The Modern Leaf Festoon is found in Paris, France.

Modern Leaf Festoon

The Modern Leaf Festoon is found in Paris, France.

The leaf enrichment moulding is a bent row of leaves, growing upwards and then bent outwards.

Leaf Enrichment Moulding

The leaf enrichment moulding is a bent row of leaves, growing upwards and then bent outwards.

The colossal egg-and-leaf moulding is found in the temple of Jupiter Tonans, Rome.

Colossal Egg-and-Leaf Moulding

The colossal egg-and-leaf moulding is found in the temple of Jupiter Tonans, Rome.

The Roman egg-and-dart moulding is an egg pattern with darts in between.

Roman Egg-and-Dart Moulding

The Roman egg-and-dart moulding is an egg pattern with darts in between.

The Renaissance egg-and-dart moulding is an egg pattern with darts in between.

Renaissance Egg-and-Dart Moulding

The Renaissance egg-and-dart moulding is an egg pattern with darts in between.

The leaf enrichment moulding is a bent row of leaves, growing upwards and then bent outwards.

Leaf Enrichment Moulding

The leaf enrichment moulding is a bent row of leaves, growing upwards and then bent outwards.

The leaf enrichment moulding is a design found in Erechtheum, Athens an ancient Greek Temple.

Leaf Enrichment Moulding

The leaf enrichment moulding is a design found in Erechtheum, Athens an ancient Greek Temple.

The corrupt leaf moulding is a leaf-shape that is geometrical.

Corrupt Leaf Moulding

The corrupt leaf moulding is a leaf-shape that is geometrical.

The Greek egg-and-tongue moulding is an egg pattern.

Greek Egg-and-Tongue Moulding

The Greek egg-and-tongue moulding is an egg pattern.

The campana egg-and-tongue moulding is an egg pattern that is a Graeco-Italic design.

Campana Egg-and-Tongue Moulding

The campana egg-and-tongue moulding is an egg pattern that is a Graeco-Italic design.

This plain termination of hinge is a 16th century design. It terminates as a leaf.

Plain Termination of Hinge

This plain termination of hinge is a 16th century design. It terminates as a leaf.

This plain termination of hinge is a 16th century design. It terminates as a leaf.

Plain Termination of Hinge

This plain termination of hinge is a 16th century design. It terminates as a leaf.

This termination of hinge is found in a town-hall in Munster, Germany. It terminates as a leaf.

Termination of Hinge

This termination of hinge is found in a town-hall in Munster, Germany. It terminates as a leaf.

This termination of hinge is found in a town-hall in Munster, Germany. It terminates as a leaf.

Termination of Hinge

This termination of hinge is found in a town-hall in Munster, Germany. It terminates as a leaf.

This termination of hinge is found in Gelnhausen, Germany. It is a 15th century design that terminates as a leaf.

Termination of Hinge

This termination of hinge is found in Gelnhausen, Germany. It is a 15th century design that terminates…

This gothic hinge comes from a door of a cabinet in a town-hall in Zwolle, Netherlands. It is a strap-hinge that terminates as a leaf.

Gothic Hinge

This gothic hinge comes from a door of a cabinet in a town-hall in Zwolle, Netherlands. It is a strap-hinge…

The gothic hinge is a strap-hinge that terminates as a leaf.

Gothic Hinge

The gothic hinge is a strap-hinge that terminates as a leaf.

The Greek-Corinthian pilaster capital has a palmette leaf design with spiral scroll like ornaments on each side.

Greek-Corinthian Pilaster Capital

The Greek-Corinthian pilaster capital has a palmette leaf design with spiral scroll like ornaments on…

The Roman-Corinthian pilaster capital has a leaf and floral design, then it volutes with a spiral scroll like ornaments on the sides.

Roman-Corinthian Pilaster Capital

The Roman-Corinthian pilaster capital has a leaf and floral design, then it volutes with a spiral scroll…

The Roman-Corinthian pilaster capital has a leaf and floral design, then it volutes with a spiral scroll like ornaments on the sides. It is found in the temple of Pantheon in Rome.

Roman-Corinthian Pilaster Capital

The Roman-Corinthian pilaster capital has a leaf and floral design, then it volutes with a spiral scroll…

The Roman-Corinthian pilaster capital has a leaf and floral design, then it volutes with a spiral scroll like ornaments on the sides. It is found in the temple of Mars in Rome.

Roman-Corinthian Pilaster Capital

The Roman-Corinthian pilaster capital has a leaf and floral design, then it volutes with a spiral scroll…

"Resplendent Shield-bearer (Coptodisca splendoriferella). a, leaf of apple showing work; b, summer larva; c, larva in case, traveling; d, cases tied up for winter; e, hibernating larva; f, pupa; g, moth; h, parasite: all enlarged." -Whitney, 1911

Resplendent Shield Bearer

"Resplendent Shield-bearer (Coptodisca splendoriferella). a, leaf of apple showing work; b, summer larva;…

Plant propagation is the process of artificially or naturally distributing plants. Pictured here is the propagation of plants through cutting.

