Section of head 1 cm above orbit.

Cross Section of Head 1 cm above Orbit

Section of head 1 cm above orbit.

Section of the head at supraorbital margin.

Cross Section of Head at Supraorbital Margin

Section of the head at supraorbital margin.

"Jacobs evaporator consists of a plain rectangular shallow pan of any convenient length and width, made with a sheet metal bottom and wooden sides. The side pieces are grooved or notched on the inner faces to receive thin board partitions or divisions, extending from side to side, and separating the pan into any convenient number of compartments. These partitions rest loosely upon the bottom, allowing the juice to flow under from one division to the other, while the scum which rises to the surface as the juice moves slowly along, is held back The division boards fit loosely in the grooves in the sides, and may be changed or removed at pleasure." -Commissioner, 1865

Jacobs Pan

"Jacobs evaporator consists of a plain rectangular shallow pan of any convenient length and width, made…

Section of the head through the eyeballs.

Cross Section of Head Through Eyeballs

Section of the head through the eyeballs.

Carolina poplar severely headed back

Carolina Poplar Severely Headed Back

Carolina poplar severely headed back

Section of the head through lower portion of orbit.

Cross Section of Head Through Lower Portion of Orbit

Section of the head through lower portion of orbit.

Section of the head immediately below the orbits, at the level of Reid's base line exposing the maxillary sinus.

Cross Section of Head Exposing Maxillary Sinus

Section of the head immediately below the orbits, at the level of Reid's base line exposing the maxillary…

Section of the head through the nasopharynx.

Cross Section of Head Through the Nasopharynx

Section of the head through the nasopharynx.

Silver maple after severe heading back.

Silver maple after severe heading back.

Silver maple after severe heading back.

Section of the head through the hard palate

Cross Section of Head Through the Hard Palate

Section of the head through the hard palate

Section of the head through the oral cavity.

Cross Section of Head Through the Oral Cavity

Section of the head through the oral cavity.

Section of the head through the body of the mandible.

Cross Section of Head Through the Body of the Mandible

Section of the head through the body of the mandible.

Section of the head through the inferior portion of the mandible.

Cross Section of Head Through the Inferior Portion of the Mandible

Section of the head through the inferior portion of the mandible.

Section of the head through the point of chin.

Cross Section of Head Through the Chin

Section of the head through the point of chin.

Exposure of the Gasserian ganglion and middle meningeal artery though a flap incision of the scalp and skull. The dura mater and brain are retracted upwards. The (*) points to the Foramen spinosum through which the middle meningeal artery passes as it enters the cranial cavity.

Incision of the Head Showing Gasserian Ganglion

Exposure of the Gasserian ganglion and middle meningeal artery though a flap incision of the scalp and…

Superficial and deep muscles of the trunk. The latissimus dorsi and trapezius on the right side have been cut away to expose the underlying muscles. Posterior View.

Posterior View of the Muscles of the Trunk

Superficial and deep muscles of the trunk. The latissimus dorsi and trapezius on the right side have…

The distribution of cutaneous nerves n the back of the trunk. On the left side the distribution of the several nerves is represented, the letters indicating their nomenclature. ACR.; Posterior supraclavicular branches from cervical plexus; CIRC: Cutaneous branches of axillary nerve; E.C.: Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, L.1: Lateral cutaneous branch of iliohypogastric nerve; S.1; Lateral branches of sacral nerves; T: T.1-12: Cutaneous branches of the posterior rami of the thoracic nerves. On the right side is a schematic representation of the areas supplied by the above nerves, the numeral and letter s indicate the spinal origins of the nerves distributed to each area.

Posterior View of the Cutaneous Nerves of Trunk

The distribution of cutaneous nerves n the back of the trunk. On the left side the distribution of the…

The side view of a human neck.


The side view of a human neck.

"The Lackey derives its name from the color of the caterpillar, which has longitudinal lines of various colors and a blue head."

The Lackey (Bombyx Neustria)

"The Lackey derives its name from the color of the caterpillar, which has longitudinal lines of various…

The forehead is the region between the eyebrows and hairline on a person's face.


The forehead is the region between the eyebrows and hairline on a person's face.

The side angle view of a person's head.

Head Profile

The side angle view of a person's head.

Distribution of cutaneous nerves on the back of the right upper extremity. The figure at the right shows the area of distribution of the cutaneous nerves. The letters and numeral in the figure at the left indicate spinal origin of the nerves distributed to each area.

Cutaneous Nerves of the Back of the Arm

Distribution of cutaneous nerves on the back of the right upper extremity. The figure at the right shows…

Frontal section of the right shoulder through the middle of the humeral head. Section passes through the subclavian artery and brachial plexus, but not through glenoid cavity of the scapula, which lies posterior to the plane of section.

Frontal Section Through the Shoulder

Frontal section of the right shoulder through the middle of the humeral head. Section passes through…

Distribution of cutaneous nerves on the back of the right lower extremity. The figure at the right shows the areas of distribution of the cutaneous nerves. The letters and numerals in the figure at the left indicate spinal origins of the nerves distributed to each area.

Cutaneous Nerves on the Back of the Legs

Distribution of cutaneous nerves on the back of the right lower extremity. The figure at the right shows…

Section through the head of the right fibula.

Cross Section Through Fibula

Section through the head of the right fibula.

This caterpillar builds a case around itself using bits of cotton taken from clothing. If it does not find good cotton, it will carry its case on its back.

