An illustration of a group of men walking through a field holding shotguns.

Group of Men Hunting

An illustration of a group of men walking through a field holding shotguns.

An illustration of a group of men shooting gamefowl.

Group of Men Hunting

An illustration of a group of men shooting gamefowl.

An illustration of a group of people surrounding a casino table.


An illustration of a group of people surrounding a casino table.

The Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), is a bird in the pheasant family (Phasianidae). It is native to Asia but has been widely introduced elsewhere as a game bird. In parts of its range, namely in places where none of its relatives occur such as in Europe (where it is naturalized), it is simply known as "the pheasant". It is a well-known gamebird, among those of more than regional importance perhaps the most widespread and ancient one in the whole world.

Common Pheasant

The Common Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), is a bird in the pheasant family (Phasianidae). It is native…

Chess is a recreational and competitive game played between two players. Sometimes called Western chess or international chess to distinguish it from its predecessors and other chess variants, the current form of the game emerged in Southern Europe during the second half of the 15th century after evolving from similar, much older games of Indian and Persian origin. Today, chess is one of the world's most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide at home, in clubs, online, by correspondence, and in tournaments.

Chess Board

Chess is a recreational and competitive game played between two players. Sometimes called Western chess…

Cricket is a bat-and-ball team sport that originated in England and is now played in more than 100 countries. A cricket match is contested by two teams, usually of eleven players each and is played on a grass field in the centre of which is a flat strip of ground 22 yards (20 m) long called a pitch. A wicket, usually made of wood, is placed at each end of the pitch and used as a target. The bowler, a player from the fielding team, bowls a hard leather, fist-sized, 5.5 ounces (160 g) cricket ball from the vicinity of one wicket towards the other, which is guarded by the batsman, a player from the opposing team. The ball usually bounces once before reaching the batsman. In defence of his wicket, the batsman plays the ball with a wooden cricket bat. Meanwhile, the other members of the bowler's team stand in various positions around the field as fielders, players who retrieve the ball in an effort to stop the batsman scoring runs, and if possible to get him or her out. The batsman — if he or she does not get out — may run between the wickets, exchanging ends with a second batsman (the "non-striker"), who has been stationed at the other end of the pitch. Each completed exchange of ends scores one run. Runs are also scored if the batsman hits the ball to the boundary of the playing area. The match is won by the team that scores more runs.

Cricket Field

Cricket is a bat-and-ball team sport that originated in England and is now played in more than 100 countries.…

The Atlantic Bumper (Chloroscombrus chrysurus) is a game fish in the Carangidae family.

Atlantic Bumper

The Atlantic Bumper (Chloroscombrus chrysurus) is a game fish in the Carangidae family.

Abraham Whipple (26 September 1733 – 27 May 1819) was an American revolutionary naval commander. Whipple was born near Providence, Rhode Island and chose to be a seafarer early in his life. He embarked upon a career in the lucrative West Indies trade, working for Moses and John Brown. In the French and Indian War period, he became a privateersman and commanded privateer Game Cock from 1759 to 1760. In one six-month cruise, he captured 23 French ships. He sunk the first British ship of the American Revolution. The first to unfurl the Star Spangled Banner in London, he was also the first to build and sail an ocean-going ship 2000 miles down river from Ohio to the Caribbean, opening trade to the Northwest Territory.

Abraham Whipple

Abraham Whipple (26 September 1733 – 27 May 1819) was an American revolutionary naval commander.…

"A throwing-stick, similar to the Australian boomerang, used by the Indians of the southwestern United States in hunting rabbits and other small game." -Whitney, 1911

Rabbit Stick

"A throwing-stick, similar to the Australian boomerang, used by the Indians of the southwestern United…

An illustration of a bird nest with an egg.

Bird Nest with an Egg

An illustration of a bird nest with an egg.

An illustration of a canary in a birdcage.

Canary in Cage

An illustration of a canary in a birdcage.

"Phasianus colchicus, Pheasant, ...has a white collar and slaty lower back with dark green barring; while the former has the rump feathers buff, with black mottlings and purplish-red tips. The females, hardly separable from one another, lack the red face-wattles, the long ear-tufts, and the pair of spurs of a male." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Phasianus colchicus, Pheasant, ...has a white collar and slaty lower back with dark green barring;…

"Lagopus scoticus, the Red Grouse or Muirfowl, the only bird entirely confined to our islands, differs from its congeners in never becoming white in the winter. It varies considerably in coloration, but is usually considered a local form of the Willow Grouse (L. albus) of the north of Europe, Asia, and America. The male in both summer and winter is more or less, chestnut-brown above, with black markings and a reddish head; the lower parts are similar, but are usually spotted with white. In Autumn the brown of the upper parts becomes buff, and the lower surface is barred with buff and black." A. H. Evans, 1900

Red Grouse

"Lagopus scoticus, the Red Grouse or Muirfowl, the only bird entirely confined to our islands, differs…

An illustration of a boy and woman playing croquet.

