"Side view of sheep's skull. PMX., Premaxilla; MX., maxilla; NA., nasal; J., Jugal; L., lachrymal; FR., frontal; PA., parietal; SQ., squamosal; CO., condyle; PP., paroccipital process." -Thomson, 1916

Sheep Skull

"Side view of sheep's skull. PMX., Premaxilla; MX., maxilla; NA., nasal; J., Jugal; L., lachrymal; FR.,…

"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla; J., jugal; L., lachrymal; SQ., squamosal; PP., paroccipital process; CO., condyle CA., canine." -Thomson, 1916

Horse Skull

"Side view of horse's skull. P., Parietal; FR., frontal; NA., nasal; PMX., premaxilla; MX., maxilla;…

"Lower surface of dog's skull. o.c., Occipital condyle; B.O., basioccipital; T., tympanic bulla; m.c., postglenoid process behind fossa for condyle of mandible; B.S., basisphenoid; P.S., base of presphenoid; V., vomer; M.2, second molar; M.1, first molar; Pm. 1-4, premolars, the 4th the large carnassial; c., canine; I.1-3, incisors; Pmx., premaxilla; mx., maxilla; Pal., palatine; J., jugal; A.S., alisphenoid; Pt., pterygoid; Sq., squamosal (the reference line points to the glenoid fossa)." -Thomson, 1916

Dog Skull

"Lower surface of dog's skull. o.c., Occipital condyle; B.O., basioccipital; T., tympanic bulla; m.c.,…

View of the heart enclosed in its bag, or pericardium, which is a serious membrane. It is here laid open and turned back.

Heart in the Pericardium

View of the heart enclosed in its bag, or pericardium, which is a serious membrane. It is here laid…

View of the heart with its several chambers exposed and the vessels in connection with them. Labels: 1, the superior vena cava. 2, the inferior vena cava. 3. the chamber called the auricle. 4. the right ventricle. 5. the line marking the passage between the two chambers, and the points of attachment of one margin of the valve. 6. the septum between the two ventricles. 7. the pulmonary artery, arising from the right ventricle, and dividing at 8 into right and left, of the corresponding lungs. 9. the four pulmonary veins, bringing the blood from the lungs into 10, the left auricle. 11. the left ventricle. 12. the aorta, arising from the left ventricle, and passing down behind the heart, to distribute blood to every part of the system. Thus the blood moves in a double circle, one from the heart to the body, and from the body back to the heart, called the systemic circle; the other, from the heart to the lung, and from the lung back to the heart, called the pulmonic circle.

Heart and its Chambers

View of the heart with its several chambers exposed and the vessels in connection with them. Labels:…

"Diagram showing some stages in the life history of the Tapeworm (taenia). A, Cysticercus or Bladderworm stage, before the "head" protrudes from the bladder; B, same, later stage; C, Strobila, or chain of proglottides, many being omitted; D, embro, such as fill the uterus of the mature proglottides. It is protected by a shell. b, bladder; ex., excretory canals; g, genital pore; h, head or scolex provided with hooks and suckers (s); u, uterus in a mature posterior proglottis; z, zone of budding or segment formation. The numerals show the approximate number of the segments, reckoning from the front." -Galloway, 1915


"Diagram showing some stages in the life history of the Tapeworm (taenia). A, Cysticercus or Bladderworm…

"Diagram of head and brain of human foetus six weeks old (heavy boundaries). The dotted line indicates the outline of the brain of a foetus three months old. Note thee great growth of the hemisphere (h). cer, cerebellum; med, medulla oblongata; mes, mesencephalon; p, pituitary body; pr, prosencephalon; s.c., spinal cord; th, thalamencephalon; 1, olfactory nerve; 2, optic nerve." -Galloway, 1915

Human Fetus

"Diagram of head and brain of human foetus six weeks old (heavy boundaries). The dotted line indicates…

The snakehead or Chelone glabra is an herbaceous plant used for medicinal purposes.


The snakehead or Chelone glabra is an herbaceous plant used for medicinal purposes.

The head of a flower.


The head of a flower.

"Hastate.--Formed like the head of an ancient halbert." -Newman, 1850


"Hastate.--Formed like the head of an ancient halbert." -Newman, 1850

A hastate leaf that is triangular in shape with basal lobes.

Hastate Leaf

A hastate leaf that is triangular in shape with basal lobes.

The silhouette illustration of the man petting the cat walking in "How Cats Came to Purr."

