A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he extends his left leg forward and then bends it back again.

Chest Weights

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he extends his left leg forward and then bends…

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he bends over and straightens his body with his hands over his head.

Chest Weights

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he bends over and straightens his body with his…

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he has bent over and now straightens his body with his hands over his head.

Chest Weights

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he has bent over and now straightens his body…

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he pulls his arms down and back, alternately repeating.

Chest Weights

A man exercising with chest weights. In this position, he pulls his arms down and back, alternately…

A man exercising with the head lifting machine.

Head Lifting Machine

A man exercising with the head lifting machine.

Hans and the cow are walking back home.

Hans the Innocent 5

Hans and the cow are walking back home.

Hans jumps on the cows back to go home.

Hans the Innocent 10

Hans jumps on the cows back to go home.

"A, the head; B, C, D, segments of the thorax; E, abdomen; F, ovipositor." -Cooper, 1887

Parts of an Insect

"A, the head; B, C, D, segments of the thorax; E, abdomen; F, ovipositor." -Cooper, 1887

"Profile of a dune, from back to front, showing its relation to the wind. The flow-lines of air are drawn above, with the eddy in front of the dune." -Gilbert, 1910

Dune and Wind

"Profile of a dune, from back to front, showing its relation to the wind. The flow-lines of air are…

"Diagram showing possible conditions of contamination of wells by sea water." -Gunter, 1933


"Diagram showing possible conditions of contamination of wells by sea water." -Gunter, 1933

"The 'leaf bug' (Dicyphus minimus): a, newly hatched; b, second stage; c, nymph; d, adult; e, head and beak from side--enlarged (original)." -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Leaf Bug

"The 'leaf bug' (Dicyphus minimus): a, newly hatched; b, second stage; c, nymph; d, adult; e, head and…

The larva stage of the cutworm, Agrostis ypsilon and its head.

Cutworm Larva

The larva stage of the cutworm, Agrostis ypsilon and its head.

"Mamestra legitima: a, adult; b, larva from above; c, same from side; d, head of same from front; e, pupa." -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Moth Stages

"Mamestra legitima: a, adult; b, larva from above; c, same from side; d, head of same from front; e,…

"Bruchus 4-maculatus: a, cowpea, showing holes made by weevils in their escape from seed, also eggs deposited on surface; b, egg in outline; c, post-embryonic larva; d, head of same; e, prothoracic leg; f, spine." -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Four-Spotted Bean Weevil

"Bruchus 4-maculatus: a, cowpea, showing holes made by weevils in their escape from seed, also eggs…

"Sectional view of perfumery still: a, b, junction between head (which is lifted for admission and withdrawal of material) and pan; c, d, false perforated bottom to prevent material from burning; e, f, condenser (tub of cold water with coil, which discharges at e, and overflow pipe passing off at f)." -Department of Agriculture, 1899

Perfumery Still

"Sectional view of perfumery still: a, b, junction between head (which is lifted for admission and withdrawal…

"Cassie or opoponax (Acacia farnesiana): a, head of opened flowers; b, head of unopened flowers." -Department of Agriculture, 1899


"Cassie or opoponax (Acacia farnesiana): a, head of opened flowers; b, head of unopened flowers." -Department…

"B, older (onion) cells farther back from the root tip. The cytoplasm is becoming vacuolate; f, vacuole." -Stevens, 1916

Onion Cells

"B, older (onion) cells farther back from the root tip. The cytoplasm is becoming vacuolate; f, vacuole."…

The head, foot, and tail of a Stone Chat Wheat-Ear

Stone Chat Wheatear

The head, foot, and tail of a Stone Chat Wheat-Ear

The head, foot, and tail-feather of the Brown Creeper.

Brown Creeper

The head, foot, and tail-feather of the Brown Creeper.

The head of the cedar bird.

Cedar Bird

The head of the cedar bird.