Woman & Boy Playing Croquet

An illustration of a boy and woman playing croquet.

An illustration of two women playing chess.

Women Playing Chess

An illustration of two women playing chess.

"Dichoceros bicornis of India and the Malay countries has a large yellowish-red casque, hallowed and ending in two points anteriorly, which shews black markings in the males; the naked orbits are pinkish." A. H. Evans, 1900 This sketch depicts a female Hornbill laying down next to her young, feeding it.

Female Hornbill Laying Down Feeding Her Young

"Dichoceros bicornis of India and the Malay countries has a large yellowish-red casque, hallowed and…

The game of fox and geese; a view of the legal trials of the period.

Legal Trials of the Period

The game of fox and geese; a view of the legal trials of the period.

Tweed and Erie Rings playing Blindman's Bluff with Justice. "How long will the game last?"

Tweed and Erie Rings Playing Blindman's Bluff

Tweed and Erie Rings playing Blindman's Bluff with Justice. "How long will the game last?"

The 1876 Election, the ballot box kicked about in the "national game that is played out."

1876 Election's Ballot Box

The 1876 Election, the ballot box kicked about in the "national game that is played out."

This fruit dish is designed with a pedestal. The base depicts the British game of cricket.

Fruit Dish

This fruit dish is designed with a pedestal. The base depicts the British game of cricket.

This chess table is carved in ivory depicting characters of the Crusades.

Chess Table

This chess table is carved in ivory depicting characters of the Crusades.

The powder flask is embossed in an Italian style with a center scene of dead game. It is used to hold gun powder for use in firearms

Powder Flask

The powder flask is embossed in an Italian style with a center scene of dead game. It is used to hold…

An illustration of four children playing "London Bridge is Falling Down".

Four Children Playing "London Bridge is Falling Down"

An illustration of four children playing "London Bridge is Falling Down".

"Backgammon, a game played by two persons upon a table or board made for the purpose, with pieces or men, dice-boxes, and dice. The table is in two parts, on which are twenty-four black and white spaces called points. Each player has fifteen men of different colors for the purpose of distinction. The movements of the men are made in accordance with the numbers turned up by the dice. It is said to have been invented in the tenth century." -Vaughan, 1906

Backgammon Board

"Backgammon, a game played by two persons upon a table or board made for the purpose, with pieces or…

An illustration of ants playing croquet with hair pins.

Ants Playing Croquet with Hair Pins

An illustration of ants playing croquet with hair pins.

"Lagopus albus. Willow Grouse. Willow Ptarmigan. Bill very stout and convex, its depth at base as the distance from nasal fossa to tip; whole culmen 0.75; bill black at all seasons. Male and female in winter: Snow white; 14 tail feathers black, white-tipped; the middle pair (which most resemble and perhaps are true rectrices, having no after-shafts) together with all the coverts, one pair of which reach to end of tail, white; shafts of several outer wing-quills black; no black stripe on head." Elliot Coues, 1884

Willow Ptarmigan in Winter

"Lagopus albus. Willow Grouse. Willow Ptarmigan. Bill very stout and convex, its depth at base as the…

"Lagopus albus. Willow Grouse. Willow Ptarmigan. Bill very stout and convex, its depth at base as the distance from nasal fossa to tip; whole culmen 0.75; bill black at all seasons. Male in summer: The head and fore parts rich chestnut or orange-brown, more tawny-brown on back and rump; the richer brown parts sparsely, the tawny-brown more closely, barred with black; most of the wings and under parts remaining white. Female similar, wholly colored excepting the wings, the color more tawny than in the male, and more heavily, closely, and uniformly barred with black." Elliot Coues, 1884

Willow Ptarmigan in Summer

"Lagopus albus. Willow Grouse. Willow Ptarmigan. Bill very stout and convex, its depth at base as the…

"Lagapus. The densely-feathered feet resemble those of rabbits. No particular feathers on head or neck. Tarsi and toes densely feathered. Tail short, little rounded, normally of 14 broad feathers, with long upper coverts, some of which resemble rectrices, the central pair of these usually reckoned as rectrices, making 16. A naked red comb over eye." Elliot Coues, 1884

