"Crown-pigeon (Goura coronata). GOURA. The typical genus of crown-pigeons of the Papuan subfamily Gourinae." -Whitney, 1911

Crown Pigeon

"Crown-pigeon (Goura coronata). GOURA. The typical genus of crown-pigeons of the Papuan subfamily Gourinae."…

The head and leg of the stork, a bird in the Ciconiidae family of storks, herons, and egrets.

Stork Head and Leg

The head and leg of the stork, a bird in the Ciconiidae family of storks, herons, and egrets.

The head and leg of the heron, a bird in the Ardeidae family of wading birds.

Heron Head and Leg

The head and leg of the heron, a bird in the Ardeidae family of wading birds.

The head and leg of the crane, a bird in the Gruidae family of cranes.

Crane Head and Leg

The head and leg of the crane, a bird in the Gruidae family of cranes.

"Grallaria rex. GRALLARIA. A genus of formicarian passerine birds, a leading group of South American ant-thrushes." -Whitney, 1911


"Grallaria rex. GRALLARIA. A genus of formicarian passerine birds, a leading group of South American…

The Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) is a bird in the Emberizidae family of American sparrows. It was known as the synonym common name, Grassfinch.

Vesper Sparrow

The Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) is a bird in the Emberizidae family of American sparrows. It…

"Morelet's Grassquit (Spermophila moreleti); adult male. GRASSQUIT. A kind of grassfinch; an American bird of the genus Spermophila or some related genus." -Whitney, 1911

Morelet's Grassquit

"Morelet's Grassquit (Spermophila moreleti); adult male. GRASSQUIT. A kind of grassfinch; an American…

The Greylag Goose (Anser anser) is a bird in the Anatidae family of ducks, geese, and swans. It was also known as the synonym Anser cinereus.

Greylag Goose

The Greylag Goose (Anser anser) is a bird in the Anatidae family of ducks, geese, and swans. It was…

The Horned Grebe (Podiceps cornutus) is a freshwater diving bird in the Podicipedidae family of grebes.

Horned Grebe

The Horned Grebe (Podiceps cornutus) is a freshwater diving bird in the Podicipedidae family of grebes.

"Medieval Griffin. Porch of the Duomo, Verona, Italy. GRIFFIN. In mythology, an imaginary animal supposed to be generated between the lion and the eagle, and to combine the head, front, and wings of an eagle with the body and hind quarters of a lion." -Whitney, 1911


"Medieval Griffin. Porch of the Duomo, Verona, Italy. GRIFFIN. In mythology, an imaginary animal supposed…

"Griffin, from a Greek Sarcophagus. GRIFFIN. In mythology, an imaginary animal supposed to be generated between the lion and the eagle, and to combine the head, front, and wings of an eagle with the body and hind quarters of a lion." -Whitney, 1911


"Griffin, from a Greek Sarcophagus. GRIFFIN. In mythology, an imaginary animal supposed to be generated…

The Common Ground Dove (Columbina passerina) is a bird in the Columbidae family of pigeons and doves.

Common Ground Dove

The Common Ground Dove (Columbina passerina) is a bird in the Columbidae family of pigeons and doves.

The Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) is a subspecies of ptarmigans in the Phasianidae family of pheasants and partridges.

Red Grouse

The Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) is a subspecies of ptarmigans in the Phasianidae family of…

"Upper parts uniform rust-red, with a bronzy lustre. Concealed portions of quills fuscous. Greater the median wing-coverts blackish near the end, then conspicuously tipped with white. Bastard quills like the coverts. Tail like the back, the lateral feathers with paler ends. Under pars white, more or less strongly tinged, especially on the breast, flanks, and crissum, with tawney or pale cinnamon-brown, the breast and sides marked with a profusion of well-defined spots of dark brown, oval in front, becoming more linear posteriorly. Throat immaculate, bordered with a necklace or spots; middle of belly and under tail-coverts likewise unspotted. Bill quite straight, black, with yellow base of the lower mandible; feet pale; iris yellow or orange." Elliot Coues, 1884

Brown Thrasher

"Upper parts uniform rust-red, with a bronzy lustre. Concealed portions of quills fuscous. Greater the…

The Dusky Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus) is a bird in the Phasianidae family of pheasants and partridges.

