.9 in) long. The ultimate leaf divisions are 1–2 mm (0.039–0.079 in) broad, slightly broader than the similar leaves of fennel, which are threadlike, less than 1 mm (0.039 in) broad, but harder in texture. The flowers are white to yellow, in small umbels 2–9 cm (0.79–3.5 in) diameter. The seeds are 4–5 mm (0.16–0.20 in) long and 1 mm (0.039 in) thick, and straight to slightly curved with a longitudinally ridged surface.


Dill (Anethum graveolens) is a short-lived perennial herb. It is the sole species of the genus Anethum,…

An illustration of duckweed inflorescence containing two male flowers each of one stamen and a female flower, the whole enclosed in a sheath. Duckweed is an important food source for waterfowl and are eaten by humans in some parts of Southeast Asia.

Duckweed Inflorescence

An illustration of duckweed inflorescence containing two male flowers each of one stamen and a female…

A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing flowers.

Canadian Serviceberry

A branch of the Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), a shrub or small tree, showing flowers.

The Sesame (Sesamum orientale, Sesamum indicum) is a flowering plant in the Pedaliaceae family of pedaliums or sesames used for its edible seeds and oil.


The Sesame (Sesamum orientale, Sesamum indicum) is a flowering plant in the Pedaliaceae family of pedaliums…

A flock of birds flying across a backdrop of flowers and an hour-glass.

Header, Footer

A flock of birds flying across a backdrop of flowers and an hour-glass.

The Chay Root (Oldenlandia umbellata) is a plant native to India used for the red dye that can be extracted from its root. "Shaya-root ... a, flower; b, pistil and calyx." -Whitney, 1911

Chay Root

The Chay Root (Oldenlandia umbellata) is a plant native to India used for the red dye that can be extracted…

"Plant with Flowers and Fruits of Shepherd's-purse" (Capsella bursa-pastoris) "a, flower; b, a pod." -Whitney, 1911

Shepherd's Purse

"Plant with Flowers and Fruits of Shepherd's-purse" (Capsella bursa-pastoris) "a, flower; b, a pod."…

"Flowering Plant of Shortia galacifolia. a, the corolla, laid open." -Whitney, 1911

Oconee Bells

"Flowering Plant of Shortia galacifolia. a, the corolla, laid open." -Whitney, 1911

It is an annual plant growing to 40-90 cm tall, with grey-green branched stems. The leaves are lanceolate, 1-4 cm long. The flowers are most commonly an intense blue colour, produced in flowerheads (capitula) 1.5-3 cm diameter, with a ring of a few large, spreading ray florets surrounding a central cluster of disc florets.


It is an annual plant growing to 40-90 cm tall, with grey-green branched stems. The leaves are lanceolate,…

"Branch of Simarouba amara, with female flowers. a, a male flower; b, a female flower." -Whitney, 1911


"Branch of Simarouba amara, with female flowers. a, a male flower; b, a female flower." -Whitney, 1911

Blowout Grass (Redfieldia flexuosa) is a grass found on sand dunes. "a, spikelet; b, flower; c, glumes." -Whitney, 1911

Blowout Grass

Blowout Grass (Redfieldia flexuosa) is a grass found on sand dunes. "a, spikelet; b, flower; c,…

"Bamboo-reed (Arundo donax). a, panicle; b, flowering scale, clothed with silky hairs; c, spikelet." -Whitney, 1911

Giant Reed

"Bamboo-reed (Arundo donax). a, panicle; b, flowering scale, clothed with silky hairs; c, spikelet."…

Ranunculus bulbosus, commonly known as St Anthony's turnip or bulbous buttercup, is a perennial weed of the Buttercup Family. It has attractive yellow flowers, and deeply divided, three-lobed long-petioled basal leaves. Bulbous buttercup is known to form tufts.

