Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflet, five to nine, usually seven) ; alternate, edge of leaflets sharp-toothed. Outline - of leaflets, usually long oval. Apex - taper-pointed. Base - of end leaflet, wedge-shaped, of the others more or less rounded or slightly pointed. Leaf/Stem - smooth. Leaf/Buds - egg-shape and pointed or rounded, and with their outer scales a polished-brown. Leaflet/Stems - lacking, except the smooth, very short stem of the end leaflet. Leaflets - mostly two to five inches long (the lower ones much the smallest), smooth above and below. Bark - not shaggy. Fruit - of two forms: (a) pear-shape, (b) rounded. Husks - very thin, splitting about half-way to the base. Nut - about one inch in diameter; in (b) somewhat flattened at the sides and slightly hollowed above, and with the apex a sharp point. Shell - rather thin, smooth, hard, and bluish-gray. Meat - small and sweetish or slightly bitter. Found - from Southern Maine westward and southward. General information - All the Hickories are picturesque trees. Their tendency, even when standing alone, is to grow high, and with heads that, instead of being round, are cylinder-shaped to the very top, with only enough breaks and irregularities to add to the effect. This tendency is more marked in the Hickories than in any other of the leaf-shedding trees of North America. They are worthy of the name sometimes given them of 'the artist's tree." Hicoria, from a Greek word meaning round, in allusion to the shape of the nut.

Genus Hicoria, Raf., Carya, Nutt. (Hickory)

Leaves - compound (odd-feathered; leaflet, five to nine, usually seven) ; alternate, edge of leaflets…

A device propelled through water with a ship as its target. "(a) Head; (b) air cylinder; (c) after body; (e) propellers; (f) war nose." -Foster, 1921


A device propelled through water with a ship as its target. "(a) Head; (b) air cylinder; (c) after body;…

"Diagram to show different plans in the distribution of bast fibers. A, bast a continuous cylinder in the pericycle; B, isolated strands of bast in the cortex and in the pericycle in front of each vascular bundle; C, a combination of A and B." -Stevens, 1916

Bast Fibers

"Diagram to show different plans in the distribution of bast fibers. A, bast a continuous cylinder in…

"Rain gauges are usually vertically placed sheet-metal hollow cylinders of from 5 to 8 inches in diameter. (The figure) shows a rain gauge with a funnel-shaped mouth, A, and an inside receiver, C, of less diameter than the outer cylinder." -Waldo, 1896

Rain Gauge

"Rain gauges are usually vertically placed sheet-metal hollow cylinders of from 5 to 8 inches in diameter.…

A spindle root.

Spindle Root

A spindle root.

"Transverse section through the wall of a cylinder (parallel with the course of the canals), showing one incurrent canal (IC), and one radial (R) throughout their length; sp, triradiate spicules; sp', oxeote spicules of dermal cortex (dc); sp'', tetraradiate spicules of gastral cortex (gc); ec, ectoderm; en, endoderm; pm, pore membrane; pp, prosopyles; ap, apopyle; di, diaphragm; exc, excurrent passage; PG, paragastric cavity; em, early embryo; em, late embryo. The arrows indicate the course of the water through the sponge." -Parker, 1900

Sycon Gelatinosum

"Transverse section through the wall of a cylinder (parallel with the course of the canals), showing…

"a Sigillaria (restored); b leaflet; c & d impressions on bark; e section of stem; f portion of cylinder, magnified." -Taylor, 1904


"a Sigillaria (restored); b leaflet; c & d impressions on bark; e section of stem; f portion of cylinder,…

"Lengthwise section through root-tip of Indian corn. w, root-cap; i, younger part of cap; z, dead cells separating from cap; s, growing point; o, epidermis; p', intermediate layer between epidermis and central cylinder; p, central cylinder; d, layer from which the root-cap originates." -Bergen, 1896

Corn Root Tip

"Lengthwise section through root-tip of Indian corn. w, root-cap; i, younger part of cap; z, dead cells…

"Explanation of the cylinder. a, altitude; c, circumference of base, or perimeter; d, diameter; s, lateral surface." -Foster, 1921

Cylinder Parts

"Explanation of the cylinder. a, altitude; c, circumference of base, or perimeter; d, diameter; s, lateral…

Illustration of the isometric of a hollow cylinder.

Hollow Cylinder

Illustration of the isometric of a hollow cylinder.

Illustration of an oblique view of a hollow cylinder.

Oblique View Of Hollow Cylinder

Illustration of an oblique view of a hollow cylinder.

