"Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb peculiarly modified so as…
The head of the chin leafed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the fore-limb…
The head of the flower-nosed bat. "Bat, one of the group of wing-handed, flying mammals, having the…
The head of the Hammer-Headed Bat (Hypsignathus monstrosus). Also known as the big-lipped bat, it is…
Ondines or undines are elementals, enumerated as the water elementals in works of alchemy by Paracelsus.…
An illustration of a flowering mandrake plant. Mandrake is the common name for members of the plant…
The dandy horse is a two wheeled vehicle propelled by the rider pushing with his feet on the ground.
"Longitudinal Section through a Fresh-water Mussel. a, edge of mantle; b, foot, with position of ganglion…
An illustration of a kangaroo pelvis. "M, marsupial bones, borne upon P, pubis; Il, ilium; Is, ischium;…
The House Martin (Delichon urbicum), sometimes called the Northern House Martin or Common House Martin,…
In architecture, a mascaron ornament is a face, usually human, sometimes frightening or chimeric whose…
"Fig 178 - the dentirostral bill of a Tanager (Pyranga hepatica)" Elliot Coues, 1884
"Fig 181 - Generic details of Hirundo horreorum(Barn Swallow) Deep lustrous steel-blue; forehead and…
"Hirundo horreorum. Barn Swallow. Tail deeply fornicate, nearly or about as long as the wings; lateral…
Aerial (top) view of Barn Swallow's bill "Hirundo horreorum. Barn Swallow. Bill of moderate size for…
Side view of the Barn Swallow's claw. "Hirundo horreorum. Barn Swallow. Tarsi shorter than middle toe…
"... basal webs generally run out to the end of the first, or along part of the second, phalanx of the…
The semipalmated (half-webbed) bases of toes on the foot of a Willet. "... basal webs generally run…
"In the palmate or ordinary webbed foot, all the front toes are united by ample webs." Elliot Coues,…
"...one or both webs may be so deeply incised, that is, cut away, that the palmation is practically…
"Typical passerine sternum, pectoral arches, and sternal ends of ribs; from the robin, Turdus migratorius,…
"Right pectoral arch of a bird. s, scapula; c, coracoid; gl, glenoid, the cavity for head of humerus;…
"Generic details of a Myiadestes townsendi (Townsend's Flycatching Thrush); bill and foot nat. size,…
"Fig 56 - Axial skeleton, minus the skull, of an owl, Asio wilsonianus, life size; from nature by Dr.…
"Pelvis of a heron (ardea herodias), nat. size, viewed from below; from nature by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt,…
"Pelvis of a young grouse, showing three distinct bones. Il,P, ilium, ischium, pubis. In front of former…
"Carpodacus. Purple Bullfinch. Bill smaller and less turgid than in Pinicol or Pyrrhula, more regularly…
" Fig 110 - Hens egg, nat. size, in section; from Owen, after A. Thompson. A, cicatricle or "tread,"…
"Further development of hen's egg; after Haeckel: A, the mulberry mass of cleavage cells, b, same as…
"Ammodramus. Seaside Sparrow. Bill remarkably slender and lengthened for this family, with culmen toward…
An illustration of the skull of a megalosaurus. Megalosaurus is a genus of large meat-eating theropod…
Megatherium ("Great Beast") was a genus of elephant-sized ground sloths that lived from two million…
"Zamelodia. Song Grosbeak. Bill extremely heavy, with the lower mandible as deep as the upper or deeper,…
"Guiraca. Blue Grosbeak. Bill Commissure strongly angulated far beyond base, with deep under mandible…
"Fig. 52 shows the totipalmate foot of a pelican. The totipalmate is a special case of palmation, in…
"Fig. 53 shows the lobate foot of a coot. In the lobate foot, a paddle results not from connecting webs,…
"Fig. 53 bis - shows the lobate foot of a phalarope. In the lobate foot, a paddle results not from connecting…
"Quiscalus. Grackle. The feet are large and strong, and the birds spend much of their time on the ground,…
"Fig 63 - Skull of a duck (Clangula islandica), nat. size; Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. a, premaxillary…
"Fig 72 - Hyoid bones of a goose, nat. size; Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. a, cartilaginous end-piece of…
This is an illustration of "The Arabian Nights" by artist J.D. Batten. It is a collection of pre-Islamic…
"An expression of great massiveness is the main characteristics of this Florentine style, which was…
"Speotyto. Burrowing Owls. tarsi long, about twice as long as the middle toe without its claw, very…
"Circinae. Harriers. Face surrounded with an incomplete ruff (as in most owls); orifice of ear about…
"Ideal plan of the double-ringed body of a vertebrate. N, neural canal; H, haemal canal; the body separating…
"Fig 55. - Actual section of the body in the thoracic region of a bird. N, neural canal; H, haemal canal;…
"Details of Engyptila albifrons (White-fronted Dove); head and foot natural size; wing and tail reduced.
"Ortyx. Quail. Outstretched feet reaching beyond end of tail. Bill black or blackish-brown. " Elliot…
"Fig 64 - Skull of chick, fifth day of incubation, x 9 diameters. Seen from above, the membranous roof…
"Skull of a chick, but seen from below. cv1, anterior cerebral vesicle; e, eye; m, mouth; pts, pituitary…
"Fig 66 - Head of a chick, second stage, after five days of incubation, section in profile; x6 diameters.…
"Squatarola. Four-toed Plover. A small but distinct hind toe, contrary to the rule in this family. Tail…
"Haematopus. Oyster-catcher. Bill peculiar - longer than tarsus, twice as long as head, constricted…
"Another small family, characterized by the extreme length of the slender legs, and the extreme slenderness…
An illustration of the dorsal view of the scapula of a rabbit. "A, acromion; m, metacromion; g, glenoid…
"The post-oral arches of the house martin, at middle of period of incubation, lateral view, X14 diameters.…
"Skull of chick, second stage, in profile, brain and membranes removed to show cartilaginous formations,…
"Skull of chick, third stage, viewed from below, x6 & 2/3 diameters. pn, prenasal cartilage, running…