An irregularly compund flower cluster with stalked flowers.


An irregularly compund flower cluster with stalked flowers.

A flower cluster with the flowers stalked and comming off a commonand more or less elongated axis.


A flower cluster with the flowers stalked and comming off a commonand more or less elongated axis.

A flower cluster with flowers sessile along a common more or less elongated axis.


A flower cluster with flowers sessile along a common more or less elongated axis.

Stems weakly arching; leaves lanceolate; flowers showy purplish.


Stems weakly arching; leaves lanceolate; flowers showy purplish.

Leaves remotely toothed, acumnate at apex; flowers appearing before the leaves.


Leaves remotely toothed, acumnate at apex; flowers appearing before the leaves.

Flowers clusters conspicuous because of large, leaf like, pink sepals.


Flowers clusters conspicuous because of large, leaf like, pink sepals.

Flowers white in stalked globose clusters; fruits aggregated in spherical.


Flowers white in stalked globose clusters; fruits aggregated in spherical.

Leaves leathery; evergreen; flowers showy, white, large.


Leaves leathery; evergreen; flowers showy, white, large.

Submerged leaves bearing bladders; flowers irregular, showy ellow or purple.


Submerged leaves bearing bladders; flowers irregular, showy ellow or purple.

Leaves without midribs evident when examined against transmitted light; flowers yellow.


Leaves without midribs evident when examined against transmitted light; flowers yellow.

Leaves with midribs evident when examined against light; flowers inconspicuous, not yellow.


Leaves with midribs evident when examined against light; flowers inconspicuous, not yellow.

"View of the remains of the French Works. These remains are in the southeastern suburbs of the city, about half way between the [African American] Cemetary and the residence of Major William Bowen, seen toward the right of the picture. The banks have an average height, from the bottom of the ditch, of about five feet, and are dotted with pines and chincapins or dwarf chestnuts, the former draped with moss. The ground is an open common, and although it was mid-winter when I was there, it was covered with green grass, bespangled with myriads of little flowers of stellar form. This view is from the direction of the town looking southeast."—Lossing, 1851

French Works

"View of the remains of the French Works. These remains are in the southeastern suburbs of the city,…

Leaves usually three in whorls (sometimes four); flowers minute and inconspicuous


Leaves usually three in whorls (sometimes four); flowers minute and inconspicuous

Leaves crowded on stem; flowers three petaled, pink and fairly conspicuous.


Leaves crowded on stem; flowers three petaled, pink and fairly conspicuous.

Leaves small, mostly less than 15cm. long, heart-shaped; flowers white and less than 2.5cm across.


Leaves small, mostly less than 15cm. long, heart-shaped; flowers white and less than 2.5cm across.

Flowers white; leaf-blade round.


Flowers white; leaf-blade round.

Plants aromatic when crushed; flowers blue.


Plants aromatic when crushed; flowers blue.

Stem finely pubescent, flowers 3-4 mm long.


Stem finely pubescent, flowers 3-4 mm long.

Stem not finely pubescent; flowers not more than 1.5mm long.


Stem not finely pubescent; flowers not more than 1.5mm long.

flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves; leaves less than 3.5cm long.


flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves; leaves less than 3.5cm long.

Flowers in stalked head-like spikes; leaves over 3.5cm long.


Flowers in stalked head-like spikes; leaves over 3.5cm long.

Stems with a sheath just above attachment point of leaf; flowers individually small, white to pink.


Stems with a sheath just above attachment point of leaf; flowers individually small, white to pink.

Flowers large, showy yellow; fruit a four angled capsule.


Flowers large, showy yellow; fruit a four angled capsule.

Leaf-sheaths present only at the base of stem; flowers in one group.


Leaf-sheaths present only at the base of stem; flowers in one group.

Leaf-sheaths scattered along stem; flowers in several groups.


Leaf-sheaths scattered along stem; flowers in several groups.

Flowers or fruits individually manifest; parts in threes.


Flowers or fruits individually manifest; parts in threes.

Flowers violet, over 3cm scross; leaves equitant at base; that is coming in two ranks, making the base of the plant appear flattened.


Flowers violet, over 3cm scross; leaves equitant at base; that is coming in two ranks, making the base…

Flowers inconspicuous and hidden by overlapping scales.