Larva of Woolen Moth Walking (Tinea Tapezella)

This caterpillar builds a case around itself using bits of cotton taken from clothing. If it does not…

"The joint is used for gathering the pollen; it folds back on the leg and forms with it a sort of small pair of pincers."

Leg of a Bee

"The joint is used for gathering the pollen; it folds back on the leg and forms with it a sort of small…

The skull from the side.

Skull from Side

The skull from the side.

Base of skull from below, the lower jaw is removed.

Base of Skull from Below

Base of skull from below, the lower jaw is removed.

Base of skull from above.

Base of Skull from Above

Base of skull from above.

Front section of skull through plane of outer border of orbits. Arrows pass through communication between atrum and middle meatus.

Frontal Section of Skull Showing Nasal Cavity

Front section of skull through plane of outer border of orbits. Arrows pass through communication between…

Inner aspect of outer wall of right nasal fossa.

Side View of Skull Showing Nasal Cavity

Inner aspect of outer wall of right nasal fossa.

Lateral view of skull with zygomatic arch removed.

Lateral View of Skull

Lateral view of skull with zygomatic arch removed.

Portion of right half of skull, showing posterior wall of sphenomaxillary fossa. The superior maxilla, ethmoid, and part of malar have been removed.

Skull Showing Posterior Wall of Sphenomaxillary Fossa

Portion of right half of skull, showing posterior wall of sphenomaxillary fossa. The superior maxilla,…

The skull at birth, from before.

Skull at Birth from Before

The skull at birth, from before.

The skull at birth, lateral aspect.

Lateral Aspect of Skull at Birth

The skull at birth, lateral aspect.

The skull at birth, from above.

Skull at Birth from Above

The skull at birth, from above.

Lateral aspect of the skull, showing the various points.

Skull Showing Various Points

Lateral aspect of the skull, showing the various points.

"Its body is transparent, the head and wings can be made out, but no legs. The mouth is a retractible nipple."

Larva of the Red Ant (Myrmica Rubra)

"Its body is transparent, the head and wings can be made out, but no legs. The mouth is a retractible…

Transverse section through head of first metatarsal bone.

Transverse Section Through Metatarsal

Transverse section through head of first metatarsal bone.

"The soldiers are twice as long, and weigh as much as fifteen workers. They may be distinguished by their horned head and sharp pincers."

Termes Lucifugus, Soldier

"The soldiers are twice as long, and weigh as much as fifteen workers. They may be distinguished by…

The hymenium or tissue layer of the agaric of a mushroom.

Agaric Hymenium

The hymenium or tissue layer of the agaric of a mushroom.

Agaricus cepaestipes is a mushroom from a large genus with both edible and poisonous species.

Agaricus cepaestipes

Agaricus cepaestipes is a mushroom from a large genus with both edible and poisonous species.

Anterior portion of mesial sagittal section of child's head, probably of about three year.

Mesial Sagittal Section of Child's Face

Anterior portion of mesial sagittal section of child's head, probably of about three year.

Portions of liver, duodenum, and pancreas, showing biliary and pancreatic ducts, head of pancreas turned back.

Biliary Apparatus

Portions of liver, duodenum, and pancreas, showing biliary and pancreatic ducts, head of pancreas turned…

A group of dogs characterized by a short nose and the breadth of the head.


A group of dogs characterized by a short nose and the breadth of the head.

The one-humped or dromedary camel is an ungulate distinguished by the hump on the animal's back.

Dromedary Camel

The one-humped or dromedary camel is an ungulate distinguished by the hump on the animal's back.

"They are met with in South America. The males have an extraordinary head. They fly during the day around the great trees on which they live."

Inca Clathrata

"They are met with in South America. The males have an extraordinary head. They fly during the day around…

The hoopoe (Upupa epops) is a colorful bird known for the crest upon its head.


The hoopoe (Upupa epops) is a colorful bird known for the crest upon its head.

The oldest use of helmets was by Ancient Greek soldiers, who wore thick leather or bronze helmets to protect the head from sword blows and arrows.


The oldest use of helmets was by Ancient Greek soldiers, who wore thick leather or bronze helmets to…

"A common specimen about an inch long, of a chestnut brown and perfectly smooth. The male, but not the female, has on its head a horn. Its larva lives in rotten wood."

Oryctes Nasicornis (Male)

"A common specimen about an inch long, of a chestnut brown and perfectly smooth. The male, but not the…

"A common specimen about an inch long, of a chestnut brown and perfectly smooth. The male, but not the female, has on its head a horn. Its larva lives in rotten wood."

Xylotrupes Dichotomus

"A common specimen about an inch long, of a chestnut brown and perfectly smooth. The male, but not the…

The inner surface of the occipital bone.

Occipital Bone

The inner surface of the occipital bone.

Development of occipital bone. From seven centers.

Development of Occipital Bone

Development of occipital bone. From seven centers.

The frontal bone at birth. Developed from two lateral halves.

Frontal Bone at Birth

The frontal bone at birth. Developed from two lateral halves.

The inner surface of the left temporal bone at birth.

Temporal Bone at Birth

The inner surface of the left temporal bone at birth.

Development of the temporal bone. From ten centers.

Development of Temporal Bone

Development of the temporal bone. From ten centers.

Temporal bone at birth. Outer aspect.

Outer Aspect of Temporal Bone at Birth

Temporal bone at birth. Outer aspect.

Temporal bone at birth. Inner aspect.

Inner Aspect of Temporal Bone at Birth

Temporal bone at birth. Inner aspect.

The outer surface of the ethmoid bone.

Outer Surface of Ethmoid Bone

The outer surface of the ethmoid bone.