The Eastern Meadowlark, Sturnella magna, is a medium-sized icterid bird, very similar in appearance to the Western Meadowlark. It occurs from eastern North America to South America, where it is also most widespread in the east. Adults have yellow underparts with a black "V" on the breast and white flanks with black streaks. The upperparts are mainly brown with black streaks. They have a long pointed bill; the head is striped with light brown and black. The song of this bird is simpler and not warbled like that of the Western Meadowlark; their ranges overlap across central North America. In the field, the song is often the easiest way to tell the two species apart.

Eastern Meadowlark

The Eastern Meadowlark, Sturnella magna, is a medium-sized icterid bird, very similar in appearance…

"Pooecetes gramineus. Grass Finch. Bay-winged Bunting. Vesper-bird. Above, grayish-brown, closely and uniformly marked with dusky-centered brown-edged streaks, and further variegated by pale gray edging of the feathers. Crown quite like back, though the marking is in smaller pattern; superciliary line and eye-ring whitish. Under parts dull white, usually noticeably buff-tinged in the streaked areas, thickly streaked across breast and along sides with dusky-centered brown-edged streaks, anteriorly tending to concentrate in lateral chains bounding the white throat; above this chain a maxillary brown stripe; auriculars varied with light and dark brown. Quills fuscous, the longer ones with grayish-white edging, the secondaries and greater and median coverts with broad firm brown and white edges and tips; lesser coverts bright chestnut, whence the name "bay-winged". Outer-feather largely or wholly white, next pair or two airs largely white in decreasing amount. Upper mandible brown; lower, and the feet, flash-colored or yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Bay-winged Bunting

"Pooecetes gramineus. Grass Finch. Bay-winged Bunting. Vesper-bird. Above, grayish-brown, closely and…

"Coturniculus passerinus. Yellow-winged Sparrow. Quail Sparrow. Grasshopper Sparrow. Edge of wing conspicuously yellow; lesser wing-coverts greenish-yellow; a yellow loral spot; short line over eye buffy-yellow. Crown with median stripe of pale brownish-yellow. Below, ochraceous or pale buff or tawny, fading to whitish on belly, not evidently streaked, though a few dark touches may appear on sides of breast. Above, singularly variegated with black, gray, yellowish-brown and a peculiar purplish-bay, in short streaks and specks; the crown being nearly black with sharp median brownish-yellow stripe, the middle of the back chiefly black with bay and brownish-yellow edgings of the feathers, the cervical region and rump chiefly bay and gray. When the feathers are not disturbed, the peculiar pattern of the cervical region separates that of the crown and back; the markings extend on the sides of the neck, but the sides of the head are plain, like the under parts. Wing-coverts and inner secondaries variegated in intricate pattern, the general effect like the back. Primaries and tail-feathers plain dusky, with narrow light edgings; outer tail-feathers paler, but not white. Feet flesh-colored." Elliot Coues, 1884

Yellow-winged Sparrow

"Coturniculus passerinus. Yellow-winged Sparrow. Quail Sparrow. Grasshopper Sparrow. Edge of wing conspicuously…

"Ammodramus. Seaside Sparrow. Bill remarkably slender and lengthened for this family, with culmen toward end, gonys straight, and sometimes an evident lobation of the cutting edge of the upper mandible. Wings short and rounded, yet longer than tail; inner secondaries, though not elongate, reaching nearly to end of primaries when wing is closed; point formed by 2d-4th quills. Feet large and stout, reaching outstretched about to the end of tail; tarsus about equal to middle toe and claw in length; lateral toes of equal lengths, very short, their claws under reaching base of middle claw. Tail shorter or not longer than wings, much rounded, of narrow, stiffish, sharp-pointed feathers. Embracing small streaky marsh sparrows, especially of the sea-coast, but not exclusively maritime, as long supposed; remarkable for slenderness of the bill, sharp narrow tail-feathers, and stout feet fitted for grasping slender swaying reeds. Edge of wing bright yellow; a yellow spot of buff stripe on head; upper parts olive-gray or quite blackish, streaky." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Details of a Seaside Sparrow

"Ammodramus. Seaside Sparrow. Bill remarkably slender and lengthened for this family, with culmen toward…

"Ammodramus maritimus. Seaside Finch. Olive-gray, obscurely streaked on back and crown with darker and paler; below, whitish, often washed with brownish, shaded on sides with color of back, and with ill-defined dark streaks on breast and sides; maxillary stripes on the same; wings and tail plain dusky, with slight olivaceous edgings; wing-coverts and inner quills somewhat margined with brown; edge of wing bright yellow; a bright yellow spot on lore, and often often some vague brownish and dusky markings on side of head; bill plumbeous, or dark horn-blue; feet dark." Elliot Coues, 1884

Seaside Finch

"Ammodramus maritimus. Seaside Finch. Olive-gray, obscurely streaked on back and crown with darker and…

"Melospiza lincolni. Lincoln's Song Sparrow. Below, white, with a broad brownish-yellow belt across breast, the sides of the body and neck, and the crissum, washed with the same; extent and intensity of this buff very variable, often leaving only chin, throat, and belly purely white, but a pectoral band is always evident. All the buffy parts sharply and thickly streaked with dusky. Above, grayish-brown, with numerous sharp black-centred, brown-edged streaks. Top of head ashy, with a pair of dark brown black-streaked stripes; or, say, top of head brown, streaked with black, and with median and lateral ashy stripes. Below the superciliary ashy stripe is a narrow dark brown one, running from eye over ear; auriculars also bounded below by an indistinct dark brown stripe, below which and behind the auriculars the parts are suffused with buff. Wings with much rufous-brown edging of all the quills; inner secondaries and coverts having quite black central fields, with broad bay edging, becoming whitish toward their ends. Tail brown, the feathers with pale edges, and the central pair at least with dusky shaft-stripes. Bill blackish, lighter below; feet brownish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Lincoln's Sparrow

"Melospiza lincolni. Lincoln's Song Sparrow. Below, white, with a broad brownish-yellow belt across…

