Nemophila maculata flowers are white with a violet purple blotch on each lobe of the large corolla. The flowers bloom in summer.

Flowering Branch and Detached Branchlet of Nemophila Maculata

Nemophila maculata flowers are white with a violet purple blotch on each lobe of the large corolla.…

The flowers of nepenthes rafflesiana are yellow and brown. The pitchers are greenish yellow with brown markings.

Nepenthes Rafflesiana

The flowers of nepenthes rafflesiana are yellow and brown. The pitchers are greenish yellow with brown…

Nerine undulata flowers are flesh colored with wavy outlines. The scape is one foot high and has many flowers.

Inflorescence of Nerine Undulata

Nerine undulata flowers are flesh colored with wavy outlines. The scape is one foot high and has many…

Nerium oleander album plenum is a variety of oleander. The flowers are large and white.

Flowering Branchlet of Nerium Oleander Album Plenum

Nerium oleander album plenum is a variety of oleander. The flowers are large and white.

Bead plant is the common name of netera depressa. Pictured is the plants in flower and fruit and the detached flower and fruit. The flowers are greenish and very small. The fruit is round and bright orange.

Bead Plant

Bead plant is the common name of netera depressa. Pictured is the plants in flower and fruit and the…

Nicotiana acutiflora is a variety of tobacco. The flowers are pure white. The flowers bloom from June until frost.

Plant and Detached Flower of Nicotiana Acutiflora

Nicotiana acutiflora is a variety of tobacco. The flowers are pure white. The flowers bloom from June…

Nicotiana suaveolens is a sweet scented variety of tobacco. The flowers are white and fragrant. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between one and two feet tall.

Flowers of Nicotiana Suaveolens

Nicotiana suaveolens is a sweet scented variety of tobacco. The flowers are white and fragrant. The…

Common tobacco is the common name of nicotiana tabacum. The flowers are rose colored and downy on the outside. The flowers bloom in the summer.

Portion of Inflorescence of Nicotiana Tabacum

Common tobacco is the common name of nicotiana tabacum. The flowers are rose colored and downy on the…

Nictotiana wigandioides is a variety of tobacco. This variety is a greenhouse shrub. The flowers are yellowish white.

Nicotiana Wigandioides

Nictotiana wigandioides is a variety of tobacco. This variety is a greenhouse shrub. The flowers are…

Nigella has many common names including devil-in-the-bush, fennel flower, and love-in-a-mist. The damascena variety has white or blue flowers with bright green leaves. Flore-pleno is the double flowered variety.

Habit and Detached Flowering Branchlet of Nigella Damascena Flore-Pleno

Nigella has many common names including devil-in-the-bush, fennel flower, and love-in-a-mist. The damascena…

Nigella has many common names including devil-in-the-bush, fennel flower, and love-in-a-mist. The sativa variety has bluish flowers that bloom in July. The plant grows one and a half feet tall.

Flower Stem with Leaf of Nigella Sativa

Nigella has many common names including devil-in-the-bush, fennel flower, and love-in-a-mist. The sativa…

The corolla of the nolana paradoxa flower is funnel shaped. The flowers bloom in summer. This plant is native to Chili.

Flowering Branchlet of Nolana Paradoxa

The corolla of the nolana paradoxa flower is funnel shaped. The flowers bloom in summer. This plant…

Nothoscordum fragrans flowers are white with a bar of very pale lilac on the outer side of each division. The flowers are very fragrant.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Nothoscordum Fragrans

Nothoscordum fragrans flowers are white with a bar of very pale lilac on the outer side of each division.…

Yellow water lily is the common name of nuphar luteum. The flowers are yellow with a brandy-like scent. The stalks rise a little above the surface of the water.

Yellow Water Lily

Yellow water lily is the common name of nuphar luteum. The flowers are yellow with a brandy-like scent.…

Common white water lily is the common name of nymphaea alba. The flowers are white and have no scent. The flowers are four to six inches across and float on the surface of the water.

