The atlas vertebra (the first vertebra at the top of the spine which carries the head).

The Atlas Vertebra

The atlas vertebra (the first vertebra at the top of the spine which carries the head).

The auditory ossicles of the right ear, seen from the front. Labels: M, malleus; J, incus; S, stapes; Mcp, head of the malleus; Mc, neck of the malleus; Ml, long process; Mm, handle; Jc, boy; Jb, short, and Jl, long process of incus; Jpl, os orbiculare; Scp, head of stapes.

The Auditory Ossicles

The auditory ossicles of the right ear, seen from the front. Labels: M, malleus; J, incus; S, stapes;…

The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. Labels: 1, sclerotic; 2, junction of sclerotic and cornea; 3, cornea; 4, 5, conjunctiva; 7, ciliary muscle; 10, choroid; 11, 13, ciliary processes; 14, iris; 15, retina; 16, optic nerve; 17, artery entering retina in optic nerve; 18, fovea centralis; 19, 20, region where sensory part of retina ends; 22, suspensory ligament; 24, the anterior part of the hyaloid membrane; 26, the lends; 29, vitreous humor; 30, aqueous humor.

The Eyeball in Horizontal Section

The left eyeball in horizontal section from before back. Labels: 1, sclerotic; 2, junction of sclerotic…

A small portion of the capillary network as seen in the frog's web when magnified about 25 diameters. Labels: a, a small artery feeding the capillaries; v, v, small veins carrying blood back from the latter.

Capillary Network

A small portion of the capillary network as seen in the frog's web when magnified about 25 diameters.…

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge strongly and somewhat unevenly toothed, the teeth thickened and their points slightly incurved so as to appear somewhat blunted. Outline - narrow lance-shape. Apex - taper-pointed. Base - taper-pointed. Leaf/Stem - smooth, with two small warts on the upper side near the base of the leaf. Leaf - about five or six inches long, about seven eighths of an inch wide; dark and smooth above; lighter and smooth below (slightly silky when young). Branches - smooth, shining, and greenish; very brittle at the base, cracking off almost "at a touch." Introduced - from Europe. General Information - A tree sometimes sixty to eighty feet high, with a bush head and irregular branches. Its withes are used for basket-work. "The greene willow boughes with the leaves may vary well be brought into chambers and set about the beds of those that be sicke of agues, for they do mightily coole the heate of the aire, which thing is a wonderfull refreshing to the sicke patients." -- Gerardes' Herbal. Salix from two Celtic words meaning "near" and "water."

Genus Salix, L. (Willow)

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge strongly and somewhat unevenly toothed, the teeth thickened and their…

Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness, but arranged along the branches in two-leaved, sheathed bunches. Leaf - needle-shape, about one inch long, pointed, stiff, curved, rounded on the back, grooved above. Cones - nearly two inches long, gray, usually in pairs, and curved like small horns, with a peculiar habit of always pointing in the same direction as the branches. Scales - blunt, smooth, not armed with points or knobs. Found - along the northern frontier of the United States and far northward. Its best growth is north of Lake Superior. General Information - A small evergreen tree, or often a shrub, five to thirty feet high, with long, spreading branches, and light, soft wood that is of but slight value.

Genus Pinus, L. (Pine)

Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness, but arranged along the branches…

Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness, but arranged along the branches in two-leaved sheathed bunches (On vigorous young shoots the leaves are sometimes clustered in threes, not on the old branches.) Leaf - needle-shape, two and a half to five inches long, usually four to five inches; dark green; slender; rounded on the outer side; on the inner side, hollowed. Cone - about two to three inches long, in old trees scarcely more than one and a half inches long; the smallest of the American Pine cones; surface roughened by the slightly projecting ends of the scales; not growing in large clusters. Scales - tipped with a weak prickle pointing outward.Found - in Staten Island and New Jersey, and southward to Western Florida; through the Gulf States, Arkansas, and parts of Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois. General Information - An evergreen tree forty to eighty feet high, with straight trunk, regular branches, and pyramid-shaped head. The timber is hard and very valuable, second in value (among the Yellow Pines) only to the "Georgia Pine" (P. palustris -" Long-leaved Pine," "Southern Pine").