Dusky Grouse

The Dusky Grouse (Dendragapus obscurus) is a bird in the Phasianidae family of pheasants and partridges.

The Common Crane (Grus grus) is a large bird in the Gruidae family of cranes.

Common Crane

The Common Crane (Grus grus) is a large bird in the Gruidae family of cranes.

"Above, grayish-brown, nearly uniform; wing- coverts and quills with slight whitish edging, the edge of the wing itself white; tail feathers with slight whitish tips; below; a paler shade of the color of the upper parts, the throat quite whitish, the crissum slightly rufescent, the breast and belly with obscure dark gray spots on the grayish-white ground; no obvious maxillary streaks, but vague speckling on the cheeks; bill black; feet blackish-brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Bow-Billed Thrasher

"Above, grayish-brown, nearly uniform; wing- coverts and quills with slight whitish edging, the edge…

The Oilbird or Guacharo (Steatornis caripensis) is a bird in the Steatornithidae family, related to the nightjars.


The Oilbird or Guacharo (Steatornis caripensis) is a bird in the Steatornithidae family, related to…

"Bill shorter than head, comparatively stout at base, very acute at tip, the culmen quite convex, the gonys just appreciably concave, Tarsus a little longer that the middle tow an claw. 3d and 4th primaries about equal and longest, 5th and 6th successively slightly shorter, 2 d equal to 7th, 1st equal to penultimae secondary in the closed wing. Entire upper parts, including surfaces of wings and tail, uniform dull pale grayish-brown, with narrow, faintly-rusty edge of the wing-coverts and inner quills, and equally obscure whitish tipping of the tail-feathers. No maxillary nor auricular streaks; no markings about the head except slight speckling on the cheeks. Under parts brownish-white, palest (nearly white) on the belly and throat, more numerous small arrow-head spots on the color of the back. Bill light-colored at base below." Elliot Coues, 1884

Arizona Thrasher

"Bill shorter than head, comparatively stout at base, very acute at tip, the culmen quite convex, the…

The Plain Chachalaca (Ortalis vetula) is a bird in the Cracidae family of guans.

Plain Chachalaca

The Plain Chachalaca (Ortalis vetula) is a bird in the Cracidae family of guans.

The Streamer-Tailed Tyrant (Gubernetes yetapa) is a bird in the Tyrannidae family of tyrant flycatchers.

Streamer-Tailed Tyrant

The Streamer-Tailed Tyrant (Gubernetes yetapa) is a bird in the Tyrannidae family of tyrant flycatchers.

"Upper parts uniform ashy-brown; wings and tail similar, but rather purer and darker brown, the former crossed with two white bars formed by the tips of the coverts, the latter tipped with white. Below dull white, often tinged with rusty, especially behind, and thickly marked with small, sharp, triangular spots of dark brown or blackish. These spots are all perfectly distinct, covering the lower parts excepting the throat, lower belly, and crissum; becoming smaller anteriorly, they run up each side of the throat in a maxillary series bounding the immaculate area. Sides of the head finely speckled, and auriculars streaked; bill black, lightening at base below, little longer than that of H. rufas, though decidedly curved." Elliot Coues, 1884

St. Lucas Thrasher

"Upper parts uniform ashy-brown; wings and tail similar, but rather purer and darker brown, the former…

The Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) is a bird in the Alcidae family of Auks. It was also known as the synonym Uria grylle.

Black Guillemot

The Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) is a bird in the Alcidae family of Auks. It was also known as the…

"No spots anywhere; wings and tail without decided barring or tipping. Bill as long as the head or longer, bow-shaped, black. Wings very much shorter that the tail. Above, dark oily olive-brown, the wings and tail similar, but rather purer brown. Below, a paler shade of the color of the upper parts, the belly and crissum strongly rusty-brown, the throat definitely whitish in marked contrast, and not bordered by decided maxillary streaks. Cheeks and auriculars blackish-brown with sharp whitish shaft streaks." Elliot Coues, 1884

California Thrasher

"No spots anywhere; wings and tail without decided barring or tipping. Bill as long as the head or longer,…

"Brownish-ash, with a faith olive shade, the wings and tail purer and darker fuscous, without white edging or tipping. Below, a paler shade of the color of the upper pats. Throat and side of the lower jaw white, with sharp black maxillary streaks. Cheeks and auriculars speckled with whitish. Under tail-coverts rich chestnut, in marked contrast with the surrounding parts. Bill black, at the maximum of length, slenderness, and curvature; feet blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Crissal Thrasher