Common White Water Lily

Common white water lily is the common name of nymphaea alba. The flowers are white and have no scent.…

Nymphaea lotus is a synonym of nymphaea thermalis. The common name is Hungarian lotus. The flowers are pure white and bloom during the summer.

Abnormal Inflorescence of Nymphaea Lotus

Nymphaea lotus is a synonym of nymphaea thermalis. The common name is Hungarian lotus. The flowers are…

Sweet or Common Basil is the common name of ocimum basilicum. The flowers are white and bloom in August. The herb grow one foot tall.

Sweet Basil

Sweet or Common Basil is the common name of ocimum basilicum. The flowers are white and bloom in August.…

Odontoglossum cirrhosum flowers are milk whitet with deep purplish violet dark spots on the sepals and petals. The sepals are lance shaped and end in bristles.

Odontoglossum Cirrhosum

Odontoglossum cirrhosum flowers are milk whitet with deep purplish violet dark spots on the sepals and…

Odontoglossum cervantesii flowers are one to two inches across. The flowers are rosy lilac barred at the base with crimson brown. Each spike is six inches high with three to five flowers.

Flower of Odontoglossum Cerbantesii

Odontoglossum cervantesii flowers are one to two inches across. The flowers are rosy lilac barred at…

Odontoglossum crispum flowers have pure white sepals and petals and a yellow lip. The lip is spotted towards the front with blotches of reddish brown.

Odontoglossum Crispum

Odontoglossum crispum flowers have pure white sepals and petals and a yellow lip. The lip is spotted…

Odontoglossum hallii flowers are pale yellow with large, chocolate brown patches. The flowers are about four inches across.

Flower of Odontoglossum Hallii

Odontoglossum hallii flowers are pale yellow with large, chocolate brown patches. The flowers are about…

Odontoglossum rossii flowers are one to two inches across. The petals are pure white with a few spots at their base. The scapes have two to five flowers. The flowers bloom in winter.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Odontoglossum Rossii

Odontoglossum rossii flowers are one to two inches across. The petals are pure white with a few spots…

The common name of oenthera is evening primrose. The acaulis variety has white flowers fading into red. The flowers bloom May to September. The plant grows six inches high.

Habit and Detached Leaf and Flower of Oenothera Acaulis

The common name of oenthera is evening primrose. The acaulis variety has white flowers fading into red.…

Pictured are the albicaulis and californica varieties of evening primrose. Albicaulis has white flowers while californica has flowers varying from white to pale pink.

Oenothera Albicaulis and Oenothera Californica

Pictured are the albicaulis and californica varieties of evening primrose. Albicaulis has white flowers…

Oenothera amoena rubicunda is a variety of evening primrose with rose flowers with four crimson spots. The flowers bloom in summer.

Flowering Branch of Oenothera Amoena Rubicunda

Oenothera amoena rubicunda is a variety of evening primrose with rose flowers with four crimson spots.…

The common name of oenothera biennis is common evening primrose. The lamarckiana variety has larger and finer flowers.

Oenothera Biennis Lamarckiana

The common name of oenothera biennis is common evening primrose. The lamarckiana variety has larger…

Oenothera exima is a variety of evening primrose with white flowers that are four inches in diameter. The flowers bloom in July.

Oenothera Exima

Oenothera exima is a variety of evening primrose with white flowers that are four inches in diameter.…

Oenothera missouriensis latifolia flowers are large and yellow. The leaves are broad.

Oenothera Missouriensis Latifolia

Oenothera missouriensis latifolia flowers are large and yellow. The leaves are broad.

Oenothera speciosa is a variety of evening primrose with white flowers that become reddish as they fade. The flowers bloom March to September.

Flowering Branch of Oenothera Speciosa

Oenothera speciosa is a variety of evening primrose with white flowers that become reddish as they fade.…

Oenthera Lady Albemarle has distinct, showy crimson flowers. It is a dwarf variety.