Flowers inconspicuous and hidden by overlapping scales.

Leaves large (1cm wide or wider); flowers very showy.


Leaves large (1cm wide or wider); flowers very showy.

Leaves smaller, rigid; small yellow flowers gathered in dense heads at top of naked stalk, each subtended by a scale-like bract.


Leaves smaller, rigid; small yellow flowers gathered in dense heads at top of naked stalk, each subtended…

Leave from base of scrape bearing button like whitish heads of minute flowers; roots with cross-constrctions.


Leave from base of scrape bearing button like whitish heads of minute flowers; roots with cross-constrctions.

Leaves from base of scape bearing evident white flowers in racemes; roots without crss-constrictions.


Leaves from base of scape bearing evident white flowers in racemes; roots without crss-constrictions.

Flowers with filaments connected by a funnel-like membrane.


Flowers with filaments connected by a funnel-like membrane.

Flowers with free filaments.


Flowers with free filaments.

Flowers few, showy, pinkish purple.


Flowers few, showy, pinkish purple.

flowers white in dense button-like heads; leaves bristly-margined.


flowers white in dense button-like heads; leaves bristly-margined.

Flowers yellow, not in button-like heads nor with bristly-margined leaves.


Flowers yellow, not in button-like heads nor with bristly-margined leaves.

Flowers yellow.


Flowers yellow.

Flowers white.


Flowers white.

Stems 4-angled; flowers small, in dense clusters in the axils of the leaves.


Stems 4-angled; flowers small, in dense clusters in the axils of the leaves.

Stems round, or nearly so, in cross-section; flowers showy, yellow.


Stems round, or nearly so, in cross-section; flowers showy, yellow.

Leaves usually with sharp lobes; flowers individually inconspicuous, on a fleshy axis snclosed in a leaf-like sheath.


Leaves usually with sharp lobes; flowers individually inconspicuous, on a fleshy axis snclosed in a…

Plant small, less than 4dm tall; flowers yellow.


Plant small, less than 4dm tall; flowers yellow.

Plant large, over 5dm tall; flowers large, white, pink, or purplish.


Plant large, over 5dm tall; flowers large, white, pink, or purplish.

Leaves mostly basal, heart shaped; flowers purple.


Leaves mostly basal, heart shaped; flowers purple.

Sheaths around stem above each point of leaf-attachment; flowers white to red, not fragrant.


Sheaths around stem above each point of leaf-attachment; flowers white to red, not fragrant.

Stems with no sheaths; flowers white, fragrant.


Stems with no sheaths; flowers white, fragrant.

Leaves large, 2 dm or more in diameter, impossible to wet; flowers solitary, showy, yellow.


Leaves large, 2 dm or more in diameter, impossible to wet; flowers solitary, showy, yellow.

Plants smaller; not wite-powdery above; leaves shed water easily; flowers along fleshy spike enclosed in a leafy sheath.


Plants smaller; not wite-powdery above; leaves shed water easily; flowers along fleshy spike enclosed…

Flowers many; leaves large, over 10cm long.


Flowers many; leaves large, over 10cm long.

Flowers solitary; leaves small, less than 5 cm long.


Flowers solitary; leaves small, less than 5 cm long.

Leaf, when examined against light with lens, showing semitransparent dots; flowers yellow or pink.


Leaf, when examined against light with lens, showing semitransparent dots; flowers yellow or pink.

Flowers not showy, in axils of leaves, mostly purple.


Flowers not showy, in axils of leaves, mostly purple.

Leaves covered with tiny black dots visible with lens; flowers small, white.


Leaves covered with tiny black dots visible with lens; flowers small, white.

Flowers irregular, purplish.


Flowers irregular, purplish.

Stems woody at least at base, arching; flowers purple-pink, in auxiliary clusters.


Stems woody at least at base, arching; flowers purple-pink, in auxiliary clusters.

Flowers purple; plant usually corky at base.


Flowers purple; plant usually corky at base.

Flowers white, or, if pink, with a yellow or green eye in the center.


Flowers white, or, if pink, with a yellow or green eye in the center.

Flowers in terminal clusters.


Flowers in terminal clusters.

Flowers with small appendages between the sepals.


Flowers with small appendages between the sepals.