This plant features rich and showy yellow flowers.

Wall Pepper

This plant features rich and showy yellow flowers.

Plant which belongs to the sedum family.

Plant of Sedum

Plant which belongs to the sedum family.

This perennial belongs to the sedoldeae.

Pilosum Sedum

This perennial belongs to the sedoldeae.

This plant belongs to the sedum, featuring high water retention, great for filtering air pollutants.

Spathulifolium Sedum

This plant belongs to the sedum, featuring high water retention, great for filtering air pollutants.

This plants leaves seem to form similarly to that of a rose.

Sedum Sieboldii

This plants leaves seem to form similarly to that of a rose.

This perennial belongs to the stonecrop.

Sedum Spectabile

This perennial belongs to the stonecrop.

This is a short shrub like perennial of the sedum, featuring star shaped flowers.

Sedum Telephium

This is a short shrub like perennial of the sedum, featuring star shaped flowers.

A very well widespread species of sedum common in North America.

Sedum Ternatum

A very well widespread species of sedum common in North America.

This is a small tree with wide crown, native to North America.

Hop Tree

This is a small tree with wide crown, native to North America.

The seed of this plant is the source of castor type oil.

Castor Bean

The seed of this plant is the source of castor type oil.

This is a common orchid having flowers that are uncommonly shaped.

Pot Orchid

This is a common orchid having flowers that are uncommonly shaped.

This evergreen moss has spores that are club shaped.

Club Moss

This evergreen moss has spores that are club shaped.

This perennial is of the sempervivum family; featuring furry central rosettes.

Sempervivum Arachnoideum

This perennial is of the sempervivum family; featuring furry central rosettes.

This perennial plant belongs to the sempervivum; commonly used as an ornamental plant.

Sempervivum Tectorum

This perennial plant belongs to the sempervivum; commonly used as an ornamental plant.

This plant belongs to a very large and diverse genus of trees.

Radican Senecio

This plant belongs to a very large and diverse genus of trees.

This perennial is known for its white cone shaped flowers.

Shortia Galacifolia

This perennial is known for its white cone shaped flowers.

This plant belongs to caryophyllaceae.

Silene Armeria

This plant belongs to caryophyllaceae.

The pendula is a plant which belongs to the silene genus.

Pendula Silene

The pendula is a plant which belongs to the silene genus.

A plant with an underground reproductive structure.

Smilacina Rootstock

A plant with an underground reproductive structure.

This flowering plant belongs to the ruscaceae, which are common in North America.

Smilacina Racemosa

This flowering plant belongs to the ruscaceae, which are common in North America.

Plant native to South Africa, featuring rich folliage that is commonly used for decorations.

Hispida Smilax

Plant native to South Africa, featuring rich folliage that is commonly used for decorations.

A large flowered sobralia, a species of orchids from southern Mexico.

Sobralia Macrantha

A large flowered sobralia, a species of orchids from southern Mexico.

A member of the primulaceae which is a native plant to Pyrenees.

Soldanella Alpina

A member of the primulaceae which is a native plant to Pyrenees.

The solidago is a type of flowering plant native to the United States.

Solidago Speciosa

The solidago is a type of flowering plant native to the United States.

The botanical name for plants that belong to the pittosporaceae.

Heterophylla Sollya

The botanical name for plants that belong to the pittosporaceae.

A plant of the rosaceae family.

Sorbaria Sorbifolia

A plant of the rosaceae family.

Wormwood from North America which is used in brewing beer.

Shrubs of Southernwood

Wormwood from North America which is used in brewing beer.

Species of orchid from the tropics.

Spathoglottis Vieillardii

Species of orchid from the tropics.

Plant with purple spotted flowers.

Sparaxis Tricolor

Plant with purple spotted flowers.

An ornamental plant, of the campanulaceae.

Specularia Speculum

An ornamental plant, of the campanulaceae.

A native plant to Asia, featuring edible green leaves.

Asian Spinach

A native plant to Asia, featuring edible green leaves.

A rosaceae plant belonging to the roses.

Spiraea Thunbergii

A rosaceae plant belonging to the roses.

A type of rosaceous plant belonging to the genus Spiraea; flowers are usually small or pink.

Nipponica Spiraea

A type of rosaceous plant belonging to the genus Spiraea; flowers are usually small or pink.

This is a dicotyledonous plant, belonging to the Rosaceae.