Man Petting Cat

The silhouette illustration of the man petting the cat walking in "How Cats Came to Purr."

"Cancrisocia living as a commensal on the back of a crab." -Parker, 1900


"Cancrisocia living as a commensal on the back of a crab." -Parker, 1900

"Head of Hirudo medicinalis, showing the three jaws (k); b, one of the jaws isolated, with the finely toothed free edge." -Parker, 1900

Medical Leech

"Head of Hirudo medicinalis, showing the three jaws (k); b, one of the jaws isolated, with the finely…

"A, lateral view of skull of rattlesnake (Crotalus). B. O, basi-occipital; B. S, basi-sphenoid; E. O, exoccipital; F. O, fossa ovalis; La, conjoined lacrymal and pre-fontal; L. f, articulation between lacrymal and frontal; Mn, mandible; Mx, maxilla; Na, nasal; Pl, palatine; Pmx, pre-maxilla; P. Sph, pre-sphenoid; Pt, pterygoid; Qu, quadrate; Sq, squamosal; II. V, foramina of exit of the second and fifth cranial nerves. B, transverse section at point lettered B in Fig. .A; T, trabeculae." -Parker, 1900

Rattlesnake Skull

"A, lateral view of skull of rattlesnake (Crotalus). B. O, basi-occipital; B. S, basi-sphenoid; E. O,…

"Poison apparatus of rattlesnake. A, eye; Gc, poison-duct entering the poison-fang at +; Km, muscles of mastication partly cut through at *; Mc, masseter or constrictor muscle; Mc', continuation of the constrictor muscle to the lower jaw; N, nasal opening; S, fibrous poison-sac; z, tongue; za, opening of the poison-duct; zf, pouch of mucous membrane enclosing the poison-fangs." -Parker, 1900

Rattlesnake Poison Apparatus

"Poison apparatus of rattlesnake. A, eye; Gc, poison-duct entering the poison-fang at +; Km, muscles…

"Pterylosis of Columba livia. A, ventral; B, dorsal. al. pt, alar pteryla or wing-tract; c. pt, cephalic pteryla or head-tract; cd. pt, caudal pteryla or tail-tract; cr. pt, crural pteryla; cr. apt, cervical apterium or neck-space; fm. pt, femoral pteryla; hu. pt, humeral pteryla; lat. apt, lateral apterium; sp. pt, spinal pteryla; v. apt, ventral apterium; v. pt, ventral pteryla." -Parker, 1900

Rock Pigeon Feather Tracts

"Pterylosis of Columba livia. A, ventral; B, dorsal. al. pt, alar pteryla or wing-tract; c. pt, cephalic…

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the bulltongue arrowhead (Sagittaria lancifolia).

Bulltongue Arrowhead

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the bulltongue arrowhead (Sagittaria lancifolia).

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the narrow-leaved arrowhead (Sagittaria subulata).

Narrow-Leaved Arrowhead

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the narrow-leaved arrowhead (Sagittaria subulata).

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), Sagittaria heterophylla.

Sagittaria heterophylla

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), Sagittaria heterophylla.

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the delta arrowhead (Sagittaria platyphylla).

Delta Arrowhead

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the delta arrowhead (Sagittaria platyphylla).

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the grassy arrowhead (Sagittaria graminea).

Grassy Arrowhead

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the grassy arrowhead (Sagittaria graminea).

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the slender arrowhead (Sagittaria teres).

Slender Arrowhead

Of the arrowhead family (Sagittaria), the slender arrowhead (Sagittaria teres).

Of the mint family (Labiatae), the false dragon-head (Physostegia Virginiana).

False Dragon-Head

Of the mint family (Labiatae), the false dragon-head (Physostegia Virginiana).

"a Lepidodendron (restored); b & c impressions on back; d stem with leaves; e leaflet; f fruit of Lepidodendron, called Lepidostrobus; g showing spores in bracts of fruit." -Taylor, 1904


"a Lepidodendron (restored); b & c impressions on back; d stem with leaves; e leaflet; f fruit of Lepidodendron,…

The skull of the pterodactyle.

Pterodactyle Skull

The skull of the pterodactyle.

"Fossil skull of the mososaurus." -Taylor, 1904

Mososaurus Skull

"Fossil skull of the mososaurus." -Taylor, 1904

"Flint arrow-head (Neolithic)." -Taylor, 1904

Flint Arrowhead

"Flint arrow-head (Neolithic)." -Taylor, 1904

Muscles and tendons of the back part of the leg.