"Melospiza palustris. Swamp Song Sparrow. Crown bright chestnut, blackening on forehead, the red cap and black vizor as conspicuous as in chipping sparrow; but oftener, crown with obscuremedian ashy line, and streaked with black. An ashy-gray superciliary line; dark brown postocular stripe, bordering the auriculars; sides of head ashy, with grayish-brown auriculars, dusky speckling on cheeks and lores, and slight dusky maxillary spots or streaks. An ashy cervical collar separating the chestnut crown from the back, sometimes pure, oftener interrupted with blackish streaks. The general ash of the sides of head and neck spreads all over the breast and under parts, fading to whitish on throat and belly; the sides, flanks, and crissum marked with brown, and obsoletely streaked with darker brown. Back and rump brown, rather darker than sides of body, boldly variegated with black central streaks of the feathers and their pale brown or grayish edges. Wings so strongly edged with bright bay as to appear almost uniformly brownish-red when closed; but inner secondaries and greater coverts showing some black and whitish besides the bay. Tail likewise strongly edged with bay, and usually showing sharp black shaft lines. Thus well marked by the emphasis of black, bay, and ash." Elliot Coues, 1884

Swamp Sparrow

"Melospiza palustris. Swamp Song Sparrow. Crown bright chestnut, blackening on forehead, the red cap…

"Melospiza fasciata. Song Sparrow. Silver-tongue. Below, white, slightly shaded with brownish on the flanks and crissum; with numerous black-centred, brown-edged streaks cross breast and along sides, usually forming a pectoral blotch and coalescing into maxillary stripes bounding the white throat; crown dull bay, with fine black streaks, divided in the middle and bounded on either side by ashy-whitish lines; vague brown or dusky and whitish markings on sides of the head; a brown post-ocular stripe over the gray auriculars, and another, not so well defined, from angle of mouth below the auriculars; the interscapular streaks black, with bay and ashy-white edgings; rump and cervix grayish-brown, with merely a few bay marks; wings with dull bay edgings, the coverts and inner quills marked like the interscapulars; tail plain brown, with darker shaft lines, on the middle feathers at least, and often with obsolete transverse wavy markings. Very constant in plumage, the chief difference being in the sharpness and breadth of the markings, due in part to the wear of the feathers. In worn midsummer plumage, the streaking is very sharp, narrow, and black, from wearing of the rufous and whitish, especially observable below where the streaks contrast with white, and giving the impression of heavier streaking than in fall and winter, when in fresher feather, the markings are softer and more suffuse. The aggregation of spots into a blotch on the middle of the breast is usual. Bill dark brown, paler below; feet pale brow." Elliot Coues, 1884

Song Sparrow

"Melospiza fasciata. Song Sparrow. Silver-tongue. Below, white, slightly shaded with brownish on the…

"Amphispiza bilineata. Black-throated Sparrow. Black-faced Sage Sparrow. face, chin, and throat sharply jet-black; a strong white superciliary line, and another bounding the black of the throat; under eyelid white; auriculars dark slate. No yellow anywhere. Below, pure white; the sides, flanks, and crissum shaded with ashy or fulvous-brownish, but no streaks. Above, uniform grayish-brown; clearer ash in high plumage, otherwise browner, generally more shy anteriorly than behind, and shading insensibly into the black of the face. wings dusky; coverts and inner quills edged with the color of the back. Tail black, with narrow grayish edgings; the outer feather sharply edged and tipped with white, and several others similarly tipped. Bill and feet plumbeous-black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-throated Sparrow

"Amphispiza bilineata. Black-throated Sparrow. Black-faced Sage Sparrow. face, chin, and throat sharply…

"Chondestes grammica. Lark Sparrow. Lark Finch. Head variegated with chestnut, black, and white; crown chestnut, blackening on forehead, divided by a median stripe, and bounded by superciliary stripes, of white; a black line through eye, and another below eye, enclosing a white streak under the eye and the chestnut auriculars; next, a sharp black maxillary stripe not quite reaching the bill, cutting off a white stripe from the white chin and throat. A black blotch on middle of breast. Under parts white, faintly shaded with grayish-brown; under arts grayish-brown, the middle of the back with fine black streaks. Tail very long, its central feathers like the back, the rest jet-black, broadly tipped with pure white in diminishing amount from the lateral pair inward, and the outer web of the outer pair entirely white." Elliot Coues, 1884

Lark Sparrow

"Chondestes grammica. Lark Sparrow. Lark Finch. Head variegated with chestnut, black, and white; crown…

"Junco hiemalis. Eastern Snow-bird. Black Snow-bird. Blackish-ash, below abruptly pure white from the breast, the sides shaded with ashy. In the summer, and most fall and winter specimens, the upper parts have a more grayish, or even a decidedly brownish, cast, and the inner secondaries are edged with pale bay. The slaty-black intense on the head; belly and crissum pure white, the line between the two transverse or convex forward; wings and tail blackish, with slightly hoary edging of some feathers; 2-3 lateral tail feathers pure white, wholly or in great part. No rusty brown on back or sides; any shade on the sides ashy, not pinkish. Bill pinkish-white, or flesh-color, usually black-tipped." Elliot Coues, 1884

Eastern Snow-bird

"Junco hiemalis. Eastern Snow-bird. Black Snow-bird. Blackish-ash, below abruptly pure white from the…

"Spizella domestica. Chipping Sparrow. Chipping Bird or Chippy. Hair-bird. Bill black; feet pale; crown chestnut; extreme forehead black, usually divided by a pale line; a grayish-white superciliary line; below this a blackish stripe through eye and auriculars; lores dusky. Below, a variable shade of pale ash, nearly uniform and entirely unmarked; back streaked with lack, dull bay and grayish-brown; inner secondaries and wing-coverts similarly variegated, the tips of the greater and median coverts forming whitish bars; rump ashy, with slight blackish streaks or none; primaries and tail-feathers dusky, with paler edges." Elliot Coues,1884

Chipping Sparrow Head

"Spizella domestica. Chipping Sparrow. Chipping Bird or Chippy. Hair-bird. Bill black; feet pale; crown…

"Spizella domestica. Chipping Sparrow. Chipping Bird or Chippy. Hair-bird. Bill black; feet pale; crown chestnut; extreme forehead black, usually divided by a pale line; a grayish-white superciliary line; below this a blackish stripe through eye and auriculars; lores dusky. Below, a variable shade of pale ash, nearly uniform and entirely unmarked; back streaked with lack, dull bay and grayish-brown; inner secondaries and wing-coverts similarly variegated, the tips of the greater and median coverts forming whitish bars; rump ashy, with slight blackish streaks or none; primaries and tail-feathers dusky, with paler edges." Elliot Coues,1884