Trilobata Spiraea

This is a dicotyledonous plant, belonging to the Rosaceae.

A shrub which closely resembles other plants in the Spiraea genus. This plant features dense flowers with varying colors.

Vanhouttei Spiraea

A shrub which closely resembles other plants in the Spiraea genus. This plant features dense flowers…

A rosaceous plant that belongs to the genus Spiraea; not edible.

Spiraea Longigemmis

A rosaceous plant that belongs to the genus Spiraea; not edible.

Plant used for medicinal purposes by many Native American tribes, common in many forms of tea.

Spiraea Albiflora

Plant used for medicinal purposes by many Native American tribes, common in many forms of tea.

This flower is commonly known as the broad leaef or meadow sweet. Another shrub like plant of the Rosaceae genus.

Spiraea Latifolia

This flower is commonly known as the broad leaef or meadow sweet. Another shrub like plant of the Rosaceae…

A plant belonging to a genus of hairy herbs, one of over 300 species in the Stachys.

Stachys Corsica

A plant belonging to a genus of hairy herbs, one of over 300 species in the Stachys.

A flowering plant which belongs to the Stachyuraceae genus.

Stachyurus Praecox

A flowering plant which belongs to the Stachyuraceae genus.

Species of an orchid; these flowers are usually seen in the southeastern parts of brazil.

Stanhopea Oculata

Species of an orchid; these flowers are usually seen in the southeastern parts of brazil.

This is a species of orchid common in southern brazil.

Stanhopea Insignis

This is a species of orchid common in southern brazil.

A flowering plant belonging to the Stapelia; commonly called a carrion perennial.

Stapelia Grandiflora

A flowering plant belonging to the Stapelia; commonly called a carrion perennial.

This plant is native to several parts of North America, including areas in south Florida.

Staphylea Trifolia

This plant is native to several parts of North America, including areas in south Florida.

A plant which belongs to the Limonium genus; a variety of perennials of over 100 species such as a sea lavender.

Limonium Bonduellii

A plant which belongs to the Limonium genus; a variety of perennials of over 100 species such as a sea…

Plant belonging to the Limonium genus; similar to statice, marsh-rosemary and plumbago's.

Limonium Vulgare

Plant belonging to the Limonium genus; similar to statice, marsh-rosemary and plumbago's.

A flowering plant belonging to the Lardizabalaceae genus.

Stauntonia Hexaphylla

A flowering plant belonging to the Lardizabalaceae genus.

This is a plant belonging to the Rosaceaea genus, featuring wavy margined leaves.

Stephanandra Incisaa

This is a plant belonging to the Rosaceaea genus, featuring wavy margined leaves.

Plant belonging to the rosaceae familyl, typically grows less than 2 feet.

Stephanandra Tanaakae

Plant belonging to the rosaceae familyl, typically grows less than 2 feet.

This plant is also known as the madasgascar jasmine, which feature dark leaves; sometimes waxy.

Stephanotis Floribunda

This plant is also known as the madasgascar jasmine, which feature dark leaves; sometimes waxy.

A flowering plant belonging to the Amaryllidaceae genus.

Stenbergia Lutea

A flowering plant belonging to the Amaryllidaceae genus.

This is a royal botonical, commonly seen in the British Isles.

Stewartia Camelia

This is a royal botonical, commonly seen in the British Isles.

Plant common to the British Isles only.

Stewartia Pentagyna

Plant common to the British Isles only.

This is a red fruit, sweet and edible.

Strawberry Plant

This is a red fruit, sweet and edible.

Fruiting plant common of the Fragaria genus.

Strawberry Nubbin

Fruiting plant common of the Fragaria genus.

Plant belonging to the streptocarpus genus.

Streptocarpus Rexii

Plant belonging to the streptocarpus genus.

Herbaceous plant, also flowering. This plant belongs to the Gesneriaceae family.

Streptocarpus Wendlandii

Herbaceous plant, also flowering. This plant belongs to the Gesneriaceae family.

Plant featuring a basal rosette of leaves.

Streptocarpus Kewensis

Plant featuring a basal rosette of leaves.

This is a garden plant which features pastel like flowers.

Sweet Pea

This is a garden plant which features pastel like flowers.

A dicotyledonous plant belonging to the convolvulaceae family, they are starch filled and sweet root vegetables.

Sweet Potatoes

A dicotyledonous plant belonging to the convolvulaceae family, they are starch filled and sweet root…