"1. Lower mandible. 2. Upper mandible. 3. Forehead. 4. Loral space. 5. Crown of the head. 6. Hind part of the head. 7. Scapulars--long feathers frm shoulders over sides of back. 8. Smaller wing coverts. 9. Bend of the wing. 10. Larger wing coverts. 11. Tertials, arising from the second bone of the wing at the elbow-joint. 12. Secondaries, from the second bone of the wing. 13. Primaries, from the first bone of the wing. 14. Tibia, the thigh. 15. Tarsus, the shank. 16. Upper tail coverts. 17. Lower tail coverts. 18. Tail feathers." -Roosevelt, 1884

Bird Parts

"1. Lower mandible. 2. Upper mandible. 3. Forehead. 4. Loral space. 5. Crown of the head. 6. Hind part…

"The horizontal direction of the wind is usually observed by means of an instrument called the arrow wind vane, the head of the arrow pointing in the direction of approach of the wind. The arrow is free to revolve horizontally around a vertical axis placed near the head." -Waldo, 1896

Arrow Wind Vane

"The horizontal direction of the wind is usually observed by means of an instrument called the arrow…

Illustration showing the back side of two dimes.

2 Dimes

Illustration showing the back side of two dimes.

Illustration showing the back side of three dimes.

3 Dimes

Illustration showing the back side of three dimes.

Illustration showing the back side of four dimes.

4 Dimes

Illustration showing the back side of four dimes.

Illustration showing the back side of five dimes.

5 Dimes

Illustration showing the back side of five dimes.

"Simple microtome for clamping to table. P, P, plate glass ways for the section knife; S, milled-head for clamping the object; M, micrometer milled-head for turning the screw that raises the object as the sections are cur; C, milled-head for clamping the microtome to the table." -Stevens, 1916


"Simple microtome for clamping to table. P, P, plate glass ways for the section knife; S, milled-head…

"The repairing of a rent in the nest of the red tree ant (Ecophylla smaragdina). The nest is made of leaves, held together with a silken web. The figure shows the workers repairing a rent, one brigade of them being occupied in drawing the edges of the leaves together, while the others on the inside of the nest move the spinning larvae back and forth across the gap." -National Geographic, 1912

Red Tree Ants

"The repairing of a rent in the nest of the red tree ant (Ecophylla smaragdina). The nest is made of…

Muscles of the eyelids, the elevator passing back into the orbit; the sphincter, or orbicular muscle surrounding the eye.

Eyelid, Muscles of

Muscles of the eyelids, the elevator passing back into the orbit; the sphincter, or orbicular muscle…

Side view of the eyeball. Labels: a, the eyeball, and b,b, are the upper and lower sides. Now in order to prevent dust and other bodies from working their way between the ball and the lid, through passages at c,c, into the socket of the eye where they would excite great inconvenience and pain, we find the common skin of the eye lids d,d, after covering their edges turn in a little way between the lid and the ball, and then turn back and are reflected over the surface of the cornea; where, to prevent the obstruction of vision, it becomes perfectly transparent.

Side View of the Eyeball

Side view of the eyeball. Labels: a, the eyeball, and b,b, are the upper and lower sides. Now in order…

"Bladderworm stage of a Cestode...a, Early stage with head inverted. b, Later stage with head everted." -Thomson, 1916


"Bladderworm stage of a Cestode...a, Early stage with head inverted. b, Later stage with head everted."…

"Sea anemones on back of hermit crab." -Thomson, 1916


"Sea anemones on back of hermit crab." -Thomson, 1916

"Forms of spermatozoa (not drawn to scale). 1 and 2. Immature and mature spermatozoa of snail; 3. of bird; 4. of man (h., head; m., middle portion; t., tail); 5. of salamander, with vibratile fringe (f.); 6. of Ascaris, slightly amoeboid with cap (c); 7. of crayfish." -Thomson, 1916


"Forms of spermatozoa (not drawn to scale). 1 and 2. Immature and mature spermatozoa of snail; 3. of…

"Life history of Gregarina. 1. Young forms (a, b, c) emerging from intestinal cells (i.c.); i.n., nucleus of intestinal cell. 2. Two forms conjugating (G. blattarum). 3. Spore formation within a cyst. 4. Adult with deciduous head-cap (c.c.), and a cuticular partition dividing the cell into an anterior part (A) and a posterior part (B); n., the nucleus. 5. A spore within its spore-case (sp.c.)." -Thomson, 1916


"Life history of Gregarina. 1. Young forms (a, b, c) emerging from intestinal cells (i.c.); i.n., nucleus…