"Brownish-ash, with a faith olive shade, the wings and tail purer and darker fuscous, without white…

"Bill shorter that head, slender and compressed throughout, higher that broad at the nostrils, about straight, but seeming to be slightly recurved, owing to a sort of upward tilting of the superior mandible; culmen, notched near the end; gonys convex. Nostrils linear, opening beneath a large scale partly covered with feathers. No rictal vibrissae, nor any trace of bristles or bristle-tipped feathers about the nostrils. Plumage soft, lustreless, remarkably full and compact, water-proof. Body stout, thick set. Habits aquatic." Elliot Coues, 1884

European Dipper

"Bill shorter that head, slender and compressed throughout, higher that broad at the nostrils, about…

"Adult, in summer: Slaty-plumbeous, paler below, inclining on the head to sooty-brown. Quills and tail-feathers fuscous. Eyelids usually white. Bill black; feet yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Dipper

"Adult, in summer: Slaty-plumbeous, paler below, inclining on the head to sooty-brown. Quills and tail-feathers…

Wheatear male has a bluish-gray back, black patch on ear, a white rump and sides of tail, and black wings. Female is buffer with a brown back.


Wheatear male has a bluish-gray back, black patch on ear, a white rump and sides of tail, and black…

"Bill shorter than head, slender, straight, depressed at base, compressed at end, notched. Wings long, pointed, the tip formed by the 2d-4th quills, the 1st spurious, scarcely or not one-fourth as long as the 2d. Tail much shorter than wing, square. Tarsi booted, but with 4 scutella below in front; long and slender, much exceeding the middle toe and claw; lateral toes of about equal lengths, very short, the tips of their claws not reaching the base of the middle claw; claws little curved; feet thus adapted to terrestrial habits." Elliot Coues, 1884

Stone Chats

"Bill shorter than head, slender, straight, depressed at base, compressed at end, notched. Wings long,…

"in full plumage: Rich azure-blue, the ends of the wing-quills blackish; throat, breast, and sides of the body chestnut; belly and crissum white or bluish-white. The blue sometimes extends around the head on the sides and often fore part of the chin, so that chestnut is cut off from the bill." Elliot Coues, 1884

Eastern Blue-Bird

"in full plumage: Rich azure-blue, the ends of the wing-quills blackish; throat, breast, and sides of…

The Crested Guineafowl (Guttera pucherani) is a bird in the Numididae family of guineafowls. It was also known as the synonym Guttera cristata.

Crested Guineafowl

The Crested Guineafowl (Guttera pucherani) is a bird in the Numididae family of guineafowls. It was…

The White Tern (Gygis alba) is a small seabird in the Sternidae family of terns.

White Tern

The White Tern (Gygis alba) is a small seabird in the Sternidae family of terns.

The Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) is a bird in the Corvidae family of oscine passerine birds. It was also known as the synonym, the Blue Crow (Gymnocitta cyanocephala).

Pinyon Jay

The Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) is a bird in the Corvidae family of oscine passerine birds.…

The Australian Magpie (Cracticus tibicen) is a bird in the Artamidae family of crow-like birds. It was also known as the synonym, the Black-Backed Piping-Crow (Gymorhina tibicien).

Australian Magpie

The Australian Magpie (Cracticus tibicen) is a bird in the Artamidae family of crow-like birds. It was…

The Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) is a large bird in the Accipitridae family of birds of prey.

Bearded Vulture

The Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) is a large bird in the Accipitridae family of birds of prey.

The Palm-Nut Vulture (Gypohierax angolensis) is a large bird in the Accipitridae family of birds of prey.

Palm-Nut Vulture

The Palm-Nut Vulture (Gypohierax angolensis) is a large bird in the Accipitridae family of birds of…

This decorative banner features various flowers. Some of the flowers are wrapped around each other. One of the flowers featured on this banner is the Strelitzia, commonly called the bird of paradise.

Decorative Floral Banner

This decorative banner features various flowers. Some of the flowers are wrapped around each other.…

This richly decorated bird bath features four sculpted birds perched along the top. The basin itself as well as the base is accented with flowers and ribbons.