Bulbous Buttercup

Ranunculus bulbosus, commonly known as St Anthony's turnip or bulbous buttercup, is a perennial weed…

Lamium album (White Deadnettle) is a flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native throughout Europe and western Asia, growing in a variety of habitats from open grassland to woodland, generally on moist, fertile soils. It is a herbaceous perennial plant growing to 50-100 cm tall, with green, four-angled stems. The leaves are 3-8 cm long and 2-5 cm broad, triangular with a rounded base, softly hairy, and with a serrated margin and a petiole up to 5 cm long; they appear superficially similar to those of the Stinging nettle Urtica dioica but do not sting, hence the common name "dead nettle". The flowers are white, produced in whorls ('verticillasters') on the upper part of the stem, the individual flowers 1.5-2.5 cm long

Lamium Album

Lamium album (White Deadnettle) is a flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native throughout Europe…

Paeonia) is the only genus in the flowering plant family Paeoniaceae. They are native to Asia, southern Europe and western North America. Most are herbaceous perennial plants 0.5–1.5 metres tall, but some are woody shrubs up to 1.5–3 metres tall. They have compound, deeply lobed leaves, and large, often fragrant flowers, ranging from red to white or yellow, in late spring and early summer. In the past, the peonies were often classified in the family Ranunculaceae, alongside Hellebores and Anemones.

Peony Bud

Paeonia) is the only genus in the flowering plant family Paeoniaceae. They are native to Asia, southern…

An illustration of: 1, Coralla cut open showing the four stamens; 2, Unripe fruit (lengthwise); 3, ripe capsule split open; and the foxglove plant. Digitalis is a genus of about 20 species of herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and biennials that are commonly called foxgloves. The genus was traditionally placed in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae, but upon review of phylogenetic research, it has now been placed in the much enlarged family Plantaginaceae. The genus is native to Europe, western and central Asia, and northwestern Africa. The scientific name means "finger-like" and refers to the ease with which a flower of Digitalis purpurea can be fitted over a human fingertip. The flowers are produced on a tall spike, are tubular, and vary in colour with species, from purple to pink, white, and yellow. The best-known species is the Common Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea. It is a biennial, often grown as an ornamental plant due to its showy flowers, that range in colour from purples through to whites, with variable marks and spotting. The first year of growth produces only the long, basal leaves. In the second year, the erect leafy stem 0.5-2.5 m tall develops.


An illustration of: 1, Coralla cut open showing the four stamens; 2, Unripe fruit (lengthwise); 3, ripe…

Sedum is the large stonecrop genus of the Crassulaceae, representing about 400 species of leaf succulents, found throughout the northern hemisphere, varying from annual and creeping herbs to shrubs. The plants have water-storing leaves. The flowers usually have five petals, seldom four or six. There are typically twice as many stamens as petals.


Sedum is the large stonecrop genus of the Crassulaceae, representing about 400 species of leaf succulents,…

The plant and fruit of the False Rue Anemone (Isopyrum biternatum). It is a flowering plant in the Ranunculaceae family of buttercups.

False Rue Anemone

The plant and fruit of the False Rue Anemone (Isopyrum biternatum). It is a flowering plant in the Ranunculaceae…

Bryony is the common name for any of twelve species in the genus Bryonia. These are perennial, tendril-climbing, dioecious herbs with palmately lobed leaves and flowers in axillary clusters. The fruit is a smooth, globular berry.


Bryony is the common name for any of twelve species in the genus Bryonia. These are perennial, tendril-climbing,…

"Pasture Sage-brush (Artemisia frigida). a, leaf; b, flower-head; c, fertile flower; d, marginal flower." -Whitney, 1911


"Pasture Sage-brush (Artemisia frigida). a, leaf; b, flower-head; c, fertile flower; d, marginal flower."…

"Canadian St.-John's-wort (Hypericum Canadense). a, leaf; b, seed-capsule." -Whitney, 1911

Canadian St. John's Wort

"Canadian St.-John's-wort (Hypericum Canadense). a, leaf; b, seed-capsule." -Whitney, 1911

"Marsh St.-John's-wort (Triadenum Virginicum). a, flower; b, seed-capsule." -Whitney, 1911