"Colony of Hydractinia on back of a Buccinum shell tenanted by a hermit-crab." -Thomson, 1916


"Colony of Hydractinia on back of a Buccinum shell tenanted by a hermit-crab." -Thomson, 1916

"A. A small piece of hydroid colony. p., Perisarc; m., medusoid bud; h., hydranth or polyp head." -Thomson, 1916

Hydroid Colony

"A. A small piece of hydroid colony. p., Perisarc; m., medusoid bud; h., hydranth or polyp head." -Thomson,…

"Campanularian Hydroid. H., Hydrotheca or polyp-cup; HY., hydranth, or polyp-head; G., gonotheca, enclosing a reproductive polyp producing medusoid buds; M., a liberated medusoid; ST., basal stolon." -Thomson, 1916

Campanularian Hydroid

"Campanularian Hydroid. H., Hydrotheca or polyp-cup; HY., hydranth, or polyp-head; G., gonotheca, enclosing…

"Life history of Taenia solium. 1. Six-hooked embryo in egg-case; 2. proscolex or bladder-worm stage, with invaginated head; 3. bladder-worm with evaginated head; 4. enlarged head of adult, showing suckers and hooks; 5. general view of the tape-worm, from small head and thin neck to the rip joints; 6. a rip joint or proglottis with branched uterus; all other organs are now lost." -Thomson, 1916

Pork Tapeworm

"Life history of Taenia solium. 1. Six-hooked embryo in egg-case; 2. proscolex or bladder-worm stage,…

"Diagrams of bladder-worms. I. The ordinary Cysticercus type with one head (H.). II. The Coenurus type, with many heads. III. The Echinococcus type, with many heads, and with brood capsules producing many heads." -Thomson, 1916


"Diagrams of bladder-worms. I. The ordinary Cysticercus type with one head (H.). II. The Coenurus type,…

"An Amphipod (Caprella linearis). The two anterior thoracic segments are fused to the head; he abdomen is greatly reduced and without appendages; the fourth and fifth thoracic segments bear only respiratory plates." -Thomson, 1916


"An Amphipod (Caprella linearis). The two anterior thoracic segments are fused to the head; he abdomen…

"Hermit-crab withdrawn from its shell. The anterior appendages are broken off. hd., Head; th., thorax; abd., abdomen." -Thomson, 1916

Hermit Crab

"Hermit-crab withdrawn from its shell. The anterior appendages are broken off. hd., Head; th., thorax;…

"Head and mouth parts of bee. a., Antenna; m., mandible; g., labrum or epipharynx; mx.p., rudiment of maxillary palp; mx., lamina of maxilla; lp., labial palp; l., ligula; b., bouton at end. The paraglossae lie concealed between the basal portions of the labial palps and the ligula." -Thomson, 1916

Bee Head

"Head and mouth parts of bee. a., Antenna; m., mandible; g., labrum or epipharynx; mx.p., rudiment of…

"Mouth-parts of mosquito. a., Antennae; lxe., labrum and epipharynx; mn., mandibles; hp., hypopharynx; mx., first maxillae; li, labium; m.p., maxillary palps; cl., clypeus; cs., head scales." -Thomson, 1916

Mosquito Mouth Parts

"Mouth-parts of mosquito. a., Antennae; lxe., labrum and epipharynx; mn., mandibles; hp., hypopharynx;…

"Acerentomon, a very primitive insect. H, Head; TH.1, TH.2, TH.3, terga of thoracic segments; 1, 2, 3, the thoracic legs; A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4, abdominal appendages; P.A., eighth abdominal tergum; G., genital aperture; AP.P., post-anal appendix." -Thomson, 1916


"Acerentomon, a very primitive insect. H, Head; TH.1, TH.2, TH.3, terga of thoracic segments; 1, 2,…

"Garden spider. I., Female garden spider; II., end view of head of the same showing the simple eyes, the poison fangs (ch.), and the pedipalps (p.); III., posterior end of body showing two pairs of spinnerets (sp.), with anus above." -Thomson, 1916

Garden Spider

"Garden spider. I., Female garden spider; II., end view of head of the same showing the simple eyes,…