Genus Pinus, L. (Pine)

Leaves - simple; indeterminate in position because of their closeness, but arranged along the branches…

Leaves - unequally twice-compound (odd-feathered; leaflets very numerous - seven to thirteen on the different branches of the main leaf-stem; alternate; edge of leaflets entire. Outline - leaflets, egg-shape or oval. Apex - sharply taper-pointed. Base, slightly heart-shaped or rounded. Leaf-stem - in the autumn takes a violet tinge. Leaf - one and one half to three feet long, about one half as wide. Leaflets, one to two and one half inches long, of a dull green. Bark - of trunk, rough and scaly, separating in small and hard crosswise and backward-curled strips. Branchlets stout and not thorny. Flowers - in white spikes along the branches. May-July. Fruit - in large curved pods (Six to ten inches long, by two inches broad), pulpy within, of a reddish-brown color, flattened and hard. Each pod contains several hard, gray seeds one half of an inch or more in diameter. September, October. Found - in Franklin County, Pennsylvania (Porter), Western New York, westward and southward to Middle Tennessee. Not common. General information - A tree sixty to eighty feet high, or more, with a rather small and regular head. The fewness and the abruptness of its large branches give to it in the winder a dead and stumpy look, whence one of its common names. Its bruised and sweetened leaves are used at the South for poisoning flies. Its seeds were formerly used as a substitute for coffee.

Genus Gymnocladus, Lam. (Coffee Tree)

Leaves - unequally twice-compound (odd-feathered; leaflets very numerous - seven to thirteen on the…

The larynx viewed from its pharyngeal opening. The back wall of the pharynx has been divided and its edges (11) turned aside. Labels 1, body of hyoid; 2, its small, and 3, its great, horns; 4, upper and lower horns of thyroid cartilages; 5, mucous membrane of front of pharynx, covering the back of the cricoid cartilage; 6, upper end of gullet; 7, windpipe, lying in front of the gullet; 8, eminence caused by cartilage of Santorini; 9, eminence caused by cartilage of Wrisberg; both lie in, 10, the artytenoepiglottic fold of mucous membrane, surrounding the opening (aditus laryngis) from pharynx to larynx; a, projecting tip of epiglottis; c, the glottis, the lines leading from the latter point to the free vibratory edges of the vocal cords; b', the ventricles of the larynx; their upper edges, marking them off from the eminences b, are the false vocal cords.


The larynx viewed from its pharyngeal opening. The back wall of the pharynx has been divided and its…

A T-square is used to aid drawing straight and parallel lines. It consist of a thin straightedge, the blade, and a head fastened at right angles.


A T-square is used to aid drawing straight and parallel lines. It consist of a thin straightedge, the…

Arteries of the head. Labels: 1, common carotid; 2, internal carotid; 3, external carotid; 4, occipital; 5, superior thyroid; 6, trapezius; 7, lingual; 8, sterno-mastoid; 9, facial; 10, temporal; 11, submental; 12, transverse facial; 13, inferior labial; 15 inferior coronary; 17, superior coronary; 19, lateral nasal; 21, angular.

Arteries of the Head

Arteries of the head. Labels: 1, common carotid; 2, internal carotid; 3, external carotid; 4, occipital;…

Veins of the leg. Labels: 1, saphenous; 2, collateral branch; 3, anastomosis; 4, internal saphenous; 5, original of saphenous; 6, anastomosing branch; 7, branches on back leg; 8, internal vein of foot; 9, arch veins on metatarsal bones; 10, branch from heel; 11, branches on sole of foot.