Oenothera Lady Albemarle

Oenthera Lady Albemarle has distinct, showy crimson flowers. It is a dwarf variety.

Olearia gunnia flowers are white and bloom in September. The branches are hoary. Pictured is a flowering branch, branchlet, and flower head of olearia gunnia.

Olearia Gunniana

Olearia gunnia flowers are white and bloom in September. The branches are hoary. Pictured is a flowering…

Omphalodes verna flowers are blue with a white throat. The flowers bloom March to May. The plant grows six inches tall.

Omphalodes Verna

Omphalodes verna flowers are blue with a white throat. The flowers bloom March to May. The plant grows…

Oncidium crispum flowers are one to two inches across. The flowers are a bright, rich, copper color and the lip is blotched with golden yellow. The flowers bloom in winter.

Flowers of Oncidium Crispum

Oncidium crispum flowers are one to two inches across. The flowers are a bright, rich, copper color…

Oncidium excavatum flowers are golden yellow and they are spotted and blotched at the base with rich, bright brown. This variety is native to Peru.

Oncidium Excavatum

Oncidium excavatum flowers are golden yellow and they are spotted and blotched at the base with rich,…

Oncidium luridum flowers are usually a dull yellow or olive green color splotched with brown.

Flower of Oncidium Luridum

Oncidium luridum flowers are usually a dull yellow or olive green color splotched with brown.

Butterfly plant is the common name of oncidium papilio. The flowers are pale, golden yellow barred with chesnut brown. The flowers sometimes resemble a butterfly in shape.

Habit and Detached Flower of Oncidium Papilio

Butterfly plant is the common name of oncidium papilio. The flowers are pale, golden yellow barred with…

Oncidium serratum flowers are usually rich, bright brown with a yellow border. The margins are crisped or very serrated.

Flower of Oncidium Serratum

Oncidium serratum flowers are usually rich, bright brown with a yellow border. The margins are crisped…

The sepals and petals of oncidium varicosum flowers are pale, dull green with dull brown. The lip is large and bright yellow. The scapes are strong, about three feet long.

Flowers of Oncidium Varicosum

The sepals and petals of oncidium varicosum flowers are pale, dull green with dull brown. The lip is…

Ononis rotundiflora flowers are rose and grow on three flowered stems. The flowers bloom in summer. The leaves are roundish and toothed.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Ononis Rotundiflora

Ononis rotundiflora flowers are rose and grow on three flowered stems. The flowers bloom in summer.…

The common name of onosma is golden drop. The stellulatum tauricum variety has yellow flowers that are about one and a half inches long. The flowers bloom in summer. The stems are branched.

Onosma Stellulatum Tauricum

The common name of onosma is golden drop. The stellulatum tauricum variety has yellow flowers that are…

Fly orchis is the common name of ophrys muscifera. The flowers have green sepals and dark red, linear petals. The flowers bloom in June.

Flower of Fly Orchis

Fly orchis is the common name of ophrys muscifera. The flowers have green sepals and dark red, linear…

Opuntia basilaris is a variety of prickly pear with large, rose purple flowers. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant is covered with short, brown bristles.

Opuntia Basilaris

Opuntia basilaris is a variety of prickly pear with large, rose purple flowers. The flowers bloom in…

Optunia brachyarthra is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers are very small. The prickles grow in groups of three to five.

Optunia Brachyarthra

Optunia brachyarthra is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers are very small. The prickles grow in…

Indian fig, the common name of optunia ficus-indica, has yellow flowers that bloom in May. The fruit is bristly and red within. The fruit is edible.

Branch of Indian Fig

Indian fig, the common name of optunia ficus-indica, has yellow flowers that bloom in May. The fruit…

Optunia multiflora is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers are yellow and bloom in summer. The branches are large and flattened. The spines are numerous and clustered.

Flowering Branch of Optunia Multiflora

Optunia multiflora is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers are yellow and bloom in summer. The branches…

Optunia rafinesquii is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers often have a red center and numerous petals. The cactus grows one foot tall.