Muscles and Tendons of the Leg

Muscles and tendons of the back part of the leg.

A full body picture of a long-jawed mastodon during the time period of Miocene.

Long-jawed Mastodon

A full body picture of a long-jawed mastodon during the time period of Miocene.

The head of a Neanderthal man during the Early Paleolithic Age. The Neanderthal men are an extinct race.

Neanderthal Man

The head of a Neanderthal man during the Early Paleolithic Age. The Neanderthal men are an extinct race.

The head of a Cro-Magnon man during the Paleolithic age. Cro-Magnon men were the first true men.

Cro-Magnon Man

The head of a Cro-Magnon man during the Paleolithic age. Cro-Magnon men were the first true men.

Reindeer Age (Aurignacian) Engravings and Carvings. Shown are engravings of stage and salmon, engraved on reindeer horn, engraved stone, head of a women carved in ivory, horses head carved in ivory, stone statuettes, and painted pebbles (Azilian age).

Reindeer Age Engravings and Carvings

Reindeer Age (Aurignacian) Engravings and Carvings. Shown are engravings of stage and salmon, engraved…

A lance head from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

Bronze Age Lance Head

A lance head from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

"Anubis" the Egyptian God of Darkness. Anubis has a distinct Jackal head.

Egyptian God of Darkness

"Anubis" the Egyptian God of Darkness. Anubis has a distinct Jackal head.

Bones of the head.

Bones of the Head

Bones of the head.

Hip Joint, with ligaments removed, except the one on the head of the femur.

Hip Joint

Hip Joint, with ligaments removed, except the one on the head of the femur.

A Tetradrachm (which is an ancient Greek coin) with the head of Seleucus.

Tetradrachm of Seleucus

A Tetradrachm (which is an ancient Greek coin) with the head of Seleucus.

Alexander the Great's head on a silver coin of Lysimachus in 321-281 B.C.

Coin of Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great's head on a silver coin of Lysimachus in 321-281 B.C.

A representation of Ganesa. Ganesa is one of the best-known deities in the Hindu pantheon. Ganesa's elephant makes him easy to identify.

Ganesa, Hindu God

A representation of Ganesa. Ganesa is one of the best-known deities in the Hindu pantheon. Ganesa's…

Two Carthaginian coins. Front and back of each.

Carthaginian Coins

Two Carthaginian coins. Front and back of each.

"Tubular corolla, from head of bachelor's button." -Bergen, 1896


"Tubular corolla, from head of bachelor's button." -Bergen, 1896

"Parts of a stamen. A, front; B, back. a, anther; c, connective; f, filament." -Bergen, 1896

Stamen Parts

"Parts of a stamen. A, front; B, back. a, anther; c, connective; f, filament." -Bergen, 1896

"Akenes of a buttercup. A, head of akenes; B, section of a single akene. a, seed." -Bergen, 1896

Buttercup Akenes

"Akenes of a buttercup. A, head of akenes; B, section of a single akene. a, seed." -Bergen, 1896

Wolves attacking a traveler. Caption below illustration: "The road now ran along the skirts of a pine forest, when the traveler suddenly perceived a suspicious noise behind her. Casting back a look of alarm, she saw a troop of wolves trotting along the road, the number of which her fears hindered her from estimating."

Wolves Attacking a Traveler

Wolves attacking a traveler. Caption below illustration: "The road now ran along the skirts of a pine…

The torture of a free mason. Caption below illustration: "They next set my back against a thick board, at each extremity of which was pulley; through which a rope ran, that was fastened at the end of the chain at my wrist. The tormentors then, stretching these ropes by means of a roller, pressed and bruised my stomach in proportion as the ropes were drawn tighter.

Torture of a Free Mason

The torture of a free mason. Caption below illustration: "They next set my back against a thick board,…

Conflict with a rattlesnake. Caption below illustration: "The snake when about a yard distant, made a violent spring. Jervas caught it in his right hand, directly under his head. He squeezed it with all his power. Its eyes almost started out of its head. It lashed its body on the ground, at the same time rattling loudly."