Red Game of Britain

"Lagapus. The densely-feathered feet resemble those of rabbits. No particular feathers on head or neck.…

"Philohela minor. Woodcock. Bog-sucker. Colors above harmoniously blended and varied black, brown, gray, and russet; below, pale warm brown of variable shade, not barred. A dark stripe from bill to eye. Crown from opposite eye with black and light bars; along the inner edges of the wings a bluish-ashy stripe; lining of wings rust-brown; quills plain fuscous; tail black, spotted, and tipped; bill brownish flesh-color, dusky at end; feet pale reddish flesh-color." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Woodcock

"Philohela minor. Woodcock. Bog-sucker. Colors above harmoniously blended and varied black, brown, gray,…

"Philohela minor. Woodcock. Bog-sucker. Colors above harmoniously blended and varied black, brown, gray, and russet; below, pale warm brown of variable shade, not barred. A dark stripe from bill to eye. Crown from opposite eye with black and light bars; along the inner edges of the wings a bluish-ashy stripe; lining of wings rust-brown; quills plain fuscous; tail black, spotted, and tipped; bill brownish flesh-color, dusky at end; feet pale reddish flesh-color." Elliot Coues, 1884

Probing American Woodcock

"Philohela minor. Woodcock. Bog-sucker. Colors above harmoniously blended and varied black, brown, gray,…

"Philohela. American Woodcock. First three primaries emarginate, attenuate and falcate, abruptly shorter and narrower than the 4th. Wings short and rounded; when folded, the primaries hidden by the coverts and inner quills. Legs short; tibiae feathered to the joint; tarsus shorter than middle toe and claw, scutellate before and behind; toes long and slender, cleft to the base Bill much longer than head, perfectly straight, stout at base, where the ridge rises high, knobbed at end of upper mandible, very deeply grooved nearly all its length, the culmen and line of gonys also furrowed toward end; very soft and sensitive; gape very short and narrow. Head large; neck short; ear under the eye, which is very full, set in back upper corner of the head. Sexes alike; Female largest." Elliot Coues, 1884

American Woodcock Head

"Philohela. American Woodcock. First three primaries emarginate, attenuate and falcate, abruptly shorter…

A board game is a game in which counters or pieces are place on, removed from, or moved across the board. Most game boards have a pre marked surface specific to that game.

Entertainment Game Apparatus

A board game is a game in which counters or pieces are place on, removed from, or moved across the board.…

This is an illustration of a baseball game. Baseball is played on a large field that has four bases laid out in a square, positioned like a diamond, whose outlines mark the course a runner must take to score. Teams alternate positions as batters and fielders, exchanging places when three members of the batting team are put out. Batters try to hit a pitched ball out of reach of the fielding team and complete a circuit around the bases in order to score a run.

Baseball Game Illustration

This is an illustration of a baseball game. Baseball is played on a large field that has four bases…

A board game is a game in which counters or pieces are placed, removed , or moved on a pre marked surface or board according to a set of rules. Games may be based on pure strategy, chance or a mixture of the two and usually have a goal which a player aims to achieve.

Destination Type Game Board

A board game is a game in which counters or pieces are placed, removed , or moved on a pre marked surface…

This is a simple child's toy, Toys are usually associated with children and pets.

Child's Hoop Toy

This is a simple child's toy, Toys are usually associated with children and pets.

Something, such as a game, toy, or problem, that requires ingenuity and often persistence in solving or assembling.

Vessels Puzzle

Something, such as a game, toy, or problem, that requires ingenuity and often persistence in solving…

Something, such as a game, toy, or problem, that requires ingenuity and often persistence in solving or assembling.

Puzzle Game

Something, such as a game, toy, or problem, that requires ingenuity and often persistence in solving…

Any of various rounded, movable objects used in various athletic activities and games.

Golf Ball

Any of various rounded, movable objects used in various athletic activities and games.

This is a hunting game consisting of a contest with rules to determine a winner.

Hunting Game

This is a hunting game consisting of a contest with rules to determine a winner.

A simulated military operation, carried out to test the validity of a war plan or operational concept: in its simplest form, two opposing teams of officers take part, and when necessary, military units of the required strength are employed.

Naval Wargame

A simulated military operation, carried out to test the validity of a war plan or operational concept:…

An illustration of fairy-like people playing a game that resembles bowling, however they are bowling with bubbles instead of bowling balls.

Fairy Bowling

An illustration of fairy-like people playing a game that resembles bowling, however they are bowling…

An illustration of three children playing a game where they take turns blowing bubbles down a table towards a small goal.