Chipping Sparrow

"Spizella domestica. Chipping Sparrow. Chipping Bird or Chippy. Hair-bird. Bill black; feet pale; crown…

"Zonotrichia albicollis. White-throated Crown Sparrow. Peabody-bird. Crown black divided by a median white stripe, bounded by a white superciliary line, and yellow spot from nostril to eye; below this a black stripe through eye; below this a maxillary black stripe bounding the definitely pure white throat, sharply contrasted with the dark ash of the breast and sides of the neck and head. Edge of wing yellow. back continuously streaked with black, chestnut, and fulvous-white; rump ashy, unmarked. wings much edged with bay, the white tips of the median and greater coverts forming two conspicuous bars; quills and tail-feathers dusky, with pale edges. Below, white, shaded with ashy-brown on sides, the ash deeper and purer on the breast; bill dark; feet pale." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-throated Sparrow Head

"Zonotrichia albicollis. White-throated Crown Sparrow. Peabody-bird. Crown black divided by a median…

"Zonotrichia leucophrys. White-browned Crown Sparrow. Crown pure white, enclosing on either side a broad black stripe that meets its fellow on the forehead and descends the lores to the level of the eyes, and bounded by another narrow black stripe that starts behind the eye and curves around the side of the hind-head, nearly meeting its fellow on the nape; edge of under eyelid white. Or, we may say, crown black, enclosing a median white stripe and two lateral white stripes, all confluent on the hind head. No yellow anywhere. General color a fine dark ash, paler below, whitening insensibly on chin and belly, more brownish on the rump, changing to dull brownish white. No bright bay, like that of albicollis, anywhere, except some edging on the wing-coverts and inner secondaries; middle and greater coverts tipped with white, forming two bars. Bill and feet reddish." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-crowned Sparrow Head

"Zonotrichia leucophrys. White-browned Crown Sparrow. Crown pure white, enclosing on either side a broad…

"Zonotrichia albicollis. White-throated Crown Sparrow. Peabody-bird. Crown black divided by a median white stripe, bounded by a white superciliary line, and yellow spot from nostril to eye; below this a black stripe through eye; below this a maxillary black stripe bounding the definitely pure white throat, sharply contrasted with the dark ash of the breast and sides of the neck and head. Edge of wing yellow. back continuously streaked with black, chestnut, and fulvous-white; rump ashy, unmarked. wings much edged with bay, the white tips of the median and greater coverts forming two conspicuous bars; quills and tail-feathers dusky, with pale edges. Below, white, shaded with ashy-brown on sides, the ash deeper and purer on the breast; bill dark; feet pale." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-throated Sparrow

"Zonotrichia albicollis. White-throated Crown Sparrow. Peabody-bird. Crown black divided by a median…

"Zonotrichia leucophrys. White-browned Crown Sparrow. Crown pure white, enclosing on either side a broad black stripe that meets its fellow on the forehead and descends the lores to the level of the eyes, and bounded by another narrow black stripe that starts behind the eye and curves around the side of the hind-head, nearly meeting its fellow on the nape; edge of under eyelid white. Or, we may say, crown black, enclosing a median white stripe and two lateral white stripes, all confluent on the hind head. No yellow anywhere. General color a fine dark ash, paler below, whitening insensibly on chin and belly, more brownish on the rump, changing to dull brownish white. No bright bay, like that of albicollis, anywhere, except some edging on the wing-coverts and inner secondaries; middle and greater coverts tipped with white, forming two bars. Bill and feet reddish." Elliot Coues, 1884

White-crowned Sparrow

"Zonotrichia leucophrys. White-browned Crown Sparrow. Crown pure white, enclosing on either side a broad…

"Passerella iliaca. Eastern Fox Sparrow. General color above ferrugineous or rusty-red, purest and brightest on the rump, tail, and wings, on the other upper parts appearing in streaks laid on an ashy ground. Below, white, variously but thickly marked except on the belly and crissum with rusty-red- the markings anteriorly in the form of diffuse confluent blotches, on the breast and sides consisting chiefly of sharp arrow-head spots and pointed streaks. Tips of middle and greater wing-coverts forming two whitish bars. Upper mandible dark, lower mostly yellow; feet pale. One of the finest singers of the family; quite unlike any other Eastern species of sparrow. A large handsome species." Elliot Coues, 1884

Fox Sparrow

"Passerella iliaca. Eastern Fox Sparrow. General color above ferrugineous or rusty-red, purest and brightest…

An illustration of melica grass; "2, The panicle. a, a spikelet; b, the empty glumes; c, a flowering glume, side view; d, the same back view." -Century, 1889 Melica is a genus of perennial grasses known generally as melic or melic grass. They are found in most temperate regions of the world. They are clumping grasses with long, erect stems bearing spikelets of papery grass flowers. Some species of melic have corms and are sometimes called oniongrass.

Melica Grass

An illustration of melica grass; "2, The panicle. a, a spikelet; b, the empty glumes; c, a flowering…

"Spiza americana. Black Throated Bunting. Above, grayish-brown, the middle of the back streaked with black, the hind neck ashy, becoming on the crown yellowish-olive with black touches. A yellow superciliary line, and maxillary touch of the same; eyelid white; ear-coverts ashy like the cervix; chin white; throat with a large jet-black patch. Under parts in general white, shaded with gray on the sides, extensively tinged with yellow on the breast and belly. Edge of wing yellow; lesser and middle coverts rich chestnut, other coverts and inner secondaries edged with paler. Bill dark horn-blue; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-throated Bunting

"Spiza americana. Black Throated Bunting. Above, grayish-brown, the middle of the back streaked with…

"Zamelodia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the head and neck all around and most of the upper parts black, the rump, upper tail-coverts and under parts white, the breast and under wing-coverts exquisite carmine rose-red; wings and tail black, variegated with white; bill white; feet grayish-blue; iris brown. Female above, streaked with blackish and olive-brown or flaxen-brown, with median white coronal and superciliary line; below, white, more or less tinged with fulvous and streaked with dusky; under wing-coverts saffron-yellow; upper coverts and inner quills with a white spot at end; bill brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak

"Zamelodia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the head and neck all around and…

"Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the crown, sides of head, back, wings, and tail black; the back usually varied with whitish or cinnamon-brown, the wings spotted with white on the ends of the coverts, and usually also towards the ends of the quills, and with a large white patch at the base of primaries; several lateral tail-feathers with large white spots on inner webs near their ends. Neck all round, rump, and under parts rich orange-brown, changing to bright pure yellow on the belly and under wing-coverts; bill and feet dark grayish-blue. Size of the last. The female and young differ much as in the last species, but may be recognized by the rich sulphur-yellow under wing-coverts; the bill is shorter and more tumid, along culmen, .60 deep at base." Elliot Coues, 1884

Black-headed Song Grosbeak

"Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the crown, sides of head, back,…

"Guiraca caerulea. Blue Grosbeak. Adult male: Rich dark blue, nearly uniform, but darker or blackish across middle of back; feathers around base of bill, wings and tail, black; middle and greater wing-coverts tipped with chestnut; bill dark horn-blue, paler below; feet blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Blue Grosbeak

"Guiraca caerulea. Blue Grosbeak. Adult male: Rich dark blue, nearly uniform, but darker or blackish…

"Fig. 62 Skull of common fowl, enlarged. from nature by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. The names of bones and some other parts are printed, requiring no explanation; but observe the following points: The distinction of none of the bones composing the brain-case (the upper back expanded part) can be found in a mature skull. The brain is contained between the occipital, sphenoidals, squamosals, parietals and part of frontal; the ethmoidals belong to the same group of cranial bones proper. All other bones, excepting the three otic ear-bones, are bones of the face and jaws. The lower jaw, of five bones, is drawn detached; it articulates by the black surface marked articular with the prominence just above- the quadratic bone. Observe that from this quadrate a series of bones quadrato-jugal, jugal, maxillary-makes a slender rod running to the premaxillary; this is the zygoma, or jugal bar. Observe from the quadrate also another series, composed of pterygoid and palatine bones, to the premaxillary; this is the pterygo-palatine bar; it slides along a median fixed axis of the skull, the rostrum, which bears the loose vomer at its end. The under mandible, quadrate, pterygoid, and vomer are the only movable bones of this skull. But when the quadrate rocks back and forth, as it does by its upper joint, its lower end pulls and pushes upon the upper mandible, by means of the jugal and pterygo-palatine bars, setting the whole scaffolding of the upper jaw in motion. This motion hinges upon the elasticity of the bones of the forehead, at the thin place just where the reference-lines from the words "lacrymal" and "mesethmoid" cross each other. The dark oval space behind the quadrate is the external orifice of the ear; the parts in it to which the three reference-lines go are diagrammatic, not actual representations; thus, the quadrate articulates with a large pro-otic as well as with the squamosal. The great excavation at the middle of the figure, containing the cirlet of the unshaded bones, is the left orbital cavity, orbit, or socket of the eye. The mesethmoid includes most of the background of this cavity, shaded diagonally. The upper one of the two processes of bone extending into it from behind is post-frontal or sphenotic process; the under one (just over the quadrate) is the squamosal process. A bone not shown, the presphenoid, lies just in front of the oval black space over the end of basisphenoid. This black oval is the optic foramen, through which the nerve of sight passes from the brain-cavity to the eye. The black dot a little behind the optic foramen is the orifice of exit of a part of the trifacial nerve. The black mark under the letters "on" of the word "frontal" is the olfactory foramen, where the nerve of smell emerges from the brain-box to go to the nose. The nasal cavity is the black space behind nasal and covered by that bone, and in the oval blank before it. The parts of the beak covered by horn are only premaxillary, nasal, and dentary. The condyle articulates with the first cervical vertebra; just above it, not shown, is the foramen magnum, or great hole through which the spinal medulla, or main nervous cord, passes from the spinal column. The basioccipital is hidden, excepting its condyle; so is much of the basisphenoid. The prolongation forward of the basisphenoid, marked "rostrum," and bearing the vomer at its end, is the parasphenoid, as far as its thickened under border is concerned. Between the fore end of the pterygoid and the basisphenoidal rostrum, is the site of the basipterygoid process, by which the bones concerned articulate by smooth facets; further forward, the palatines ride freely upon the parasphenoidal rostrum. In any passerine bird , the vomer would be thick in front, and forked behind, riding like the palatine upon the rostrum. The palatine seems to run into the maxillary in this view; but it continues on to premaxillary. The maxillo-palatine is an important bone which cannot be seen in the figure because it extends horizontally into the paper from the maxillary about where the reference life "maxillary" goes to that bone. The general line from the condyle to the end of the vomer is the cranial axis, basis cranii, or base of the cranium. This skull is widest across the post-frontal; next most so across the bulge of the jugal bar." Elliot Coues, 1884

Skull of a Common Fowl

"Fig. 62 Skull of common fowl, enlarged. from nature by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. The names of bones…

"Passerina cyanea. Indigo Painted Finch. Indigo-bird. Adult male: Indigo-blue, intense and constant on the head, glancing greenish with different lights on other parts; wings and tail blackish, glossed with greenish-blue; feathers around base of the bill black; bill dark above, rather paler below, with a curious black stripe along the gonys. Female: Above , plain warm brown, below whitey-brown, obsoletely streaky on the breast and sides; wing-coverts and inner quills pale-edged, but not whitish; no whitish wing-bars; upper mandible blackish, lower pale, with the black stripe just mentioned, - this is pretty constant feature, and will distinguish the species from any of our Eastern little brown birds." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Passerina cyanea. Indigo Painted Finch. Indigo-bird. Adult male: Indigo-blue, intense and constant…

"Cardinalis virginianus. Cardinal Grosbeak. Cardinal Red-bird. Virginia Nightinggale. male, adult: Rich red, usually vermillion, sometimes rosy; pure and intense on crest and under parts, darker on back, where obscured with ashy-gray, as it is also on upper surfaces of wings and tail; the feathers of the wings fuscous on inner webs. A jet-black mask on the face, entirely surrounding the bill, extending on the throat. Bill coral-colored; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Cardinal Grosbeak