Illustration of an oblique view of a hollow cylinder. The portion removed from the center of the cylinder is in the shape of a rectangular prism.

Oblique View Of Hollow Cylinder

Illustration of an oblique view of a hollow cylinder. The portion removed from the center of the cylinder…

Illustration of the plan and shaded elevation of a cylinder. The cylinder is viewed from the side and top.

Side And Top Views Of A Cylinder

Illustration of the plan and shaded elevation of a cylinder. The cylinder is viewed from the side and…

Illustration of a shaded vertical cylinder, viewed from the side.

Vertical Cylinder

Illustration of a shaded vertical cylinder, viewed from the side.

Illustration of a shaded horizontal cylinder, viewed from the side.

Horizontal Cylinder

Illustration of a shaded horizontal cylinder, viewed from the side.

Illustration of a shaded section of a hollow cylinder viewed from the side.

Hollow Cylinder

Illustration of a shaded section of a hollow cylinder viewed from the side.

An instrument used to measure the quantity of a rain which falls at a given place. They are which falls at a given place. They are variously constructed. A convenient form (shown in figure) consists of a cylindrical tube of copper, with a funnel at the top where the rain enters. Connected with the cylinder at the lowest part is a glass tube with an attached scale.

Rain Gauge

An instrument used to measure the quantity of a rain which falls at a given place. They are which falls…

Label: a, axis cylinder of a nerve.

Nerve Cells

Label: a, axis cylinder of a nerve.

"The principal working parts of the apparatus are the sheet of boiler plate a (fig. 100), the cylinder c, the piston head p, the screw s, and conduit plate d...f, frame." -Walcott, 1901

Intrusion Machine

"The principal working parts of the apparatus are the sheet of boiler plate a (fig. 100), the cylinder…

Two nerve fibers of the sciatic nerve. Labels: A. Node of Ranvier. B. Axis cylinder. C. Sheath of Schwann with nuclei.

Nerve Fibers of the Sciatic Nerve

Two nerve fibers of the sciatic nerve. Labels: A. Node of Ranvier. B. Axis cylinder. C. Sheath of Schwann…

Several fibers of a bundle of medullated nerve fibers acted upon by silver nitrate to show peculiar behavior of nodes of Ranvier, N, towards this reagent. The silver has penetrated at the nodes, and has stained the axis cylinder, M, for a short distance. S, the white substance.

Behavior of the Nodes of Ranvier

Several fibers of a bundle of medullated nerve fibers acted upon by silver nitrate to show peculiar…

Different forms of ganglion cells. A, a, round ball-shaped unipolar cell from the human Gasserian ganglion. Two cells only show the process f; b, spindle shaped; c, multipolar ganglion cell from he spinal cord of the ox. d, D, Purkinjee ganglion cells from human cerebellum; ax, axis cylinder process; p, protoplasmic process; h, h, two cells surrounded with a nucleated sheath.

Different Forms of Ganglion Cells

Different forms of ganglion cells. A, a, round ball-shaped unipolar cell from the human Gasserian ganglion.…

The Pacinian bodies or corpuscles are elongated oval bodies situated on some of the cerebrospinal and sympathetic nerves, especially the cutaneous nerves of the hands and feet; and on branches of the large sympathetic plexus about the abdominal aorta. Shown is a Pacinian corpuscle of the cat's mesentery. The stalk consist of a nerve fiber (N) wit its think outer sheath. The peripheral capsules of the Pacinian corpuscle are narrower near the entrance of the axis cylinder into the clear central mass. A hook-shaped termination with the end bulb; it possesses a sheath which is the continuation of the peripheral capsules of the Pacinian corpuscle.

Pacinian Corpuscle of a Cat

The Pacinian bodies or corpuscles are elongated oval bodies situated on some of the cerebrospinal and…

End-bulbs are oval or spheroidal, and are composed of medullated nerve fibers, which terminate in corpuscles of various shaped, with a capsule containing a transparent or striated mass, in the center of which terminates the axis cylinder of the nerve fiber, the ending of which is somewhat clubbed. End-bulb of Krause. Labels: a, medullated nerve fibers. b, capsule of corpuscle.

End-bulb of Krause

End-bulbs are oval or spheroidal, and are composed of medullated nerve fibers, which terminate in corpuscles…

Section of gray matter of anterior cornu of a calf's spinal cord; a, nerve fibers of white matter in transverse section, showing axis cylinder in the center of each; r, large stellate nerve cells with nuclei and three prolongations.

Gray Matter of Spinal Cord

Section of gray matter of anterior cornu of a calf's spinal cord; a, nerve fibers of white matter in…

Types of parallel prisms: right triangular prism, isosceles triangular prism, rectangular prism, cylinder.