"Diagram showing the ear and related parts in a young cat. P., Pinna; Sq., squamosal: E.A.M., external auditory meatus; T., tympanum; M., malleus; I., incus; St., stapes abutting onforamen ovale; B., bulla of tympanic bone; Se., a septum in the bulla; E.T., eustachian tube leading from the tymmpanic cavity to the back of the mouth; B.O., basi-occipital; C., cochlea; S., sacculus; U., utriculus; D.E., ductus endolymphaticus; N., auditory nerve; S.C., semi-circular canal; PE., periotic bone." -Thomson, 1916

Cat Ear

"Diagram showing the ear and related parts in a young cat. P., Pinna; Sq., squamosal: E.A.M., external…

"Median longitudinal section of anterior region of Myxine. B., Barbule; N., nasal aperture; NT., nasal tube with rings of cartilage; NC., nasal capsule; BR., brain; SC., spinal cord; N., notochord; G., gut; T., cartilage of "tongue"; MU., muscle; NTT., posterior part of nasal sac; TP., a tooth plate; MT., median tooth on roof of mouth (M.)." -Thomson, 1916

Hagfish Anterior

"Median longitudinal section of anterior region of Myxine. B., Barbule; N., nasal aperture; NT., nasal…

"The lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). I. Then entire animal; note the seven gill-slits of which the first is marked g.s., the nostril n., and the unpaired median fins. II. Ventral aspect of the head; u.t., upper teeth; l.t., lower teeth; p., the piston in the mouth. III. Upper surface of the head; n., the nostril with the pineal groove behind it; e., the eye." -Thomson, 1916

Sea Lamprey

"The lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). I. Then entire animal; note the seven gill-slits of which the first…

"Head region of Protopterus. sn.t., Sensory tubes; l.l., lateral line; e.br., external gills; pc.l., pectoral fin; op., operculum." -Thomson, 1916

African Lungfish Head

"Head region of Protopterus. sn.t., Sensory tubes; l.l., lateral line; e.br., external gills; pc.l.,…

"Skull of frog. Upper surface-- Pmx., premaxilla; N., nasal; M., maxilla; Sq., squamosal; Q.j., quadrato-jugal; e.o., ex-occipitals; P.f., parieto-frontals; Sph.E., sphenethmoid; P.O., pro-otic." -Thomson, 1916

Upper Surface of Frog Skull

"Skull of frog. Upper surface-- Pmx., premaxilla; N., nasal; M., maxilla; Sq., squamosal; Q.j., quadrato-jugal;…

"Skull of frog. Lower surface-- Pmx., premaxilla; M., maxilla; Q.j., quadrato-jugal; Q., quadrate; Pt., pterygoid; Ps., parasphenoid; P.O., pro-otic; Sp.E., sphenethmoid; Pl., palatine; V., vomer; c., columella." -Thomson, 1916

Lower Surface of Frog Skull

"Skull of frog. Lower surface-- Pmx., premaxilla; M., maxilla; Q.j., quadrato-jugal; Q., quadrate; Pt.,…

"Dissection of tadpole. DL., Lower lip; H., ventricle of heart; DE., oesophagus; NA., head kidney; A., aorta; K., kidney; KU., ureter; DO., cloaca; LH., hind-limb; KV., opening of ureter into cloaca; GR., genital ridge; GF., fatty body; LF., fore-limb; OG., gills; a, epidermis; b, dermis." -Thomson, 1916

Tadpole Dissection

"Dissection of tadpole. DL., Lower lip; H., ventricle of heart; DE., oesophagus; NA., head kidney; A.,…

"Skull of turtle. "S.O., supra-occipital; PAR., parietal; FR., frontal; P.F., pre-frontal; PO.F., post-frontal; SQ., squamosal; PMX., pre-maxilla; MX., maxilla; J., jugal; Q.J., quadrato-jugal; Q., quadrate; D., dentary; AN., angular; AR., articular; S., surangular." -Thomson, 1916

Turtle Skull

"Skull of turtle. "S.O., supra-occipital; PAR., parietal; FR., frontal; P.F., pre-frontal; PO.F., post-frontal;…