"Cardinalis virginianus. Cardinal Grosbeak. Cardinal Red-bird. Virginia Nightinggale. male, adult: Rich…

A Rose-breasted Grosbeak (lower) and a Northern Cardinal (upper) sit on branches among the flowers. "Zamelodia ludoviciana. Rose-breasted Song Grosbeak. Adult male with the head and neck all around and most of the upper parts black, the rump, upper tail-coverts and under parts white, the breast and under wing-coverts exquisite carmine rose-red; wings and tail black, variegated with white; bill white; feet grayish-blue; iris brown. Female above, streaked with blackish and olive-brown or flaxen-brown, with median white coronal and superciliary line; below, white, more or less tinged with fulvous and streaked with dusky; under wing-coverts saffron-yellow; upper coverts and inner quills with a white spot at end; bill brown." "Cardinalis virginianus. Cardinal Grosbeak. Cardinal Red-bird. Virginia Nightinggale. male, adult: Rich red, usually vermillion, sometimes rosy; pure and intense on crest and under parts, darker on back, where obscured with ashy-gray, as it is also on upper surfaces of wings and tail; the feathers of the wings fuscous on inner webs. A jet-black mask on the face, entirely surrounding the bill, extending on the throat. Bill coral-colored; feet brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

A Northern Cardinal and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak Sitting on a Branch Among the Flowers

A Rose-breasted Grosbeak (lower) and a Northern Cardinal (upper) sit on branches among the flowers.…

"Icterus bullocki. Bullock's Oriole. Adult male: Similarly black and orange, the orange invading the sides of the head and neck and the forehead, leaving only a narrow space on the throat, the lores, and a line through the eye, black; a large continuous white patch on the wing, formed by the middle and greater coverts. Larger than Baltimore." Elliot Coues, 1884

Bullock's Oriole

"Icterus bullocki. Bullock's Oriole. Adult male: Similarly black and orange, the orange invading the…

"Molothrus ater. Common Cowbird. Cuckold. male Adult: Lustrous green-black, with steel-blue, purple, and violet iridescence. head and neck deep wood-brown, with some purplish lustre. Bill and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Common Cowbird

"Molothrus ater. Common Cowbird. Cuckold. male Adult: Lustrous green-black, with steel-blue, purple,…

"Xanthocephalus icterocephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird. Male: Black, including lores and small space around eye and bill; whole head otherwise, with the neck and breast, rich yellow, orange in high feather, the color extending interruptedly to or towards the belly; some feathers around vent, and the tibiae, usually yellow also. A large white patch on the wing, formed by the primary and many of the greater secondary coverts, interrupted by black of the bastard quills. Bill and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Yellow-headed Blackbird

"Xanthocephalus icterocephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird. Male: Black, including lores and small space…

"Icterus galbula. Baltimore Oriole. Golden Robin. Firebird. Hangnest. Adult male: Black and orange. Head and neck all round, and the back, black; rump, upper tail-coverts, lesser and under wing coverts, most of the tail-feathers, and all the under parts from the throat fiery orange, but of varying intensity according to age and season. Middle tail-feathers black; wings black, the middle and greater coverts, and inner quills, more or less edged and tipped with white, but the white on the coverts not forming a continuous patch; bill and feet blue-black, or dark grayish-blue." Elliot Coues, 1884

Baltimore Oriole

"Icterus galbula. Baltimore Oriole. Golden Robin. Firebird. Hangnest. Adult male: Black and orange.…

"Quiscalus purpureus. Purple Crow Blackbird. Common Crow Blackbird. Purple Grackle. Of medium size, with moderately keeled and graduated tail, shorter than wings. Sexes subsimilar. Bill usually less tapering and deflected at tip, but very variable. Adult Male: Iridescence very variable with season, age, and sexual vigor, as well as on different parts of the body; but always intense in healthy adults, and at its height during the love-ardor; variously purple, green, blue, violet, and bronzy; not he extensive green of the last species, nor usually the decided brassy of the next variety; wings and tail mostly purplish; dark purplish and steel-blue on head, neck, and breast; back more greenish or bronzy. Bill and feet ebony black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Purple Grackle

"Quiscalus purpureus. Purple Crow Blackbird. Common Crow Blackbird. Purple Grackle. Of medium size,…

"Gymnocitta cyanocephala. Blue Crow. Male: Dull blue, very variable in intensity, nearly uniform, but brightest on head, fading on belly; the throat with whitish streaks; wings dusky on the inner webs. Bill and feet black. Iris brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Blue Crow

"Gymnocitta cyanocephala. Blue Crow. Male: Dull blue, very variable in intensity, nearly uniform, but…

"European Jay. Garrulus glandarius. With the wings much shorter than or about equalling the tail, both rounded; tip of the wing formed by the 4th-7th quills. The feet, as well as the bill, are usually weaker than in the true crows, and the birds are more strictly arboricole, usually advancing by leaps when on the ground, to which they do not habitually resort. In striking contrast to most Corvinae, the jays are usually birds of right and varied colors, among which blue is the most prominent; and the head is frequently crested. The sexes are nearly alike, and the changes of plumage do not appear to be as great as is usual among highly-colored birds, although some differences are frequently observable. Our well-known Blue Jay is a familiar illustration of the habits and traits of the species in general. They are found in most parts of the world, and reach their highest development in the warmer portions of American. With one boreal (Perisoreus), the genera of the Old and New Word are entirely different." Elliot Coues, 1884

Eurasian Jay

"European Jay. Garrulus glandarius. With the wings much shorter than or about equalling the tail, both…

"Pica. rustica hudsonica. Lustrous black, with green, purple, violet, and even golden iridescence, especially on the tail and wings. Below, from the breast to the crissum, a scapular patch, and a great part of the inner webs of the primary quills, white; some whitish touches on the throat; lower back showing gray, owing to mixture of white with black; bill and feet black; eyes blackish." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Pica. rustica hudsonica. Lustrous black, with green, purple, violet, and even golden iridescence, especially…

"Cyanocitta cristata. Blue Jay. Male: Purplish-blue, below pale purplish-gray, whitening on throat, belly, and crissum. A black collar across lower throat and up the sides of the neck and head behind the crest; a black frontlet bordered with whitish. Wings pure rich blue, with black bars, the greater coverts, secondaries, and tail-feathers, except the central, broadly tipped with pure white; tail much rounded, the graduation over an inch." Elliot Coues, 1884