Marsh St. John's Wort

"Marsh St.-John's-wort (Triadenum Virginicum). a, flower; b, seed-capsule." -Whitney, 1911

"Thyme-leaved Sandwort (Arenaria serpyllifolia). a, capsule surrounded by the scarious calyx; b, expanded flower." -Whitney, 1911

Thyme-Leaved Sandwort

"Thyme-leaved Sandwort (Arenaria serpyllifolia). a, capsule surrounded by the scarious calyx; b, expanded…

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers and tendrils, and sometimes statues of gods or animals. These were placed on small pedestals, and offered an æsthetic contrast to the sliding effect which would otherwise have been produced by the oblique lines of the pediment.

Façade Tile from the Temple of Diana at Ephesus

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers…

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers and tendrils, and sometimes statues of gods or animals. These were placed on small pedestals, and offered an æsthetic contrast to the sliding effect which would otherwise have been produced by the oblique lines of the pediment.

Acroteria, or Roof-Pedestal, from the Temple of Theseus at Athens

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers…

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers and tendrils, and sometimes statues of gods or animals. These were placed on small pedestals, and offered an æsthetic contrast to the sliding effect which would otherwise have been produced by the oblique lines of the pediment.

Acroteria from the Temple of Minerva at Ægina

On the apex and two lower angles of the pediment were introduced acroteria, sometimes ornaments of flowers…

The Louis XVI Bouquet is a carving.

Louis XVI Bouquet

The Louis XVI Bouquet is a carving.

The antique rosette band is pattern of small flowers.

Antique Rosette Band

The antique rosette band is pattern of small flowers.

The antique rosette band is pattern of small flowers.

Antique Rosette Band

The antique rosette band is pattern of small flowers.

The Egyptian capital is the upper termination of the column with opened papyrus flowers. It is found in Kom-Ombo an agricultural town in Egypt.

Egyptian Capital

The Egyptian capital is the upper termination of the column with opened papyrus flowers. It is found…

The Egyptian capital is the upper termination of the column with opened papyrus flowers. It is found in Philae an island on the Nile river in Egypt.

Egyptian Capital

The Egyptian capital is the upper termination of the column with opened papyrus flowers. It is found…

The Renaissance square panel is a motif of flowers.

Renaissance Square Panel

The Renaissance square panel is a motif of flowers.

Taraxacum is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. They are native to Europe, North America and Asia and two species, T. officinale and T. erythrospermum, are found as weeds worldwide. The common name Dandelion is given to members of the genus and like other members of the Asteraceae family, they have very small flowers collected together into a composite flower head. Each single flower in a head is called a floret. Many Taraxacum species produce seeds asexually by apomixis, where the seeds are produced without pollination, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent plant.


Taraxacum is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. They are native to Europe,…

"Sicana odorifera. a, fruit; b, female flower; c, male flower." -Whitney, 1911


"Sicana odorifera. a, fruit; b, female flower; c, male flower." -Whitney, 1911

Dianthus is a genus of about 300 species of flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae, native mainly to Europe and Asia, with a few species extending south to north Africa, and one species (D. repens) in arctic North America. The species are mostly perennial herbs, a few are annual or biennial, and some are low subshrubs with woody basal stems. The leaves are opposite, simple, mostly linear and often strongly glaucous grey-green to blue-green. The flowers have five petals, typically with a frilled or pinked margin, and are (in almost all species) pale to dark pink. One species, D. knappii, has yellow flowers with a purple center.


Dianthus is a genus of about 300 species of flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae, native mainly…

The Bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara) is a perennial vine in the Solanaceae family of nightshades.


The Bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara) is a perennial vine in the Solanaceae family of nightshades.