Parallel Prisms

Types of parallel prisms: right triangular prism, isosceles triangular prism, rectangular prism, cylinder.

Types of oblique prisms: right triangular prism, isosceles triangular prism, rectangular prism, cylinder.

Oblique Prisms

Types of oblique prisms: right triangular prism, isosceles triangular prism, rectangular prism, cylinder.

Types of cylinders: vertical, horizontal, receding, and oblique.


Types of cylinders: vertical, horizontal, receding, and oblique.

Illustration of a pentagonal prism showing, "If a piece of paper is fitted to cover the convex surface of a prism or a cylinder, and then unrolled, its form will be that of a rectangle, as ABCD."

Surfaces Of A Prism

Illustration of a pentagonal prism showing, "If a piece of paper is fitted to cover the convex surface…

Illustration of a cylinder showing, "If a piece of paper is fitted to cover the convex surface of a prism or a cylinder, and then unrolled, its form will be that of a rectangle, as ABCD."

Surfaces Of A Cylinder

Illustration of a cylinder showing, "If a piece of paper is fitted to cover the convex surface of a…

Illustration used to compare the surfaces of a cylinder and a sphere.

Comparative Surfaces Of A Cylinder And Sphere

Illustration used to compare the surfaces of a cylinder and a sphere.

Illustration used to show finding the volume of a pentagonal prism.

Volume Of Cylinder

Illustration used to show finding the volume of a pentagonal prism.

Illustration used to compare the volumes of a cone and a cylinder by emptying sand from the cone into the cylinder.

Comparative Volumes Of A Cone And Cylinder

Illustration used to compare the volumes of a cone and a cylinder by emptying sand from the cone into…

Illustration used to compare the volumes of a cone, a sphere, and a cylinder.

Comparative Volumes Of A Cone, Sphere, And Cylinder

Illustration used to compare the volumes of a cone, a sphere, and a cylinder.

Various geometric solids, mostly rectangular prisms with a cylinder and a hexagonal prism.


Various geometric solids, mostly rectangular prisms with a cylinder and a hexagonal prism.

The bushel, a unit of dry measure.


The bushel, a unit of dry measure.

The peck, a unit of dry measure.


The peck, a unit of dry measure.

A cylindrical helix is a curve generated by a point moving uniformly around a cylinder and uniformly lengthwise of the cylinder at the some time. The hypotenuse of a right triangle will form one turn of a helix if it is wrapped around a cylinder. The base of the triangle is equal to the circumference of the cylinder and the altitude is the pitch of the helix.


A cylindrical helix is a curve generated by a point moving uniformly around a cylinder and uniformly…

A neuron from the cerebral cortex. The axis-cylinder process, dendrites and collaterals are marked 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

Neuron from the Cerebral Cortex

A neuron from the cerebral cortex. The axis-cylinder process, dendrites and collaterals are marked 1,…

Sections of developing skin, showing earliest stages in formation of hair follicles; in D epithelial cylinder is invading mesoblast.

Developing Skin

Sections of developing skin, showing earliest stages in formation of hair follicles; in D epithelial…

A glass cylinder is open at the bottom, having a piece of bladder or thin indian-rubber tightly stretched over the top.

Burst Bladder

A glass cylinder is open at the bottom, having a piece of bladder or thin indian-rubber tightly stretched…

A machine designed to suppress the dead space which limits the efficiency of ordinary air-pumps.

Kravogl's Air-pump

A machine designed to suppress the dead space which limits the efficiency of ordinary air-pumps.

"To avoid friction and heat, the piston is not in contact with the cylinder in which it works."

Deleuil's Air-pump

"To avoid friction and heat, the piston is not in contact with the cylinder in which it works."

"To avoid friction and heat, the piston is not in contact with the cylinder in which it works."

Piston and Barrel of Deleuil's Air-pump

"To avoid friction and heat, the piston is not in contact with the cylinder in which it works."

Scheme of the central motor neuron. The motor cell body, together with all its protoplasmic processes, its axis-cylinder process, collaterals, and end ramifications, represent parts of a single  cell or neuron. Labels: a, h, Axone-hillock devoid of Nissl bodies, and showing fibrilation; c, cytoplasm showing Nissl bodies and lighter ground substance. n', nucleolus.

Scheme of the Central Motor Neuron

Scheme of the central motor neuron. The motor cell body, together with all its protoplasmic processes,…

A nerve fiber from a frog.