Blue Jay

"Cyanocitta cristata. Blue Jay. Male: Purplish-blue, below pale purplish-gray, whitening on throat,…

"Cyanocitta stelleri macrolopha. Long-crested Jay. Upper parts sooty umber-brown, with a faint blue tinge, blackening on head and neck all around in decided contrast, passing on rump and upper tail-coverts into beautiful light cobalt-blue; passing on fore breast into the same blue which occupies all the under parts. Crest black, but faced on forehead with bluish-white, which, when the feathers are not disturbed, runs in two parallel lines from the nostrils upward - these colored tips of the feathers of firmer texture than their basal portions. One or both eyelids patched with white. Chin abruptly whitish, streaky. Exposed surfaces of wings rich indigo-blue, most intense on the inner secondaries, which, with the greater coverts, are regularly and firmly barred across both webs with black; the outer webs of the primaries lighter blue, more like that of the rump or under parts, Upper surface of tail rich indigo, like the secondaries, and similarly black-barred; these bands most distinct towards the end and on the outer webs of the feathers; tail viewed from below appearing mostly blackish. Iris dark. Bill and feet black." Elliot Coues , 1884

Long-crested Jay

"Cyanocitta stelleri macrolopha. Long-crested Jay. Upper parts sooty umber-brown, with a faint blue…

"Perisoreus canadensis. Canada Jay. Whiskey Jack. Moose-bird. Gray whitening on head, neck, and breast; a dark cap on hind and nape, separated by a gray cervical collar from ashy-plumbeous back; wings and tail plumbeous, the feathers obscurely tipped with whitish. Bill and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Canada Jay

"Perisoreus canadensis. Canada Jay. Whiskey Jack. Moose-bird. Gray whitening on head, neck, and breast;…

"Pitangus derbianus. Derby Flycatcher. Under parts light wood-brown, with an olive tinge; wings and tail the same, but the feathers extensively bordered without and within with chestnut, forming a conspicuous continuous area on the wing-quills in the closed wing, and on most of the wing and tail-feathers more extensively than the brown portion of the inner webs. Below from the breast, including lining of wings, clear and continuous lemon-yellow. Whole chin and throat pure white, widening behind up under ear-coverts. Top and sides of head black, a circle of white from forehead over eyes to nape white, the enclosed black enclosing black a lemon and orange patch. Or, middle of crown yellow and orange, enclosed and partly concealed in black, this black enclosed in white, then the long and broad black bar on side of head, separating the white of side of crown from that of side of throat. The coronal feathers lengthened and erectile as in a king-bird, or more so; crown-patch of same character but more extensive. Bill and feet black; iris hazel Sexes alike." Elliot Coues, 1884

Derby Flycatcher

"Pitangus derbianus. Derby Flycatcher. Under parts light wood-brown, with an olive tinge; wings and…

Tyrannus carolinensis. King-bird. Bee-martin. No olive nor decided yellow. Only outer primaries obviously emarginate. Tail nearly even - if anything a little rounded. Blackish-ash, still darker or quite black on head, crown with a flaming spot. Below, pure white, the breast shaded with plumbeous. Wings dusky, with much whitish edging. Tail black, broadly and sharply tipped with white, the outer feather sometimes edged with the same. Bill and feet black." Elliot Coues, 1884


Tyrannus carolinensis. King-bird. Bee-martin. No olive nor decided yellow. Only outer primaries obviously…

"Myiarchus crinitus. Great Crested Flycatcher. Decidedly olivaceous above, a little browner on head, where the feathers have dark centres; throat and fore pure dark ash; rest of under parts bright yellow, the two colors meeting abruptly; primaries margined on both edges with chestnut; secondaries and coverts edges and tipped with yellowish-white; tail with all the feathers but the central pair chestnut on the whole of the inner web (excepting perhaps a very narrow space next the shaft); outer web of outer feathers with yellowish; middle feathers, outer webs of the rest, and wings except as stated, dusky-brown. The foregoing phrases are intended to be chiefly antithetical to those used in describing cinerescens, below, No. 375. Other diagnostic points are: bill dark but not quite black, pale at base below; stout and comparatively short, hardly or not as long as tarsus, the latter perhaps never .90, the olive back, ash throat, and yellow belly severally pure in color; all tail-feathers but middle pair so extensively rufous on inner webs that a mere line, if any, of fuscous persists next the shaft (compare erythrocercus and cooperi), and this fuscous line,if any, running of same narrowness to ends of the feathers (compare cinerescens); never more than a trace of rufous on outer webs." Elliot Coues, 1884

Great Crested Flycatcher

"Myiarchus crinitus. Great Crested Flycatcher. Decidedly olivaceous above, a little browner on head,…

"Myiarchus cinerescens. Ash-throated Crested Flycatcher. Rather olivaceous-brown above, quite brown on the head; throat very pale ash, sometimes almost whitish, changing gradually to very pale yellow or yellowish-white on the rest of the under parts. Primaries edged as in crinitus, but secondares and coverts edged with grayish-white. Tail-feathers as in crinitus, but the rufous of the inner webs hardly or not reaching their ends, being cut off from the tip by widening of the fuscous stripe (in young birds, in which the quills and tail-feathers are more extensively rufous-edged, the last distinction does not hold)Elliot Coues, 1884

Ash-throated Flycatcher

"Myiarchus cinerescens. Ash-throated Crested Flycatcher. Rather olivaceous-brown above, quite brown…

"Sayiornis fusca. Pewit Flycatcher. Water Pewee. Pewit. Phaebe. Dull olivaceous-brown, the head much darker fuscous-brown, almost blackish, usually in marked contrast with the back; below, solid whitish, or palest possible yellow, particularly on the belly; the sides, and the breast nearly or quite across, shaded with grayish -brown; wings and tail dusky, the outer tail-feather, inner secondaries, and usually the wing-coverts, edged with whitish; a whitish ring round the eye; bill and feet black. Varies greatly in shade; the foregoing is the average spring condition. As summer passes, the plumage becomes much-duller and and darker brown, from wearing of the feather; then, after the moult, fall specimens are much brighter than in spring, the under parts being decidedly yellow, at least on the belly." Elliot Coues, 1884