Conflict with a Rattlesnake

Conflict with a rattlesnake. Caption below illustration: "The snake when about a yard distant, made…

"Head of red clover." -Bergen, 1896

Red Clover

"Head of red clover." -Bergen, 1896

"Head of yarrow. A, top view; B, lengthwise section. re, receptacle; i, involucre; r, ray-flowers; d, disk-flowers; c, corolla; s, stigma; ch, chaff, or bracts of receptacle." -Bergen, 1896


"Head of yarrow. A, top view; B, lengthwise section. re, receptacle; i, involucre; r, ray-flowers; d,…

"Diagrams of inflorescence. A, panicle; B, raceme; C, spike; D, head; E, umbel." -Bergen, 1896


"Diagrams of inflorescence. A, panicle; B, raceme; C, spike; D, head; E, umbel." -Bergen, 1896

"Flower-cluster of yarrow (Achillea Millefolium). A, head seen from above; B, longitudinal section; re, receptacle; ch, chaff; i, involucre; r, ray-flowers; d, disk-flowers; c, corolla; s, stigma." -Bergen, 1896


"Flower-cluster of yarrow (Achillea Millefolium). A, head seen from above; B, longitudinal section;…

When binding books they are "sewed on a frame, each sheet being attached by a thread to cords across the back. The sewing, though sometimes done by a machine, is cheifly executed by girls."-Lupton

Book Binding

When binding books they are "sewed on a frame, each sheet being attached by a thread to cords across…

"The modern system of cotton manufacture dates no further back than back 1760. Prior the mechanical inventions of Hargeaves, Arkwright, Crompton and Cartwright, the arts of spinning and weaving were entirely domestic, and the instruments of manipulation much the same as those which had been in use in the East for centuries before." -Lupton

The Spinning Jenny

"The modern system of cotton manufacture dates no further back than back 1760. Prior the mechanical…

He was a mathematician, geographer, astronomer, and astrologer. "The name of a line Graeco-Egyptain kings, who succeeded on the division of the empire of Alexander the Great, to the portion of his dominions of which Egypt was the head." -Marshall

Ptolemy in Profile

He was a mathematician, geographer, astronomer, and astrologer. "The name of a line Graeco-Egyptain…

"(1841-1919), a distinguished Canadian statesman and orator, Premier of the Dominion from 1896 to 1911. He was the firs French-Canadian to head the national Cabinet, and his administration of fifteen years was a period of progress for Canada." -Foster, 1921

Sir Wilfrid Laurier

"(1841-1919), a distinguished Canadian statesman and orator, Premier of the Dominion from 1896 to 1911.…

A genus of fished included in the Goby family, and of which the common remora or sucking fish, is the typical example. These fishes have on the top of the head a peculiar sucking-disc, composed of a series of cartilaginous plates arranged transversely, by means of which they attach themselves to other fish or to the bottoms of vessels.

Remora Fish

A genus of fished included in the Goby family, and of which the common remora or sucking fish, is the…

"Superficial arteries and nerves of the face and neck. 1, Temporal artery; 2, artery behind the ear; 3, occipital artery; 4, greater occipital nerve; 5, smaller occipital nerve; 6, nerve of the neck; 7, trapezius muscle; 8, clavicular nerves; 9, clavicle; 10, sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle; 11, outer artery of the head; 12, inner artery of the head; 13, salivary gland; 14, nerves of the lower jaw; 15, outer maxillary artery; 16, nerve of the chin; 17, circular muscle of the mouth; 18, greater yoke muscle; 19, nerves below the eye; 20, masseter, or chewing muscle; 21, ear passage; 22, arteries of the forehead; 23; nerves of the forehead; 24, eye-closing muscle; 25, facial artery; 26, facial nerve." -Foster, 1921

Arteries and Nerves

"Superficial arteries and nerves of the face and neck. 1, Temporal artery; 2, artery behind the ear;…

A fish of the carp family, having the back of an olive color; the sides and belly yellow, marked with red; the ventral and anal fins and tail of a deep-red color.


A fish of the carp family, having the back of an olive color; the sides and belly yellow, marked with…

A bony structure located at the bottom of the spine. The human sacrum forms the back part of the pelvis, is roughly triangular in shape, consists of five united vertebrae, and from its solidity it is well adapted to serve as the keystone of the pelvic arch.

Pelvic Bone, Male

A bony structure located at the bottom of the spine. The human sacrum forms the back part of the pelvis,…

The head of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly known as climbing birds. The most important of the families are the cuckoos, the woodpeckers and wry-necks, the parrots, the toucans, the trogons, the barbets, and the plantain-eaters.

Head of Cuckoo

The head of a Cuckoo, a bird belonging to the Scansores order. Scansores is an order of birds, popularly…