Veins of the Leg

Veins of the leg. Labels: 1, saphenous; 2, collateral branch; 3, anastomosis; 4, internal saphenous;…

Nerves of the face and scalp. Labels: 1, attrahensaurem; 2, anterior belly occipito-frontalis; 3, auriculo-temporal nerve; 4, temporal branches of facial nerves; 5, attolens aurem; 6, supra-trochlea; 7, posterior belly occipito-frontalis; 8, supra-orbital; 9, retrahens aurem; 10, temporal branch of orbital nerve; 11, small occipital nerve; 12, malar branches of facial nerve; 13, posterior auricular nerve; 14, malar branch of orbital; 15, great occipital; 16, infra-orbital branches; 17, facial nerve; 18, nasal nerve; 19, cervico-facial division of facial; 20, infra-orbital branches; 17, facial nerve; 18, nasal nerve; 19, cervico-facial division of facial; 20, infra orbital nerve; 21, branches to digastric and stylo-hyoid; 22, temporo-facial division; 23, great auricular; 24, buccal branches of facial; 25, trapezius; 26, buccinator nerve; 27, splenius capitis; 28, masseter; 29, sterno-mastoid; 30, supra-maxillary branches of facial nerve; 31, superficial cervical nerve; 32, mental nerve; 33, platysma; 34, infra-maxillary branches of facial nerves.

Nerves of the Face and Scalp

Nerves of the face and scalp. Labels: 1, attrahensaurem; 2, anterior belly occipito-frontalis; 3, auriculo-temporal…

Buttock and back of thigh. Labels: 1, gluteus maximus; 2, gluteus medius; 3, gluteal artery; 4, gluteus minimus; 5, nerve of obturator internus; 6, pyriformis; 7, pudic nerve; 8, small sciatic nerve; 9, great sacro-sciatic ligament; 10, obturator internus; 11, inferior gluteal nerve; 12, tendon obturator internus; 13, inferior pudenal nerve; 14, quadtratus femoris; 15, gracilis; 16, great sciatic nerve; 17, adductor magnus; 18, insertion gluteus maximus; 19, origin of semitendinosus and semimembranosus; 20; short head of biceps; 21, semimembranosus; 22, tendon of bicep; 23, tendon of semiteninosus; 24, short head of biceps; 21, semimembranosus; 22, tendon of biceps; 23, tendon of semitendinosus; 24, external popliteal nerve; 25, internal popliteal nerve; 26, communicans fibrelaris; 27, popliteal artery; 29, gastrocnemius; 31, external saphenous nerve.

Buttock and Thigh

Buttock and back of thigh. Labels: 1, gluteus maximus; 2, gluteus medius; 3, gluteal artery; 4, gluteus…

Section of the head showing the greater scythe, the horizontal apophysis of the dura mater between the brain and the cerebellum and other parts under the middle line of the head.

Head, Section of

Section of the head showing the greater scythe, the horizontal apophysis of the dura mater between the…

Vertical middle section of head and neck showing the opening through the Eustachian tube, and its relations with the pharynx.

Head and Neck, Section of

Vertical middle section of head and neck showing the opening through the Eustachian tube, and its relations…

View of the nervous system in man, showing the nervous centers (the brain and the spinal near row) where the other nerves begin which provide the whole body.

Nervous System

View of the nervous system in man, showing the nervous centers (the brain and the spinal near row) where…

View of the nerves on the back part of the forearm and hand.

Nerves of the Forearm and Hand

View of the nerves on the back part of the forearm and hand.

Back vertical view of the heart with its injected veins.

Back Vertical View of the Heart

Back vertical view of the heart with its injected veins.

Arteries of the palm of the head and front of the forearm. Labels: 3, deep part of the raised pronator of the radius; 4, long supinator muscle; 5, long flexor of the thumb; 6, square pronator; 7, deep flexor of the fingers; 8, cubital flexor of the wrist; 9, annular ligament; 10, the brachial artery; 12, radial artery; 13, recurring radial artery joining the end of the upper deep one; 4, superficial veins; 15, cubital artery; 16, superficial palmary arch; 17, magna artery of the thumb and radial artery of the index; 18, back cubital recurring artery; 19, front interosseous artery; 20, back interosseous artery.

Arteries of the Hand and Forearm

Arteries of the palm of the head and front of the forearm. Labels: 3, deep part of the raised pronator…

Arteries of the head and neck. Labels: 1, primitive carotid artery; 2, occipital branch to the back part of the skull; 4, upper hyoides artery; 5, lower pharyngeal artery; 6, masseter artery; 7, submental artery; 8, lower coronary artery; 9, upper coronary artery; 10, deep branch; 11, back cervical artery; 12, continuation and fold of the occipital; 13, descending branch for muscles of the neck; 14, posterior auricular; 15, temporal artery; 16, parietal branches; 17, frontal branches; 19, orbitary branches; 20, subclavian artery.