Pewit Flycatcher

"Sayiornis fusca. Pewit Flycatcher. Water Pewee. Pewit. Phaebe. Dull olivaceous-brown, the head much…

"Contopus virens. Wood Pewee. Olivaceous-brown, rather darker on head; with sides washed with a paler shade of the same, reaching nearly or quite across the breast; throat and belly whitish, more or less tinged with dull yellowish; under tail-coverts the same, usually streaked with dusky; tail and wings blackish, the former unmarked, the inner wing-quills edged, and the greater and middle coverts tipped, with whitish; feet and upper mandible black, under mandible usually yellow, sometimes dusky; iris brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Wood Pewee

"Contopus virens. Wood Pewee. Olivaceous-brown, rather darker on head; with sides washed with a paler…

"Pyrocephalus rubineus mexicanus. Vermilion Flycatcher, Adult male: Pure dark brown, including stripe along side of head; wings and tail blackish with slight pale black. Female: Dull brown, including the little-crown; below, white, tinged with red, reddish or orange in some places; the breast and sides with slight dusky streaks." Elliot Coues, 1884

Vermilion Flycatcher

"Pyrocephalus rubineus mexicanus. Vermilion Flycatcher, Adult male: Pure dark brown, including stripe…

"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and tawny; prevailing tone gray; black streaks sharp on the head and back, the colors elsewhere delicately marbled, including the four median tail-feathers; wings and their coverts with bars of rufous spots; lateral tail-feathers black, with large white (male) or small tawny (female) terminal spaces; a white (male) or tawny (female) throat-bar. Adult male: Assuming stone-gray as the ground-color of the upper parts: Crown with a purplish cast, heavily dashed lengthwise with black; back darker, with smaller streaks; tail beautifully marbled with slate-gray and black tending crosswise on the 4 middle feathers; scapulars with bold black centre-fields set in frosty marbling; hind neck with white specks, as if continued around from the white throat-bar. Primaries black, with a little marbling at their ends, fully broken-barred with tawny-reddish; no white spaces. Three lateral tail-feathers mostly black, with pure white terminal spaces 1-2 inches long. Under parts quite blackish, on the breast powdered over with hoary-gray, more posteriorly marbled with gray and tawny, tending crosswise. Lores and ear-coverts dark brown. It is only in perfect plumage that the colors are as slaty and frosty as described; ordinarily more brown and ochrey." Elliot Coues, 1884

Small Whippoorwill

"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and…

"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and tawny; prevailing tone gray; black streaks sharp on the head and back, the colors elsewhere delicately marbled, including the four median tail-feathers; wings and their coverts with bars of rufous spots; lateral tail-feathers black, with large white (male) or small tawny (female) terminal spaces; a white (male) or tawny (female) throat-bar. Adult male: Assuming stone-gray as the ground-color of the upper parts: Crown with a purplish cast, heavily dashed lengthwise with black; back darker, with smaller streaks; tail beautifully marbled with slate-gray and black tending crosswise on the 4 middle feathers; scapulars with bold black centre-fields set in frosty marbling; hind neck with white specks, as if continued around from the white throat-bar. Primaries black, with a little marbling at their ends, fully broken-barred with tawny-reddish; no white spaces. Three lateral tail-feathers mostly black, with pure white terminal spaces 1-2 inches long. Under parts quite blackish, on the breast powdered over with hoary-gray, more posteriorly marbled with gray and tawny, tending crosswise. Lores and ear-coverts dark brown. It is only in perfect plumage that the colors are as slaty and frosty as described; ordinarily more brown and ochrey." Elliot Coues, 1884

Large Whippoorwill

"Antrostomus vociferus. Whippoorwill. Night-jar. Upper parts variegated with gray, black, whitish, and…

"Nephaecetes niger borealis. Northern Black Cloud Swift. Entire plumage sooty-black, with slight greenish gloss, little below than above, the feathers of head and belly with grayish edges. A velvety black area in front of eye; forehead hoary; eye-lids partly naked. Bill black; feet probably dusky-purplish in life." Elliot Coues, 1884

Northern Black Cloud Swift

"Nephaecetes niger borealis. Northern Black Cloud Swift. Entire plumage sooty-black, with slight greenish…

"Chaetura pelasgica. Chimney Swift. Chimney "Swallow". Sooty-brown, with a faint greenish gloss above; below paler, becoming gray on the throat; wings black; a velvety black space about eyes." Elliot Coues, 1884

Chimney Swift Head and Feather

"Chaetura pelasgica. Chimney Swift. Chimney "Swallow". Sooty-brown, with a faint greenish gloss above;…

"Fig 63 - Skull of a duck (Clangula islandica), nat. size; Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A.   a, premaxillary bone; b, partly ossified internasal septum; b', pervious part of nostril; c, end of premaxillary, perforated form numerous branches of second division of the fifth cranial nerve; d, dentary bone of under mandible; e, groove of nerves, etc.; f, a vacuity between dentary and other pieces of the mandible; g, articular surface; h, recurved "angle of the jaw;" i, occipital protuberance; j, vacuity in supraoccipital bone; k, muscular impression on back of skull; l is over the black ear-cavity; m, post-frontal process; n, quadrate bone; o, pterygoid; p, palatine; q, quadrato-jugal; r, jugal; s, maxillary; t, fronto-parietal dome of the brain-cavity; u; u, the lacrymal bone, immense in a duck, nearly completing rim of the orbit by approaching m; v, vomer; w, supra-orbital depression for the nasal gland; x, cranio-facial hinge; y, optic foramen; z, etc. interorbital vacuities." Elliot Coues, 1884

Duck Skull

"Fig 63 - Skull of a duck (Clangula islandica), nat. size; Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. a, premaxillary…

"Trogon ambiguus. Copper-tailed Trogon. Metallic golden-green; face and sides of head black; below from the breast carmine; a white collar on the throat; middle tail-feathers coppery-green, the outer white, finely variegated with black; quills edged with white." Elliot Coues, 1884

Copper-Tailed Trogon

"Trogon ambiguus. Copper-tailed Trogon. Metallic golden-green; face and sides of head black; below from…

"Momotus caeruleiceps. Blue-headed Saw-bill. The central tail-feathers are long-exserted, and spatulate by absence of webs along a part of the shaft - a mutilation effected, it is said, by the birds themselves; the bill is about as long as the head, gently curved; the nostrils are rounded, basal, exposed; the wings are short and rounded; the tarsi are scutellate anteriorly. It is greenish, with blue head." Elliot Coues, 1884

Blue-headed Saw-bill

"Momotus caeruleiceps. Blue-headed Saw-bill. The central tail-feathers are long-exserted, and spatulate…

Alcedo Ispida. European Kingfisher. Small bird, upper parts blue-green; under parts orange; rump and back azure-blue head large; rufous patch on ear; stripe on neck blue-green; bill long and black with some red at base; short tail.