Optunia Rafinesquii

Optunia rafinesquii is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers often have a red center and numerous petals.…

Optunia tuna is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers are reddish orange and bloom in July. There are bundles of yellow, unequal, spreading spines.

Optunia Tuna

Optunia tuna is a variety of prickly pear. The flowers are reddish orange and bloom in July. There are…

Lizard orchis is the common name of orchis hircina. The flower is a dirty, greenish white color with a disagreeable smell. The flowers have a long, linear lip.

Flower of Lizard Orchis

Lizard orchis is the common name of orchis hircina. The flower is a dirty, greenish white color with…

Military orchis is the common name of orchis militaris. The flowers are numerous and grow in a dense, oblong spike. The flowers bloom in spring.

Flower of Military Orchis

Military orchis is the common name of orchis militaris. The flowers are numerous and grow in a dense,…

Orchis purpurea flowers are green, purple, and spotted. The spikes are usually large and many flowered.

Orchis Purpurea

Orchis purpurea flowers are green, purple, and spotted. The spikes are usually large and many flowered.

Pictured is a flowering branch and detached flower head of oreopanax andreanum. The flowers are globe shaped heads. The leaves are roundish and the trunk is simple or slightly branched.

Oreopanax Andreanum

Pictured is a flowering branch and detached flower head of oreopanax andreanum. The flowers are globe…

The flowers of oreopanax peltatum are greenish white. The leaves are long stalked and five to seven nerved.

Oreopanax Peltatum

The flowers of oreopanax peltatum are greenish white. The leaves are long stalked and five to seven…

The common name of ornithogalum is Star of Bethlehem. The nutans variety has flowers that are white on the upper side and green on the back. The scape is eight to twelve inches long.

Ornithogalum Nutans

The common name of ornithogalum is Star of Bethlehem. The nutans variety has flowers that are white…

Star of Bethlehem is the common name of ornithogalum. The pyramidale variety has pure white flowers marked with a green stripe on the back. The flowers are arranged in clone shaped clusters. The flower clusters are six to eight inches long.

Habit and Detached Single Flower of Ornithogalum Pyramidale

Star of Bethlehem is the common name of ornithogalum. The pyramidale variety has pure white flowers…

Star of Bethlehem is the common name of ornithogalum. The thyrsoides variety has yellow flowers that bloom in June. There are five to six leaves.

Leaves and Inflorescence of Ornithogalum Thyrsoides

Star of Bethlehem is the common name of ornithogalum. The thyrsoides variety has yellow flowers that…

The common name of ornithogalum umbellatum is Star of Bethlehem. The flowers are satiny white on the inside and green striped with white on the outside. The flowers bloom in May.

Ornithogalum Umbellatum

The common name of ornithogalum umbellatum is Star of Bethlehem. The flowers are satiny white on the…

Osmanthus fragrans flowers are yellowish or almost white. The flowers bloom June to August. Pictured is the habit and a detached tip of the flowering branch.

Osmanthus Fragrans

Osmanthus fragrans flowers are yellowish or almost white. The flowers bloom June to August. Pictured…

Osyris alba flowers are white and bloom in July. The fruit is red and pea sized. The leaves alternate along the stem and are one inch long. The shrub grows between three and four feet tall.

Osyris Alba

Osyris alba flowers are white and bloom in July. The fruit is red and pea sized. The leaves alternate…

Othonnopsis cheirifolia flowers are rich yellow and are about one and a half inches across. The leaves are thick and grayish.

Othonnopsis Cheirifolia

Othonnopsis cheirifolia flowers are rich yellow and are about one and a half inches across. The leaves…

Ourisia coccinea flowers are scarlet with cream colored anthers. The flowers are one and a half inches long and droop. The plant grows between six and twelve inches tall.

Ourisia Coccinea

Ourisia coccinea flowers are scarlet with cream colored anthers. The flowers are one and a half inches…