Arteries of the Head and Neck

Arteries of the head and neck. Labels: 1, primitive carotid artery; 2, occipital branch to the back…

Image of vocal apparatus as seen in the laryngoscopic mirror held far back in the mouth.

Vocal Apparatus

Image of vocal apparatus as seen in the laryngoscopic mirror held far back in the mouth.

View of the back of the tongue, from which, by maceration, the periglottis has been removed and turned back on the right side.

Back View of the Tongue

View of the back of the tongue, from which, by maceration, the periglottis has been removed and turned…

General view of the human body - back view.

The Human Body - Back View

General view of the human body - back view.

The transfer caliper is provided with a false leg which is set so that the caliper may be opened and then brought back to the same position after removing from the casting.

Transfer Caliper

The transfer caliper is provided with a false leg which is set so that the caliper may be opened and…

To make a blueprint, place the tracing in a blueprint frame with the inked side next to the glass and lay a sheet of blueprint paper with the sensitized side next to the tracing. Put the back of the frame in place and lock it in position so as to hold the tracing paper. Expose to sunlight for 30 seconds.

Frame Blueprint

To make a blueprint, place the tracing in a blueprint frame with the inked side next to the glass and…

A small European and Asian rodent has quills on his back and can roll up into a ball.


A small European and Asian rodent has quills on his back and can roll up into a ball.

A device propelled through water with a ship as its target. "(a) Head; (b) air cylinder; (c) after body; (e) propellers; (f) war nose." -Foster, 1921


A device propelled through water with a ship as its target. "(a) Head; (b) air cylinder; (c) after body;…

A woman from the Indian tribe, Zuni in New Mexico. The Zuni are one of the Pueblo peoples. They are believed to have been farmers in their present location for over 3,00 years. This Zuni woman balances a traditional jar on her head.

Zuni Woman

A woman from the Indian tribe, Zuni in New Mexico. The Zuni are one of the Pueblo peoples. They are…

Phrenology is a psychological theory that the shape and bumps on a person's head can tell what mental powers and sentiments the person uses the most. The images make up the phrenology chart.


Phrenology is a psychological theory that the shape and bumps on a person's head can tell what mental…

"Lie flat on the back. Raise first one leg and then the other to a perpendicular position." -Foster, 1921


"Lie flat on the back. Raise first one leg and then the other to a perpendicular position." -Foster,…

"Lie flat on the back...hands clasped behind head. Pull up to sitting position." -Foster, 1921


"Lie flat on the back...hands clasped behind head. Pull up to sitting position." -Foster, 1921

"Stretch hands overhead. Bend back as far as possible, repeating until tired. Alternate by bending forward and trying to touch toes." -Foster, 1921


"Stretch hands overhead. Bend back as far as possible, repeating until tired. Alternate by bending forward…

"Tense the muscles of the neck and turn head... forward and back and around in a circle." -Foster, 1921


"Tense the muscles of the neck and turn head... forward and back and around in a circle." -Foster, 1921

"Arms outstretched horizontally. Make the hands describe a full circle forward and back." -Foster, 1921


"Arms outstretched horizontally. Make the hands describe a full circle forward and back." -Foster, 1921

"Arms outstretched horizontally. Make the hands describe a full circle forward and back." -Foster, 1921


"Arms outstretched horizontally. Make the hands describe a full circle forward and back." -Foster, 1921

"Hands on back of a chair or table. Raise and lower the knees rapidly, as in running." -Foster, 1921


"Hands on back of a chair or table. Raise and lower the knees rapidly, as in running." -Foster, 1921

Phrenology is a psychological theory that the shape and bumps on a person's head can tell what mental powers and sentiments the person uses the most. The images make up the phrenology chart.


Phrenology is a psychological theory that the shape and bumps on a person's head can tell what mental…

Phrenology is a psychological theory that the shape and bumps on a person's head can tell what mental powers and sentiments the person uses the most. The images make up the phrenology chart.