Leaf Cuttings

Plant propagation is the process of artificially or naturally distributing plants. Pictured here is…

The leaf of Common Box (Buxus sempervirens) showing emarginations.

Common Box

The leaf of Common Box (Buxus sempervirens) showing emarginations.

An illustration of a disk-floret of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae) that includes ragworts and groundsels. The flower heads are normally rayed, completely yellow, and the heads are borne in branched clusters. Though of late the genus has been reviewed and split up, it still contains a vast number of species (about 1,500) of extremely wide form including leaf succulents, stem and tuber succulents, annuals, perennials, aquatic forms, climbers, shrubs and small trees. Some species produce natural pesticides (especially alkaloids) to deter or even kill animals that would eat them.

Disk-floret of the Senecio

An illustration of a disk-floret of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae)…

An longitudinal section view of a disk-floret of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae) that includes ragworts and groundsels. The flower heads are normally rayed, completely yellow, and the heads are borne in branched clusters. Though of late the genus has been reviewed and split up, it still contains a vast number of species (about 1,500) of extremely wide form including leaf succulents, stem and tuber succulents, annuals, perennials, aquatic forms, climbers, shrubs and small trees. Some species produce natural pesticides (especially alkaloids) to deter or even kill animals that would eat them.

Disk-floret of the Senecio (Longitudinal Section)

An longitudinal section view of a disk-floret of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy…

An illustration of a ray-floret of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae) that includes ragworts and groundsels. The flower heads are normally rayed, completely yellow, and the heads are borne in branched clusters. Though of late the genus has been reviewed and split up, it still contains a vast number of species (about 1,500) of extremely wide form including leaf succulents, stem and tuber succulents, annuals, perennials, aquatic forms, climbers, shrubs and small trees. Some species produce natural pesticides (especially alkaloids) to deter or even kill animals that would eat them.

Female ray-floret of the Senecio

An illustration of a ray-floret of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae)…

An illustration of the gynaeceum of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae) that includes ragworts and groundsels. The flower heads are normally rayed, completely yellow, and the heads are borne in branched clusters. Though of late the genus has been reviewed and split up, it still contains a vast number of species (about 1,500) of extremely wide form including leaf succulents, stem and tuber succulents, annuals, perennials, aquatic forms, climbers, shrubs and small trees. Some species produce natural pesticides (especially alkaloids) to deter or even kill animals that would eat them.

Gynaeceum of the Senecio

An illustration of the gynaeceum of the senecio flower. Senecio is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae)…

An illustration of the leaf of a potato plant.

Potato Plant Leaf

An illustration of the leaf of a potato plant.

"Strawberry False-worm (Emphytus maculatus). 1, 2 pupa, ventral and lateral views (line shows natural size); 3, fly, enlarged (wings on one side detached); 4, larva; 5, fly with wings closed; 6, larva curled up; 7, coccoon; 8, antenna; 9, egg. (4, 5, 6, and 7 natural size; 8 and 9 enlarged.)" -Whitney, 1911

Strawberry Sawfly

"Strawberry False-worm (Emphytus maculatus). 1, 2 pupa, ventral and lateral views (line shows natural…

An illustration of a plantain plant flower and bract. In botany, a bract is a modified or specialized leaf. Bracts are ordinarily associated with reproductive structures (subtending flowers, inflorescence axes, or cone scales). They are ordinarily reduced in size relative to foliage leaves, or of a different color or texture from foliage leaves, or both.

Plantain Flower and Bract

An illustration of a plantain plant flower and bract. In botany, a bract is a modified or specialized…

Section of the stem from a palm tree, showing how endogens grow threw elongation internally. "1. Section of the stem of a palm: e, e, remains of leaf-stalks; f, bundles of woody fiber." -Whitney, 1911

Palm Stem

Section of the stem from a palm tree, showing how endogens grow threw elongation internally. "1. Section…

The image shows how endogens grow threw elongation internally. "Endogenous leaf, showing its parallel veins." -Whitney, 1911

Endogenous Leaf

The image shows how endogens grow threw elongation internally. "Endogenous leaf, showing its parallel…

"Part of Epiphyllospermous Frond. In botany, bearing the fruit or spores on the back of the leaves or fronds, as ferns." -Whitney, 1911

Epiphyllospermous Frond

"Part of Epiphyllospermous Frond. In botany, bearing the fruit or spores on the back of the leaves or…

Lphioglossum (adder's-tongue) is a genus of about 25-30 species of Ophioglossales in the family Ophioglossaceae, with a cosmopolitan but primarily tropical and subtropical distribution. The name Ophioglossum comes from the Greek, and means "snake-tongue". Adders-tongues are so-called because the spore-bearing stalk is thought to resemble a snake's tongue. Each plant typically sends up a small, undivided leaf blade with netted venation, and the spore stalk forks from the leaf stalk, terminating in sporangia which are partially concealed within a structure with slitted sides.


Lphioglossum (adder's-tongue) is a genus of about 25-30 species of Ophioglossales in the family Ophioglossaceae,…

This erose leaf is so called such because of its margin's shape, as if eroded.