Bird Bath

This richly decorated bird bath features four sculpted birds perched along the top. The basin itself…

This small compass was carried by Mohammedans (Muslims) in Indian when traveling. It is made out of bronze and inlaid with silver. The compass has an inscription and is in the shape of a flying bird. The head of the bird is pointed towards Mecca, where a Muslim should pray towards.

Small Compass

This small compass was carried by Mohammedans (Muslims) in Indian when traveling. It is made out of…

This vase is designed with flowers and a bird in the center.


This vase is designed with flowers and a bird in the center.

This brooch is designed in a Renaissance style with a figure in the center and a bird on each side.


This brooch is designed in a Renaissance style with a figure in the center and a bird on each side.

This arm chair is carved in wood. The top of the chair has a leaf scroll design and an angel on each side. On each arm of the chair is a design of a bird.

Arm Chair

This arm chair is carved in wood. The top of the chair has a leaf scroll design and an angel on each…

This vase is a maltese design that stands on a pedestal with an unusual design of large bird in the center, and large human figure heads encircling the vase.


This vase is a maltese design that stands on a pedestal with an unusual design of large bird in the…

This inkstand is designed in a Cinquecento (Italian 16th century) style. It is made of part gold, part silver, gilt and enamel. There is a bird in the front that is attacking a dragon. The groups of figures in the back signify moral Christian Virtues and domestic scenes.


This inkstand is designed in a Cinquecento (Italian 16th century) style. It is made of part gold, part…

Color flag of Christmas Island. Territorial flag; divided diagonally from upper hoist to lower fly; the upper triangle is green with a yellow image of the Golden Bosun Bird superimposed, the lower triangle is blue with the Southern Cross constellation, representing Australia, superimposed; a centered yellow disk displays a green map of the island.

Flag of Christmas Island, 2009

Color flag of Christmas Island. Territorial flag; divided diagonally from upper hoist to lower fly;…

Black and white outline flag of Christmas Island. Territorial flag; divided diagonally from upper hoist to lower fly; the upper triangle is green with a yellow image of the Golden Bosun Bird superimposed, the lower triangle is blue with the Southern Cross constellation, representing Australia, superimposed; a centered yellow disk displays a green map of the island

Flag of Christmas Island, 2009

Black and white outline flag of Christmas Island. Territorial flag; divided diagonally from upper hoist…

Color flag of Kiribati. The upper half is red with a yellow frigate bird flying over a yellow rising sun, and the lower half is blue with three horizontal wavy white stripes to represent the ocean.

Flag of Kiribati, 2009

Color flag of Kiribati. The upper half is red with a yellow frigate bird flying over a yellow rising…

Black and white outline flag of Kiribati. The upper half is red with a yellow frigate bird flying over a yellow rising sun, and the lower half is blue with three horizontal wavy white stripes to represent the ocean

Flag of Kiribati, 2009

Black and white outline flag of Kiribati. The upper half is red with a yellow frigate bird flying over…

Color flag of Papua New Guinea. Divided diagonally from upper hoist-side corner; the upper triangle is red with a soaring yellow bird of paradise centered; the lower triangle is black with five, white, five-pointed stars of the Southern Cross constellation centered.

Flag of Papua New Guinea, 2009

Color flag of Papua New Guinea. Divided diagonally from upper hoist-side corner; the upper triangle…

Color flag of Zimbabwe. Seven equal horizontal bands of green, yellow, red, black, red, yellow, and green with a white isosceles triangle edged in black with its base on the hoist side; a yellow Zimbabwe bird representing the long history of the country is superimposed on a red five-pointed star in the center of the triangle, which symbolizes peace; green symbolizes agriculture, yellow - mineral wealth, red - blood shed to achieve independence, and black stands for the native people.

Flag of Zimbabwe, 2009

Color flag of Zimbabwe. Seven equal horizontal bands of green, yellow, red, black, red, yellow, and…

Black and white outline flag of Zimbabwe. Seven equal horizontal bands of green, yellow, red, black, red, yellow, and green with a white isosceles triangle edged in black with its base on the hoist side; a yellow Zimbabwe bird representing the long history of the country is superimposed on a red five-pointed star in the center of the triangle, which symbolizes peace; green symbolizes agriculture, yellow - mineral wealth, red - blood shed to achieve independence, and black stands for the native people

Flag of Zimbabwe, 2009

Black and white outline flag of Zimbabwe. Seven equal horizontal bands of green, yellow, red, black,…

Corbaut the crow and Laprell the rabbit quietly leave the court after hearing Reynard's convincing story.