An illustration of various parts of the cashew tree. "1, Branch, bearing flowers and fruit. The fruit stales are enlarged in pear like for bearing the nut (the true fruit) at their apex; 2, Flower expanded; Stamen and pistil, with the calyx; 4, Stamen separated; 5, Nut constituting the fruit; 6, Nut opened longitudinally; 7, Seed seprated from the nut; 8, Cotyledons opened to show the radicle a, and the plumule." (Britannica, 1910)

Cashew Tree

An illustration of various parts of the cashew tree. "1, Branch, bearing flowers and fruit. The fruit…

A lean-to plant house which is associated with the growth of ornamental plant and flowers.

Plant House

A lean-to plant house which is associated with the growth of ornamental plant and flowers.

Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) is a European mountain flower of the Asteraceae or daisy family.


Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) is a European mountain flower of the Asteraceae or daisy family.

"Flowering Branch of Oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia). a, fruit; b, section of same." -Whitney, 1911


"Flowering Branch of Oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia). a, fruit; b, section of same." -Whitney, 1911

The Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family of daisies.


The Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family of daisies.

The Myrtle (Myrtus) is a genus of one or two species of flowering plants in the family Myrtaceae, native to southern Europe and north Africa. They are evergreen shrubs or small trees, growing to 5 m tall. The leaves are entire, 3-5 cm long, with a fragrant essential oil. The star-like flowers have five petals and sepals, and numerous stamens. Petals are usually white. The fruits are globose blue-black berries containing several seeds. The flowers are pollinated by insects, and the seeds dispersed by birds that feed on the berries.


The Myrtle (Myrtus) is a genus of one or two species of flowering plants in the family Myrtaceae, native…

An illustration of the inflorescence of the carrot plant. An inflorescence is a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch or a complicated arrangement of branches. Strictly, it is the part of the shoot of seed plants where flowers are formed and which is accordingly modified.

Carrot Flower

An illustration of the inflorescence of the carrot plant. An inflorescence is a group or cluster of…

Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere from June to September. Valerian was used as a perfume in the sixteenth century.

Valerian Inflorescence

Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers.…

Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere from June to September. Valerian was used as a perfume in the sixteenth century.

Valerian Flower

Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers.…

An illustration of a longitudinal sectional view of the valerian flower. Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere from June to September. Valerian was used as a perfume in the sixteenth century.

Valerian Flower (Longitudinal Section)

An illustration of a longitudinal sectional view of the valerian flower. Valerian is a hardy perennial…

An illustration of the valerian seed with attached pappus. In a composite flower, Pappus is the part of individual disk and ray flowers that surrounds the base, in the same manner as the calyx does in a non-compound flower. The pappus may be like bristles or tiny hairs, teeth, or scales, and is usually too small to see without magnification. Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere from June to September. Valerian was used as a perfume in the sixteenth century.

Valerian Seed with Pappus

An illustration of the valerian seed with attached pappus. In a composite flower, Pappus is the part…

An illustration of the inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Inflorescence of Field Scabious

An illustration of the inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field…

An illustration of the young inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Young Inflorescence of Field Scabious

An illustration of the young inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as…

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Ray-floret of Field Scabious

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious,…

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Ray-floret of Field Scabious

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious,…

An illustration of the seed of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Seed of Field Scabious

An illustration of the seed of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious,…

Comfrey (also comphrey) is an important herb in organic gardening, having many medicinal and fertilizer uses. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L.) is a perennial herb of the family Boraginaceae with a black, turnip-like root and large, hairy broad leaves that bears small bell-shaped white, cream, purple or pink flowers. It is native to Europe, growing in damp, grassy places, and is widespread throughout the British Isles on river banks and ditches.


Comfrey (also comphrey) is an important herb in organic gardening, having many medicinal and fertilizer…

Comfrey (also comphrey) is an important herb in organic gardening, having many medicinal and fertilizer uses. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L.) is a perennial herb of the family Boraginaceae with a black, turnip-like root and large, hairy broad leaves that bears small bell-shaped white, cream, purple or pink flowers. It is native to Europe, growing in damp, grassy places, and is widespread throughout the British Isles on river banks and ditches.

Comfrey Flower

Comfrey (also comphrey) is an important herb in organic gardening, having many medicinal and fertilizer…