Erose Leaf

This erose leaf is so called such because of its margin's shape, as if eroded.

An illustration of the flower of a moss: ar, archegonium; an, antheridium; p, paraphysis; bl, leaf.

Flower of a Moss

An illustration of the flower of a moss: ar, archegonium; an, antheridium; p, paraphysis; bl, leaf.

The leaf of the coca plant (Erythroxylon coca) best known for its use in the drug cocaine.

Coca Leaf

The leaf of the coca plant (Erythroxylon coca) best known for its use in the drug cocaine.

A circular leaf border.

Circular Leaf Border

A circular leaf border.

A vine and leaf divider.

Vine Divider

A vine and leaf divider.

Common duckweed, <em>Lemna</em>. The entire plant is reduced to a leaf-like expansion which bears a long slender root and small flowers; forms green floating scum on ponds and stagnant pools.


Common duckweed, Lemna. The entire plant is reduced to a leaf-like expansion which bears a…

A leaf of arrowhead (<em>Sagittaria</em>), a member of the water-plantain family, growing abundantly in swamps.


A leaf of arrowhead (Sagittaria), a member of the water-plantain family, growing abundantly…

"Exogen. 1. Section of a branch of three years' growth: a, medulla or pith; b b, medullary sheath; e e, medullary rays; c c c, circles of annual growth; d, bark. 2. Netted veined leaf (oak). 3. Dicotyledonous seed: a, cotyledon. 4. Germination of dicotyledonous seed: a a, seed-leaves or cotyledons; o, plumula. 5. Exogenous flower (crowfoot)." -Whitney, 1911

Section of Branch Showing Exogen

"Exogen. 1. Section of a branch of three years' growth: a, medulla or pith; b b, medullary sheath; e…

An decorative lead divider.

Decorative Leaf Divider

An decorative lead divider.

An illustration of a leaf divider.

Leaf Divider

An illustration of a leaf divider.

The image shows a fascicle (bundle or cluster) of flowers of a mallow plant (Malvaceae).

Fascicle of Mallow Flowers

The image shows a fascicle (bundle or cluster) of flowers of a mallow plant (Malvaceae).

A leaf which has "the form of a fiddle or violin; pandurate or panduriform: applied in botany to an obovate leaf which is contracted above the base." -Whitney, 1911

Fiddle-Shaped Leaf

A leaf which has "the form of a fiddle or violin; pandurate or panduriform: applied in botany to an…

The Grape Rootworm Beetle (Fidia viticida) is an insect in the Chrysomelidae family of leaf beetles.

Grape Rootworm Beetle

The Grape Rootworm Beetle (Fidia viticida) is an insect in the Chrysomelidae family of leaf beetles.

The Grapevine Flea Beetle (Altica chalybea). "a, leaf infested with larvae; b, larva; c, cocoon; d, beetle." -Whitney, 1911

Grapevine Flea Beetle

The Grapevine Flea Beetle (Altica chalybea). "a, leaf infested with larvae; b, larva; c, cocoon; d,…

"A case in the form of a book in which to keep fishing-flies. It has leaves of Bristol-board or other stiff material. At the ends of the leaf are small hooks or loops to which the fish-hooks are attached so that the flies may be carried without bending the gut." -Whitney, 1911

Fly Book for Fishing

"A case in the form of a book in which to keep fishing-flies. It has leaves of Bristol-board or other…

The tracery on the windows of La Sainte-Chapelle, in Paris, France shows foliations: a leaf pattern common in Gothic architecture. "Foliations in Tracery. Sainte Chapelle, Paris, A. D. 1240." -Whitney, 1911

Tracery Foliations

The tracery on the windows of La Sainte-Chapelle, in Paris, France shows foliations: a leaf pattern…

"The Scab-fungus (Venturia inaequalis). a, an infested apple, showing scabs caused by the fungus; b, portion of an infested leaf, showing the fungus in black patches; c, section of a diseased spot in the fruit, showing the spores of the fungus in position." -Whitney, 1911

Scab Fungus

"The Scab-fungus (Venturia inaequalis). a, an infested apple, showing scabs caused by the fungus; b,…

Galeruca notata is a beetle species in the Chrysomelidae family of leaf beetles.

Dorsal View of Leaf Beetle

Galeruca notata is a beetle species in the Chrysomelidae family of leaf beetles.

An illustration of a maple leaf.

Maple Leaf

An illustration of a maple leaf.

An illustration of a small doodad.

Small Doodad

An illustration of a small doodad.

An illustration of a small doodad.


An illustration of a small doodad.

An illustration of a beetle on a leaf and a butterfly.

Beetle & Butterfly

An illustration of a beetle on a leaf and a butterfly.

An illustration of a fleur de leaf doodad.

Fleur de Leaf Doodad

An illustration of a fleur de leaf doodad.

An illustration of a full page border with simple leaves.

Leaf Border

An illustration of a full page border with simple leaves.

"And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth." Genesis 8:11 KJV

Return of the Dove to the Ark

"And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so…