Nerve Fiber from Frog

A nerve fiber from a frog.

An illustration of a woman filling a tipiti, a plaited cylinder used to squeeze the prussic acid from the grated cassava pulp.

Woman Preparing Cassava

An illustration of a woman filling a tipiti, a plaited cylinder used to squeeze the prussic acid from…

The Shedu is a celestial being from Mesopotamian mythology. He is a human above the waist and a bull below the waist. He also has the horns and the ears of a bull. The bull man helps people fight evil and chaos. He holds the gates of dawn open for the sun god Shamash and supports the sun disc. He is often shown on Cylinder Seals. It appears frequently in Mesopotamian art, sometimes with wings. Statues of the bull-man were often used as gatekeepers.


The Shedu is a celestial being from Mesopotamian mythology. He is a human above the waist and a bull…

An illustration of a decorative coal scuttle. A coal scuttle, sometimes spelled coalscuttle and also called a hod, is a bucket-like container for holding a small, intermediate supply of coal convenient to an indoor coal-fired stove or heater. It is usually made of metal and shaped like a vertical cylinder or truncated cone, with the open top slanted for pouring coal on a fire. It may have one or two handles. Homes that don't use coal sometimes use a coal scuttle decoratively.

Coal Scuttle

An illustration of a decorative coal scuttle. A coal scuttle, sometimes spelled coalscuttle and also…

A planer is a type of metalworking machine tool that is analogous to a shaper, but larger, and with the entire workpiece moving beneath the cutter, instead of the cutter moving above a stationary workpiece. The work table is moved back and forth on the bed beneath the cutting head either by mechanical means, such as a rack and pinion gear, or by a hydraulic cylinder.

Iron Planer

A planer is a type of metalworking machine tool that is analogous to a shaper, but larger, and with…

It consists of a steam cylinder and piston and its rod, and to the rod is firmly secured a steel rock-drill. The cylinder is supported upon a heavy tripod that may stand in any position and present the point of the drill in any direction. The steam or compressed air is conveyed to the cylinder through a hose, and when ready for work it delivers its tremendous thundering blows upon the rock in rapid succession.

Pneumatic Rock Drill

It consists of a steam cylinder and piston and its rod, and to the rod is firmly secured a steel rock-drill.…

The torpedoes used by the Confederates were various in form and construction. The most efficient ones were the galvanic and percussion. The percussion or "sensitive" ones exploded by the act of forcible contact. Some of these were made in the form of a double cone, with percussion tubes arranged around the cylinder thus formed, at the point of contact of the bases of the cones.

Percussion Torpedo

The torpedoes used by the Confederates were various in form and construction. The most efficient ones…

"A valve for opening and closing the induction and eduction passages of a steam-engine cylinder: so called from its plan resembling the letter D. The usual form of the D-valve is shown in fig. 1, where it is seen detached." -Whitney, 1911

D Valve

"A valve for opening and closing the induction and eduction passages of a steam-engine cylinder: so…

"A valve for opening and closing the induction and eduction passages of a steam-engine cylinder: so called from its plan resembling the letter D. fig. 2 ... represents a section of a steam-cylinder and nozles." -Whitney, 1911

D Valve

"A valve for opening and closing the induction and eduction passages of a steam-engine cylinder: so…

"Two cylinders, one horizontal, the other perpendicular. The base of the horizontal cylinder is at one angle of 40° with the PP. The sun's inclination 50°m elevation 28°." (Britannica, 1891)

Shadows of Two Cylinders

"Two cylinders, one horizontal, the other perpendicular. The base of the horizontal cylinder is at one…

An illustration of a screw, which is incline plane wrapped around a cyclinder.


An illustration of a screw, which is incline plane wrapped around a cyclinder.

An illustration of a screw, which is incline plane wrapped around a cyclinder.


An illustration of a screw, which is incline plane wrapped around a cyclinder.

A windlass is an apparatus for moving heavy weights. Typically, a windlass consists of a horizontal cylinder (barrel), which is rotated by the turn of a crank or belt. A winch is affixed to one or both ends, and a cable or rope is wound around the winch, pulling a weight attached to the opposite end.

Chinese Windlass

A windlass is an apparatus for moving heavy weights. Typically, a windlass consists of a horizontal…

Illustration of a frustum of a pyramid having a rectangular base and a hole passing through the center of the frustum.

Frustum Of A Rectangular Pyramid With Hole

Illustration of a frustum of a pyramid having a rectangular base and a hole passing through the center…

Illustration of the projection of a cylinder.

Projection Of Cylinder

Illustration of the projection of a cylinder.