Common Kingfisher

Alcedo Ispida. European Kingfisher. Small bird, upper parts blue-green; under parts orange; rump and…

"Ceryle alcyon. Belted Kingfisher. Upper parts, broad pectoral bar, and sides under the wings, dull blue with fine black shaft lines. Lower eyelid, spot before eye, a cervical collar and under parts except as said, pure white; the female with chestnut belly-band and the sides of the same color. Quills and tail-feathers black, speckled, blotched or barred on the inner webs with white; outer webs of the secondaries and tail feathers like the back; wing-coverts frequently sprinkled with white. Bill black, pale at base below. Feet dark; tibiae naked below. A long, thin, pointed occipital crest; plumage compact and oily to resist water, into which the birds constantly plunge after their finny prey." Elliot Coues, 1884

Belted Kingfisher

"Ceryle alcyon. Belted Kingfisher. Upper parts, broad pectoral bar, and sides under the wings, dull…

"Crotophaga ani. Smooth-billed Ani. Black Witch. Savanna Blackbird. Bill smooth or with a few transverse; culmen regularly curved. Color black, with violet and steel-blue reflections, duller below, the lanceolate feathers of the head and neck with bronze borders. Iris brown." Elliot Coues, 1884

Smooth-billed Ani

"Crotophaga ani. Smooth-billed Ani. Black Witch. Savanna Blackbird. Bill smooth or with a few transverse;…

"Geococcyx californianus. Ground Cuckoo. Chaparral Cock. Road Runner. Snake Killer. Paisano. Most of the feathers of the head and neck bristle-tipped; a naked area around eye; crown crested; plumage course. Above, lustrous bronzy or coppery-green, changing to dark steel-blue on the head and neck, to purplish-violet on the middle tail-feathers; everywhere except on rump conspicuously streaked with white, mixed with tawny on the head, neck, and wings - this white and buff streaking consisting of the edges of the feathers, which are frayed out, fringe-like, producing a peculiar effect. Breast, throat and sides of neck mixed tawny-white and black; other under parts dull soiled whitish. Primaries white, tipped and with oblique white space on outer webs. Lateral tail-feathers steel-blue with green violet reflections, their outer webs fringed part way with white, their tips broadly white. Lower back and rump, where covered by the folded wings, dark colored and unmarked; under surface of wings sooty-brown. Bare space around eye bluish and orange. Bill dark horn-color; feet the same, the larger scales yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Ground Cuckoo Head

"Geococcyx californianus. Ground Cuckoo. Chaparral Cock. Road Runner. Snake Killer. Paisano. Most of…

"Geococcyx californianus. Ground Cuckoo. Chaparral Cock. Road Runner. Snake Killer. Paisano. Most of the feathers of the head and neck bristle-tipped; a naked area around eye; crown crested; plumage course. Above, lustrous bronzy or coppery-green, changing to dark steel-blue on the head and neck, to purplish-violet on the middle tail-feathers; everywhere except on rump conspicuously streaked with white, mixed with tawny on the head, neck, and wings - this white and buff streaking consisting of the edges of the feathers, which are frayed out, fringe-like, producing a peculiar effect. Breast, throat and sides of neck mixed tawny-white and black; other under parts dull soiled whitish. Primaries white, tipped and with oblique white space on outer webs. Lateral tail-feathers steel-blue with green violet reflections, their outer webs fringed part way with white, their tips broadly white. Lower back and rump, where covered by the folded wings, dark colored and unmarked; under surface of wings sooty-brown. Bare space around eye bluish and orange. Bill dark horn-color; feet the same, the larger scales yellowish." Elliot Coues, 1884

Ground Cuckoo

"Geococcyx californianus. Ground Cuckoo. Chaparral Cock. Road Runner. Snake Killer. Paisano. Most of…

At the Back of the North Wind is a wood engraving that was created by English painter Albert Hughes. It is a children's book that was written by George Macdonald in 1857. It is a fantasy about a boy named diamond and his adventures with the lady north wind.

At the Back of the North Wind

At the Back of the North Wind is a wood engraving that was created by English painter Albert Hughes.…

"Coccygus americanus. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Bill black, extensively yellow below and on the sides of upper mandible. Feet dark plumbeous. Above, satiny olive-gray. Below, pure white. Wings extensively cinnamon-rufous on inner webs of the quills. Central tail-feathers like the back; the rest black with large white tips, the outermost usually also edged with white. Very constant in color, the chief variation being in extent and intensity of the cinnamon on the wings, which sometimes shows through when the wings are closed, and even tinges the coverts. Young differ chiefly in having the white ends of the tail-feathers less trenchant and extensive, the black not so pure; this state approaches the condition of erthrophthalmus, but does not match it." Elliot Coues, 1884

Small Yellow-billed Cuckoo

"Coccygus americanus. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Bill black, extensively yellow below and on the sides of…

"Coccygus americanus. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Bill black, extensively yellow below and on the sides of upper mandible. Feet dark plumbeous. Above, satiny olive-gray. Below, pure white. Wings extensively cinnamon-rufous on inner webs of the quills. Central tail-feathers like the back; the rest black with large white tips, the outermost usually also edged with white. Very constant in color, the chief variation being in extent and intensity of the cinnamon on the wings, which sometimes shows through when the wings are closed, and even tinges the coverts. Young differ chiefly in having the white ends of the tail-feathers less trenchant and extensive, the black not so pure; this state approaches the condition of erthrophthalmus, but does not match it." Elliot Coues, 1884

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

"Coccygus americanus. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Bill black, extensively yellow below and on the sides of…