Phrenology is a psychological theory that the shape and bumps on a person's head can tell what mental…

Phrenology is a psychological theory that the shape and bumps on a person's head can tell what mental powers and sentiments the person uses the most. The images make up the phrenology chart.


Phrenology is a psychological theory that the shape and bumps on a person's head can tell what mental…

Sutures of the skull. Labels: a,a, the coronal suture, from the Latin corona, crown, so called from its situation on that part of the head, upon which the ancients placed the laurel, or olive crown, given to the victors in their games. It connects the frontal to the parietal bones; b, the sagittal suture, from a Latin word, signifying arrow, from its straight course. It runs from the middle of the frontal to the angle of the occipital bone, connecting the two parietals; c, the lambdoidal suture, extending from the sagittal suture down to the base of the brain on each side; e,e, the scaly overlapping of the temporal upon the parietal bones; hence called squamous suture.

Skull Sutures

Sutures of the skull. Labels: a,a, the coronal suture, from the Latin corona, crown, so called from…

Fourth rib. Labels: a, vertebral extremity, called the head, which is connected with the bodies of the two contiguous dorsal vertebrae. At b, the bone is contracted, forming the neck; c, is the tubercle at the back of the rib, which is articulated with the transverse process of the vertebrae; d, the angle; e, the sternal extremity; f, a groove for the intercostal vessels. This will serve for a general description of the ribs.

Fourth Rib

Fourth rib. Labels: a, vertebral extremity, called the head, which is connected with the bodies of the…

Scapula. Labels: a, superior angle; d, the glenoid cavity, or socket for the round head of the arm bone; m, the aeromion process; n, the caracoid process, which serve to protect the joint; f, the base; g, the costa, or inferior border, and h, the superior border of the triangle; l, the spine; o, the semilunar notch, for the passage of an artery, vein, and nerve.


Scapula. Labels: a, superior angle; d, the glenoid cavity, or socket for the round head of the arm bone;…

The nasal fossae seen from behind.

Back View of the Nasal Fossae

The nasal fossae seen from behind.

Head of cabbage.


Head of cabbage.

Three kittens run back home to their mother.

Three Kittens 6

Three kittens run back home to their mother.

"Till they were heels over head."-University Society, 1920

Bears 8

"Till they were heels over head." -University Society, 1920

"Whitey came and turned him over."-University Society, 1920

Bears 10

"Whitey came and turned him over." -University Society, 1920

"Then did Whitey roar with laughter..."-University Society, 1920

Bears 11

"Then did Whitey roar with laughter..." -University Society, 1920

"Not aware what's coming after..."-University Society, 1920

Bears 12

"Not aware what's coming after..." -University Society, 1920

"The jar is broken on his head..."-University Society, 1920

Bears 13

"The jar is broken on his head..." -University Society, 1920

Two children, a rooster, cat, and dog ride on a cow's back.

Children Riding a Cow

Two children, a rooster, cat, and dog ride on a cow's back.

A girl sitting at the dinner table.

Girl at Dinner

A girl sitting at the dinner table.

The convergence of light rays in the eyeball begins in the aqueous humor is perfected in the crystalline. But when they strike the vitreous humor, which is concave on its front surface, and also less dense than the crystalline, they diverse or spread out, and are thrown upon the back part of the eye.

Convergence of Rays in the Aqueous Humor of the Eyeball

The convergence of light rays in the eyeball begins in the aqueous humor is perfected in the crystalline.…

India Stamp (12 annas) from 1876

India, Twelve Annas Stamp, 1876

India Stamp (12 annas) from 1876

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he is pulling straight back, alternating right and left repeatedly.

Chest Weights

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he is pulling straight back, alternating right…

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he is extending his right arm across his back and moving his left arm upwards.

Chest Weights

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he is extending his right arm across his back…

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he is extending his left arm across his back and moving his right arm upwards.

Chest Weights

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he is extending his left arm across his back…

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he gently moves his head forward and back.

Chest Weights

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he gently moves his head forward and back.

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he extends his left leg forward and then bends it back again.

Chest Weights

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he extends his left leg forward and then bends…