Reynard the Fox: Corbaut and Laprell

Corbaut the crow and Laprell the rabbit quietly leave the court after hearing Reynard's convincing story.

"Upper parts olive-green, more or less bright, sometimes rather olive-ashy, always brightest on the rump; under parts dull ashy-white or yellowish-white. Wings and tail dusky, strongly edged with yellowish, the inner wing-quills with whitish. On the secondaries, this yellowish edging stops abruptly in advance of the ends of the coverts, leaving a pure blackish interval in advance of the white tips of the greater coverts: this, and the similar tips of the median coverts, form two white bars across the wings; inner webs of the quills and tail feathers edged with white. Supercilary line and extreme forehead hoary-whitish. Crown black, enclosing a large space, the middle of which is flame colored, bordered with pure yellow. The black reaches across the forehead; but behind, the yellow flame-color reach the general olive of the upper parts. Or, the top of the head may be described as a central bed of flame-color, bounded in front and on the sides with clear yellow, this similarly bounded by black, this again in the same manner by hoary-whitish. Smaller than R. calendula; overlying nasal plumes larger." Elliot Coues, 1884

Golden Crested Kinglet

"Upper parts olive-green, more or less bright, sometimes rather olive-ashy, always brightest on the…

"Grayish-blue, bluer on the crown, hoary on the rump, the forehead black, continuous with a black superciliary line. Edges of eyelids white, and above these a shade on the breast. Wings dark brown, the outer webs, especially of the inner quills, edged with hoary, and the inner webs of most bordered with white. Tail jet-black, the outer feather entirely or mostly white, the next one about half white, the third one tipped with white. Bill and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Blue-gray Gnat-catcher

"Grayish-blue, bluer on the crown, hoary on the rump, the forehead black, continuous with a black superciliary…

"- a, head of a (Polioptila nigriceps) Black-capped Gnat-catcher. b, head of a(Polioptila caerulea) Blue-gray Gnat-catcher. c, tail of (Polioptila nigriceps) Black-capped Gnat-catcher. d, tail of (Polioptila plumbea) Plumbeous Gnat-catcher" Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-capped Gnat-catcher

"- a, head of a (Polioptila nigriceps) Black-capped Gnat-catcher. b, head of a(Polioptila caerulea)…

"Head not crested. Wings and tail rounded, of approximately equal lengths, and about as long as the body. Bill typically parine." Elliot Coues, 1884. Head and neck are black; cheeks and ear coverts are white; male has a thick black strip going through its yellow breast; upper parts are olive; and outer tail feathers and wing bars are white

European Greater Titmouse

"Head not crested. Wings and tail rounded, of approximately equal lengths, and about as long as the…

"Entire upper parts ashy, the back usually with a slight olivaceous shade, the wings and tail rather purer and darker plumberous, the latter sometimes showing obsolete transverse bars. Sides of the head and entire under parts dull whitish, washed with chestnut-brown on the sides. A black frontlet at the base of the crest. Bill plumbeous-blackish; feet plumbeous." Elliot Coues, 1884

Tufted Titmouse

"Entire upper parts ashy, the back usually with a slight olivaceous shade, the wings and tail rather…

"Feathered tarsus of a Grouse, Cupidonia cupido" Elliot Coues, 1884

Feathered Tarsus of a Grouse

"Feathered tarsus of a Grouse, Cupidonia cupido" Elliot Coues, 1884

"Booted laminiplanter tarsus of a Robin" Elliot Coues, 1884

Booted Laminiplanter Tarsus of a Robin

"Booted laminiplanter tarsus of a Robin" Elliot Coues, 1884

"Figure shows Scutellate laminiplanter tarsus of a cat-bird. A tarsus so disposed as to its podotheca is said to be scutellate - scutellate before (fig 37), or behind, or both, as the case may be. ." Elliot Coues, 1884

Scutellate Laminiplanter Tarsus of a Cat-bird

"Figure shows Scutellate laminiplanter tarsus of a cat-bird. A tarsus so disposed as to its podotheca…