Bubble Blowing

An illustration of three children playing a game where they take turns blowing bubbles down a table…

A game in which counters or pieces are placed, removed, or moved on a premarked surface or "board" according to a set of rules. Games may be based on pure strategy, chance or a mixture of the two and usually have a goal which a player aims to achieve.

Game Board

A game in which counters or pieces are placed, removed, or moved on a premarked surface or "board" according…

The Foxhound of Great Britain is a dog of notable pedigree. The modern Foxhound is descended from the old southern hound. Foxhounds are traditionally hunting dogs, trained in packs. They vary in size from 22 to 25 inches in height. Although they may not appear to be built for speed, Foxhounds have been known to cover a mile in under two minutes.


The Foxhound of Great Britain is a dog of notable pedigree. The modern Foxhound is descended from the…

Jungle-fowl is a general name given to the members of the genus Gallus. The red jungle-fowl, G. jerrugineus, is the origin of the domesticated breeds of poultry. It inhabits India, Farther India, Sumatra, the Philippines, Celebes, and Timor, and strongly resembles the 'black-breasted game' variety of domesticated birds, with its fine orange or purplish-red upper surface, and greenish-black wings, tail, and under surface. Though excessively pugnacious in the wild state, polygamy is stated to be then rare. Three other species of jungle-fowl are known: the gray jungle-fowl of S. Central, and W. India (G. Sonnerati), G. Lafayettii of Ceylon, and G. varius of Java, Lombok, and Flores; but all these are stated to be sterile when mated with the common fowl.


Jungle-fowl is a general name given to the members of the genus Gallus. The red jungle-fowl, G. jerrugineus,…

The crosse is a 5-6 ft long stick of light hickory wood, bent at the top like a bishop's crozier. It is used in the game lacrosse. (A. Butt; B. Collar; C. Bend; D. Tip; E. Leading String)

The Crosse (Lacrosse)

The crosse is a 5-6 ft long stick of light hickory wood, bent at the top like a bishop's crozier. It…

This illustration shows an Indian crosse stick, as described by Gatlin. About fifty tribes of Indians are known to have engaged in the game of lacrosse, which they took very seriously, whole villages struggling in contest from morning till night. The goals were sometimes a mile distant, and as many as one thousand warriors are known to have taken part.

Indian Crosse Stick

This illustration shows an Indian crosse stick, as described by Gatlin. About fifty tribes of Indians…

This illustration shows the proper position of an overhand shot in the sport of Lacrosse.

Position for Overhand Shot (Lacrosse)

This illustration shows the proper position of an overhand shot in the sport of Lacrosse.

This illustration shows the proper technique for picking up a sift ball, with two hands on the crosse.

Picking Up Swift Ball, Two Hands (Lacrosse)

This illustration shows the proper technique for picking up a sift ball, with two hands on the crosse.

This illustration shows the correct way to hold a crosse with both hands and carry the ball in lacrosse.

Correct Way to Hold a Crosse With Both Hands and Carry Ball (Lacrosse)

This illustration shows the correct way to hold a crosse with both hands and carry the ball in lacrosse.

This illustration shows the act of passing a ball in Lacrosse.

Passing Ball (Lacrosse)

This illustration shows the act of passing a ball in Lacrosse.

This illustration show a goal keeper guarding a goal in the game of lacrosse.

Goal Keeper Guarding Goal (Lacrosse)

This illustration show a goal keeper guarding a goal in the game of lacrosse.

This illustration show the organization of the players (and umpires) on both sides of the field in a game of lacrosse.

Organization of Players in a Game of Lacrosse

This illustration show the organization of the players (and umpires) on both sides of the field in a…

This illustration shows a smashing overhand service performed in the game of tennis.

Smashing Overhand Service

This illustration shows a smashing overhand service performed in the game of tennis.

This illustration shows a low volleying at the net in the game of tennis.

Low Volleying at the Net

This illustration shows a low volleying at the net in the game of tennis.

A Roman foot-race.


A Roman foot-race.

A game of checkers properly laid out.


A game of checkers properly laid out.

Two men sitting at a table playing a game.

Men at Table

Two men sitting at a table playing a game.

"A weapon consisting of a penetrating head attached to a long shaft of wood, designed to be thrust by or launched from the hand at an enemy or at game." —Whitney, 1889
<p>Illustration of two different hunting spears. The spear on the left has a long handle and a simple arrowhead. The spear on the right has a shorter handle and a crosspiece at the base of the blade with a curved blade attached.

Hunting Spears from the 15th or 16th Century

"A weapon consisting of a penetrating head attached to a long shaft of wood, designed to be thrust by…