The hawk moth is well known by its habit of poising like a humming bird over the flower from which it…
This south American ostrich can not fly, the wings being small; but it is a swift runner, equaling a…
Diving birds, such as the grebe, have webbed (or lobed) feet and are expert in swimming and diving.
The loon is a diving bird. Its peculiar cry, sometimes resembling a hysterical laugh, has given rise…
Petrels resemble gulls, except in having the nostrils open as two parallel tubes on the top of the beak.
These birds have webbed-feet, with heavy, oily plumage. the body is flattened, and all are fine swimmers.
The ruffed grouse lives in the woods. It makes a loud noise by beating its wings rapidly (drumming).
Birds of prey usually have stout, hooked beaks and sharp, curved claws, fitting them for clutching and…
Vultures are carrion eaters. The head and neck are usually bare, and the bill and claws weaker than…
Parakeets can be found in the wild in Florida. They are members of the parrot family. They have a soft,…
The woodpeckers are typical climbers, with two toes turned forward and two backward, (zygodactyl).
The nighthawk is fit for catching insects on the wing by their very wide mouth, the gape extended far…
The shrikes are hawklike in appearance and in habits, having a hooked beak and sharp claws. They impale…
Blue jays are abundant in the central and eastern states. They are characterized by blue-gray feathers…
The meadowlark does not travel in flocks. It eats grains and is characterized by a dark band cross its…
The cuckoo is a member of the Cuculidae family. They have slender bodies, with long tails and downturned…
Swallows are members of the perching bird family. They have narrow wings and long split tails.
A large marine swimming bird. The bill is straight and strong, the upper mandible hooked at the point…
Wing of Bird; h Humerus or bone of upper arm; r and u Radius and Ulna, or bones of the forearm; c Carpus,…
Pigeons are distinguished by their slender feet which are adapted for perching, whilst the voice is…
The Lory is a climbing bird distinguished by the fact that the feet have four toes each, of which two…
Birds of Paradise are allied to the crows and found mainly in New Guinea. The king bird has beautiful…