"Internal view of tortoise skeleton. H., humerus; SC., scapula running dorsally; PC., precoracoid; C., coracoid; EC., epicoracoid cartilage; P., pubis; IL., ilium running dorsally to sacral vertebrae; IS., ischium; DV., dorsal vertebrae fused in carapace; R., head of a rib; CEV., cervical vertebrae free; CAV., caudal vertebrae free." -Thomson, 1916

Tortoise Skeleton

"Internal view of tortoise skeleton. H., humerus; SC., scapula running dorsally; PC., precoracoid; C.,…

"Snake's head. dv., Poison fangs; b., sheath of fang; l., tongue; rl., muscles of tongue." -Thomson, 1916

Snake Head

"Snake's head. dv., Poison fangs; b., sheath of fang; l., tongue; rl., muscles of tongue." -Thomson,…

"Origin of amnion and allantois. 1. Rise of amniotic folds (a.f.) around embryo (e); p.p., pleuro-peritoneal cavity; y., yolk. 2. Further growth of amniotic folds (a.f.) over embryo and around yolk. 3. Fusion of amniotic folds above embryo; a.p., amnion proper; s.z.m., subzonal membrane; y.s., yolk-sac. 4. Outgrowth of allantois (al.); amniotic cavity (a.c.); h., head end; t. tail end. 5. Complete enclosure and reduction of yolk-sac (y.s.); s.z.m, subzonal membrane; a.p., amnion proper; al., allantois; g., gut of embryo." -Thomson, 1916

Reptile Development

"Origin of amnion and allantois. 1. Rise of amniotic folds (a.f.) around embryo (e); p.p., pleuro-peritoneal…

"Disarticulation of bird's skull. Membrane bones shaded. B.Oc., basioccipital; E.Oc., exoccipital; S.Oc., supraoccipital; Pa., parietal; Fr., frontal; Na., nasal; pm., premaxilla; M., maxilla; Ju., jugal; Qj., quadrato-jugal; Qu., quadrate; pe., periotic; Sq., squamosal; AS., alisphenoid; B.S., basisphenoid; O.S., orbito-sphenoid; Pr.Sph., presphenoid; vo., vomer; iOS., interorbitalk septum; E., ethmoid; Se., nasal septum; De., dentary; Sp., splenial; An., angular; Ar., articular; MK., Meckel's cartilage." -Thomson, 1916

Bird Skull Disarticulation

"Disarticulation of bird's skull. Membrane bones shaded. B.Oc., basioccipital; E.Oc., exoccipital; S.Oc.,…

"Side view of rabbit's skull. Pmx., Premaxilla; Na., nasal; Fr., frontal; Pa., parietal; Sq., squamosal; S.O., supraoccipital; Per., periotic; T., tympanic (the reference line points to the bony external auditory meatus, beneath it lies the inflated bulla); PO., paroccipital process." -Thomson, 1916

Rabbit Skull

"Side view of rabbit's skull. Pmx., Premaxilla; Na., nasal; Fr., frontal; Pa., parietal; Sq., squamosal;…

"Upper surface of rabbit's skull. N., Anterior nostril; PMX., premaxilla; NA., nasal; FR., anterior part of frontal; MX., posterior part of maxilla; j., anterior part of jugal; SO.F., supraorbital process of frontal; FRR., posterior part of frontal; JJ., posterior end of jugal protruding below zygomatic portion of squamosal (Z.SQ.); PA., parietal; AM., external auditory meatus; SO., supraoccipital; IP., interparietal; SQ., squamosal." -Thomson, 1916

Upper Surface Rabbit Skull

"Upper surface of rabbit's skull. N., Anterior nostril; PMX., premaxilla; NA., nasal; FR., anterior…

"Under surface of rabit's skull. Inc. I., First incisors; Inc. II., second incisors; PMX., premaxilla; PA.PMX., palatal process of premaxilla; MX., maxilla; PAL., palatine; Z., zygomatic arch; BS., basisphenoid; J., posterior part of jugal; BO., basioccipital; PAR.OCC., paroccipital process of exoccipital; SOC., supraoccipital; C., one of the condyles; AM., external auditory meatus; TB., tympanic bulla; GF., glenoid fossa; PT., pterygoid." -Thomson, 1916

Under Surface Rabbit Skull

"Under surface of rabit's skull. Inc. I., First incisors; Inc. II., second incisors; PMX., premaxilla;…